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Fandom Hell City

Thaddeus slams his hand into Moses, giving him a crushing handshake. But the behemoth knew that Moses wouldn't be harmed. They were both alike, and they wouldn't be able to kill each other. Thaddeus starts to walk away before he responds.

"Tell the Mafia that they better pay up in a week, or i'll visit then them, and in a very bad mood."

@Sinister Clown
"Oh believe me...I think the explosives we've already set up are definitely going to remind them of that" he said as he shook the large mans hand. He then bid him adeu, whilst handing over to him a complementary bottle of pills.
Cocking his head to the side slightly, Alexander smiled. "It's a good thing I'm my own boss or else pay here wouldn't be very good." He remarked. "How about a test trial as a bartender? I'll have to teach you how to mix drinks though. Nothing too hard. Just a few specialities." Of course, if Dean decided to stay, he'd have a lot of other things to teach him as well, but that would have to wait. "A week sound good?"

Thaddeus raises his hand before he jumps off the building, down into the smoke and darkness. He was gone, and he was now searching for his next buyer.

(If any leaders of any gangs want to make deals for weapons
Zack couldn't deal with what this person was saying. She just kept talking and talking about some show she wanted him to go with her to, but going with someone, let alone listening to someone, was more than he could handle. "S-s-s-sorry Liz, I-I-I-I-I can't make it. Perhaps a-another time." He said quietly, rushing down the stairs as soon as he finished talking. People will only hurt you. They'll use you, and then throw you away. Why pretend to have these "friendships" when we both know you don't have any emotions or feelings? As much as he wanted to listen to the voice, Zack knew it wouldn't be good. He didn't want to hurt anyone, not ever again.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](I guess id like him to sound more like Gin from bleach or maybe orochimaru lol also what's Gin suppose to do is he gonna fight or talk or what? Are you gonna rp as someone for him to talk to lol @femjapanriceball okie dokie fix)
Gin waited for something big to happen patiently, maybe a fight or a drug deal anything at all."This better be worth my time." He tapped his elbow bored of standing around. He then walked inside the rainy traveler and decided to talk to one of the workers there. He went up to a man at the counter."Hello sir I'm wondering if you'd like to fill me in on the little fight that went down here yesterday. "Gin smiled kindly waiting for a answer.

"F-fight?" Bismarck yawned. He had just gotten up. "Oh, yeah....those two fights....I really didn't want to do that....well, if you really want to know, I found myself going against the Lady Death, the current Grim Reaper. I forget what was going on....oh, yes, it started because she was bad-mouthing my store...why do you want to know?"
Tera nodded, waving to the twins and walking into her own guest room. It had been a long day for her, and she had no problem finding sleep.


Her shoes clicked against the pavement of the street. Blood painted them a nice mauve. A soft melodic voice escaped the girl's lips. The song was in french, it was a song she had often sung while playing with her dolls as a child.

"Please, spare me! I, I have a child! A wife!" A foreign voice didn't reach Naru's ears as she swung her giant hammer and brought it down on the already injured man. A laugh spilled from her mouth as the red liquid spattered onto her clothes, her face.

"Well, I wonder if brother will mind if I'm a little messy...maybe he has one of those fancy showers I saw on TV!" her eyes shown brightly.

Leaving a trail of dead, more or less, bodies behind her as she walked through the city in search of someone she had always longed to meet. She managed to run into a few clown members who directed her towards a place called "Joker's Funland." I suppose I could wait for brother here. She noticed people fighting in an arena towards the center of the building that piqued her interest. Two burly looking men were brawling. Big brother sure does live in an interesting place. A bell sounded for the victory of one male, the other walking away bloodied. He had lost a few teeth but was laughing anyways.

"Mind if I join?" Naru's voice was solid, heads turned and snickered as she was invited to join.

She was faced with a tall woman, who carried a long whip. The bell rang and the women lunged towards her, Naru dodged and swung her hammer towards the woman. The woman leaped over the attack and kicked Naru across the face with her left heel. The hit was hard, a bruise would be formulating on her jaw from it. Naru leaped back as the woman advanced, blocking her further advances with swift movements. The air whipped around them and sliced at the woman's skin. A crowd began to form. The woman growled and flipped backwards, the wind cutting around her she slashed her whip around Naru's hammer handle and pulled.

