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Fandom Hell City

A smile spread across Six's barely visible face and his eyes slowly got more and more intense." Oh pleas you know that you'd love to take down the mafia once and for all, and I'm plenty willing to help out if that's your concern. I can see how taking down the mafia might be scary even with your own gang. But don't you want to go and blow them all to pieces watch then scream for mercy as you kill them all and take hell city for yourself. Listen to there cries for mecy then cutting there heads off. It would be pure bliss for you I'd imagine." Six was now shaking now Dust was still speaking for him as always of course. But he had six had a hungry look In his eyes not for food no he was hungry for destruction. "Come on joker it could be just like old times. You and mean.... Give or take a few thousand clown gang members. I need you to let loose on hell city no on the mafia this has been a long time coming, so lets make it happen this isn't a order its a offer for a good time out on the town." Six sat back down now seeming to calm down waiting for Tristan's reply. (Hehe I tried to make as convincing a speech as possible hope it works) @Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth @morpheusing
Tristan seemed very unsure about it, although he wasn't agitated by the idea in fact..It was as if something was scratching away at him as he tapped on the table humming to himself curiously. It was as if no one really understood but he decided to make his intentions clear. "Do you know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just… do things." Tristan wasn't saying no but he was being honest, if he had managed to take down the Mafia he would suddenly have no purpose in the world anymore.

@Tylor guillory

@Lilah Tunth

"Hmm I see your dilemma but don't worry old friend because once you take down the mafia." Six's eyes turned fierce like those of a hawks. "I'll be sure to give you something new to chase. Besides it's not like there aren't other gangs out there and once the mafia is out of the picture they will all rise to power as well then there's the police force so see youd still have plenty of cars to chase." Dust said as Six made quoting signs with his fingers. @Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth
"You don't have to look for him. Like you said its obvious where he is. I'm planning to have a meeting with him. But I want to take back the drug trade locations, he took from us. I plan to have a meeting with the other enforcers tomorrow about it. But can you find the specific locations where the trades occur. I know it will be dangerous if you get caught but I think you'll be capable of achieving the task by tomorrow." She said calmly looking out the window.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
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Tristan contemplated on it, looking towards the other two Kuro Clowns who had been present at the time and went to see what their answer was "Well? Shall we play a game with the Mafia once more?" he asked them both with a daring look in his eye. After moments passed he tapped on the table and stared at Six' bird with a hungry look in his eye.

@Tylor guillory

@Lilah Tunth

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@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity nodded, "Shouldn't be too hard to find a guy in a clown suit peddling drugs, I'll take a look around after we leave here. What time tommorrow are you planning on having the meeting?" She asked. I'll do better this time, I have to. I gotta show her that I'm capable and not completely useless. Trinity thought to herself, sighing. She wondered where all the firetrucks and ambulances were headed to, but simply shrugged it off. Seeing a firetruck and ambulance wasn't really a special occurance in Hell City after the hundredth time of seeing it happen.

"Can almost guaruntee that the Joker caused that..." She spoke, thinking outloud.
Six smiled."Well I'll leave the choice to you, but if you do take me up on my offer you know how to get my attention. " Dust said as Six stood up and began walking towards the door he waved tata to them as he did."I have other things to do attend to but I look forward to your decision so without I leave you with these words. CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!" (Cue theme music lol) @Sinister Clown
Sadly, Emmanuel is not able to responce to either of the lady's talk. The smooth lull of the sport car has put the boy to sleep.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98

((Sorry, class be starting. Will be back in like... 8 hours? Lmao, he's gonna sleep like the dead if things go crazy :D maybe toss around and stuff ))
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Things hadn't exactly been working out for Roxas. First he'd not gotten in contact with the Joker. Then, he had to listen to some guy begging him not to foreclose on his home, blah blah family's starving, blah blah kid just died, blah blah blah. Now, he had to clean up this guys' brain matter off his leather seats, since the guy tried to kill him. "Do people even KNOW how expensive it is to clean leather? Good god, people these days can't respect anything another person buys." Roxas said to himself. He checked his watch, and saw it spike heavily. See, it wasn't a watch that told time. It was one that showed how insane he was becoming. His hands began to shake, and he struggled to reach into his pockets for his pills. Barely able to open the lid, he poured a few pills into his hand. In the process, he'd knocked over his drink, so he'd have to use his saliva to make them go down. He took them, waiting for the effects to kick in so he'd be alright. Five minutes passed, and nothing happened. Its ok, it doesn't always work that fast.

