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Fandom Hell City

Tera didn't particularly notice the clerk's presence until he began picking up the books scattered on the floor. She avoided the guy's eyes. "Y-Yeah...sorry about this..." She caught his earlier mention about bombs. This guy really hopes for the worst doesn't he? She helped pick up the remaining books. Why would he think of bombs though? I wonder if he's...She studied him, narrowing her eyes a bit.

"Are you one of them?" She asked, her voice a little cold. "I can't imagine a member of the Clowns working in a place like this. But I could be wrong?" Her eyes were glowing red, she was ready for battle if it came to it. @T h e F o o l

"Of course you can, I'll do my best to help any member of the family. Well, almost any member. I can honestly say I don't care what happens to Isabella, she'll probably have whatever happens coming to her." She told him, sighing and drinking the rest of her tea.

She felt a bit better, but she honestly still felt like passing out. "On a lighter subject, what've you guys been up to?" She asked him.
Brendan was sitting at an empty table in an abandoned apartment building. His sister, Megan was by her side looking out a window..laying by the side of her was a corpse.

"Who's next?" Brendan asked Megan.

"No one," Megan grinned "until you put on a shirt." She turned around to see her Brother glaring at her "Fine then.. The clowns."

Brendan looked at his guns laying on the table and grabbed them "Those idiots... I'll deal with them."

Megan cleared her throat "WE will deal with them."

"Fine." Brendan growled "Meet me outside of Joker's Funland in one hour."
"Meh," Emmanuel answers. "Things are too quiet lately. School is boring..." He pauses to think back at his school life. There is a special elective class in school that is pretty fun. It is exclusive for Gifted Humans like him and Alicia. There, the students with special Auras are able to fight one another, supervised by nation wide, government approved teachers (of course, those teachers are also screened by the Mafia). "Though, I've been betting the living crap out of the guy I told you about the last time couple of days ago. You know the guy with-" He starts to describe how he have won against his classmates that often challenges him. There was other classmates Emmanuel talks about to Trinity.

"-everyone thought she would lose!" Finishes his long talk. He drowns the untouched, cooled green tea and grabs a cookie from the plate. He munches it quickly and stands up to his feet. He feels pumped after talking about the fights at school. "We should patrol around the city! Who knows when the Clowns will strike again!"

He has completely forgot that Trinity have lost a loooot of blood earlier in his excitement.


((I'm so lazy orz))
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"Mr. Clown is home!" Alice said from under her goggles, "I don't believe it!" She gasped, but it was her. It was weird, but Alice was natural born actor, she fitted in with the clowns like no one else. It made her forget everything about the past, about Q, about the boy that died instead of her. It was why she joined them, in reality, she loved the Clowns, despite often acting bored or monotone, 'Mr. Clown' or 'Boss' was someone important when compared to everyone.

"Mr. Clown! Anything I can do for you?" She asked, 'Stop acting like a dimwit!' Q hushed into her brain with the bond of Demon and Sommoner. She replied. 'Shut up Q!'

@Sinister Clown

I had been trying to ignore the chaos I could hear around somewhere in the city, but explosions that loud could only be caused by one person. The Joker. So, I begrudgingly stood up from my comfy spot, and looked around. It didn't take me long to spot smoke coming from what I remembered them once referring to as 'Joker's Funland.' "Do I really want to get involved" I muttered to myself, look over the edge of the roof to make sure there I was nothing beneath me but the ground "Like I know I'm going to, but do I really need to?" I sighed as I threw myself off the building and right when someone would scream before seeing me hit the ground, if there had been anyone around, I disappeared, heading in the directions of the so-called 'Funland.'

Trinity sat back and let herself recuperate from her injury while Emmanuel told his story of how his life had been lately, she'd laugh and comment during the phases where he'd caught his breath, congratulating him on his feats of strength. Even though he's just a kid, he's still as strong as someone twice his age. She thought to herself, smiling.

By the time he'd finished she'd ate most of the pepperoni slices, severe blood loss sure made a person hungry. Although she still felt a woozy, a little light headed and her vision was still blurry she didn't feel like she'd pass out on the floor if she attempted to stand anymore. When Emmanuel said the two should patrol the city she sighed, smiling lightly, she hated to be rude to him especially after he was so nice to her.