Naru's eyes darkened. "Now that's where you are wrong." She yanked her hammer back, dragging the woman forward. Swinging the hammer she slammed the woman from the side so hard she coughed up blood. Slamming it down again the woman rolled to the side just missing the impact. She raised her whip and strung it around Naru's neck. Gritting her teeth Naru dropped her hammer and raised her hand towards the woman. As the woman tightened the hold the crowd cheered. However a sudden shadow of darkness was released from Naru's fingertips and around the woman. The grip loosened from around Naru's neck as the woman screamed hectically. She pulled at her long auburn hair and curled up in a ball. The crowd was silent for a moment before letting out cheers and laughter, dragging the defeated woman away. Picking up her hammer, Naru smiled, raising her hands into the air triumphantly.

She was easy...I wonder if brother will fight with me?

"What did you do to her?" A womanly voice sounded from behind her. Naru turned to face the woman wrapped in leather clothing.

"I made her see things; you could say." Naru replied stepping closer to her.

The woman's blond hair framed her face nicely. "I haven't seen you around here before...you new?"

"You could say that. Im actually here to see my br- uhm...The Joker."
Naru played with the hem of her skirt. Nobody knows Im his step sister. I should keep it that way for now.

It wasn't long until she found out which room he stayed at in Joker's hotel. Of course, she needed a key to get in, and nobody with even the least authority would permit her to enter. At least, not directly. Touching the foreheads of the people who worked at the hotel she sent them into a mental maze. As they scattered about she took the emergency key hanging from the board behind hotel receptionist's desk. These opened any door.

Taking one last glance at the crazed people in the lobby before she went upstairs she bit her lip. They'll be back to normal soon anyways, I better hurry.

Naru easily slipped into The Joker's room. She often wondered his real name was. After all, most everyone referred to him as The Joker. There were many rumors as to what his real name was but the only sure way to know was to ask him directly. Setting her hammer against the wall she quickly found the shower. Her face brightened. I knew it would be fancy! She thought gleefully as she allowed herself time to cleanse herself. After she was done she had found one of her step brother's apparel, it was a dark purple flannel. Well he isn't using it right now... She giggled to herself and changed into it. she put on the pair of black shorts she had been wearing under her skirt. Touching the rim of his bed her expression became more serious.

"Big brother...I wonder if he will believe me?" She flopped onto the soft bed. "I wonder if he does believe me if he will be mad I invaded his privacy? Will he try to kill me? After all we aren't related by blood...but still..." Her face was still slightly red from taking a hot shower. She panned her arms out to make a bed angel. This bed is pretty huge...Her eyes began to close. I wonder if...big brother shares this bed with someone...Her heartbeat steadied as her chest rose and fell softly. Her long lavender hair sprawled out over the sheets as sleep took her.

@Sinister Clown

The song she was singing earlier: [media]

Madhu just looks down at the boss and can not help but let out a small smile. He recognizes that look anywhere. From the corner of his eyes, Madhu sees the tapped code on her leg. Madhu keeps his small smile, lets out sigh barely audible, looks up at the Joker, and leaves the interrogation room without a word. (@Robyn Banks @Sinister Clown)

Out of the room, Madhu calls for his secretary to call Trinity. Seriously, that girl should be here by now. It is way past for the noon meeting (@Mitchs98).

Madhu walks away from the interrogation room with the secretary. When the secretary and the underboss turns a corner, the man cracks a large, snarling grin. He finally orders. "Code Home is a go. Let's show Hell City who owns this show, mia famiglia."
(@Robyn Banks Sorry I took so long >.> I was busy with a bit of stuff)

Tristan sat back in his chair, throwing one leg over the other and crossing his arms and he gave back a serious expression to the woman across the table however after a few minutes of silence, It wasn't until Nat had called for whatever 'code home' was. A wide and long grin crept up his face "You know, It's mainly for entertainment...I already have fame, power and what's the use of fortune when you can just take what you want!" he cracked himself up laughing in madness "Oh no, I'm a man with simple tastes..I like knives, blood, gasoline and a good old joke!" reaching into his coat, Tristan took out what looked like a trigger and checked the time on his watch "Talking about jokes, want to hear one?" holding his hand out as if gesturing for them to wait "In about...Oh I'd say ten seconds, this whole place is gonna come crashing down!!" he laughed manically again "So how does that tickle your fancy hmm?" a daring wide grin on his face as he stood up and slammed his foot on the table, leaning on it.

