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Fandom Hell City

Tristan's green eyes peered back towards Six and his stupid talking bird "I like the whole 'mysterious man' thing you got going on here, but I'm gonna choke that birds eyes out if it keeps talking." he said with a chaotic grin on his face and at the same time making a hand gesture that imitated him chocking the bird "And you wouldn't have broken me out unless you needed me so quit the whining ay?" chuckling to himself afterwards as he noticed that a sudden rain occurred, enough rain to obscure the fire into smoke he looked out and another squadron of guards arrived "Looks like that 'back up' arrived..I heard something about the 'new boss' I really wanted to meet that person before getting out, AH! I'm sure I'll have time to meet with them again besides 'we're on a tight schedule' right? Hehehehe funny how I'm taking orders from you now." he tilted his head up curiously 'What a turn of events that is...Never imagined this happening' cackling over his thoughts he continued walking on still cuffed he turned back to Six "You know what I've changed my mind, I'm gonna meet this 'new boss' and I'll find ya later!"

Tristan didn't expect to be let off easy by Six but he attempted it anyway, charging towards the guards at full speed he 'casually' rammed his head into them knocking of the guards flat on his back, three others came to jump on him however with one getting a foot to the face as Tristan leaped in the air; hands still cuffed he bit off the nose of one of the other guards before headbutting the last one. All of them dropped down and with a few kicks to the face Tristan finished them off looking back to Six he gave a gracious smile and waved before running off into another direction
'Oh it's good to be out again!' he leaped and clapped with his feet while in mid air as he ran throughout the prison eventually making a large train of guards. Since he was still bind by the cuffs he was still unable to use any of his abilities.


@Tylor guillory
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Six turned his head to the side a annoyed look on what parts of his face you could see. He then handed Dust something. "Must i? Very well." Crow said sighing as he flew off towards joker."Hey clown here ya go." Crow said as he dropped the keys to Tristan's cuffs in his hands. "Oh and Six said he's going to find you later don't die." The bird seemed amused at the thought of Tristan dying. Dust landed on Six shoulder and six slowly walked through the prison halls whistling a eerie tone, which was the only sound he ever made. He went off to watch the fireworks.
H-he's strong...Bismarck gulped, watching Mr. Joker (that's what he decided to call him) take out several guards. He stayed behind a wall he was hiding behind, then realized that one of the guards was looking straight at him. That didn't help. That one guard started yelling something about a possible accomplice hiding nearby. Bismarck groaned and flipped frantically through the book, looking for something effective.


Of course! He would lock them all up in a giant cage! That would work! Bismarck did his usual ritual, then watched as an eight-foot-tall gilded cage landed on top of seven or eight of the guards. Ooookaaaay...that wasn't what I was thinking of, but it works...
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Kazuichi walked into Madden's room well more accurate ran into her room. "Hey boss hey I heard some crazy stuff is going down at the prison can I go check it out can I can I!" He asked excited even with knowing little to none about what was happening he still wanted to go check it out. Just by a gut feeling he'd find a good fight in the place and he was itching for a fight. That or he just had fleas again probably the fight thing.

@Lilah Tunth
  • Ignis Scanti[/I]]

    Future vision=Light Red

    Current Event=Black

    The city's clouds of darkness shrouded the sky and let the rain pool the ground in its soaking, despair, for its the fate of a lowly droplet. Ignis stood, leaning over a surgical table that was stained in old blood and haunting him with the past presence of his recent test subject. His black,messy hair hung over his eyes and shaded them from the one light which dangled from the ceiling and over the table, lighting the room ever so slightly. He began to shake, slowly then rapidly, slowly then rapidly over and over again until he lifted his head up and gently tapped the light bulb above him. He stared intensely at the bookshelf just a few feet away and sighed. "...How much longer...?" He spoke in a calm tone, before walking away from the table and to his study. Books were sprawled across the floor and the curtains were torn completely and exposed the ongoing shootout through the window. "Whats going to happen now...?" He said once more before reaching out to touch his Bisector's blade. In an instant a flash of symbols revealed themselves to Ignis and portrayed themselves as a black and white vision framed in glistening gold. The vision showed him standing in front of the window and for a moment there was silence. The window shattered from the incoming bullets and hit Ignis directly in the head, hitting the floor in a pool of brilliant red. Ignis regained consciousness and grabbed the handle of Bisector to await his future fate. The glass shattered at alarming pace and Ignis brought the blade up against his head and stopped the bullets mid flight. Ignis' face stretched into a grin and chuckled until it turned into a maniacal laugh. "Is there a challenge anymore?! HAHAHAHA!" His arrogant ego grew stronger within seconds and his insanity flew out of control. Clenching the handle of Bisector, and tilting his head to the side, looking through the open hole of his study he felt a murderous rage fill him and ran out through the window, landing near one of the shooters and caught their attention. "Woah...back up creep, before you become a victim to this gun fight." He man threatened Ignis with death, but it didn't faze him one bit. Ignis took a step closer and swung his blade at the mans hand holding the gun, cutting in off from his forearm. The man fell on his back holding his bleeding arm and calling out to his partners near him. "Yo! Gale is down!" One of them said. "Then light that guy up!" The other responded, both taking aim at Ignis with their firearms, but right before they could put their finger the trigger Ignis spun around once and pushed off toward the two gunners at quick pace disarming on and kicking the other in his throat, before stabbing him in the heart. "WOAH WOAH! Hey man...we didn't mean much. J-just let me off with a warning eh?" The boy said, putting both hands up with a terrified grin on his face. Ignis stood staring at the boy's ignorance in silence, before responding. "Do I look like a officer to you?...This is Hell City...there is no such thing as letting one off with a warning..." His voice was harsh, cold and it seemed it shattered the boy's heart. "You made a mistake when you shattered my window...your just suffering the consequences..." He opened his Bisector in two parts and brought it over the boy's chest. The boy shook hard and was paralyzed in his current position. He let out a scream that was silenced within seconds...

