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Fandom Hell City

"The Clown?" Madden pinched the bridge of her nose, but if she thought about it.... helping the Clown might work in her favour.

"Move along boys," She said to the guards, a smirk on her face.

"Won't you free the poor jester," She walked in front of were all the commotion was, and slowly moving into a fighting stance.

@Sinister Clown
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Rolling his eyes back towards the figure who kindly asked the guards to back off he chuckled to himself "I like her style!" pausing for a moment to laugh for a few more seconds before continuing on to the guards "Well? What do ya' say boys? We gonna let poor little old me go?" he didn't exactly recognize the woman to begin with, but she had a rather specific taste in clothing it seemed. None the less he did find the woman interesting..Tristan kept his hands up and waited to see the guards reaction.

Still discussing it between themselves some even seemed to speak of the name
"LeClair" Tristan imitated what the guards said and raised an eyebrow towards the woman behind him. The guards eventually nodded and silently backed off into the prison it seemed that everything was clear. Tristan let his arms down and sighed with relief looking back over to Madden "What a random act of kindness..And to little old me?" the sentence was filled with sarcasm as Tristan grinned and walked up to the woman, taking the key given to him earlier by Six's bird he got himself loose from the cuffs and tosses them aside "Looks like everyone wants something to do with me today..I don't think I've ever been so popular." he placed a finger on his chin and glared off to the skyscrapers that surrounded them.
It was bad enough that the board of directors meeting was boring, now the the city itself was letting all hell (hehehe) loose, Roxas had no choice but to make a quick exit. "Gentlemen, I'm afraid I must call this meeting to a close. See you all next month." With that, he grabbed his briefcase and left the giant room. Walking to the elevator, he checked his phone, and skimmed through the news reports. "The clown leader is out? About time, things had just begun to get.......boring. " If there was one thing Roxas couldn't stand, it was being bored . The elevator doors opened up to the parking garage, which meant get off your damn phone Roxas and get home, we have business to attend to.
"Act of kindness is right," She smirked as all of the guards moved along, "And that makes you owe me," She continued walking out.

The Red Lotus needed more associates, she can't keep taking from Natalia and expect her to want nothing in return.... the Clown though, she bet he would do anything for amusement. Heck! She would do anything for her own amusement, sadly Nat didn't seem like that type of person.

@Sinister Clown
Rubbing his wrists he looked back up to the woman with fiery eyes "Oh? Well I guess I could leave the guys at home hanging for a little while longer." he stated as he rolled his eyes towards Madden and locked them into place when meeting with hers "But first, Could you be so kind to get me a nice suit? These rags don't fit my style." he gestured by pulling on his orange prison suit.

@Lilah Tunth
Madden smiled, "We will get to the manor, and then I will get you the suit," Somewhere in the middle of their little encounter someone tied her hair up. She looked at him daringly, as if questioning whether he would try something, he was after all the Clown.

Tristan looked at the woman confused for a moment "What's with that look on your face?" he asked tilting his head slightly and frowned for a bit as if he didn't know what she expected him to do. Maybe he wasn't thinking about it at the right angle, placing a finger on his chin he dazed off in thought looking back at her his expression showed as if he had a good idea "You think I'm going to try kill you? What do you think of me as? A ruthless criminal!!" he shouted before laughing sadistically "No seriously, I'm willing to play along for now you could be interesting..And that look in your eyes! Oh I love it!" if Tristan was one thing, it was honest he never really had a reason to lie about what he had done although he could admit he's often told stories differently to how they actually happened due to him plainly forgetting..He's even pretended to know people before which was hard without laughing of course.

(It took me a while cause I didn't know if you meant YOU tied your own hair or someone else did
xD )
"I want a nice black vest..some nice suit pants and oh! Of course we'll need the shirt and gloves! Don't want to get my hands dirtier than they already now hehe~ Not that it really matters in the end.." He walked along side Madden the woman seemed to kept repeating something about a manor "So, you're loaded huh.." he asked looking towards the woman.

@Lilah Tunth
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His chauffeur drove down the winding road to his mansion, when Roxas made a call to see if the Clown's leader still had his old number. "Raz, mute the music, I'm making a.....private call. " The driver nodded, and muted the very loud music. He also rolled up the soundproof window leading to the drivers cab, as not to disturb his employer. Roxas then dialed the number he'd memorized from long ago, and called. "Come on Clown boy, pick up your phone..." He mumbled absent mindly, his voice changing from what he let others believe it sounded like.

