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Fandom Hell City

North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth

Starting Action: Talking to Electo

North pulled his head up when he heard a shelf fall down,
A bomb? Maybe, oh...it was a shelf...disappointing. He thought as he looked around. "Oh, Electo when did you get here," He said blinking twice, finally noticing the childish adult, for a person who was mostly invisible he was doing a horrible time seeing others. "Ah, well nevermind..I'll go clean up the bomb, I mean shelf." He corrected himself, getting confused with his earlier statement. He started to pick up a couple of books, when he noticed the female who scolded him earlier, "I honestly couldn't think of a worst way to get a book, actually I could.." He commented as picked up some of the books into a stack to put up later. His thoughts going on the tangent, ending up at the worst outcome of the book triggering a bomb, blowing up the entirety of Hell City. "Oh, so you actually went on my suggestion then.." He said as he found that the majority was from Saedor.
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As the truck parked up and The clown's started hopping out and walking into the building (A little description in locations part). Tristan stepped out of the truck, looking up to the sign 'Joker's Funland' it was more...tilted than normal but it wasn't something he'd waste his time on. Walking inside the building he looked over to Moses sitting over in the corner, and not far from him a bird which was having trouble to fly and Six who at the time was likely injured.

Trotting a long as he entered the room, giving himself a show he stepped on a random crate spreading his arms out "I'MMMM HOMMMEEE!!!" he shouted out in the building, an echo was heard from his voice. With that echo another was returned of numerous clowns. Some had reached the brink of madness and were unable to talk to Joker but some had still been happy of his return. He mainly focused his attention towards Moses who he expected to explain what happened.


@Lilah Tunth

Isabella giggled happily as she skipped down a street near jokers fun palace (or whatever its called i already forgot) a prisoner from cold gate ran about forty feet in front of her his face plastered with fear, terror, and the blood of his friends. "come play with meeeee." Isabella sang out as she skipped before appearing in front of the man a crazed and sinister look on her innocent face which made her that much more terrifying as the prisoner fell and stared at her face pure and utter fear on his face. "what? am i not adorable?" she asked before giggling then appearing floating centimeters from his face. "you shouldn't have ran.... now you deal with me." she whispered before he screamed as Isabella slowly started to dig one of her kunai into his leg just between the bones and into the ground to pin him there before she took the other and started to slowly dig it just under his elbow bone before she cut around it then pushed on the bone hard tearing all the muscles connected to it and ripping it off his arm making him scream in pain as she pulled out a phone and taped a number that called the other mafia members. "ive got another one papa.' she said to all of them randomly before shutting the phone off and smiling at the prisoner

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"Good night Alicia!" Trinity called out as Alicia ran off. Taking another sip from her tea she smiled, Despite Hell City being known to house the most insane and cruel individuals in the country, not everyone is bad at-least. She thought to herself.

Trinity raised an eyebrow at Emmanuels question, un-sure what he precisely meant. After a moment of thought, she realized he tried to do what she tried to do: make a good impression on the new Boss. Smiling she told him, "You did great, much better than I did. I'm sure she was just busy and had to rush off someplace, it's very stressful being in her posistion after all."

Taking one of the pepperoni slices off the plate she took a bite, leaning back in her chair, "'Sides, if she's dissapointed in anyone it'd probably be me nearly bleeding out due to my own carelessness. Couldn't even take care of one guy by myself.." she spoke absent mindedly, mostly to herself.
Nat looked at some kid torturing a guy who looked liked an escaped prisoner. Her smile was malevolent but Nat still decided to go up to her with some mafia members behind her."Hey kid what are you doing? Your not allowed on this premises at this time." She said as the men behind her stop guard.

