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Fandom Hell City

Guts said:
Dean scratches his face for a moment. "It's hard to describe. Like imagine you're falling, but upwards." He floats for a moment, gently spinning at a graceful rate. "And I can suspend it completely got a short while. That's about it." He lands again, facing her. "So what about you. You don't feel like the average person." As many gifted could smell or see their own kind, he could feel a sort of added weight to their mass.
@Lilah Tunth
"Not much here.... you know the magical creatures by the name of 'veela'? I am a bit like them... only without the harpie part..." Electo's bubbly voice said. "And not as strong," She wasn't going to say more, about her lighting or about healing, she dislikes revealing more then asked.
"Huh. That's pretty useful for a shop keeper." He realizes after a bit of thinking that he may be divulging too much information. A stranger could be anything but what they appear to be. Dean was only vaguely familiar on the laughter subject as it was. "I'll have to come back with more information to trade next time.." He smiles robotically to mask his thoughts and questions about the woman. Before she can ask what he means, his clothes float loosely on his body for a second. he 'falls' out of the alley and across the horizon.

(Sorry. Bed time for me ha-ha)

@Lilah Tunth
Moses sits in a chair in the middle of The Clowns base if operations. Nothing more than a simple factory warehouse in all honesty. He just sits there....staring at one of the graffiti covered walls as if he is boreing through the sheet metal with his expressionless green eyes. He let's his mind drift...though there is nothing of interest he can think about. He awaits a call from Joker. The moths that have been circling the fluorescent lamps overhead suddenly fly erratically, bashing into the ceiling, until, as if in a flock, they dive into the flames of a nearby incinerator. Moses does not take his eyes away from the wall. These things tend to happen around him.
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Guts said:
"Huh. That's pretty useful for a shop keeper." He realizes after a bit of thinking that he may be divulging too much information. A stranger could be anything but what they appear to be. Dean was only vaguely familiar on the laughter subject as it was. "I'll have to come back with more information to trade next time.." He smiles robotically to mask his thoughts and questions about the woman. Before she can ask what he means, his clothes float loosely on his body for a second. he 'falls' out of the alley and across the horizon.
(Sorry. Bed time for me ha-ha)

@Lilah Tunth
"Huh? No! Come back!" She screeched. But with that he was gone.

(Sleep well!)
Natalia looks at the playing card then sighs "Why is everyone giving me playing cards? By the end of this month I'll probably have a whole deck." She said to herself as she went back down the stairs. She turned to one of the scientist then told them."Good work so for.I want you to control the virus as soon as possible.Do you understand?" The scientist nodded then replied"Yes boss. And here are the prototype pills that you asked for." The scientist handed it to her in a small bag."Thank you."She then walked out the facility about to head to HQ.
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The Cat

Current location : the lotus bookstore

"Stupid, huh? That's funny." Emma said as she gave the woman an odd look. Emma pointed her gun at the ceiling and shot out the lights, making it harder to see. "I'm not here to hurt anyone, but whether or not you get hurt is up to you. Now tell me, did you put this page in this book." Emma said as she moved slightly to the right in case the woman tried to attack.

(sorry it took me so long to reply)

morpheusing said:

The Cat

Current location : the lotus bookstore

"Stupid, huh? That's funny." Emma said as she gave the woman an odd look. Emma pointed her gun at the ceiling and shot out the lights, making it harder to see. "I'm not here to hurt anyone, but whether or not you get hurt is up to you. Now tell me, did you put this page in this book." Emma said as she moved slightly to the right in case the woman tried to attack.

(sorry it took me so long to reply)

"No, and I have no idea what the hell is a 'Black Lotus', now get out of my fucking shop or I will kill you!" She seethed out, who the hell did the woman think she was? 'Q, what is a Black Lotus? If I know the answer maybe she would get the fuck out....' She was still in a fighting stance, cursing the fact that she was indoors and could not call Q. "You come to my bookstore.... You ruin the lights.... Why you are asking for me to be a bitch too aren't you...."

(I don't mind waiting)

The Cat

Current Location : the lotus bookstore

Emma looked at the woman for a period of time, and the placed a $100 bill on the counter. "That's for the lights." she said in a low tone. She left the page on the counter and went to pick up her things from off the floor. " I'll be back." she sent as she walked out the door. "huh, lotus." She mumbled
Dean gets up and stretches his arms. He lived at their base of operations like many other initiates. A wide open warehouse was odd to sleep in at first, but noone besides the clowns seemed to go near it so it was safe enough he guessed. He dresses himself in dark jeans, brown boots, and his fur lined jacket. He sees Moses on his way in and out of the building and waves to him accordingly. Dean wasnt sure how to approach him so he hastily exits the warehouse in search of food, of course.
Nat was still walking to headquarters wondering if she should probably call her chauffeur by now. But she needed this walk. Her prison exploded, Six asked to help her and etc.Maybe this could clear her mind.

As I was swiftly making my way across the city, something down on the ground quickly caught my eye and caused me to stop my run abruptly. I slowly walked to the edge of the roof and peered down, sitting down on my haunches. "Well..." I muttered quietly to myself as I watched the characters movement on the ground, her look of deep thought apparent even from where I was "Seems like fate has some sort of plan for our meetings, Ms Natalia..." I popped another piece of gum into my mouth as I sat down and hung my legs over the edge, deciding to make sure that she wasn't heading anywhere to cause too much trouble.

