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Fandom Hell City


Trinity brought the car to a stop outside of Emmanuels house, "We're here." She told him. "I'll be sure to stop by after the meeting tommorrow, alright?" If I make it to the meeting.. she thought to herself, sighing internally.
"Thanks, Trinity," Emmanuel says. He opens the door, and as he steps outside, he stops. "Becareful." With that, the boy closes the door, waves, and waits for the car to drive off before he heads off to bed.

@Tylor guillory i noticed that picture of Six in his cs is not working.))
@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks (They're your peeps so you control 'em)

"I will, good night Emmanuel." Trinity told him, smiling before driving off and heading for HQ. "Here goes nothing...let's just hope these peole Natalia is giving me are competent enough." She spoke to herself, grimacing.
(@Tylor guillory probably on a mission to pinpoint a traitor or something)

Bismarck walked inside, not believing what had just happened. "She challenges me to a fight then runs off? Who does she think I am; an idiot...? Or maybe she is trying to provoke me for virtually no reason? Guys," he addressed North and Electo. "I'm going downstairs for a minute to cool down."

@Lilah Tunth @T h e F o o l

The basement of the general store was basically the living quarters for all the members of Llyria Harp. There was a small kitchen, a living room, a mens' dorm, a women's dorm, and at the end of the hall, the leader's quarters.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/basement-bedroom.jpg.55077ad6bcddda7752d4bb2c5f7de5b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/basement-bedroom.jpg.55077ad6bcddda7752d4bb2c5f7de5b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bismarck opened his bedroom door and went straight for the laptop. He opened it up and began typing an account of what had just happened, relaxing as he wrote.



  • basement-bedroom.jpg
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After a long nights rest, morning had eventually came and like every other day Tristan had to wake up. Slowly opening his eyes he glared towards the roof in his large sized bed, looking around him he rubbed his head "What's the use of a big bed when you have no one else to sleep with.." he mumbled to himself with curiosity. Getting up and letting out a rather obnoxious yawn Tristan made his way to the closet and searched through all of the different suits he had, and where he put his makeup set for 'the joker'. However with the time he was gone it had gone hard and was practically worthless now.

"No...No...NO!!" he was looking for something to where through his drawers and flicked through a bunch of clothing before finding himself something he liked "Oh? Now this is more like it!" he put on the wool jacket which was actually rather stylish. He figured that now he lost his better known look, he needed to step up his 'fashion sense'.

(Blonde guy of course)

Stepping outside of his room, Tristan made his way out of 'Joker's hotel' from the back exit, making his way outside and into the city. He decided to take a stroll through the city, the sun had shined bright and it seemed the people of the city were still loud and obnoxious like always. He walked passed numerous 'normal' people who hadn't seemed to recognize him in the slightest. Although he felt that he wouldn't be able to fool everyone with his new appearance however it was an odd feeling that for once. No one even knew what his name was.
Isabella giggled happily as she pulled a cloth bag from a abandoned suit case then went up to the door of fun town and nocked on the door with the bar she held with her other hand then rested on her shoulder and waited

(Sigh. Alrighty then.) Moses completely ignores the knocking and stands up out of his chair, sighing. He suddenly disappears as if out of existence entirely
- is still asleep on the pole but is on the floor wearing ripped jeans and ripped clothing from a forest and the twigs and animal fights I have been in-
LordGowther said:
(Sigh. Alrighty then.) Moses completely ignores the knocking and stands up out of his chair, sighing. He suddenly disappears as if out of existence entirely
"There so mean." She said before she brought the bat back and then slammed it hard a couple times into the door before growling then pushing the door open and walking in
- wakes up and realizes it's sunset- Oh crap! Gotta find a place to stay! - grabs bow and arrow along with my knives and runs into the forest-
Eventually Sin made it to the book store and knocked on the door." Hey is Bismark there I got business with him." Sin said looking sluggish as he often did. He stretched his neck out and is cracked as he did. He let out a sigh of relief as his neck popped.

(@femjapanriceball )

Six sat on some random wall whistling, he was waiting for something or someone but not even he was sure of who. Dust flew next to him." Who are we waiting for?" He asked and Six replied with a shrug." Oh come on you don't even know that's lovely. ( ok someone make contact with Six please)
"So? What do you say? Because you must be ready, I want you to explore the boundaries of your power, not half-ass it like Tera," Madden said, her head raised up, her hands folded in the back. "I'm afraid that with the teleportation ability I know little myself..... but I might know a thing or two about fire...." She then turned around. "If you want to study under me.... you must join the Red Lotus....."


Trinity glared at the sun peering in through her apartment window, she had just went to sleep literally two hours ago after a pretty much un-successful job of taking out the Clowns drug trade. She staggered over to the window and closed the curtains before flopping back onto the bed, the effects of the previous night taking their toll greatly. It didn't take her long before she fell back asleep with half of her body hanging off of it.