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Tera growled in displeasure as her flames were dispersed. The rain began to fall harder. Great, there goes my flames. As much as she would like to defy logic further, her flames wouldn't be working in the rain well. She took her spear and a red glow surrounded her as her spear protruded razors from its edges. A gifted blacksmith had specially created this weapon for her. A spear that would transform into a sword. Yet it was only made possible by using her conjuring aura's heat from flames to mend it into something else. She made her way into the prison walls, she had lost sight of the joker. Ugh....damn clown...where did you go?? Her sight caught someone and without even looking to see who it was she leaped forward and slashed across the person's arm. The bird on his shoulder fluttering.

I haven't seen this guy before. Well, he must be the one that caused this commotion! This is unacceptable! Swinging her sword to the left she stepped back a little. "You let the Joker out didn't you? What are your motives?" She honestly didn't expect the guy to reply to her words. she didn't cut deep into his arm, just briefly enough to get his attention. "Your bird is cute, but I smell mischief written all over you." Her tone was harsh. Her waist cape was divided to interpret fairy wings, normally they would be burning, but with the damp weather it merely glowed. @Tylor guillory
(Cue badass theme music) Six blocked the weapon with his arm it didn't seem to bother him. His eyes remained emotionless and cold staring down the stranger who had so rudely attacked him."Oh that wasn't the smartest thing to do girl you must not know who he is." Dust said now standing a safe distance away. All of a sudden a small ball of light floated towards the girl then it exploded In a loud and messy wave of energy.(don't forget my guysa infamous criminal lol) @NyxNightmare
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(Founding the city means nothing, It's just an achievement it doesn't regard anything to do with power)
(Founding the city means plenty if he found the city then its likley people will know of him or at least have heard his name power doesn't have everything to do with being known)
(Exactly, but earlier you were implying that it did matter. That's why I brought it up)
With her hands cuffed behind her back, Emma started to accept the fact that she was gonna need an elaborate plan to get out of cold gate prison. As she slowly trudged along the never ending hallway, she noticed a familiar face running past her. "Tristan?" She said under her voice with a slight grin. As Tristan ran through the storage room and into the women's ward, the gate started to slide down behind him. Emma kicked backwards at her guards knee, with the right amount of force breaking his knee. She started to charge forward towards the gate, and just before the gate could close, she slid under on both knees. As she started to get up she noticed the guard standing in front of her. She grabbed his ankle with her feet and quickly tripped him, before she proceeded to stand up and use the mans keys to undo her chains. She ran over to her newly added weapons laying on the registration table. She put on her personal suit, put her katana in place, and grabbed both her guns. "Tristan! Get your ass over hear!" She yelled, hoping he was close enough to hear her.
As he released an aura bomb, Tera just barely flipped out of the way of the bomb, the force of the attack still managed to stumble her.

These attacks...this must be HIM. One of the founders of this city. Er...what was his name again? Her eyes refocused on him and the bird. "I was wrong, the bird is annoying." Tera stood back, still giving him a cold glare. Almost instantly her tone of voice changed though. "You completely ignored me earlier! If anyone is rude its YOU. So you know what Mr. hot stuff, let me turn up things for you!" Her anger allowed her to light up as she set the floor around them on fire. She knew she probably couldn't beat him, but hat was wrong with having a little fighting practice anyways. She flipping around him, never seeming to remain still. "Tick tick your bombs are threatening to tear me apart, but such a thing can be a nuisance don't you think?" She brushed her hands over his shoulders as she twirled around him, flames singing his attire. Yet something told her that she just pissed him off and she honestly hopes today wouldn't be her last. Bold as ever. @Tylor guillory
(Ah i re-read your post a little more closely. I'm going to change the fact to that the energy wave knocked her back but the rest is still in play)
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"We have no time for you. If you want to play then go find someone else to play with." Dust said from his perch. The air around Six exploded sending a shock wave through the prison. Six attemtped to leave while the girl was distracted with the explosion. Dust followed quickly behind.( @NyxNightmare )
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Madden, the second she heard about something going jumped out of her seat on the couch. A relief to her unending boredom!

"Kaizuichi!" She shouted, already running, her hair not even tied up in her usual bun.