@Robyn Banks
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She quite clearly had noticed me, but didn't seem particularly interested at all. Usually, I would have just left that there, but today was a little different. I was kind of looking for some interesting, fun experiences to spice up what was usually a very mediocre day. In the blink of an eye I was walking beside her, treating it like nothing had happened. "Hi" I said, shooting her a slight grin "Ms Natalia. Nice to see you again."
Dean lights his cigarette while ordering coffee from a quaint vendor. ".. And uh.. Two donuts I guess." He points them out with his finger. As soon as the man bends over, Dean lifts a few inches off the ground. Within two seconds, he is out of sight and on top of a modest ten story building. He sighs at his empty wallet and decides to enjoy the coffee he managed to get for free. He floats down into another quadrant of the city. On his way down the building, he notices something hanging off of the taller buildings. He lands gently on the pavement, sips his coffee and walks slowly towards the building with the man on it. He blinks when he sees that nothing was on the building. That's strange..

@JKthegreat @Robyn Banks
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The Cat

Current location : walking to 2071 NorthShore Avenue

Emma walked as fast as she could, and she kept turning her head backwards to see if anyone was following her. It took her about 30 minutes to get to her destination, but in her eyes, it was worth the while. She opened the old wooden door and traveled to the rooftop. when she arrived at the rooftop, she took 3 very old books out of a bag she had been carrying. 'The book of Cerulean wisps, The book of Aphotic wisps, and The book of Niveous wisps.' she thought to herself as she placed all of the books on the ground, in the formation of a triangle. Once the books were in place Emma took out a lighter and lit the top of each book. She waited approximately 2 minutes and 27 seconds for the books to fully burn, and when the flames stopped burning, there were 3 marbles in place of the books. 'Perfect' she thought to herself as she pulled out a remote bomb from her bag. As she went down the stairs, she drenched each level in gasoline. When she reached the bottom floor, she waited until she was 100 yards away from the building, and the detonated the bomb. The explosion was seen all across Hell City.

@/anyone who saw that

She sighed.She knew she wouldn't be able to get rid of him. So she decided to just talk to him. It could be interesting."Hello, Nice to see you too." She said politely. She then hear a loud Boom then turned to look in the direction of the explosion. She cursed under her breath then called a cab. She turned to him then said. " Sorry but I need to go."


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"No please, my dear lady" I said, putting my hand on her shoulder and teleporting us both four times so we were standing a hundred meters away from the explosion before she could even object "Allow me." I couldn't help but chuckle at my own, what many would call stupidity, but I decided to call curiosity as I stood beside her. For some reason, every other member of the Mafia I had ever met, I had always felt deserved to die. Call it a very bad first impression. But with this woman, I had a completely different first thought when I met her, not really sure why, as she clearly wasn't an angel and a saint, but there was definitely something...different about her. That's about as much as I could figure out so far, as I wasn't really sure what I found so interesting about her myself.

@Robyn Banks
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Dean walks through the crowded streets, coffee in hand. While looking at buildings and searching for the random man on the roof, a shockwave shakes his feet. Upon turning around, he sees a thick column of smoke rising from a tower of flames. He chugs the last of his beverage before throwing it in a trash can and making way for the building. He flies along the ground before coming to the smoldering wreckage.


The Cat

current location : near the exploded building

As Emma started to walk away from the seen, she recognized three faces among the crowd. She had seen Natalie Romanov and Markus Elric teleport behind her, in which case see picked up her pace. But not long after, Dean Garrek sprinted past her. "Just my fucking luck." Emma said aggressively under her breath. She turned into an alley way and climbed a ladder connecting to the top of the building next to her. She pulled out her gun and carefully aimed it at Markus, and fired her weapon, barely missing the top of his head. "shit." she said.
(Thats fine.)Natalie took out her two guns then shoot at the girl's hand so she would drop the gun. Natalia rarely missed so it was hard for her to miss this one." So you're the little bitch that caused me this problem. You need to work on your shooting, its pathetic. Markus is it? You're help is no longer needed."

@morpheusing @JKthegreat
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morpheusing said:

The Cat

current location : near the exploded building

As Emma started to walk away from the seen, she recognized three faces among the crowd. She had seen Natalie Romanov and Markus Elric teleport behind her, in which case see picked up her pace. But not long after, Dean Garrek sprinted past her. "Just my fucking luck." Emma said aggressively under her breath. She turned into an alley way and climbed a ladder connecting to the top of the building next to her. She pulled out her gun and carefully aimed it at Markus, and fired her weapon, barely missing the top of his head. "shit." she said.
Dean looks around him and the burning building to find the cause. "Hmm. The Joker didn't say anything about a bombing today.. And usually he's pretty excited about that." He floats to various points around the building before going up to a neighboring roof and looking to the ground.

"Well I must be honest, I'm a little irritated that so many people now know my real name" I said through a grimace, as the bullet that whizzed over my head cut off a small piece of hair "But I'm also sorry to say that I don't exactly work for you, so..." In the blink of the eye I was standing in the girl who had caused the explosion's path of escape with only my dagger drawn, spinning it around in my hand. "That was rather rude" I said with a face of mock anger "Shooting at someone who was just here to see what all the fuss was. I wasn't planning on causing anyone any harm."
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The Cat

current location : a rooftop

Emma was now the center of attention, with a teleporter standing directly behind her and two guns aimed at her. She had dropped her gun due to the fact that Natalie shot it out of her hands. She then proceeded to turn towards Markus and smile. She then got in the hand stand position so that she was facing the street and swung herself down into one of the buildings window, grabbing her gun in the process. She then bolted through the room and into the hallway. "Goddamn it! Why did I have to shoot!?" she mumbled

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