"We can look around a little bit if you want, but not for long, okay? You still need to get some sleep after all." She told him, laughing softly. If Madhu or Alicia knew they probably wouldn't be too happy right now, but what they didn't know wouldn't nessacarily hurt anyone right?

Taking her cap and placing it on her head she stood, a bit wobbly at first, but stood nonetheless. "Have a particular spot in mind?" She asked him.
" Yes, what place did you have in mind?" Natalia said leaning on the Leolam's door. She came back after dropping Isabella off and commanding some guys to make sure she didn't cause any trouble. Then decided to go back since she did request some tea after all. The door was unlocked so she easily opened the door and had easy access to get back in the house.

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98
"Fu-ooountain." Oh boy that is embarrassing. Emmanuel almost blurs out Funland where the Clowns like to hang. As much as he wants to bring down the enemy gang, he realizes that they would be fighting on their turf. He have been beaten over the head multiple of time to choose his fights smartly, and fighting in enemies turf is not smart.

"Boss!" Emmanuel whips his head when he hears the now familiar voice of the Mafia leader. "You came back?" He looks down at the cup that used to have the green tea. He drank it.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks
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@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity arched a brow at this mysterious location called 'Fu-ountain', grinning at him. She deduced he meant the big fountain in the city square after thinking for a few minutes what he could've possibly meant. She was going to say something more when she was startled by Natalias sudden arrival.

"Hey." She told her turning to greet her, still slightly nervous around the woman. "Thanks again for healing my leg earlier, I should've fixed it myself but I honestly didn't expect it to take that long to heal..". She continued before turning her attention back to Emmanuel. "By this 'Fu-ountain' place I assume you mean the big fountain in the town center?" She asked him.
"Y-yeah!" Oh good! Trinity haven't catch his mistake. His embarrassment have brought light blush to his cheeks. "I was thinking of riding my moter bike" scooter "but with three... um, we can borrow Madhu's car."

He looks at Natalia. "Would you like your tea?"

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
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"No I'm fine. Why go in his car when we can go in my car?" She said as she took out her keys then tossed it to Trinity. "I think you should give it a go." She happened to take her luxury sport car this time though she preferred to walk around places.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
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(Newspaper clipping)

Hell's Den

L in Hell city

Unbelievable news! The super sleuth 'L' is coming to the famous for it's crime rate city, Hell City.


Said to be interested in the amount of 'Gifted Humans' in the city, it is also said that the 'CCG' or the Commission of Counter Gifted is with him at the moment! We were unable to get more information on the subject other then that 'Hell City' is going to find it's destruction with 'L' on the move, he says. But will it be for the best? With Hell City taking up most of the worlds drug trade the rest of the world is better off! And why separate the scum all over the globe when all of them are already grouped in Hell?! for expert's opinion see pg. 6

The Anonym Writer is on the move for more information my dears! And she will find what needs to be found!

How will things turn out for 'L'?

Will the gangs on the streets still live?

Or will the questionable 'L' prevail?

For the gangs of 'Hell City' see pg. 29


For all of the cases solved by 'L' see pg. 13

For our and the cities opinion on the matter see pg. 24

For more information on the 'CCG' see pg. 15

Also check out our website, hellsden.com

~ The Anonym Writer

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@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity wasn't particularly sure what The Clowns would be doing at the fountain but eh, crime was pretty much everywhere so why not? "Alright." She told him, smiling. Barely catching the keys Natalie threw she nodded slowly, although she preferred walking driving would probably be the best idea in her current state. "If you're sure you can rely on my driving, alright." She told her.

Admittedly she wasn't sure how good she'd do driving in her current state, but as long as they didn't drive too fast she should do alright..she hoped.
"That's a better idea, boss!" Holy shot, he is having a ride in the Boss' car! The Fountain is a ridiculous place to be hanging around, but he is too excited to really care now. Alicia will be so jealous when she hears about this.

