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Fandom Hell City

Bismarck smiled at North. "You did really good, North." He took the bottle of wine and handed it to a very pissed Lily. "Here you are, miss, a bottle of red wine, just as you asked."

"Humph. Naturally Red Lotus would win," Lily said coolly, snatching the bottle and taking a swig of it. "Isn't Lyric Harp the peace-loving gang?"

"Llyria Harp, Lady Death," Bismarck said with a smile, though his voice was filled with venom. "And I assure you that I am very proud of my gang."

"Oh, please."

"Miss, I would advise you to get out of my shop if you are going to act like this."


Bismarck's eyebrow twitched. "Please? Now?"

"You can't make me."

Bismarck grabbed his book and pointed it at her skillfully. "Please get out."

(@ anyone in the store)

My smile faded, my face turning grim and determined as I considered his advice. "That's easier said then done" I said, glancing at the girl beside him for a moment, before turning it back to my environment as I spoke "Especially when you've made as enemies as I have in this place. I would try and stop you, but its two against one, you clearly both know how to fight, and I'd probably just be delaying the inevitable, so I'm not gonna be stupid here. I'll take your advice into consideration, though, but choosing a side in this city is like trying to choose the lesser of two evils, when neither of the choices is less evil. But, if whatever you're planning is as big as you say it is, going solo isn't gonna be an option I guess." By this stage, I was more voicing the million thoughts racing through my mind rather than talking to the two of them. "Anyways, I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll be seeing each other. But I somehow doubt that the next encounter will be this tame and friendly." With that I was gone again, leaving no trace but a slight puff of dust that a normal person wouldn't even have noticed...

@Tylor guillory
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"Ta ta until next time we meet teleporter I'll be sure to remember you then." Dust said for Six who was just smiling his hands in his pocket he walked down the street whistling his in his eerie way."Come along cat lets go out for dinner I'm famished." Dust said as Six just continued his whistling.
There she is, in the flesh alright. Madden loves making an entrance. However Tera was a little joyed when she offered to have Maria in Red Lotus. Even though she was a little young she was right, the gift of wielding fire was something beautiful. Tera's harsh attitude turned into something calmer towards Maria.

"It'll be a pleasure working with you, shall we go? Time is of the essence." She knew how madden didn't like to waste time so she wanted to get moving before she let out the wraith. @Mitchs98

Famous Author Leaves Bookworms Spending Hundreds of Dollars

Several bibliophiles have read his books. Millions of people have proclaimed him "Author of the Year". His books are the main informant for hundreds of historians. But who is Saedor?

Saedor has written 67 titles, his most famous one being War, his twelfth title. The book itself discusses the problems of fighting in war, along with the psychology of why mankind does fight. The book itself has made millions of dollars since its debut five years previously.

"I haven't the faintest who he is," says shop owner Bismarck (last name not given). "But he certainly has been helping my business with all 67 of his books." He straightens his glasses, nodding repeatedly. "He really does have a brilliant mind." Bismarck pauses; his face reddens. "I-I guess he is intelligent..."

Saedor's next title is said to be his autobiography, a title that has been demanded for the past year. Consumers hope that this will reveal just who Saedor is, where he lives, and what he is doing now.

pg. 23

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Anonym looked at his new piece of work, he recently finished the piece on Saedor, the fool suspected nothing. In Anonym's eyes, there couldn't be anything more obvious. He tilted his head, and dramatically ripped of the foil wrapping around a chocolate and snapped of a piece.

"We live in a pit of idiots, and I am one too..." It was moment of clarity perhaps. His orange-ish hair, the large burn mark around his eye, his style of clothing, anyone would think he was an idiot at first glance. No one realized his genius.

(Cookie for person who guesses which Anime character I based 'Anonym" on :3)
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@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria jumped a bit when Madden teleported behind her as it was a bit un-expected, teleportation being a seemingly rare ability after all. She giggled when she heard her trying to figure out her Aura. She'd tell her later, or rather show her. Maria then looked between the two excitedly, Awesome! Two people to teach me! She thought to herself, smiling excitedly. "O-of course! Definetely! That'd be awesome!" She told the two, looking between them. When Tera told her they needed to go Maria nodded, "Let me go get Elizabeth from the store first, then we can go." She told them, picking up her bag of stuff and running back into the store.

