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Fandom Hell City

Six pulled up his pants his knees were badly scrapped he touched it and winced a bit. Dust couldn't manage to fly and his left wing seemed to be broken." Jokers lackies always so idiotic, we've been assisting the joker for a while now and what do they do the ungrateful lot the try to kill me!" Dust said as he gave up trying to fly and laid down. (K gtg now again)
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity's face flushed several different shades of red once Emmanuel mentioned the face that the Natalia in front of her was, in fact, her new Boss. "Um..I'm sorry. I-I didn't realize you were that Natalia. Um..For the sake of formality, I'm Trinity, your Enforcer. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss." Trinity told her, bowing her head in respect. "And now for some bad news, John is dead. You probably didn't know him, but he ran Rare Warez, a pawnshop under our influence. He uh, shot at me and stabbed me after refusing to pay the protection fee and I uh..kinda cut his head off."

Trinity sighed, Great first impression Trinity, good job...she thought to herself. "I'd actually love tea, that is if you don't mind Emmanuel?" She told him, smiling.
Alice rushed down the way to the little (or large, she didn't care nor remember....) warehouse, her usual outfit when with clowns on. Red goggles, hood and a gas mask like mask. She as nearly there, kicking the blocked entry way open she hurriedly said:

"What's I miss? Did Boss arrive yet?"

@/anyone at the warehouse
"Ah, n-no. I don't mind." Emmanuel barely holds on to that no, taken aback that both Natalia and Trinity want to have tea. Isn't there an evil clown to catch? Red flowers to pluck? None the less, the boy opens the door wide, inviting the boss and underboss into his home. He calls out to his sister that they are having guests.

The Leolam home is a two story house. The outside is layered with white wooden pannels and grey patterned rocks with darker grey roof topping and maroon red door (suggested by Alicia) and other maroon accents decorates the house. Inside, the floor is wooden and mismatching in colour and the walls are pale cream. The house is like any other family home. Of course there are secrets to their little house, but for the most part it is normal. It is kind of embarrassing that the house is a bit... messy. Their homework is scattered here and thre and one or five snack bags are on top of the coffee table in the living room. Emmanuel quickly crosses the hallway to the kitchen. At least there, the table is clean.

At the same time Emmanuel enters the kitchen, Alicia enters too from another entrance.

"Big Sister and Trinity why are you here?" Alicia asks the two women. Clearly she is very confused, but she brightens with her next words. "Are you two staying over tonight?"

"No, they're just here for tea," Emmanuel shuts Alicia down. The girl pouts. She wants to hear from the ladies, not her brother. Emmanuel ignores her and goes ready the water for tea.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98

((Wait who's our other mafia ppl?))
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femjapanriceball said:
"Ah, Electo," Bismarck waved at Electo, a member of Llyria Harp. "How are you today?" he asked politely, putting down his book.
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Nat followed Emmanuel to the kitchen then sat at the table. Shevthought about John's death for a while and how it could affect the mafia but in her eyes it honestly didn't matter."Well if he's dead it pretty simple. Just find someone else to take his place, it won't affect anything since the mafia basically owns everything it might lower our investments but I doubt it will have a major affect. I honestly would've done the same if someone shot and stabbed me since it didn't seem like he would give the protection fee either way." She responded in a calm and careless manner.


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@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity smiled at Emmanuel before nodding and saying "Thank you." and following to two in, letting Natalia go in first out of respect. It'd been a while since she'd been inside their house, it always looked nice. Much better than her own place. Sure, she could sleep at HQ when she wanted, but she liked having her own place to stay too.

Trinity smiled at Alicias question, sitting down beside Natalie and taking her cap off revealing the rest of her short blonde hair, putting it on the table. "I'd love to, but, I have other things to do after this. Maybe next time, okay?" She told her. She then turned to address Natalie. "Of course ma'am, I'll look for someone else as soon as we leave here. And thank you for being so understanding. I was worried you'd be mad at me." She told her nervously.