@Sinister Clown
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One of Markus' initial assumptions had been quite misguided, a he caught sight of the man of the hour exiting the prison with the woman who Markus had assumed was not an enemy. Clearly, she was aiding him, which meant she was exactly that. After the amount of pain he had caused, not just Markus himself but everyone that ever tried to live in this city, he couldn't tolerate people that sided with the Joker. Markus was sure that The Joker would know the name that was given many years back, Profeta Della Morte, which Markus now went by to avoid any complications, but wasn't sure if he would remember the one small encounter they had what seemed like years ago. Nonetheless, he stepped out of the shadows into the path of the two of them, not really sure if he was going to engage or simply send a warning, his hands tucked into his pockets as usual and his blue bandanna covering his face from the nose down. "Hi" Markus said casually "Remember me?"

@Lilah Tunth @Sinister Clown
Nat walked in and looked at the place for a little while noticing how bad the damages were." He did a great job messing up the place don't you agree?" The guards who had a bit of sanity left both agree with her. She walked out of the prison as about a dozen guards followed her to ensure her safety.then she saw Madden with the joker and some guy trying to play it too.She sighed.Everyone is trying to be cool today aren't they. "You wanted to see me? Well I'm honored. Madden the hell are you doing here? Especially when the joker has no affect on your organization's purpose." She asked. The guards pointed their guns at the joker and the guy as she turn towards the some guy who she guess wanted to make an entrance. "And you are?"

@JKthegreat @Lilah Tunth @Sinister Clown
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((I hope you guys don't mind me switching to first-person, but I was trying to alternate between RPs and I keep screwing up, so Imma try stick to just one :D ))


The introduction of a third person, who looked pretty unfazed by my presence, made my mind up on my stance in this situation. I just needed to let him in particular know that I was back in town, and free reign was not an option anymore. "Just an observer..." I said, my bright eyes studying the three of them carefully as I lowered the mask from my mouth so I could speak more easily "For now, at least. Just came to see what all the commotion was about, and I must say I wasn't particularly disappointed. Good to see the Joker's out again, its always nice when the death and crime rates spike in the city." I said the last bit with a bit of a snarl, but maintained my cool nonetheless. I leaned against a broken wall, trying to convey that I wouldn't get in their ways, for the time being.
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Her cold emotionless look was in her face. She seemed unamused by him. The guns were still pointed at him and joker wanting for a time to shoot. "Well as you can see Cold gate been destroyed and I'm sure enough not going to bring him where I am. That's unprofessional. Also Don't forget who you're talking to."
"Oh really?" I said, a slight smirk creeping onto my lips as I realized how mighty all of the people/creatures really thought they were "And who, exactly, might that be." I could feel the fatigue finally getting to me, my vision starting to blur slightly after not having slept for almost a week, but I couldn't let that show through the casual exterior. As soon as people like this smell weakness, that's when you get yourself into trouble. Nice time for it to hit me I thought, silently cursing my luck.
"Natalia Romanov, Boss of the Mafia. Now I suggest you leave the premises before one of my guards start to make a move." She said.Though she was trying to hide it , He wasn't doing a good job at it. In her opinion she was doing him a favor instead of making a full of himself.
I gritted my teeth slightly as I realized that this was the woman who was being transported earlier. "Ahh, so I finally come face to face with the infamous Natalia." I said with a grin, bowing to her as I did so "Profeta Della Morte, at your service. Nice trick you pulled off this morning. Why pay for transport, right? Anyways, if you ever need me, you know where to look...well, actually, no you don't..." With that final word I blinked and was a good ways away from the prison, but not before I had dropped a small card on the ground, hoping one of them would pick it up. It was the only way to contact me without actually having to find me. It simply involved shining some sort of noticeable light in the air from a specific location, and the card detailed that I would be in contact. Just in case anyone there required my services. As much as I despised the two organizations, and they felt the same towards me, I had done certain jobs for them in the past that involved killing off competition and/or rogue agents. It gave me the chance to evaluate whether the people they asked to die were worthy targets or not, which was always useful. A strange relationship, it definitely was, but even someone like me needs work.
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Nat looked down at the card then picked it up an gave it to Madden."I think you'll need this more than anyone." She said not changing her emotions. She was still upset that Madden called off her guards with her consent.But didn't feel like making a fight over it.
"Madden what the hell are you doing here?" Natalia who appeared out of seemingly nowhere asked. But before Madden could reply she started talking to someone else. Madden's nose twitched, there was nothing more annoying in her eyes then ignorance. She kept on walking, the fringe framing her face bobbing slightly at every move. "The request for the suit shall be done soon, I do after all have one hell of a Butler,"

(Couldn't help it xD )

@Sinister Clown
Natalia turned to Madden. "You still haven't answer my question Madden." She said with her hands still in the pocket of her trench coat. Though Madden was walking away she said it loud enough to be heard.