Liz! Something important happened we gotta go!" She shouted as she entered the building, grabbing her by the arm. "B-but he hasn't..." Elizbath started, but was soon interrupted by Maria. Maria quickly got a piece of paper out of her satchel, wrote down both of their phone numbers, and forced it into North's hand. "Sorry to be rude but, we gotta go. Byeee!" Maria told them, waving and running out of the store pulling her sister by her arm.

Maria slow down! I can walk myself you know!" Elizabeth shouted, once again stumbling to keep up with her sister. "Right...sorry." Maria mumbled letting go of her sisters arm and stopping in front of Madden and Tera. "This is Elizabeth, or Liz for short, my sister. She's kinda like you." She spoke, smiling and pointing to Madden. "U-Um..Hi." Elizabeth told them, waving. "You mean...she can teleport too?" Elizbeth asked Maria, dropping her voice to a whisper and staring at Madden. "Mhm~" Maria replied.

Elizabeth stared at Madden excitedly,
I guess today is my lucky day. She thought to herself, silently wondering if she could help her.
NyxNightmare said:
There she is, in the flesh alright. Madden loves making an entrance. However Tera was a little joyed when she offered to have Maria in Red Lotus. Even though she was a little young she was right, the gift of wielding fire was something beautiful. Tera's harsh attitude turned into something calmer towards Maria.
"It'll be a pleasure working with you, shall we go? Time is of the essence." She knew how madden didn't like to waste time so she wanted to get moving before she let out the wraith. @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare
Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria jumped a bit when Madden teleported behind her as it was a bit un-expected, teleportation being a seemingly rare ability after all. She giggled when she heard her trying to figure out her Aura. She'd tell her later, or rather show her. Maria then looked between the two excitedly, Awesome! Two people to teach me! She thought to herself, smiling excitedly. "O-of course! Definetely! That'd be awesome!" She told the two, looking between them. When Tera told her they needed to go Maria nodded, "Let me go get Elizabeth from the store first, then we can go." She told them, picking up her bag of stuff and running back into the store.

Liz! Something important happened we gotta go!" She shouted as she entered the building, grabbing her by the arm. "B-but he hasn't..." Elizbath started, but was soon interrupted by Maria. Maria quickly got a piece of paper out of her satchel, wrote down both of their phone numbers, and forced it into North's hand. "Sorry to be rude but, we gotta go. Byeee!" Maria told them, waving and running out of the store pulling her sister by her arm.

Maria slow down! I can walk myself you know!" Elizabeth shouted, once again stumbling to keep up with her sister. "Right...sorry." Maria mumbled letting go of her sisters arm and stopping in front of Madden and Tera. "This is Elizabeth, or Liz for short, my sister. She's kinda like you." She spoke, smiling and pointing to Madden. "U-Um..Hi." Elizabeth told them, waving. "You mean...she can teleport too?" Elizbeth asked Maria, dropping her voice to a whisper and staring at Madden. "Mhm~" Maria replied.

Elizabeth stared at Madden excitedly,
I guess today is my lucky day. She thought to herself, silently wondering if she could help her.
"Why? No need to rush Tera," Madden chided the girl, "While time is important, the CCG is probably not very active at the moment, it is obvious with the behaviour pattern of their's that they don't have many members at the moment..."

"Any ways, you two, what are your, well. abilities?" She asked, looking at both of them rather nicely. For Madden any-ways.
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck smiled at North. "You did really good, North." He took the bottle of wine and handed it to a very pissed Lily. "Here you are, miss, a bottle of red wine, just as you asked."
"Humph. Naturally Red Lotus would win," Lily said coolly, snatching the bottle and taking a swig of it. "Isn't Lyric Harp the peace-loving gang?"

"Llyria Harp, Lady Death," Bismarck said with a smile, though his voice was filled with venom. "And I assure you that I am very proud of my gang."

"Oh, please."

"Miss, I would advise you to get out of my shop if you are going to act like this."