@Daniel reaving
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Robyn Banks]Nat looked at some kid torturing a guy who looked liked an escaped prisoner. Her smile was malevolent but Nat still decided to go up to her with some mafia members behind her.[COLOR=#0000ff]"Hey kid what are you doing? Your not allowed on this premises at this time."[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] She said as the men behind her stop guard.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
Isabella stopped before she slowly turned to the man and stared him down before smiling more. "you might be a higher ranking mafia but im still a mafia so ill do what i want. and i was told to hunt down escaped prisoners so that's what ill do." she said defiantly not thinking if he was mafia or not as she spoke to the man as the prisoner started to beg the man and his guards to save him before her free kunai was grabbed by a tendril of shadow and stabbed into his other leg making the prisoner scream in pain again as she waited to see what the man who confronted her would do
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"What?" Emmanuel raises his head and looks at Trinity eyes open wide in surprise. "No, man! I think you were pretty cool! I bet you used your big ass sword and," Emmanuel swipes a hand across his neck, "Off goes his head!"

He grins from ear to ear and looks looks at Trinity with glee. She is always so cool with that sword of hers and her arm. Damn, so much cooler than his boring old brother.

In his pocket, his cellphone buzzes, indicating that he has a new message. He pulls it out to see who is calling him, but he just let it ring off. He looks at the phone in distaste. It was Isabella.

"It's that crazy girl," Emmanuel growls. "I can't believe you guys let her in and not me."


Mentioning: @Daniel reaving

((We can all blame Madhu if you guys want to hahaha. I should just post his cs...))
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( I'm a girl.)

"Who the hell is that girl?" She asked to the men then looked back at the girl. "Listen you little brat I'm the head of this mafia so you are going to do exactly as a say and don't think I won't shoot you. I'm not afraid of killing a child especially a kid like you." She said as the men behind her aimed their guns at the girl." Step away from the prisoner this instant."

@Daniel reaving

The Cat

Current Location : Funland with 6

Emma walked around Funland and took in all the carnival-like detail. "This place looks like shit." she said under her breath. She had her gun in her hand, in case Tristan jumped out and tried to do anything funny. She walked back over to 6, who oddly enough, was still standing at the entrance. "I'll be right back." She whispered in his ear, not at all surprised when he did not respond. "Tristan! Tristan, are you here?" Emma said trying to act like a dumb little girl.

Robyn Banks]( I'm a girl.) [COLOR=#0000ff]"Who the hell is that girl?"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] She asked to the men then looked back at the girl.[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] "Listen you little brat I'm the head of this mafia so you are going to do exactly as a say and don't think I won't shoot you. I'm not afraid of killing a child especially a kid like you."[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] She said as the men behind her aimed their guns at the girl.[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]" Step away from the prisoner this instant."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

"go ahead shoot me... ive survived much worse and if your the head of mafia then why are you being so mean to one of your own members hmm?" Isabella asked her defiantly as she made the shadows dig the kunai deeper into the prisoner making him scream in more pain as she looked her superposed leader over and frowned at how mean she was being. she was just doing what she was told so why was she being yelled at and punished for it.

Trinity giggled at Emmanuel when he got excited and stared up at her, "Well, I did cut his head off so you wouldn't be too far off." She told him, taking another pepperoni slice from the plate. "I just wished he'd of just paid..I dislike killing unless I have to. Kinda odd given my job huh?" She asked.

She stared at him questioningly when he mentioned that girl. Of course. Only one name came to mind, Isabella. A creepy, sadistic little kid that Trinity didn't particularly care for. If she had her way the kid wouldn't have been allowed within 5 miles of the Mafia, let alone Hell City.

"Honestly, if it had've been up to me, I would've took you over her any day. She's creepy as hell." Trinity told him, trying to cheer him up.
Six picked up Dust gently and put him in the pocket of a jacket he had taken from one of the clowns, by force of course. He then went walking around the "funland" as so many called it. He appreciated the jokers chaotic ambitions but he was just to flashy for Sixs liking. He walked along his foot steps seeming to echo through the area even if there was lots of noise. That was one thing about six as silent as he was his actions spoke plenty for him."Oh Tristan where are you we must speak." Dust said in a labored voice as if he where having trouble breathing. Six walked with a slight limp now having been injured by Moses. @Sinister Clown
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" Take it the girl away from the prisoner." She commanded as rolled her eyes at the girl.two men grabbed the girl then dragged her away."I don't tolerate disrespect especially from a stuck up child." The prisoner was starting to thank Natalia but she took at a knife then throw it at his forehead, killing him on the spot."State your name and who ordered you to this task." She ordered the girl.