@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria and Trinity stared at each other momentarily when Madden said they'd have to join her. "What do you think, Liz? Should we? I mean..I kinda think we should, but unless you think you'll be alright on your own at times, you'd be joining too. Don't forget, they said the CCG was here too.." Maria whispered, asking Elizabeth. Elizabeth stared between Madden and Tera, then back at Maria before speaking. "Well..I mean..she'll help us get stronger, right? Plus with the CCG here like you said, it'd be dangerous for just the two of us. I mean, we've made it this far, but those guys are different. So..I'm thinking we should."

Maria nodded before turning back to face Madden, "
We'll join." The twins replied in unison, smiling at each for the fact they spoke at the same time. "You guys better take good care of me and Liz, okay? We'll trust you because you guys seem nice and can help us get stronger." Maria told them, looking up at them smiling. Elizabeth frowned as she noticed the sun rising, "M-maybe we can get some s-sleep first?" She asked sincerely, looking from her sister to Madden and Tera, frowning.
Tera didn't bother taking in Madden's harsh words, but she was glad they recruited more members. Sleep does sound wonderful. She agreed in her mind.

"I like you guys a little more already." She spoke to the twins.
Natalia woke up surprising in her bed, the manor which she can't remember how she got there in the first place but she knew she had to get back to work. So she refreshened up then ate a hearty breakfast , leaving soon after. She had a meeting to attend to and she didn't want to be unprepared. When she made it to HQ, She sat in her office looking at documents.
Six woke up in the hotel room of some big shot thug. Obviously he had killed the man to we was laying face forward on the ground a terrorized expression on his face and a puddle of blood beneath his cold corpse. The room was nice fancy what you'd expect from a rich persons hotel room. Silk sheets nice decor he didn't know much about any of that so he couldnt describe it in detail. He walked out towards the balcony and looked over the city he was completely naked not even his bandages on but no one would notice it was him. He smiled then went back in as the mans thugish guards began knocking on the door calling for there boss. He quickly got dressed in his usual outfit and left as they broke down the door Dust quickly followed coming out of who knows where. "I see your having a good morning." Dust called as they leapt through the air making there escape. Six just responded with a smile

Sin was snoring loudly his leather coat covering him like a blanket. He hadn't left and wasn't going to until he got paid for his work." Don't worry ladies my metal arms only deadly if I want it to be." He said in his sleep snoring and smiling he began blushing as he dreamed of his mature dreams." Hehe there's plenty of me to go around ladies don't fight now." He continued his sleep talk occasionally snoring every now and then. (@femjapanriceball )

Gin smiled his snakish smile as he prepared for the day his bangs covering his eyes completely as always. He grabbed Izanami and Izanagi his two katanas. Then left preparing for work smiling as always.
A sleek black car rolled in front of the Mafia Headquarters. Madhu Leolam was finally back in Hell City. The man was a day earlier than expected from his internation business meeting. He was gone to India for two days and was supposed to be in the country for another day if it was not for the emergent news he have received. It was a shame that the business meeting in India was cut short.

The meeting was going so smoothly too, but now was not the time to worry about the petty things in life.

The eldest Leolam have read the documents and the digital tablet with even more reports and he have listen to the secerity in the car with him about the news of his city. By the time the black car parked, Madhu was fully informed about the Cold Gate Prison, the Mafia Laboratory, and the general public destruction. Most importantly, he was aware of the Joker's escape and the man with a bird. It is not a question who that man was; everyone know who that mysterious figure was. Madhu knew it was foolish to think that the Mafia have full control of the city with those two still alive.

Confident with the information he was given, he told the secerity to inform the new boss that he will be joining her and the young Underboss meeting (@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98). Madhu also tells his secerity to find and contact Loki (@NyxNightmare). It has been too long since the Underboss heard anything from that man.
" what do you mean they didn't take care of the drug trade last night? I gave Trinity 6 squadtrons to control! This wasn't even a hard task, all you had to do was murder a couple of clowns and take back the territory!... I'll deal with this later." She hang up the phone then threw it across the room pissed. She didn't even understand how nothing was done. It wasn't even the hardest task to complete and she just got there! If they can't complete something like this what could she trust them with? She was starting to lose faith in the underbosses and decided that it would be better if she controlled everything alone , Seeing nothing would be done if she didn't. But the one thing on Natalia's mind was how could Lucifer put me in charge of a poorly disciplined organization? When Nat was in control of the terrorist organization, Heibi, prior to her job now. Everything was successful and went beyond her expectations of them. Maybe its because the Mafia got too comfortable of how they are at the time. All she knew for sure is that she needed people she could depend on and improve security. A secretary opened the door then said."Excuse me, Don Mr. Leolam wanted to tell you that he will attend the meeting." Nat nodded then said. "Actually bring him in. I would like to speak with him." The secretary then left to inform Madhu.

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Madhu was not expecting that he would get a responce from the head so soon with the news of her wanting to see him earlier. He was going to get some work started and sorted before their inital meeting, but this news was good. The sooner they meet, Madhu can introduced himself to the new boss and the two can make a skeleton of a plan of what the boss wants to be done. They can then flesh out the plan once Trinity joins them.

Wasting no time, the man turned on his heel and rode the elevator to the top floor of the leader's office. Madhu greeted the secretary by the boss's office. He then knocked the heavy door to the office, waited for a call to go in, and entered.

@Robyn Banks

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