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Fandom Hell City

The Cat

Current location : Lotus Bookstore

Previous Event : Emma starts planning a robbery

"Umm, yes, hi. I was wondering if you had any books on the aether?" Emma asked politely as she placed her hands behind her back, trying to conceal her weapon. She surveyed the room, noticing all the tables piled high with books. 'surely there's something here thats worth my time' she thought to herself.

The guards moved their guns towards Madden. Nat walked past both of Madden and the joker then turned to him.

"I'll let you out this time only because I think you'll in use to me. And if you really want to meet...Joker was it? Meet me tomorrow night. One of My members will tell you where to meet later."

She said as she walked away from them

. "until we see each other again Madden. I'll be handing you,your supplies in the morning."

Her chauffeur opened the door for her as she got in.

"Men I want this place cleaned up immediately! Do you understand?"

She ordered them. "Yes Boss!" They replied as she closed the door then left.
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"Somewhere over there..." She glanced somewhere to the left, her eyes drooping, Alice blinked, and observed the woman infront of her, "And put that toy of yours away, if you are looking for something more then books on Aether." She stood up straight and posed for a fight. Turning, getting ready to call Q. Her eyes narrowing a bit, her hair whipping a bit. 'People, they show up from nowhere.'

"If you think I wouldn't notice that, well, you are probably the stupidest person I have met so far," Droning on, her talking blunt and to the point. The rather strong Aura for a non gifted human nearly glowing around her. Grey and green. Her stance crouched, slowly shifting back.


The cat

Current location : the lotus bookstore

"Oh, sorry about my gun. I carry it with me just in case. Especially when I think I might run into a gang." Emma said as she shoved her gun back into her pocket. She walked over in the direction the woman pointed. "thank you for helping." She said softly. She rummaged through the books, and looked through each book one by one. As she turned the page in a book about Draenor, a not fell out. Emma bent down to look at the note, and the hand writing seemed oddly familiar. The note read "2071 NorthShore Avenue." 'I knew there would be something useful.' Emma thought to herself. She reached in her pocket and grabbed out a little recording chip, placing it on the wall behind some books. Emma then grabbed a book on 'Aphotic Wisps' and went up to the front desk. "I would like to purchase this book." she said politely. 'I guess I'll have to come back another day for a robbery.' she thought to herself.
"Natalia, please keep in mind, that no matter what, or how hard you try, you are still below me, the Red Lotus was here the time before you and your dear daddy where even born, maybe your father found Hell City, but the LeClair family has been around way longer then that, just more subtle, the colorful ones die first after all..." She smiled, this time nothing even close to sickly sweet, but more of a sinister dark smile.

"And even so, Lucifer is running Hell City. Not you." She turned around. Continuing walking. 'One day I will say that to your face...'

@Robyn Banks


Alice pretended to take a calmer position, she bowed in false regret, her glasses nearly falling off, "My deepest apologies, but when you live in somewhere like this......." She looked at the book that the woman picked after standing straight, despite how the woman had a reasonable exsuse for having a gun it did not change the fact that something just screamed Wrong! about the woman.

"Good taste I see....." She thought about the price.

"That would be (insert amount of money here, somewhat more then it would normally be) dollars," She didn't really care about money if she was honest.


The Cat

Current location : the lotus bookstore

Emma handed the woman 37 dollars and looked at her curiously. "Whats that look for? You look like I have a gun pointed at your head." Emma said with a smirk.

(sorry its short, couldnt think of much)
Tera noticed things getting a bit crazy so she decided to leave the prison grounds. She wouldn't be getting to Clown today. Bowing to Maddam LeClair, she walked into the city, still a bit curious about the hooded girl and the other gifted guy she had first seen, but she figured she would run into them another time. She placed her sword away and walked into a quiet cafe, ordering a cream latte.

(Sorry for being short but I'm at work on my phone xD )
"You are blind? I think you might be... no gun is pointed at my head..." Her monotone voice said out, with everything about her except her dress sense, she could pretend to be a boy... she disliked it... she was very much a girl...

"Is that all?" She asked then, droopy eye lids looking in the direction of Cold Gate, she heard a small boom... maybe she imagined it...?

Six stood on the skyscraper looking over the city, his Aura flowing from him. Dust sat on his shoulder looking around with his one good eye."It seems the pieces are all in play. The game has begun." Dust said in a sinister tone.

"Its time lets move along shall we Six?" Dust asked and Six responded by leaping of the skyscraper and free falling towards the ground.(Cue fallout boy song what was it the one where they say put on your war paint yeah that one then cue showing all the other characters preparing or doing different things while it shows Six falling through the air and dust flying down with him lol music still playing lol cue end credits for this episode lol jk although if this was a anime that would be a epic ending xD )
It was clear that the Clown wasn't answering, so he clicked his phone off. Knowing that things were changing for the city, Roxas prepared his cigarette and lighter, flicking it open and lighting it. I'm going to have to try and find where he'll be next, so I can talk to him.
Although he wasn't sure what it was at the time, once the quick argument broke out between Madden & Nat it seemed they both had come to a mutual agreement 'Things have started to get interesting!' he thought to himself deviously glaring sternly towards Nat, before letting her walk off he left a comment for her to ponder things on, taking out a card placing it between his two fingers he spun it out towards her. The card (OF course) was a joker and he laughed manically after "You know, I'm a very useful man..Call me any time honey~" The normal sarcasm was in play, although Tristan did want the chance to talk to the woman in private and see what she was really made of, those things had always came with time.

Cackling up afterwards he took his place beside Madden and nodded "I'm looking forward to the suit, I'm really over the orange now.." he was so over it in fact the next thing he saw that was orange..He was ready to blow up. Trotting along the streets he wondered how far away this 'Leclair manor' was. A vibration sound was in his pocket the whole time and when taking it out it seemed to had been a miss call, but from a private number leaving Joker wondering who the caller was.