(No problem I understand)

Natalia just let out a smirk. "Really, Though the joke wasn't that funny, which I'm disappointed by, I like the idea, you don't mind if I do the same to you, but all i have to do is make my secretary push a button. She likes pushing buttons for some reason...I actually had some spies join when you were you were in prison. go to 'Funland' and place some bombs above and underground. " She sighs then says. " this remind me of my terrorist days...Though it was more interesting since it was mostly innocent people. I still remember the screams...I'm going to miss this place lots of great memories with Lucifer here." She leaned back in her seat dreamily. " I always wondered how it would be to die might be an adventure actually." She got up then walked over to the joker. "What are you going to do if the mafia ends anyways? If you're just doing it for entertainment, who's going to take our place. The musical book club or the Chinese flowers? I'm dying to find out." She said sarcastically. The secretary was already making her way underground to set the bomb as the Mafia members in the room aimed their guns at him. "But before this old place crumbles, I'd like to present you with a gift. But you'll have to close your eyes."

@Sinister Clown
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Trinity was fast asleep, still heavily fatigued from the previous nights events. She would have probably slept until later that night if she wasn't woken up by her cell phone continuously ringing. Somewhere between the fifth missed call and the sixth call she woke up with a groan, grabbing her cell phone from her table and answering it "Mhm..what is it.." She mumbled, yawning, still half asleep. That state didn't last long, however, when the woman on the other line informed her she was incredibly late for the meeting. Glancing at the clock that read 1:55 PM her only response to the woman was "Shit!" as she hung up the phone. With no time to waste she took a quick shower and brushed her teeth before quickly struggling into her clothes and grabbing her new car keys. Surprisingly enough the car made it through the night, most likely due to the sole fact they knew who it belonged to. Getting into the car she sped off to HQ, nearly running over a street sign in the process.

It didn't take her long to reach it, however, coming to a screeching halt in front of the building she quickly killed the engine and ran into the HQ, nearly running full speed into Madhu in the process. "Um..Sorry I uh..overslept." She told him nervously, faintly smiling. "I missed the meeting, didn't I?" She asked, looking up at him.


@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

"Thank you Lilies." Maria told the made, smiling. When Tera waved at them and entered her room the twins entered theirs, thanking Lilies once more. They set their things beside the bed on either side and quickly climbed in, it didn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep, the effects of staying up all night taking their toll on them.
Loki soon arrived behind Trinity. He didn't bother explaining his late arrival. Of course, he had completely planned on being late. He glanced at Trinity. "It's been awhile hasn't it?" He grinned, his snake flicking its tongue out. I'm sure a lot of people figured I had crawled off somewhere to die. Official meetings were not his thing. @Mitchs98
His apartment building was in the slums, near something the locals called the "Funland" Zack sincerely didn't want to even go near the place, but it was too late to turn back now. He needed guidance on how to control his aura, and the man known as The Joker would be the one to know how to do it.

Was this plan stupid?


Was The Joker probably going to betray him?


Was there any other options left to him?


He approached the entrance, and snuck in just as a crowd had gathered to watch a fight behind him. Zack hurried towards the building some homeless man had told him was where The Joker stayed. You know he's just going to betray you, or kill you. What's the point of all this? For once, Cassius had a good point, but Zack still needed to try. The Clown Prince of Hell City would have the information he sought.
"Sounds quite lovely don't you agree Trin?" Loki said a bit sarcastically. He leaned against one of the walls. He was pretty carefree for the situation. Although the Joker loved jokes, but he also loved explosions. So it could go either way.
Moses had just finished setting the charges. He had traveled past security with ease. He left the building, and was traveling back to the Funland whilst giving Joker the call for the signal. Hearing him pick up he says "It's Done" nonchalantly. @Sinister Clown
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"Oh, I'm always up for surprises...And who said I wanted the mafia to go down? I'm just setting up the fireworks!!!!" he exclaimed to everyone in the room including those who shouted, when taking out the phone to get the confirmation it was done a wider grin appeared on Tristan's face "Wouldn't you look at that, exactly ten seconds HOOO HOOO!!" pressing the trigger the explosives were set off, taking out everyone in the bottom floor the building rumbled and shards of concrete from the ceiling dropped down.