At-least she's nice...I half expected her to be a jerk...what a relief. Trinity thought to herself.
"Aw," Alicia says and pouts to look upset. Before Alicia can say anything more, Emmanuel interrupts her to get some snacks. The sister goes to the kitchen storage, to pull out some sweet snacks.

Emmanuel in the mean time listens to the boss and underboss' talk. This is a rare opportunity! Never has he imagen that his kitchen would be a place where important talks be hold! Talks like these are taken place in the HQ, behind heavy doors... No where Emmanuel can be. Speaking of...

"Madhu is out of town because of a business meeting. He said he will be back in three days, but with the prison bombing..." Emmanuel trails off not wanting to finish the sentence. He is not too excited to see his brother home early.

"What kind of tea, would you guys like?" He tries to change topic. He looks over to Trinity but frowns there is something with the underboss. A quick scan, he notice the bandaged leg. He probably did not saw that when they were outside in the dark. "Holy geeze, Trinity! Are you bleeding?"

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
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@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity nodded at Natalias' reply, sighing. She didn't know why she was so tense, but something about Natalia seemed to demand her behaviour, even if she seemed as laid back as Trinitt usually was. Trinity smiled at Alicia to try to cheer her up before she ran off. "Ginseng, please, if you have it. If not, anything is fine really." She told him.

Then he brought up the fact of her leg bleeding and now that he mentioned it, she did feel a bit light headed. "I, uh. Shouldn't still be no.." She replied nervously, staring down at the bandage that was now soaked entirely with blood and dripping. Leaning down she un-tied the makeshift bandage slowly, sure enough she was still bleeding, and pretty badly. While the skin had mostly repaired itself, the wound was still open and the artery was partly healed, but she was still bleeding pretty badly nonetheless.

Trinity laughed sheepishly, "I..expected it to be healed by now. I guess he got me deeper than I thought." She told him, steadily feeling more light headed, her vision growing slightly blurry she braces herself on the table. "I don't suppose you have a medkit lying around?" She asked, frowning, a small pool of blood building up on the floor. She should have just cauterized the wound herself earlier, but then again she didn't expect it to take this long to heal.
Natalia got up then went to Trinity unraveling the bandages then put her hand on the wound using her abilities to heal. After she was finished, she got back up then went to the sink to rinse off the blood from her hand. "I would like green tea with honey and lemon. If you don't mind." She said still washing her hands.
Emmanuel has run off to the kitchen storage to find the first aid kit in even before Trinity asked for it. He completely forgot about his sister is in there and run into the sister's beast who was helping look for snacks. After a quick explanation, the two Leolam siblings panic, yell at each other, search for the red bag, and finally explode out from the storage with the red first aid kit in the beast's large hand.

Emmanuel looks at the scene dumbfoundedly. He and his sister looks over at Trinity's leg. Indeed, the wound is healed?
Natalia heard the kids freaking out which made her give out a bit of a small while was cleaning up the blood from the floor since she didn't want to children to go near it. she cleaned off her hands once again then sat at the table waiting for the water to be boiled.
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Tera continued on to skim through the author's books that the library clerk had suggested. Should I have made such a scene like that? Eh no matter, he completely deserved it!! She went on to feel satisfied with herself, smiling in amusement. Suddenly a book caught her eye. It was made of a faux leather covering. Reaching up she fell short of an inch. Damn it...she peered over at the clerk. No way I can ask him to retrieve it for me. Not when his outlook was that I had a graveyard of books! She stretched further, holding her breath as she did so. Just a little...more! She decided to leap up, her hand grasping the book. "Yes!!" She whispered excidedly. Yet, almost too soon, as she landed awkwardly, losing her footing and falling back into the shelf behind her. Just like that, tons of books were rocked by the sudden impact and came falling down upon her. She lay in the small heap of books, her face red from the amount of attention she had attracted and slowly she took the book she had original attempted to get and without saying anything held it up to her face to hide behind its pages. Maybe...perhaps...if I just remain like this...nobody will notice.

(It's not letting me take away this line right now so ignore it please /.\ )

@T h e F o o l
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity flinched instinctively from the pain when Natalie touched her leg, fairly un-sure of what she was going to do. In a few minutes, Trinities leg was completely healed. Although the blood loss was still there, she'd recover in due time. "Th-thank you ma'am er..rather..Boss." Trinity told her shakily, still fairly weak from the effects of the blood loss, smiling.

