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Fandom Hell City

The front doors of the headquarters slams opens and the Beast, girl, and boy rushes inside. The guards were told in advanced of the children and did not blink when they past the men and women in the building. Some looks are given when some of the members noticed that the boy on the Beast's head is wiggling frantically and might be screaming if his mouth was not covered.

Down the hall of the leader office, Alicia finally sees today's special person.

"Big Sister!" Alicia yells and gets off from the Beast's hand to run towards Natalia. The Beast glides down the hall behind the girl.

@Robyn Banks

((Welp, I will be going out soon, so my respon will be a bit slow. Im sorry.))
Six walked down the alley way Dust on his shoulder. He whistled in that eerie way of his again."So what was your plan blow up a building and then just walk away as if no one would notice you, or go after you? Your lucky I was around or it could of gone bad. " six didn't look back at her he seemed to be going a different route through the city alleyways that only he and few others knew. ( @morpheusing )
Big sister? She thought to herself. I don't remember having any siblings or at least as far as I know. And what is that beast? Maybe one of them is a summoner. She pulled off a smile then said "Hello. What are you doing here? Its really late and it isn't safe at night."

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"Thank you." Tera gave the kind person the money and took the book back, holding it against her chest. Tera blinked. Somehow she felt a certain tenseness from the buy with blue tinted hair. "Do you have a problem with me? I don't judge you on the kinds of books you like to read. The trip of insanity is actually to make a point on how women were regarded as lesser beings back then, and how men would simply say bed rest and isolation was the solution for women who had psychological issues." She leaned in. "You if anyone should keep an open mind, and to even imply I would throw away a book...even the seemingly worst books were made with something important in the mind to whoever wrote it. You should be ashamed." She turned towards the aisle that contained Saedor's collection, briefly looking back at the guy, her gleaming eyes seeming to look through him. @T h e F o o l

"I was waiting for you all day, Big Sister, and I have Emu to protect me!" Alicia explains, looking up at Natalia with starry eyes. It is hard holding onto her excitment and she is barely holding herself from hugging the lady in front of her. All day, no weeks, Alicia has been waiting to finally meet her and finally do things that all sisters do together!


"You idiot Alicia!" Emmanuel yells finally wiggling out from the Beast. His hair is a mess and half of him is still stuck in the Beast. "She's not our sister! You're not suppose to take what Madhu said literally!"

Alicia stops, eyebrows up high and just looking at Natalia in shock.

@Robyn Banks
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Moses continues to watch the graffiti covered wall while Dean's putting on an ice pack. He is simply waiting for a call front Joker
Even though I would hardly know they had been there, I was still pretty irritated at the wounds I had suffered in the fight today. Why had I been so slow? I thought to myself, once again chewing on a piece of gum Its not fatigue this time, I just slept. Maybe all the teleporting's getting to me? I sighed, not sure if that was the cause of my slowness, but deciding to be safe and walk to my next destination, which was the closest bar. After everything that happened, I had just realized that my plan for leaving from the beginning had been to get a drink. "Now if I was a bar..." I muttered to myself, as I walked along the ground for what felt like the first time in ages "Where would I be hiding in this place?..."
"While I do have a phone I won't give mine to you.... we are nearly there..." Madden said pausing in front of a large Chinese styled building. Someone opened it up and Madden walked through. Before even stepping in she started giving out orders such as "Get the jester next to me a phone!" And "Get a suit to fit the Clowns needs"

She paused, "And someone get me tea! Lilies! Why isn't there!? I could remember asking you for tea!" The servant girl stood there, her skin chalk white, her hands shaking.

"You didn't say when you wanted tea...." Despite her fear for Madden she said, showing quite the sass. Dealing shock over Madden.

@Sinister Clown
Natalia crutched down on her knees,placing a hand on Alicia's shoulder, then said out of the kindness of her heart that she didn't know she had. "You can call 'Big sister' I don't mind. Might be fun actually."

North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore


Starting Action: Talking to Tera

North was actually quite surprised, this was a mildly bad situation, he expected much worse.
Well, this sort of reaction should have been known at the least, he said scolding himself for not thinking about this outcome. There wasn't much to say in his respect, he laid back against the chair. "Well, how would I know.." commenting on how she was offended when he spoke about throwing away books. "Someone could be a collector, and another could throw away every book when they are finished." He said feeling her eyes looking through him, that wasn't that weird to feel given who he was in the first place. He placed his chin back on the counter top, he waved his hand. "Thank you for your business, please come again." He recited the common phrase for most of the stores in the area. Might made a bad move there, oh well, bloodshed most likely won't be part of it. Some of his realistic thinking adding in, pushing it into the realm slightly negative thoughts,
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The noise behind quiets. It takes Alicia a moment while for Natalia's words to sink into the young girl's mind. For the longest of time she was hoping for the wrong thing; her brothers, Alicia, and Natalia are not bonded together. However, a bit of shine have returns to her eyes.

The girl breaks away from the eye contact and chew down her forming smile. Fun, Alicia repeats in her head. Natalia can still be her sister.

"Y-yeah!" Alicia says, finally finding her voice. "Yes!" She repeats, louder and much clearer.

@Robyn Banks

Emmanuel's character sheet completed. Ready to be approved.
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"Alright you kids need to go back home like I said its late. I'll walk you guys home since your summoning won't be able to get into my cars or limos " She said as she put her hands in her pocket then started to walk to the exit.