Taking a 'gentleman's' bow he looked to the building behind him and tilted his head, gesturing his fingers to make a box around his target at the wall. Pulling his body back made a helicopter motion with his arm before launching himself through the wall, his punch breaking away the material made to build the building he simply sky rocketed himself out into the city.

@Robyn Banks
By the time Moses had reached the Funland, he could hear a distant explosion. However, he ignored it, and grabbed his regular chair beside the door and waited for Jokers return.
Natalie started to shake A bit as the ground shook with her.she could hear the Secretary taking a deep breath as she pushed the button. The bomb soon blew up most of the 'funland' but she felt merciful and didn't set of the entrance or the hotel... Well she bombed only the underground levels."Good girl... it's shame that he left I was about to give him this."She took out a syringe then put it on the table ".. Well I guess he'll have to suffer with them. Status report." She squeaks trying to make sure the members with her were ok while the floor began to tremble

The lady's voice sounded shaky as she spoke " Mostly everyone is safe underground but some were kon the floor that exploded." "Alright. I'll give you farther instructions later but first I need to fight out how to get down in one piece" she said in a solemn voice.

@Sinister Clown @TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98 @Nyxy
(@Robyn Banks you realize I keep watch over the entire facility night and day right? And from what I remember, you never sent in any actual rpers to do the job. Which leads me to believe you sent in fodder npcs. Meaning I would dealt with already)
(Listen honey,sweety,baby. Chill like said the bomb was put there when the joker was in prison. Which is prior to when the rp actually starts.So just calm down @LordGowther anyways if your mad about it just take revenge on me later in the rp I don't mind.)
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"The hell!" Alice shouted after, unexpectedly off the ground, Q snatched her up, and just afterwards, nearly (except the hotel and entrance) everything blew up.
Nancy just nodded and waved back, the music not really letting her hear anything. She started wiping the tables, and washing some used cups.


A sudden shake woke Naru up from her little slumber. "W-What?!" She raced to the window, tripping over a black box whose corner was sticking out from under the bed. Heh? Naru was hesitant to open the box. I really shouldn't be meddling but...Curiosity took hold of her actions. I wonder f this is where he keeps his dirty magazine stack...She laughed to herself as she noticed a 3 digit code was required. "Well, no time for this." She used her enhanced strength to break the lock. As she lifted the lid she gasped. "Knives and Explosives. I really should have known."

"Security code has been breached, self destructing in 5...4...3..."

"Whaa-!!" Naru fumbled with the box before opening the window and tossing it out, it exploded. Not that anyone really found it odd, given the fact that everything else in the area had just been blown up. Only a few buildings had been spared. Oh no...maybe today wasn't a good day to come after all? She sunk to the floor out of sight. It must be the Mafia's doing.
Alexander brushed off Nancy's lack of response and let her start her work, instead picking up another empty glass to clean. It would be quiet for an hour or two before other customers began to trickle in. For now, he'd gladly just bask in the peace. Silently, he hoped no one would try and start a fight in the bar today. It would be quite bothersome and he wasn't in the mood to kill anyone. With a small huff, he set down the glass and turned to the booze behind him, putting them in their rightful places

@Guts @Lilah Tunth

Alaric looked up from the limp body splayed across the ground in front of him, wiping his bloodied knife off on the other guy's coat. There was also blood splattered across his face though he paid no mind to it, instead paying attention to carefully replacing his knife back into its sheathe hidden in his boot. "Ahh, what a day." He said softly under his breath, lips spread wide in a maniacal smile. "What do you think Jax?" Jax sighed, audible only in Alaric's head. "I wish you didn't have to do this, but I know we must." He said solemnly. Alaric's smile fell. "I know, brother. If I could keep it from you, I would." There was genuine regret in his voice. "It doesn't matter now. We should probably get going." Alaric nodded his head in agreement before stepping out of the alley

(Does anyone wanna interact with Alaric/Jax?)

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