Soon, Emmanuel and Alicia was back with the medkit. Trinity half grinned sheepishly when she noticed them staring at her leg, "Well..it seems the Boss can heal wounds, sorry to worry you. I honestly had no idea she could." She told them. Trinity made her best effort to straighten herself up so as to not worry the kids, "I'll be fine now, see? I'm fine." She told them, smiling.

Although her face was pale and her vision was hazy and she wobbled a bit from the blood-loss, she hoped it was convincing enough so the kids wouldn't worry. Then she noticed Natalia cleaning up the blood where she had bled, "I-I was going to clean it myself. You don't have to-" Trinity began, sighing, noticing that by the time she had bothered to speak Natalie was already done.

At that point Trinity simply sat there, trying her best to stay stable in front of the kids.
Natalia could tell that Trinity's health wasn't the best at this point in time. But since she was trying to convince the children, she didn't say a word. She heard the kettle whistling then turned to the children."The water is boiled." She said calmly to the children.
Gunfire caught my attention quickly, but seeing as though I was not particularly fond of the affect my teleporting was currently having on me, I had to walk there. As I got closer, I realized the source of the commotion was the old pawn shop, the place where I had bought the necklace I had on at that very moment, always concealed under the hoodie, which resembled one which my dad used to wear. It depicted a burning cross, to symbolize the death of humanities hope in god. I had always found it a fitting thing to wear in Hell City.


So even before I got to the site, I knew who was dead. John, the owner of the place. Not a bad guy, but I saw it coming. Every time I saw him he would have his little rant about not wanting to pay the Mafia, and how they were stealing so much of his income. I had always told him that if he actually did stop paying, he would have a bullet in his head within a few days. I had been close enough, as I got to the site and saw John's disembodied head laying a few feet from his body. I sighed, knowing that this was a shitty way to be left, and having a few ounces of kindness left in me for the day. I grabbed a large tarp and a lighter from his store, placed his head back where it should've been, covered him in the tarp and set it a light, making sure that nothing nearby would catch alight. "Rest In Peace, John" I said, with a slight chuckle "At least you don't have to pay them shit anymore." I walked away from the burning corpse with my hands in my pocket, needing a drink now more than ever after the unusually eventful day.
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Natalia realized she's been there for a while. So she got up then walked out of the house." Good night Children and watch over Trinity, she lost a lot of blood and needs rest. I'll come back for tea at a later time." She started walking out closing the door behind her. She was now headed to the manor and couldn't wait to finally sleep. She walked past a couple of buildings but didn't stop in any of them. She let out a yawn then check the time. It was almost midnight.

Emmanuel is unsure that what Trinity has said is true and he side glances to his sister. Alicia returns the look, but her eyes tells a different story.

"So cool!" Alicia squeals happily. She hovers around the table with the two ladies, clearly forgetting the snacks back at the storage. The ever present beast has layed itself to the ground like a pet dog. "Emu, you made me worried for nothing."

Emmanuel is stil a bit baffled to what has happened. He mindlessly went to the kettled and prepared the cups of tea for his guests. He has to admit that was pretty cool.

Emmanuel sets the Ginger tea in front Trinity and the green tea in front of Natalia. Because the boy does not know how much honey and lemon Natalia likes in her tea, Emmanuel just sets a platter eith small cups of honey and sugar. Beside the small cups, there is cream, just incase. "We don't have lemon. Sorry about that boss."

"Wait, where's the snacks?" This he says to his sister. She looks back to him in a sheepish manner. He glares back. He should have known. Not wanting to look like a brat in front of the boss (unlike someone), Emmanuel goes back to the storage to look for the prepackaged snacks. Trinity probably wants something more than sweets too... What does people with low blood need again?