Bismarck's eyebrow twitched. "Please? Now?"

"You can't make me."

Bismarck grabbed his book and pointed it at her skillfully. "Please get out."

(@ anyone in the store)
"Miss, please leave the store..." Electo said looking up, "We don't want a fight,"
(Anytime someone says orange hair i just think of Ichigo from bleach lol although i haven't watched the anime xD )
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity nodded, "Right. With that many people it shouldn't be hard at all. I'll stop by HQ and pick them up after I drop Emmanuel back off at his house, that is if you don't mind me borrowing your car for a bit longer?" She told her. "If not, we can walk, although we'll be a bit longer."


@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria was the first to answer, "Welll, like I showed you I can manipulate fire. I can also heal myself or Liz, it uh...doesn't work on anyone else, I don't think." She contemplated showing them her last ability, half wanting Madden to figure it out herself, but deciding to show them anyway. Stepping into a shadowy area under a light pole she spoke, "Annnd watch this." Maria then seemed to dissapear into the darkness entirely un-able to be seen, walking around in said darkness she stepped out behind them. "Neat, huh?" She asked, smiling and walking back around to her sister.

Nudging her sister she told her "
Come on Liz, show 'em whatcha can do." Elizabeth hesitated at first from being put under the spotlight, but eventually nodded and spoke, making a small arc of electricity appear in her palm "O-Okay. Um...I can..control electricity." After playing with it for a few seconds she made it dissappear, "I-I can teleport too but...I'm too tired f-for that so...I-I can also control someones um..emotions." She told them, smiling nervously. "Th-though it's kinda short range...and stuff. I-I'm really only good at electricity..kinda.."
"No take it. Its yours now.a gift from me to you." She said still looking at the documents. She then found what she was looking for. They took the prototype pills... She thought. Maybe I can use that against them. She smirked.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVO0z4HrOUI[/URL][/media] yay)

Bismarck opened War and flipped frantically to the right page. It was a page on various monsters.

Fire Spirit

Perfect. Bismarck closed his eyes; the word glowed gold and a fire spirit appeared. It threw fireballs at Lily, who ducked and retaliated with a swing of her scythe.
Emmanuel, bored of looking down at the laboratory from the roof, he decides to scale down the building and look through the windows. He haven't seen boss or Trinity coming out from the building yet. 5 minutes, he thinks for himself, and he will go back to the car to cool off from using his ability.

Thinking, he realize that maybe there is an a underground level and coming up here was a tofal waste of time. Oh well. At least he knows where this place is kinda is.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks

North Dove

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

@Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98

Starting Action: Talking to Elizabeth

Time: Night? (Not sure...I think it is.)

North opened the door, only to meet one of those he was 'entertaining' with the fight outside. He glanced at the female twin when she had started to talk to him,
"Oh, no, not at all..." He started to say before Elizabeth had to leave with her twin. Well, this is new, new good or new bad, most like new bad... depending on future events, he thought about practicing and helping two others.It would bode bad news if relations went south to whoever these two belong to with Llyria Harp - along with Red Lotus. He continued with his negative trend. He glanced at the two phone numbers on the paper before he stuffed in his pocket.

"Thank you, Bismark," he said before glancing at the female from Red Lotus, or so boldly claims that it is exceptionally superior to Llyria Harp. He bit his tongue, mainly because he was slightly worried for worsening, or worsen the uneasy relationship with other gangs. He put a step back behind him when that happened pretty much instantly after the thought with Bismark punching Lily. To be fair, he did ask you to leave the shop. So did Electo,He commented in his mind about the situation. Well, round two.. tsk, I didn't even get a chance to pick up my stuff before I leave for the night..He thought, he pulled out his dagger in case - but if Bismark wanted this to himself, he wouldn't mind a bit.
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity nodded slowly, a bit shocked at having recieved a car for..practically no reason. Then again, Natalia was leader of The Mafia, so she could get pretty much whatever she wanted at any given time, a new car wasn't even a drop in a bucket to her. "Th-thank you, Boss." She told her. "I'll go drop Emmanuel off then head back to HQ, let me know if you need help with anything pertaining to this."

