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Fandom Hell City

"Well I did anyways" I said, sheathing my sword quickly and dusting myself off as I stood up slowly, surprised at how well her healing worked "I've been told I made a lot of stupid decisions. But...uh...well, thanks. For healing me. Considering everything, you could have just left me here." I scratched the back of my head with a nervous smile, not really used to thanking people as I almost always worked on my own.

@Robyn Banks
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The Cat

"I've had better days." Emma said said with a chuckle as she sat down next to 6. She placed her head on 6's shoulder and looked around at the empty room. "why were you working with the Mafia?" she asked. "You know the Mafia is a dangerous place."

( @Tylor guillory )

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North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

Company: @Anybody at the Bookstore

Starting Action: Reading

North was reading yet another one of Saedor's books, he was nearly at the end of it - this going to be his fifty-first book from the author. He was a author that he regarded quite highly, and quite allusive when you want to find him.
Well, at least that trail led me here...he thought to himself, taking him away from his reading. 'Ghost' started to walk to the counter...then took a sharp left to the remaining books that were a clutter of Saedor's and other authors. "Well, can't say that Bismark doesn't have good taste... actually when I think about, when did he get these books... this one seems the newest edition," holding up the sixty-seventh book that was in Saedor's collection. "The minds of geniuses are unknown...as well as madmen." He said to himself, knowing that Bismark was clearly not the latter. "Speaking of Bismark... where is he? Well, I shouldn't be worried.. " He said to himself as he placed the book down. North placed his hand on his chin, he recently woke up from a nap...and his bed hair was atrocious to say to least. The lightly blue tinted haired thief made his way back behind the counter, placing his chin against the wooden counter.
She got back up then walked away not saying another word. Putting her hands in her pockets." I want a report on this building stat! I always want this mess cleaned up as quickly as possible. Also bring me status reports of the investments from inside the city and out." She said in her earpiece.

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"How you planning on getting out of here?" I asked her, not necessarily following her, as I got the feeling she really wanted to get rid of me by now "Its a pretty long way to walk and no taxi is gonna come within a few miles of an explosion that big in this city cause they know shits just gone down. Say the word, I'll take you wherever you want and then I'll leave, I promise. I owe you that much."

@Robyn Banks
Moses, still awaiting a command from Joker, continues to stare at the graffiti covered wall....someone comes in....just Dean. Whatever. He waves to me. I did what was socially acceptable, so I raised my hand in a sort of half assed sort of wave, not taking my eyes away from the wall. He walks away. I continue to sit there for another couple hours, still awaiting a call from Joker. (It's only 8:26 am for him xD )
She turned back to look at him then told him."I'll walk anyways you should stay away from me so this doesn't happen to you again." She turned around then walked off. For some reason though she didn't really care what he did. She wanted him to avoid the people she met with to ensure his safety.

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Dean wanders back to the warehouse with a concussion and a sore ribcage. Some hours later, and still, Moses sits there. He didn't waste his time waving as it hurts to move his arms at all. He makes his way to his corner of the place and gets some ice out of the fridge for his head. "You hear any commotion?" He wonders if Moses took notice at all. He wraps the ice in a shirt and places it on the back of his head.
"Well you say that" I said with a grin, leaning against the wall as I spoke "But I think we both know that this is definitely not the last time we'll be seeing each other, whether you like it or not. But, suite yourself." My joking, sarcastic tone changed quite suddenly to a serious, sincere voice "But seriously, despite everything that's happened between the Mafia and me, if you need anything, you are one of the few people that knows how to contact me. And I mean you, not your organization." I realized with a chuckle that I was babbling like an idiot, so I ended my talking abruptly "Cya around, I hope" were the last words I muttered before I disappeared, almost like I was never there apart from my bloodstains.

@Robyn Banks
(Dayum...You know my shit don't you @LordGowther ? In my defense I had a pretty big night last night and I'm up pretty early!)

As they continued walking all Tristan could think of at the time was thinking what that woman would like look sticking a knife into someone else stomach. The more he thought about it the more obsessive he became of the idea and although he was looking off away to the skyscrapers around them he licked his lips seductively and clenched both of his hand eventually after a few minutes of silence
"I wonder what the 'Fam' is doin' at home..Hey..Lady, you own a phone?" he seemed to have a normal expression on his face by now as he asked "I got a call to make, can't keep the boys waiting can we?" rubbing his wrists, the cuffs had been on him for so long now they had left wound marks 'Can't wait to get the 'big man' for that..'

@Lilah Tunth
"No. I didn't notice" Moses says as he continues to sit in his chair, and stare at the graffiti riddled wall. He still continues to await the call from Joker. " You two. Treat his wounds" he says to two nearby fellow members, not looking away from the wall" @Guts @Sinister Clown
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After walking far enough to call her chauffeur , she went to headquarters as she was giving files as soon as she got in. She went into the meeting room then looked through it. Until she stubbled on a document that stated The so called clowns had 40% of the drugs trade. It wasn't a major problem since they till owned 60% of it and had other drug related trade around the world. But it wasn't about the money or the power. It was about showing hell city that the Mafia didn't tolerate competition. Natalia called in for information about this so called 'Joker' and figure out what his all about and maybe schedule a meeting with him.
Six's expression changed to one of parent scolding their child."That's none of your concern the mafia is no threat to me, at least not at the moment.". Dust said and Six's expression changed to its normal expressionless one. "I apologize but everything I do is in order to achieve my goals. When the time comes I'll tell you of those goals. But until then get stronger and do as I say." Dust said as Sixs expression changed to a kinder one. He petted Cats head."I'm about to move out are you coming along?"( @morpheusing