@Lilah Tunth
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(sorry for being absent)

The Cat

current location : outside the abandoned police station.

Previous event : Emma used the Joker as a distraction to get out of CGP unnoticed.

As Emma sat on a bench outside the old HCPD, she watched as the wind blew plastic bags and shredded newspapers. She thought back to when she first joined the Mafia, thinking about how extravagant their plans would be. She had searched for years on end, trying to find a way to get back at the Mafia. Emma dug through her pockets trying to find the three diamonds she had recently stole from the Museum of Natural Arts. When she had no luck finding the stolen items, she decided to make a stop at a small bookstore near her location. The book stare was well known among the city, seeming as to how it was run by a gang that went by the name 'Lotus.' She decided to have some harmless fun and hold an old fashion stick up. When she arrived at the bookstore, she pulled out her handgun to make sure it was fully loaded, and then surveyed the building.

@/anyone at the bookstore

Robyn Banks]Natalia turned to Madden. [COLOR=#0000ff]"You still haven't answer my question Madden."[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] She said with her hands still in the pocket of her trench coat. Though Madden was walking away she said it loud enough to be heard.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23318-lilah-tunth/ said:
@Lilah Tunth[/URL]
"A relief to my boredom with a bonus of an ally, isn't it obvious?" The annoyance seeping into her voice a bit, she stretched her hand in the direction of the blonde jester in rags. She paused and turned, "Bur never mind little old me, what are you going here?" She slowly and a bit threatingly raised a brow, her sickly sweet smile and voice still in place. Despite Natalia being an associate her relationship with her was a bit strained, she disliked Natalia, not openly, of course. But still. She disliked the way Natalie was so... street. She had no other way of explaining other then that in her eyes Natalia was a street brat with a lucky start.

'You will think I will beat you at your own game if I will beat you at all, but in reality, you weren't even in the game in the first place,'

@Robyn Banks @Sinister Clown
( my character isn't blonde xD I changed her appearance a while ago)

" isn't it obvious? This is my prison," she said mocking Madden. "I suggest you watch the way you talk to me Madden, Don't forget your place." She said with her cold look on her. Madden didn't bother her at all. In fact she thought Madden was inferior to her. Though she acted Elegant and snobby , She was still weaker than her in so many ways.Plus it was clear that Madden needed her despite her attempt to associate with the clowns she heard about. Nat still had more money and power than both of them combined.

@Lilah Tunth
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morpheusing said:

(sorry for being absent)

The Cat

current location : outside the abandoned police station.

Previous event : Emma used the Joker as a distraction to get out of CGP unnoticed.

As Emma sat on a bench outside the old HCPD, she watched as the wind blew plastic bags and shredded newspapers. She thought back to when she first joined the Mafia, thinking about how extravagant their plans would be. She had searched for years on end, trying to find a way to get back at the Mafia. Emma dug through her pockets trying to find the three diamonds she had recently stole from the Museum of Natural Arts. When she had no luck finding the stolen items, she decided to make a stop at a small bookstore near her location. The book stare was well known among the city, seeming as to how it was run by a gang that went by the name 'Lotus.' She decided to have some harmless fun and hold an old fashion stick up. When she arrived at the bookstore, she pulled out her handgun to make sure it was fully loaded, and then surveyed the building.

@/anyone at the bookstore

"Well, I'd love to stick around and chat, but I got a feeling I'm needed somewhere..." Alice droned out after hearing Q whisper in her ear about a woman approaching her bookstore. Jumping a figure caught her, white scales glittering in the light. Her cloak whooshing behind her, for a second her hood went a little of her head, revealing probably the only green headed person in the city.

"Crap..." She pulled her hood back up, and continued on her way to the bookstore riding the demonic creature, 'Nearly there...' She thought. Jumping off Q and landing right on the second story of her little building. Taking her hood off, she rushed down, putting her red framed glasses on.

@Lilah Tunth[/URL]
(Not you, clown!)

'Watch who I'm talking to...? Who is she kidding? While the "Mafia" might rule over all of Hell City, she didn't have anything outside of it... what stupidity... trying to make yourself so big when it's clear you are not. A little girl would act more dignified... idiocy at it's peak...' She smiled, drowning in it's sweetness. In her eyes, with all her little abilities she was stronger in every way. She continued walking. Her temper being barely held in.

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