With that, she turned and walked back to the car and got in the drivers seat. Sighing she buckled her seat belt and turned to talk to Emmanuel..who..wasn't there. "Damnit.." she spat, un-buckling her seat belt and hopping back out of the car. "Emmanuel! Come on! We don't have time for this!" She shouted, looking around for him sighing.
Still in the midst of the second battle, Bismarck watched Lily fight off his fire spirit. "What kind of Aura is this?!"

"One not to be underestimated," Bismarck said, dodging scythe attacks carefully. He had already been hit by the sharp weapon twice, and the bloody injuries on his left hand were dripping onto the street.

He had already been given the upper hand, he knew this quite well. He opened his book, this time summoning a cage.

"Coward!" Lily hissed, avoiding it with difficulty. "Why don't you actually fight?"

"I am fighting. Just in a different way." More dodging. This battle would last forever at this rate. "All I want you to learn is this. You will not bad-mouth Llyria Harp."

"Riiiiiight. Why don't you just go back to running your damn shop?"
Six went walking down the street whistling his eerie tune as he did. His foot steps echoed through the city as he walked Cat following quickly behind eventually they found a nice little restaurant owned by the mafia, and "persuaded" the kind people who worked there to let them eat for free at there best table. " Six sat down and waited for the grub to be brought out." So what are you going to eat?" Dust asked Cat as They waited for the food. Six was rubbing his hands together impatiently licking his lips at the thought of food.

A little ways away in a dark alley in the red lotus area. Sin stood over the beaten bodies of about 10 of red lotuses members. He wiped off some blood from his face and kicked one of the members hard in the gut and began grinding his foot into the man's broken ribs." Now your gonna tell me everything I want to know riiiigggghhhtt?" Sin asked questioningly but daring the man to say no. The man didn't respond he only howled in pain, so Son dug his heel into the man's cracked ribs even harder." I'm sorry I thought I asked you a question now your gonna answer my questions riiiigggghhhtt? " he asked again in the same manner." Yes oh god yes just please stop it hurts so bad!" The man screamed pleading for mercy. "That's better now talk where's your leader?" Sin said as he lifted his foot and leaned against the alley wall. (Ok your gonna need to respond for him @femjapanriceball because he is of your gang lol)
(Okay @Tylor guillory *gulp*)

"H-h-h-he's at his store, like always...!" The injured Llyria Harp member sobbed. "P-p-p-please, don't tell him that I broke the rules...d-d-d-don't tell him...h-h-he doesn't like it when members of his g-g-gang kill other people....thinks it's wrong...just stop..."

Bismarck clutched his cheek. This Grim Reaper lady was good...but also very arrogant. "Miss, I don't wish to do severe damage to you—"

"I know," Lily said, drawing back after she hit Bismarck. She took a swig of wine. "Tastes good, doesn't it...being the best."

"Look, Miss Underworld, I would like to end this battle—"

"Then I suppose...oh!" Lily smirked. "Now this was a very nice battle, but I have better things to do. Farewell!" And she disappeared.
"Shots," Emmanuel curses realizing that he have spent a minute too long looking at the destruction that litters the building. He was wondering if this explosion was caused by the same fellow back at the prison. There is no doubt about it. There is noone crazier than that guy to free an equally crazy clown with so much power. Emmanuel is tempted to compare his exploding wires' destruction with that man's aura on the building.

The boy quickly drops to the ground below. To cut down on time, he has swing from building to tree and tree again to fly towards the waiting underboss. The sole of his shoe burns as Emmanuel slides on them on landing.

"I was.. I saw something just now," he huffs, bending over to catch his breath. He points at a random direction. "I thought I could catch it."


((Thoughts on my last character?))
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Trinity jumped a bit as Emmanuel landed behind her, turning she sighed realizing it was him. "What? What'd you see?" Trinity asked, staring down the alley Emmanuel pointed at. Maybe..maybe it was the guy that blew up the lab? She thought to herself. If it was, why not deal with him and the Clowns too? Trinity waited while Emmanuel caught his breath before deciding what to do.

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