@Lilah Tunth

@Robyn Banks

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Dean strolls along one of the main sidewalks, looking for something good to eat. He happens upon a lone sandwich stand with little traffic. Before entering the vendor's sight, he puts on his mask for anonymity.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images.jpg.1fe4b21fa737f5d926de5d47f5232224.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images.jpg.1fe4b21fa737f5d926de5d47f5232224.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> That was one of the few bonuses out the clown gang.

Dean picks his pace up to a jog, then a run. Closing in, he stretches his arm out before his feet drift off the ground. He manages to grab a few pre made sandwiches before arching into the sky. Once the small stand disappears from his vision, Dean gently places himself on the side of a building in an alley. Walking 90 degrees to the ground, he takes his mask off and begins eating while walking.

(Will interact with whoever is on lol)



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Six landed hard cracking the ground under him and sending a small shockwave through the city from his impact."Ok you done showing off yet we have business to attend to." Dust said as he landed back on Six's shoulder. Six then began walking off towards his next goal whistling his eeeie tune as he did.
Guts said:
Dean strolls along one of the main sidewalks, looking for something good to eat. He happens upon a lone sandwich stand with little traffic. Before entering the vendor's sight, he puts on his mask for anonymity.View attachment 194440 That was one of the few bonuses out the clown gang.
Dean picks his pace up to a jog, then a run. Closing in, he stretches his arm out before his feet drift off the ground. He manages to grab a few pre made sandwiches before arching into the sky. Once the small stand disappears from his vision, Dean gently places himself on the side of a building in an alley. Walking 90 degrees to the ground, he takes his mask off and begins eating while walking.

(Will interact with whoever is on lol)
"That is not very nice you know!?" Electo looked at the person in front of her.
Dean freezes in his tracks, mid bite. Talking with his mouth full "who says I'm nice?" He faces her, still standing on the wall. "You the police?" He says after clearing his mouth.

@Lilah Tunth
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The cat

Current Location : the lotus bookstore

"Hang on, let me check my list." Emma said quietly. "Cerulean Wisps ... check. Aphotic Wisps ... check. Niveous Wisps ... check. Yes, that should be everything I need to make the Orbs of Warding." Emma said with a smile. She took the book and went to take a seat near the entrance of the store. She opened the book and flipped through the pages until she came across a page entitled 'Black Lotus.' She looked at it curiously, because she knew that Aphotic Wisps had nothing at all to do with harvesting the black lotus. She proceeded to rip out the page and carry it up to the counter. "Do you know anything about this page?" She askd the lady as she placed the page on the counter.

It took me a short while and a few near-death experiences due to extreme exhaustion before I reached the place that I called my house. No, I didn't call it home, because that would quite frankly be pretty sad. Far off from the prison and either of the two organizations main headquarters, I had managed to make a small, secluded shelter for myself in which I could sleep, and where I came to formulate ideas or plans. The former was obviously my reason for visiting this time, as I seemed to stay less and less as the time went on. It wasn't that I couldn't afford an apartment or house, I just knew that every place that's sold in Hell City is owned by the Mafia, and I would rather not live in a place owned by people that really want to kill me. So this place did the trick. It didn't even take me five minutes after arriving to crash out on the single mattress that covered the cold dusty floor, and I was soon lost in a deep sleep that was much needed...

"Nope!" She giggles out. Her sunny blonde hair down to today. She looked up, her cheery behaviour, "But mister... stealing is not nice, people who steal get punished~" She sing songed.


"Black Lotus..." She focused on the page. 'Q? Have anything?'

'Yes I do, but I won't tell you!'

His eyes widen slightly. He thinks to himself 'this girl seems like trouble..' As he tilts his head. "Won't happen again" he says with little conviction as he moves a few steps away from her. He backs up with his feet close to a window. "You want a sandwich?" Attempting to find this girl's motive.

@Lilah Tunth
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Six walked down the street now without a shirt just his bandages covering his face and upper body. He looked around. "Ok I shall do as you wish." Dust said as he flew off in a attempt to locate the mafias new boss. @Robyn Banks
Natalia arrived the scientific facility across town. She walked in inside with a couple of scientists following her. One of the scientists said " The genetic modification have steadily improved since your last visit. "And the virus?" Natalia asked as she walked up to the screen behind the lab."Its hard to tell. It all depended on our guinea pigs But we should be able to find a why to control it by next week before we try it out in vietnam."

"Good."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20151120_131557.jpg.d76dbb0f2fe8a692c24cf34240d70b02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20151120_131557.jpg.d76dbb0f2fe8a692c24cf34240d70b02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Cat

Current Location : the lotus bookstore

"I need you to tell me everything you know about this goddamn page right now." Emma demanded. She looked the woman dead on as she pulled her gun out and pointed it at the woman. "Now you DO have gun pointed at your head." She said aggressively.
Dust spotted Natalia and swooped down landing on the roof oh her car."Your Miss Natalia I presume the new head of the mafia? I'd like to speak to you on behalf of my master, if you'd be so kind as to humor us that is." Dust said as he cocked his head around and picked the bugs off his wings.
" Of course. I'll meet you at the rooftop." She said to the bird then she turned to the scientist "Nice work so far. You may continue." They nodded then went back to work as Natalia went to the rooftop.

@Tylor guillory
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Dean makes his way dashing up the side of the building, keeping track of each window he passes on the way up. After about about 18, he reaches the roof and releases his alternate gravity. He looks down to see if the girl had chased him.

@Tylor guillory

@Robyn Banks

(Not saying it's the same building, but hey, you might see me. Lol)

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