He runs past the two ladies out of the house, but after waiting by the boss' car, he realizes that he has to lock the house. Even though Alicia has her Beast, he still should lock the door. Emmanuel runs back to the house to lock the door and runs back to the car once he has done his deed.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
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As the Joker walked he noticed the two bickering with eachother, after hearing Tylor mention about making a hole in his home. Whether he meant it or not it didn't seem to tickle Tristan's fancy, showing off a slight frown before smiling against and replying to Tylor "Oh but you don't want to do that... Do you?" his voice going deeper at his last words he seemed to forget about the conversation when he was confronted by another one of his 'Kuro Clowns' "Alice.." he said in a much more softer tone than before. Apart from Moses who had been a friend of his for a long time, Alice was most definitely his favorite one out of the group.

After asking what he might of needed he just gave off a smile like he always did "No, I've got everything I need sweety~" he said with a short giggle as he walked passed her and gave off a slight wave
"OH! Get onto selling more drugs..I'm thinking about stepping up our market forty percent just isn't enough!" his tone was uplifted as he spoke and continued his walk down the hallway into room with a table and chairs. The 'meeting' room would be a safe assumption Tristan took a seat and looked over to Six, intertwining his hands together "So what's it you want from me huh?" he began rolling up his sleeves and taking his gloves off setting them on the table.

@Tylor guillory

@Lilah Tunth

@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity smiled and shook her head slowly, "No, I'm good. Besides, it's not everyday that I get to drive an expensive sports car either." She told her and followed the two out of the house. After slight hesitation she got into the drivers seat and started up the car, the engine revving to life and dying down to a low hum soon after. "Buckle in guys, we might be criminals but we kinda gotta be alive to work." She told them, buckling her own seatbelt.
Emmanuel hum happily bouncing in his seat. He grins toothily at Natalia. "Very."

Just as Emmanuel about to ask what Natalia did after she left his house, Trinity opens the driver's seat. Maybe next time.

"Do I have to?" He asks buts put on his belt without more fuss. "I am now one with the car. Happy?"

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks
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Moses, silently moved to the corner of the room, and pulled up a chair for himself. He just sat there. Staring at the peculiar bird, and it's even more peculiar owner. After a couple minutes, he broke into the conversation and asked Six...or rather Dust "Why can't you talk without the aid of your bird?" @Tylor guillory @Lilah Tunth
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Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria and Elizabeth walked down the dimly lit streets of Hell City after stealing a rather expensive painting from Rare Warez for a client whom had pawned it a week ago. Elizabeth clung tightly to Maria, as always she was nervous walking around the street at night..well she was nervous walking around practically any time of the day. She couldn't help but wonder how Maria could be so kind and friendly towards people and how she absolutely hated talking to people unless she had to.

Where are we going anyway?" She finally asked her sister after they'd been walking for at-least thirty minutes. "No where, really. Just walking, it's a nice night out all things considered. We're near the center of town so I thought about stopping at the fountain for a bit, it's always pretty at night." Maria replied. Elizabeth sighed and shook her head, "Whatever sis, I'm tired. We can go if you wanna but I wanna sleep soon, we can go and look around for a few minutes then head home alright?"

Maria hugged her sister before shouting "
Awesome! We won't stay long I promise!" Maria made an effort to quicken her pace at that point, smiling happily and humming. "Uh-huh.." Elizabeth sighed, the two had a very different definition of 'not long'. Nonetheless, she hated being apart from her sister for long so she would of course follow her anyway.

It wasn't long before the two got to the fountain, perhaps the most well-maintained and only truely beautiful thing to look at in the city. "
See? I told you it was pretty at night." Maria spoke, nudging her sister playfully in the side with her elbow before bending over the edge of the fountain and swishing her hand around in the water. "Mhm.." She said, yawning and sitting on the rim of the fountain watching her sister and trying not to fall asleep.
@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity giggled and told him, "Very. Your brother would kill us both if you got hurt. Me because I'd of been the one driving, you because you didn't fasten your seatbelt." She waited to drive off until Natalia had buckled in as well, while she normally probably wouldn't have bothered herself, her vision still wasn't the best and she still felt a bit light-headed.

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