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Fandom Hell City

"Hmph of course I never said I was a good boy." Dust said for six who stood his arms crossed and a amused look on his face. " maybe next time you shouldnt be so late to the party. Now I Think I'll wait until you state your business to speak of my own. This should be interesting. " Dust said as Six took and seat sitting backwards in as chair.

(Lol this is fun @Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes @Sinister Clown
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"Pleasure to meet you as well. I've heard a lot about you." She said as she gestured him to take a seat. " Now Mr. J, if you don't mind, State your business here." She had her arms and legs crossed as she leaned against her chair.

@Tylor guillory @Sinister Clown @TripTripleTimes
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"Mr. J? I like that..I like that a lot." Tristan took a seat and got himself in a comfortable position, his eyes peering across the room towards Six and the bird "Actually, I'd like to hear old Six boy's plan with you.." a long grin crept up his face as he glared towards Six.

'What to start a war with the Mafia, yet you're having a good old chat with the boss herself..What are you doing Sixy."

Spinning around in his chair at the table he waited for Six's response.

@Tylor guillory
Madhu stands behind his boss, looking at the two men across from them. He cannot sit still in a room full of these two criminals. He knows that the Mafia boss can handle herself but with him here, it is 2:1:1.

(2 vs 1 vs 1)
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Six's Aura turns malicious as he glared at the joker. Then his expression turned back to one of amusement his Aura stayed the same." Oh you should know me I just came to talk I have every intention of you all going to war. This would be in my best interest and its not like it wasn't going to happen sooner or later." Dust said as he landed on Six's shoulder. "My reason for being here is to hmm lets say act as referee to upcoming events." He said referring to the war he hoped to happen soon.

( @Sinister Clown @Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes )
Nat scoffed at his response. " Referee? You are doing more than just standing on the sidelines as far as I know, you're a player in this game." She said not changing her emotions. She was tapping in her arm while its still crossed.

@Tylor guillory @Sinister Clown @TripTripleTimes
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"Well that's your view of it. There's a difference between watching and being a referee my dear you should learn that. I set the match I make the rules I make sure things go as I want them to... So I guess your right I am a tad bit more than a referee. I guess I'm the game master." Dust said then laughed."Now please lets all hear why the infamous Joker is here." Six smiled and waited. @Sinister Clown @Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes
'The Joker' sat there, every word that came out of Six's mouth made him burst in mad laughter "KAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" sitting there for a good few minutes laughing he almost fell out of his chair. "I'd first like to say....You're funny.." looking over to the woman who was in charge of the building "Well, I never came prepared for a speech...But I just wanted to meet this lovely lady across the room." he said glaring towards Nat and back to Six "Besides, I don't want to spoil the surprise! So you'll have to get out." his tone went darker for a moment as his eyes set on Six.

@Tylor guillory
Tera nodded to the maid. "Hello again Lilies." She had been to Madden's mansion before back I the day, although Lilies appeared to be the same as usual. "So how does it feel to be a part of a gang now?" She asked the twins. @Mitchs98
"Oh I'm sorry was that ment for me do you want me to leave? I don't know if I like that idea to much. But I'm all for a good suprise so I guess I could leave I have things to do any way." Six stood up and left his foot steps echoing through the room as he did.

At the exact moment he left Sin walked Into the mafia HQ passing Six as he did. He looked back at Six then shrugged and went up to the Secretary. Walking over the dead guards as he did. "Excuse me I'm here to talk to the new mafia boss about some jobs." He said leaning on the secretary's desk as he did.

( @Sinister Clown @Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes )

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria was the first to speak, "Well, me and Liz were kinda in our own gang just the two of us before now. We've taken up jobs for other mafias too, theft mostly, some assasination jobs. That said, it's kinda cool. I never really thought we'd join one until now." Turning to her sister she smiled, "What do you think Liz?"

Elizabeth looked from her sister back to Tera. "
W-well, like Maria said I never thought w-we'd join one. But it feels kinda nice to k-know there are more people than just ourselves to look out for us. T-thank you for accepting us." She told her, smiling happily.
Natalia just observed amused at the tension between the two. It was entertaining to see them glaring at each other but not making a move. Before she suspected they partnered up but even if they were, it was easy to tell they weren't fond of each other presents. she watched six leave then turned back towards Joker. "So what exactly do you want to be a surprise?"

@Tylor guillory
Spinning around in his chair Tristan seemed to ignore what Nat had to say and began with his own questions "Hows your daddy doing? It's been such a long time...Last time we met it was at a meeting sorta like this one." Looking around the room he took in his surroundings. "But of course I'm more interested in you! I bet you have more than just one question to ask right?"

@Robyn Banks
Madhu, the man he is, does not mind that he is being ignored by the Joker. In fact, he is pretty content just standing behind Natalia and support his boss like this.