Ten minutes, nothing.

Pills take fifteen minutes to kick in, right?

Twenty minutes: Nothing

It's ok, just relax. Perhaps I didn't take it fast enough to work in the average time.

Thirty-five minutes: Nothing

Okay, this is bad. This is bad bad bad bad bad bad

Fifty minutes: Nothing

What if they don't work? What if my insanity gets out of check? What if the pills have stopped working, and I'm waiting for nothing?

He placed his head into his heads, quietly bringing up the telephone to talk to his chauffeur. "
Please drive faster, I need to get home soon."
Lukas watched as the lady disappeared. He shrugged and continued on his way to see the clowns. He was actually kinda lost...he had never really been around this part of town. And he had forgotten where the clowns stayed. Oh well, he would just have to guess!
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Outside the General Store


Starting Action:
Don't step on the fire!!!

North watched as now there was two circles of not-so friendly flames, one around his target - made of wisps, one surrounding the majority of the area.
Why is she sitting down, it is almost a literal sitting duck position, He thought to himself, Something up her sleeve? Perhaps, maybe those fires are worse to me than her, only logical, well time to do something incredibly stupid.He thought to himself, before he walked straight into the fire that was created when she swung her sword around. Yup incredibly stupid, her sword can reach anything in this radius..more or less likely to be six feet below because of this. He thought as he patted away the fire that caught onto him.
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Tagged: @femjapanriceball @Lilah Tunth

Mentioned: @NyxNightmare @T h e F o o l

Maria and Trinity Jones

Maria giggled softly, she was way to young to be referred to as 'ma'am'. Fishing the money out of her satchel she gave him 25$. "You can keep the change, also call me Maria. Definetely not old enough to be called 'ma'am. Annd this is my sister Elizabeth." She told him, ruffling Elizabeths hair. To which she responded by swatting her sisters hand away, frowning. "Um..Hi." She told them, waving nervously. It was then she noticed that the guy had dissapeared, turning away from the group it was Elizabeth that watched the fight this time. Where'd he go? Can he teleport like me or go invisible or something? She thought to herself, staring out of the window wondering what had happened. Surely it has to be one of the two, right? I mean..one minute he was there and the next he was gone.

Elizabeth continued watching, wondering if he was like her. Teleportation was a rare ability it seemed, she couldn't recall seeing anyone else with it more than once or twice. For once she genuinely wanted to talk to someone else other than her sister, if only to ask him about his ability.

Maria sighed staring at her sister.
First she gets mad at me for taking too long now she's the one delaying getting home...welp. I can't really say something without looking like an ass soo..might as well let her have her fun. She thought to herself, grinning.
Moses sat in the corner of the room. Ignoring the girl, and even Joker entirely. He kept his focus on Dust. There was something...odd about this bird. He felt satisfied with the birds answer as to why Six couldn't speak but he didn't quite feel like he was being told the whole truth. Suddenly when Six was about to leave, Moses finally spoke up. " Tristan. Lets do it."

@Tylor guillory @Lilah Tunth
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Bismarck took the change, watching the battle as it got more intense. I can't even tell what either of them are doing...it's so confusing...He took a bag of cherry sours and opened it, eating from the bag, all while making sure that the battle wasn't too intense...

"Hey, Glasses, did you hear me? I said one bottle of wine, on the spot."

Bismarck jumped. "Aah...Lady Death, when did you get here?"

"Just now. Come on, I don't have all day." Lily Underworld snapped her fingers.

"Wait...aren't you a member of Red-?"


"Yes, miss. Calm down." Bismarck bolted to the cupboard where all the booze was. "Uh, white or red?"

"Red. Hurry up!"