@Daniel reaving
" Why let this kid go on missions like this? If I have to tolerate you. I might as well let Emmanuel go on missions as well. He's more... Well rounded...Let her go." The men released her then Natalia walked away from Isabella. She had more important things than looking after a child and really wanted to go to sleep.

@Daniel reaving

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Robyn Banks] [COLOR=#0000ff]" Why let this kid go on missions like this? If I have to tolerate you. I might as well let Emmanuel go on missions as well. He's more... Well rounded...Let her go."[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] The men released her then Natalia walked away from Isabella. She had more important things than looking after a child and really wanted to go to sleep.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

Isabella fell to her knees when she was released and glared at her leader. "bully." she mumbled as she sat up not knowing if Natalia could still hear her. "i should have joined the clowns.... they would at least be nice to me." she kept mumbling as she looked over at the prisoner she had been torturing soon planing to go find another with or without Natalia's permission
"Heh, I can always count on you," Emmanuel grins at Trinity. It feels like he is the only Leolam that feels this way about the Isabella girl. Emmanuel is pretty sure Alicia plays with the other shadowy girl from time to time and Madhu, even though the man has the power to kick that girl out, have kept the girl within the Mafia for whatever reason. Does Isabella even listen to the underboss? Not that Emmanuel cares. He would laugh is head off if he can see his brother can't even controll a little girl like her.

@Mitchs98 @Daniel reaving
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"You know its never too late to join them. Maybe they might smack some sense into you and again I suggest you watch yourself. I'm not a very merciful person." She said still walking away from the girl.

Moses walked along with them featuring his regular emotionless expression. "He tried to break in. Too much force?" He said to Joker.
Robyn Banks] [COLOR=#0000ff]"You know its never too late to join them. Maybe they might smack some sense into you and again I suggest you watch yourself. I'm not a very merciful person."[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] She said still walking away from the girl.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13446-morpheusing/ said:
"your probably the meanest person ever." Isabella said as she got up and ran over to the body grabbing her kunais and then running after Natalia soon getting up next to her and walking closely next to her figuring if she didn't go back with her she would get in trouble and be put in a cage and kept from every one else.
"Oh please if I wanted to break in I would of blown a hole in this place." Dust said agitatedly from Six's new coat. He was still limping but slowly began to walk normal as his Aura changed ever so slightly.
"Thank you. How old are you anyways?" Nat asked her while heading to the limo. She didn't know who the girl was. And she didn't make a very good first impression. But she was still curious to know about her.

Robyn Banks] [COLOR=#0000ff]"Thank you. How old are you anyways?"[/COLOR] Nat asked her while heading to the limo. She didn't know who the girl was. And she didn't make a very good first impression. But she was still curious to know about her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13446-morpheusing/ said:
"im nine..... no eight... no nine...." she said confusing her self as she looked at her fingers and tried to count out how old she was as she walked with Natalia before accidentally bumping into her and then looking at her wondering if she knew
Natalia looks at her but quickly looks away. As she continued walking "How can you not remember your age?" She asked kind of concerned for Isabelle not knowing her own age.

@Daniel reaving
Bismarck chuckled lightly at North's antics and took a broom. "Here, I'll help you. I wonder what's going on out there..." he added. "It's really loud." He picked up his books, looking interestedly at each one of them. They really were treasures. Bismarck opened up his forty-ninth book, The Harp, the Dove, the Clown, the Flower, and the Family, and read it, as though he had never read it before.

In a city somewhere in the distance, there are several gangs thriving. It is their only option; survival of the fittest. Each of them is out for something different, whether it be world domination or the stocking of a small store. Each of them has something to bring to the table. Each of them knows exactly what they are doing.

I do not recommend this book and its contents to those who loathe the very idea of gang violence, for it is a large part of this city.It is the main business that will run for generations to come, until the city self-destructs.However, for those of you who are curious, those of you who crave adventure,I tell you one thing; as of now, you are bound to an eternal promise that everyone in this city is bound to:

You are not allowed to relay any of the following information to anyone who will use it to arrest the members. If you agree to this simple rule, you may continue reading.

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