(@Sinister Clown @Robyn Banks)

Keep ignoring him, Joker. Let's move on to a different Leolam who do likes the attention.

In the Leolam small estate, the two siblings are already up and about. Because of last night bombing in yhe city, school has been canceled. Emmanuel over joyed by this have left home early to hang out with his friends and play and do a lot of things he can do now that school is closed. Alicia, on yhe other hand, have stayed at home doing some chores and school work. There is no real point to get out of her home. Maybe later, she will go out and find Emmanuel to meet the elder brother.
Six had the pills in his hand. "Now to unleash a plague through the city and thin the herd." He then quickly began his spreading of the plague created by the mafia. He managed to sneak the pills into the drug trade."Now to wait and watch.(hope that's OK lol)

Sin gave her a flirtatious smile and winked at her." Thanks babe I'll do that." He the. Went to sit in the lounge as she had suggested waiting for the meeting to be done.( @Robyn Banks @Sinister Clown )
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Emmanuel Leolam swings from one building to the next as he shows the world below how great of an acrobat he is. He is freaking Spiderman but better. Emmanuel watches the world fly underneath him without a care and laughs out loud ith joy as the rush of wind tussles his hair.

Emmanuel lands on top of a high building with a spin. He takes a moment to catch his breath and looks down at the city.
Ignoring the chatting behind her, Lilies steadily walked across the maze like halls of the beautiful building, painting at every move and soft carpeting allowing the girl to move barefooted, she knew the place inside out, it seemed. Her short hair bobbing up and down with every step, she looked quite graceful, she paused at two doors, one had a silver tag on it, with the name 'Tera' on it, since the redhead stayed there quite a bit. The other one empty, "Those are your rooms...." She said, her head turned to the twins.

@NyxNightmare @Mitchs98
Gin stood up and decided to go for a hunt. He left HQ and walked through the streets of hell city." Hmm so much gifted human scum around here then normal scum maybe HQ won't notice if I kill just a few." He says smiling menacingly unaware that he forgot he was talking out loud. He looked around sensing everyone staring at him awkwardly. "Umm I meeaann maybe I could kill a few hours before HQ notices." He say smiling awkwardly and laughing nervously. After he managed to fix that situation he called HQ"Hey are there missions I could take up nearby? " ( @Lilah Tunth )
Tylor guillory]Gin stood up and decided to go for a hunt. He left HQ and walked through the streets of hell city." Hmm so much gifted human scum around here then normal scum maybe HQ won't notice if I kill just a few." He says smiling menacingly unaware that he forgot he was talking out loud. He looked around sensing everyone staring at him awkwardly. "Umm I meeaann maybe I could kill a few hours before HQ notices." He say smiling awkwardly and laughing nervously. After he managed to fix that situation he called HQ"Hey are there missions I could take up nearby? " ( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23318-lilah-tunth/ said:
@Lilah Tunth[/URL] )
Through a computerized voice came a reply, "Mission? No, we don't have a mission for you so far, but we did hear that a general store or something of that sort is heavily populated by gang members, it's called Rainy Traveler,"
Alexander looked out the window of the bar, feeling rather than seeing the warm sun stream through the glass. It was a bit early to start opening the bar for the day but he really had nothing better to do. Plus, there were plenty of people who liked to drink early so there wouldn't really be any shortage of customers. With a smile, he flipped the sign at the front, unlocked the door, and got ready for the crowd. The bar was always busy and he was sure today wouldn't be any different
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Dean stretches and looks out the frosted warehouse window next to his mattress. He never minded when the weather got colder. He stands up while rotating his shoulders. '1pm. Hmm. A bit of a late start, but what the hell.' He searches for a pair of pants and eventually settles on a dark, slim pair of jeans. He laces up his best suited shoes (a flexible running shoe) and pulls on a maroon, fur lined hoodie.

He floats down to the flat ground within their rickety walls and begins jogging out the main door, curving around corners of buildings as he makes his way into the city. The air was cool and dry despite the sun just beginning its descent from noon. After passing a few strangers in traffic, some, near misses, Dean shifts his gravity into an old school's brick wall. He smirks, enjoying himself, as he grabs onto an open window and throws himself down into the room. Without missing a beat, he turns upside down, running along the ceiling, up (down) the steps towards the front door. Picking up to a dash and skipping over florescent lights, he bursts out of the front door, falling into the sky before gently arching back to the ground. He lets out a gratified sigh before slowing into the towns center.

Dean, wiping sweat from his forehead, walks tiredly to a nearby coffee stand to get his late start. With a place that has so many small business, he didn't really have a 'usual place'. He turns and rests his back against the stand as he gestures towards a bar window. "What's with that? Another bar?" To which the man serving laughed. "Most people consider that THE bar, not another bar." The man smiles to Dean like one would a child. "Huh" He walks up to the window, peering inside shamelessly.


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