"I heard you," Bismarck muttered patiently.
In that instant six stopped and his expression while unseen by the others turned to one of complete thrill and darkness. As If with those words he all his pieces where set in place. He turned back to them and smiled kindly. "I'm glad your on board Moses was it? I do hope the others follow your lead id love to stay and chat but I must go and speak with others set things in motion." And with that he left quickly. He found Cat and ordered her to come with him. She nodded and followed him as he left the funland.@Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth @morpheusing
There! Tera sprang forward at the sound of movement, taking the side of her weapon and slamming it against North's chest, pinning him on the ground. Breathing a bit quickly she made the flames disappear. I used excess energy to create those flames. I guess I haven't mastered controlling how much energy I put into them. "It looks ridiculous fighting air you know." Tera gave a half smile. She lifted herself off of him, but remained over him, er, well what she figured was him. She didn't want to waste any more energy on a battle like this. "You could do a lot of damage if you wanted to. But I'm calling it for now. Please fight again with me sometime okay? When you put your heart into it. I'd like to train with someone like you."

The rest of the remaining embers floated around, the ground a bit singed.

@T h e F o o l
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Outside the General Store

Company: @femjapanriceball

Starting Action: Getting up

Well, here is the punishment for doing something you know is 'incredibly stupid', He thought to himself as he sighed, he was against the ground and a weapon, "Well, I usually don't need to give my opponents that luxury." He commented on her fighting air. Highly doubt it, He thought to himself when she started to speak about him being able to do damage, he wouldn't do that first off - he mainly doesn't need to, second - If they know he is there, he is already done. "Ah, well, can't do much better than this," He said before jumping up on his feet. "What happens when a assassin is seen, he is captured - simple as done." He finished before he glanced at the small cut on his other hand. "Enjoy the show then?" he said with a sigh, looking at the people that were watching in the general store after stuffing his bad hand in his pocket.
A few seconds passed in silence as Tera took in his words. Almost instantly her expressionless eyes brightened and she threw her arms around him in a hug. "Oh great! I knew you would agree to help me! Who knew I would come across someone so willing. Oh, I hope you don't mind." Without waiting for a response she pulled away and spun around him, taking his phone from his pocket and sending herself a message before slipping it back. "Now you have my number, I'll be contacting you sometime okay?" She smiled, but after a second it faded and her eyes bore into him with a death look. "I practically let you live so you owe me." Her smile returned. She quickly went into the store, trying to ignore most of the eyes, grabbed the book she bought and walked back outside. "North, don't sell yourself short. An assassin still only lives once. I'd hate to see you disappear for real."

@T h e F o o l
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Outside the General Store


Starting Action: Talking to Tera

"Okay...not the exact reaction I would expect," He said as he blinked twice when the person who fought with him a few moments earlier - hugged him. "Probably will.." He commented, which was better than what he previously was going to say: Already have.., referring to him 'minding' it. Probably going to seek revenge on my phone, He thought solemly, 'borrowing' usually isn't a problem, He continued his negative thoughts, he was even more surprised when she gave back his phone and added her contact information. "There is the reaction I was expected," He murmured to himself, seeing the other's death glare. What, because you won't have a punching bag..He thought to himself, he had been increasingly getting better at not voicing his thoughts out loud, "Yes they do, and they go quicker than if they are not seen." He retorted before returning to the General Store.
Tristan began laughing at Moses comment, he found it funny that just earlier he wasn't far off from killing Six and his 'annoying ass bird' (Sorry man, but everyone hates that damn bird hahaha xD ) he shoo'd away Six as he was leaving "Yes yes! I have things to 'set in motion' as well...You know..Fireworks." a long wide grin on his face as he spoke. Looking to Moses as Six and the woman with him left he wondered "What you think about the fellow?" taking a pack of cigarettes he popped one out of the packet putting it in his mouth and lighting it up with a lighter.

@Tylor guillory

@Lilah Tunth
He really is the negative one. Why do I feel as if every moment he's silent he's just thinking of awful things? Tera watched him leave and she herself walked off in the opposite direction. As she began walking towards her house she turned her sword back into a staff and slipped it onto a strap that hung on her shoulder.