Electo skipped into the shop owned by Bismarck, while she had a day off, she liked the little place and visited whenever she could.

Her blonde head pocking through the door she said.

"Hullo everyone!"

@/anyone at the store
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"Thank you big sister!" Alicia quickly follows after Naralia and the Beast follows behind them. For some strange reason, the brother is quiet. Alicia is sure that Emmanuel is able to get out freely now, but because all her attention is on her sister, the girl has no idea what her second brother is thinking.

"Oh, have you had dinner?" The thought hits Alicia like a ton of brick. "You have been busy all day today!"

@Robyn Banks
"I am Alicia Leolam!" Alicia says and hops to walk beside Natalia. Alicia looks up at the older girl and then straight at the street in front of them. The girl cannot help but try to mimic the leader of the Mafia; the way Natalia walks looks confident and cool. Alicia tries to hold her head straight, but she cannot help but take a peek at Natalia from time to time.

"How was your trip?"Alicia asks, ready to soak up all the details. "Are you staying at the Headquarter from now on?"

@Robyn Banks
"My trip was fine and quite entertaining especially the ride with the CIA. I won't stay at headquarters but at my manor , I just haven't gone there yet since I've been so busy." She said as she was looking at the girl.She noticed that Alicia was mimicking her but went along with it. She notice that the boy wasn't talking wasn't talking so she tried to bring him into the conversation."Are you alright?" She asked the boy on the beast.
As they came up to the rather odd looking building, Tristan adjusted his collar and took a big gulp before walking in. Staring right into the eyes of those who opened the doors he couldn't help but grin at the whole scene. Waiting around next to Madden as she started blurting out the calls and watch as the building fell into what you could call 'Controlled chaos'. Both the suit and phone had arrived at the same time and looking to Madden he excused himself "Well, I have to go get changed..And I got a very important call to make." a wide grin on his face he chuckled before dozing off, although he wasn't sure which room would be fit for changing he decided to take any old room and use it.

After changing he came out in a spinning fashion and spread his arms out "HELLOOOOOO HELL CITY!!!!" he laughed manically for a while before getting control over himself, adjusting his collar and returning his hands to his side he walked towards the entrance to the building and took out his phone "Sorry but I have a call to make, Our little meeting will have to wait" a gracious smile painted on his face as he left the building. Walking out onto the streets, taking out both black gloves he put them on while calling 'home' he left the phone on speaker next to him while he placed on both of his black gloves "You better answer, or I might just have to blow something up.."

Moses suddenly hears a ringing, and finally takes stands up and takes his attention away from the wall. "Hello" he says into the phone with ..believe it or not.. a slight bit of joy in his voice.
It seemed they answered and just on time too, Joker had placed on his gloves and once noticing that his call was answered followed along by a voice speaking and saying 'Hello' it could have been none other than 'Moses, Oh how I missed that weird prick!!' he cackled to himself as he picked up the phone and responded "Why hello theere~ Miss me?" his voice had a dark & chaotic tone to it as he spoke and continued "Now now, I bet you have a lot of questions but shut up! So I can talk..Tell the 'fam' I said "HELLO LOSERS!!" and oh oh, load the truck with 'everything' you know the usual." a psychotic laugh coming from him "Well you got that? Good...NOW GO FUCKING DO IT!!!" he walked out in front of a car, the car hitting it's brakes and stopping at the right moment, Tristan turned his head and gave a slight bowing gesture to the man before showing off his signature smile and walked across the road, still on the phone "I'm near some 'chinese' building...Make sure you pick me up." he hung up and slipped the phone back inside his vest. As for the 'family' they would have to wait before getting whatever answers they wanted from him.

Eventually Six made it to his destination it was the clowns base. He breathed a exhausted breath and knocked on the door. He just hoped it wasn't to chaotic today." Anyone home!" Dust called as Six knocked again. @morpheusing (and anyone who's actually at the clown base)
It is odd that Emmanuel is being quiet like this. He is the type that say what ever is in his mind. Loud and full of energy. Something must be in his mind.

There is some rustling behind her. Alicia looks behind her finally to look at her brother. The boy is standing up on top of the Beast. He leaps off and lands behind the two girls with ease.

"I'm good, boss." The second brother says, hesitating at the last word. As he walks behind them, he brushes himself. "I'm Emmanuel Leolam. It is good to meet you, boss."

@Robyn Banks
As Moses packs up the trucks with the other members, he is getting ready to go pick up Joker himself when he hears a knock. Suddenly, a strange aura filled the air as Moses walks to the door to open it. He sees a strange man and a parrot. "Leave." He says.
Dust the "crow" cocked his head sideways before speaking for Six."Hmm same as always." Six then walked past Moses ignoring his words. He looked around checking out the base. Dust flew around doing the same until he landed on some random persons head."So I suppose the joker called you already I'll be coming along I need to speak with him." Dust said as Six went around touching and looking at things like a kid at a toy store.
Moses sighs, and suddenly appears in front of Six. " It seems I can't ask you to walk out of here anymore" he says in quite the malicious tone, as both of six's kneecaps are brought out of existence, cutting his legs from beneath him, forcing him onto his knees. Moses then clutches the bird in his palm and squeezes till it weighs 100 times it's regular weight. He uses his phone to call Joker and inform him of the pest wandering around. He puts it on speaker @Tylor guillory
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