"Follow me!" She was already out of the building, dashing towards the sound of explosion.


Alice watched the building.

"Would you look at that...." She murmured out.

She jumped to wherever the fight was going on.

"Boss is nearly back,"
Oh? Look at those waves. Hissed Miki

"Oh, I know. Boom." Loki was still watching from afar. He couldn't really see inside the building too much, er, what was left of it. Not much. Might as well not even be a prison anymore. "They are definitely going to have to redecorate." He let out a sigh. Would it be okay to nap? With everything else that was going on it would be a hassle going down there now.

The shock wave was annoying and as Tera got thrown back she kicked her feet off of a wall to avoid collision. Landing back on the ground safely she noticed the person had escaped.
I'll kill that bird and the guy founder or not one day. She notied the building practically crumbling so certain parts were dangerous. She slipped out through one of the cracks in the walls and outside. A wandering guard was attempting to shoot at her and she quickly blocked it with her blade and sliced his head clean off. Everyone is just pissing me off today.

Oh? It appears to be Fae-chan. Hissed Miki.

"Ah, it appears so. She's way too reckless. Her endurance is spectacular but I believe she rushes too much. She's so cute, if only she didn't open her mouth." Loki chucked to himself, while Miki gave a low rattle. Loki's gold and green reptilian eyes gleamed softly.
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Tera's eye flickered over to a voice that seemed to be coming from a hooded figure. Too be quite honest she didn't have to kill the guy, but lately it had become routine with all of the fights she had been getting into. She could have merely taken away his gun and he would have been rendered no longer a threat. She almost forgot the girl was there as she became a bit consumed by her own thoughts. "Er...really whats it to you? What are you doing around such a place anyways?" Her voice wasnt particularly harsh, yet slightly edgy. Her face reddened a bit as she looked away. She didn't like it when people questioned her actions. @Lilah Tunth

Loki watched as another girl approached Tera. His eyes blinked as he brought himself to look over a bit, he was currently resting upon a hill a distance away. "Now who is she? Quite adorable I think. I wonder how this will play out." Miki slithered closer to his master, much like getting into position to watch a movie.
"I think the better question would be... what are you doing here, not me," She replied, after a shrug, "And the guard, yeah, I just asked about it, cuz' I'm curious," She said, making her speech a little bit accented just in case someone spots her afterwards. She sat up a bit, the voice of Q in her head saying something.

"You're not alone... someone's watching," She frowned and turned, trying to find something, but failing to do so she just stood there.

Six leapt away and over a strange man who he recognized as loki one of the mafias members. He ignored him just waving as he passed to go find somewhere to rest. Eventually he found a spot far away from all the chaos it was in the area the jokers gang ruled over, and while he wasn't to happy about relying on him for anything he needed rest. He looked down at his singed clothing as dust landed on a gargoyle next to him."Oh look at you, your a mess. You know your not at your best right now so you can't use up to much power, but don't worry soon enough this city will know your name, and the name of those who once worshipped the dark one. Six just leaned back and closed his eyes slowly drifting off to sleep up on the biggest skyscraper in the city.
A large commotion rocked the exit to the Prison, it seemed that after all this time the woman taking over the Mafia still hadn't arrived and he pondered on the thought 'Weird, Guess I need to make more of a statement to get her attention no matter!' he cackled over his own thoughts and looked back to the swarm of guards chasing him, by this time they were out in the open the only issue at the time was..The car was more than 10 meters away from him at the time and although he got the key to unlock his cuffs..He never found the time to actually use them due to the all the running he had to do.

Being slightly puffed out Tristan takes in a deep breath "Looks like the cat got the mouse.." he said as a wide grin crept up his face and began lifted his cuffs hands in the air giving off a little wave to the guards, they reacted quite hostilly and began aiming their guns as one man fired and in a hasty movement Tristan hopped his one leg up and jagged his head to his side "Hey! Let's be reasonable here I HAVE CHILDREN!!!" he screamed out. It was likely that people around the prison would have heard his voice but it was clear that he was spitting out a lie. Sending all the guards against each other they all disputed over what to do with him, some talked about how it would be better off without him, some feared about what the members of his organization would do and there were even a few who were cautious about what Tristan could do at that very moment. Tristan successfully bought him some time, or at least hopefully not his own death sentence.



@Robyn Banks
When the battle got really intense, Markus decided it was my turn to get a little involved. He leapt of the roof he had been sat on and silently made his way towards the entrance. He had managed to outline quite a few characters, one of which he knew had clearly caused the main explosion to break out the joker, as he had caused another one when the flaming girl who Markus only caught a glimpse of arrived. For the time being, as she was against the explosion-guy, he assumed she was not against me. The other girl with a hood hadn't seemed attack the flame haired girl yet, so he assumed the same thing for her. His royal blue eyes darted around, ever aware for potential threats, as he was not particularly liked by the Clowns or Mafia either, it was a two way relationship. The only two people he saw as he entered through the smoke and dust were the two girls, and he kept his hands in his pockets to try and and convey peace for the time being.


@Lilah Tunth

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