The Cat

Current location : hospital

"Yeah, i'll come along." Emma said, shocked at 6's mood swing. Emma reached into her pocket and grabbed the marbles she had collected earlier. "Pieces of shit." she said under her breath as she put them back in her pocket. She then leaned on her crutch and got up, and then waited for 6 to lead the way.
After she was done doing her research on everything. She started to drift off. She never really had time to since everything has been happening all in one day. She was thinking about everything including her father who she haven't have time to talk to since she never had time to go back home.
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It had been a few hours after Bismarck had semi-helped the Joker, and he had returned back to Llyria Harp's storefront. He sat down, exhausted, his armor already off and back in his book. He opened one of his books and began reading, looking shyly at anyone who happened to be there. He spotted North and waved. ".......Hello, North.....nice to see you...." He sighed. "It has been a busy day....any customers?"

@T h e F o o l
Tera was walking through the book store, wasting some time she picked up The Yellow Wallpaper, By Gilman. She sat down and noticed two people from Llyria Harp. Sliding the book down a bit she peeked over the top at them. She wasn't a spy, but still she found herself in the midst of their casual conversation.
Dean found himself smoking outside of their ware house and taking it easy from the explosion. Petty thievery would have to wait until he felt better and until he knew he wasn't concussed. At least Moses was always there, standing guard like a statue.
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

Company: @femjapanriceball

Starting Action: Talking to Bismark

North glanced up as he noticed his leader arrive,
"Welcome back." he said lifted his head from the counter top of the General Store. "Ah well, same as usual," He replied, waving a hand in the air gesturing to the entire General Store. "There is been a few actually," He said lazily pointing to the female that was 'reading' the Yellow Newspaper. "Oi, if you are interested this is the cash register," Waving the person to the counter where the two were. Hey wait a minute here.. she hasn't flipped the page for a while...Enemy.. probable, letting his pessimistic thoughts go off on a rampange in his mind. He was about to comment on her eavesdropping when Bismark complimented her taste, for good reason I suppose.
The sole reason why I'm not a spy..."Eh, Yes." Tera stood up and walked over to the counter, almost reluctant to set the book down. "How should I say, this particular book of hers is intriguing. Nothing more fascinating than reading of someone slowly slipping into insanity." She set the book down gently, her expression remained calm and reserved. "If you two have any other recommendations I'd love to know." She tried not to gaze at them too long. I don't really want them thinking I'm suspicious. Although I must appear a little like that. Perhaps a...a smile? She begrudgingly smiled , which ended up being pretty cute. Ah I probably am really creepy now...She glanced away. "A-Anyway...I-I'll buy it now.."


@T h e F o o l
Alicia Leolam

What an exciting day today is! Alicia's mind rushes over and over again. She is in the hand of her shadowy beast rushes towards the Mafia's Headquarter, where the latest news of the new leader of the Mafia is at. There are even fireworks to celebrate Natalia's homecoming! It is very fitting welcoming for a cool lady like Natalia. Hopefully, big brother will not stress too much over the destruction of the prisoner and the other building in the city. He is busy enough already, being in a another city attending to important meetings.

Earlier, Alicia and the second brother, Emmanuel, were waiting at the HQ to greet the leader. It has been too long since either of them have meet big sister (Is it rude to call Natalia big sister now? Alicia wonders.). Alicia was kind of disappointed when the helicopter that was escorting Natalia suddenly turned and left Alicia and her brother in the cold rooftop of the Mafia HQ. Alicia would not be rushing back to the HQ if she have not left it. Big brother have told her and Emmanuel not to cause trouble, but when Alicia shared a look with Emmanuel, the girl cannot help but sprint after the smirking second brother off of the roof to meet Natalia.

Today was fun even though Alicia have not meet Natalia yet. Alicia got to travel all over town with her brother, even raced him to the explosion sights to see who gets to see Natalia first. Alicia is declared winner in today's race. Emmanuel is tied down on top of the Beast’s head, exhaust from using his wires to race her and from using his aura to give a hand at the prison (he was pretty upset when they were late to meet Natalia there).

We are so close, Alicia thinks and enjoys the cool rush of wind as her Beast runs towards the headquarter.


Emmanuel’s Ability Revealed!

Madhu’s Rank Revealed!

((I hope people don't mind me taking the last underboss spot))
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Bismarck smiled, a calm, nonchalant smile, and checked the shelves. "I'm going to have to contact Mr. Saedor again; the shelves are almost empty. "That will be fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents, miss," he said after ringing up the book.

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North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

Company: @femjapanriceball

Starting Action: Talking to Tera

North's suspicion was a more than a little peaked when she said that comment so calmly, it was cold if anything.
I mean seriously, who could say that without He got up to where she placed down the book, "Well, suggestion wise check a look at one of the more popular authors in this store - although don't get me wrong most of them will entertain you until you throw away the books," He started his pessimism seeping into his words, when Bismark mentioned Saedor, it reminded him of her being open to suggestions "You should check out some of Saedor's, you might even keep them, " He said looking up at the female, it didn't seem that she had anything that would damage them, but seem was a key word. "I suppose so, to be fair those always do.." He said to Bismark about calling Saedor. You should never meet your heros...He thought to himself when he resisted the urge to ask to talk to him.

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