When Emmanuel returns to the table with a plate of food, the boss is gone.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98

((Welp too slow. Edit: add on))
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I as I was walking away from the burning corpse, I noticed Natalia walking. I considered asking her if the Mafia was responsible for John's death, but I knew the answer to that question, so i decided it would be pretty pointless. She looked worn out and tired, so I decided I wouldn't make sure I didn't get on her nerves, but I 'Hello' couldn't hurt, could it? "I swear you seem to be looking for me today." I said with a grin as I fell into stride next to her "You look like you had a pretty crap day. You heading home or for a drink?"

@Robyn Banks
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"Yes I did have a crappy day and I'm headed home." She said trying to hide the fact that she was tired. Why did everything have to happen to her today? She thought to herself, everything was so hectic today that she even missed her homecoming. Though she was tired she still walked as she usually did. Confident with her head up , looking straight ahead with her hands in her coat pocket. "Why did you ask? Are you planning to buy me a drink?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well I was thinking about it, but that depended on you answer..." I said, my over-confidence not wavering for a second "But I guess if you're going home, that's too bad." I sighed loudly, a look of mock grief plastered on my face, trying to feign dismay as well as possible, but losing the act with a slight chuckle that I couldn't quite contain.

@Robyn Banks
"Well I wouldn't mind a drink or two. I did have a long day today. Plus you still owe me for saving your life." She said almost in self-admiration. She started to smile which she did rarely But for some reason she was nicer than she usually is probably since she's tired.

It seemed like he waited forever, people had walked passed him as if they didn't even know who he was 'It's expected I guess..' he thought to himself he often wondered what it would be like trying to live a normal life in Hell City because so many people did. So as he waited...And waited....Annnd waited..Until finally the truck had arrived, no one in the truck seemed familiar. Tristan headed towards the truck grabbing on the cieling swinging himself inside the truck in a 'show off' way "Hello boys! It took you long enough to get here...I hope you got the explosives packed in the back.." he said with a deadly smirk lined across his face and made his way to the back to see a bunch of explosives packed in the back of the truck.

Taking a few pieces of dynamite he shrugged and tilted his head side to side as if to say 'Eh not bad' before looking back to the guys driving, each one of them had clown masks on so it wasn't certain what they could have been feeling at the time. In fact he wasn't sure why they had been silent the whole time either. It wasn't until one of the Clowns had mentioned "Who the fuck are you?" and the realization came to Tristan they were all holding guns at him. Tristan had spent a lot of time in prison, and eventually there had to come a time where he was forced to reveal his real appearance without the makeup and hair dye.

Tristan had thought them joking at first, having a good old gag about it..After a few moments of silence and the tension within the air, Tristan looked back to them and frowned slightly "Are you being serious..?" dusting off his shirt and adjusting his collar his slight frown turned into a rather agitated expression "That's a very bad joke..Y'know." Tristan still hadn't realized what was so confusing, thankfully one of the smarter ones of the bunch noticed his 'persona' and realized who it was, lowering his gun he whispered to the others each of them were shocked and THAT was easy to tell even without the mask, all saying their apologies Tristan just shrugged it off; They were lucky he was in a good mood today, forgetting the matter all together he went back to the explosives "Go." he told them plainly, opening the back as they floored on the gas Tristan had set off and let out all of the explosives which were packed in the back. Causing 'fireworks' the explosion was devastating, leaving the park and fountain Tristan was hanging around into what seemed to imitate hell itself, the buildings foundation before ruined and crumbling down; Trees being burnt to crisp and blood practically raining from the sky. However the screams that came afterwards was only heard in the background of "The Jokers" maniacal laughter and headed back to what Tristan called 'home' and what Hell City called "Joker's funland" upon the sight of the structure Tristan had smiled warmly and softly spoke the name of the building to himself as they arrived.

@Tylor guillory

"That I do." I said, grinning at her as I gestured for her to follow me into the bar that was only a few hundred meters away "And I prefer to repay debts as soon as I possibly can." We walked into what I thought was a very under-crowded establishment for this time of night, but it was good enough because it had decent music and a lot to drink. "What's your poison" I asked Natalia, as I took a seat at the bar and gestured to the bartender, who seemed to remember as he came over and asked for our orders.

@Robyn Banks

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