@T h e F o o l

"Who was that?"A voice sounded beside her. It made Tera jump a bit. However she relaxed when she noticed it was only Loki.

"Hmph. Don't worry about it. I no longer have to keep losing to you during our matches." Tera shot back. She had paused in her steps to talk to him, who was laying up on a nearby building's roof top. Why does he love high places so much?

"Maybe, but don't you think you were a little rude? Forcing him like that." Loki laid his head against the roof, lazily as ever.

"You know its seriously hard to believe you are part of the Mafia. Shouldn't you be doing uh...mafia things? You know if I could kill you I would. Besides, he didn't really say anything to protest."

"Ouch that hurt my feelings. It's because you say stuff like that that you'll never have a boyfriend!"

Tera growled and threw the book she had bought at him. It whacked him in the head and he remained quite emotionless for a few seconds.

"Wow you really are a monster I feel bad for whatever you have planned for him." Loki fake cried and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"Shut up! I-It's not like that.." Tera stuttered.

"Ohh so you llllikeee him." Loki drew out the like.

"That's not it either!" Tera picked up a pebble and chucked it at him, although he caught it this time without even batting an eye. Which only frustrated her even more. "Its the fact that he isn't a direct combat fighter. I'm...bad at sneaking up on people. I rush in too quicly sometimes without assessing the situation. I wanted him to teach me to..." Her face got red. she hated admitting her flaws.

"To be chill? You really do need help. I admit I'm proud of you, finally realizing that Godzilla nature of yo-" Loki couldn't finish because Tera engulphed him in flames.

"And you need to learn to keep your mouth shut!" She hissed as Loki laughed hysterically despite the pain of being on fire. Tera let the flames die out, she had left him without any damage. "Stupid." She muttered.
Moses looked up from his chair and said " Which fellow? Dust or Six?" He said in a sly sort of tone. " I think we should help him. The mafia is in the way of us running the entire drug trade"
Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria grabbed up her book and bag of chips whilst Bismarck was daydreaming and walked back over to her sister and watched the remainder of the fight with her. Both of the twins frowned when the fight came to an anti-climatic end, Maria was ready to leave at that point but it was evident that Elizabeth wasn't. Truth be told Maria wanted to talk to the woman that could control fire better than her too.

When the man had re-entered the store Maria nudged her sister playfully in the back and shoved her towards him, "Go ahead and talk to him, you know you want too~" Maria told her in a sing song voice, laughing. "Wai-No-I!" Elizabeth stammered as she was shoved. "It'll be fine he won't bite, I don't think.." Maria told her, saying the last half of her sentence so low it was barely audible. "Besides, I wanna talk to the woman anyway. She might be able to help me get better with my power and stuff." She continued, exiting the building trying to reach the woman before she walked off. "Hey! Wait!" She shouted down the street waving as the woman walked off.

She bounced up and down a bit debating on running after her, looking from her to her sister. Sighing, she knew her sister would kill her when she came back after leaving her. So, she simply sat there and hoped the woman heard her, which was doubtful.

Meanwhile Elizabeth was working up the courage to talk to the man whom had seemingly teleported, at-least to her. Finally, she inched over to him. "
Um. H-Hi." She managed to stammer, waving nervously. "I..I was wondering if what you did out there, th-the..well it looked like teleporting. Was it?" She asked, looking up at him. "I-I'm Elizabeth, by the way. I..uh..only ask cause I can teleport too...but it's not really far a-and I was wondering if you did if you could maybe...help me get better at it? I-I mean if that's possible..or something..I'm not quite sure how it works or anything..getting better with your powers, and stuff." Elizabeth continued, rambling nervously and looking down at the floor embarrassed when she finished.

Why did I ramble on like that, he's gunna laugh at me and think I'm dumb or something..She thought to herself, frowning.



Trinity nodded and brought the car to a stop as they reached the fountain, "Yea, that'll be plenty of time." She told her, honestly thinking it'd be earlier. Unbuckling her seatbelt she got out of the car stretching before turning and knocking on the glass, "Wakey wakey Emmanuel." She told him, smiling.

@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

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