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Fandom Hell City

Alexander heard movement near the front window of the bar. He turned and smiled, waving at whoever was there before picking up a stray glass cup and cleaning it. He hadn't had time to do all the prep work the night before, instead falling asleep somewhere in the backroom among the stocked up booze and food. It had been an uncomfortable night, to say the least

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Dean grins, looking a bit weird in his own reflection. 'Ugh.. Note to self. Work on a better friendly face.' He opens the door and let's himself in. "Hello. How are you?" With the usual old customer interaction. "So.. This may sound like I'm hitting on your bar, but I haven't noticed it around town and I've heard it's a good time. How long has this place been open? " he walks around, noticing that the man is blind by his glasses and the way he tilts his head slightly to track Dean's voice. After admiring the decor, he makes his way to a seat at the bar.

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Alexander's smile remains when he hears the young man sit down at the counter. "I am well, thank you." As done over and over again, he flipped an empty glass over and pushed it towards the new customer. "No worries at all. This bar here had been open for about eight years now, I'd say." He replied to the question. Eight years ago, he'd been nineteen and ready to actually do something with his life instead of staying on the streets. It had worked out well in the end. "Would you like a drink?" He asked.

(Lol was that computerized voice L? @Lilah Tunth ) Gin smiled."Very well and am I to bring them in or do I have permission to use deadly force?" He asked getting excited at the idea of a fight.
"Huh. I guess it's possible I've never seen it. I'm usually the 'drink on a roof top' guy. How do you guys like the area?" Referring to the crime rate of course. The term 'guys' was used to hopefully, lead the man to introduce his staff or lack of. His mask had gained some notoriety. Unfortunately, it just made his petty theft attempts more taxing. He would either have to step up his game or find extra work and access to booze seemed better than more dangerous work at the moment.

"The area is...what it is. There's not really much to say about it." Alexander said before cocking his head to the side in confusion, smile falling slightly. "Guys? Do you mean staff?" He asked. Realizing that that was what it was, his smile returned. "It's only me and Nancy, though she's not in yet. She joined not too long ago." Nancy Red was a sweet girl who did her job well as his second bartender. After working with and for himself for so many years, it was nice to have help now. It made it easier to deal with the customers who decided to make a mess in his bar. "Have you lived in the city long?"


@Lilah Tunth
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The air always seemed colder wherever the Staff Sergeant went, it was a trend that seemed to follow him in all theatres and occupations; a universal constant that served grim reminder to his sins, much to his own dismay. That dismay was only temporary. He found power in the cold, it served as the very essence of his confidence that centered around the fact that he alone could affect the world around him.

The aura of chill he gave was dread


And that is just what he wanted.

The Staff Sergeant had finally made his way to the rundown cesspool.

'Hell City,'

he would

often think to himself on the plane ride there, "what awful secrets await me there?" He couldn't help but ponder on the work he had been given. The International community, as powerful as it was, still had to play dumb to the obvious scandals of the self-proclaimed city-state for running off rumor alone was a game dealt with cards of glass. They couldn't afford such a fault in their system, it was unethical and too risky. It compromised the basis of their organization ---- For harnessing the collective time of humanities' lifespan to create the commonwealth was difficult enough. To lose all that progress over something as small and insignificant as 'Hell City'? It was preposterous. Nonetheless, his duties, not only to himself but his code, had him continue the investigation of such a city. And the grounds have just been set for such an investigation!

The call just came in on his pager by the time he waltzed off the train that led from terminal

to loading zone. The CIA had sent reports to all major counter-terrorist units that a prisoner has just broken free of the convoy and was now on the loose somewhere in 'Hell City'. It was unclear whether or not the subject was going to attempt escaping the city limits, but Stephen assumed such a drastic action was begging for re-capture and reform. She was going to stay within the city, build herself back up, and cause terror from there. Or even worse so, acquire such status and wealth that she would be so freely allowed to walk off into public, protected by such tools named politicians and syndicates. It disgusted Goodrich, leaving a foul taste in his mouth for the rest of the ride toward the new embassy.

@Robyn Banks
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"Yeah, most of my life. You learn which streets to take." He says, almost rolling his eyes. It wasn't really fair for Dean to say something like that. But a normal person could benefit from that advice. Maybe. "Well if you're looking for anyone to.. I dunno. Bus? Or clean maybe? Anyway, I'll have a Glass of Jack Daniels." It felt shameful to accept alcohol from a possible employer, but he figured business is always good flattery.

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L paused in his consuming of marshmallows, and said, "No, you do not have permission to do anything like hurting the gifted humans, only observing them is allowed so far,"
Isabella groaned as she say down in an intersection with no cars having been exhausted by skipping all around fun land with no sign of a second I command or the first in command. "I'm so tired. But if I go home mama won't let me have fun.... Stupid rules." She grumbled the last part as he rubbe one of her eyes and yawned in a cute way
Gin sighed." How tedious fine I'll go watch them, but if I see any reason to take them down I'm doing so." And with that Gin began his journey to the missions destination." Damn L thinks he's so great. All L does is sit around eating sweets while I'm doing all the work. I haven't even gotten closer to finding that man." Gin said as he remembered the last thing he saw before his sight was lost. That man standing over his dead wife and child his home burning to the ground and the man laughing as everything Gin loved was lost. Gin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist a single drop of sweat came down his forehead and he wiped it away. He then continued to the store. "You know now that I think about it I'm blind and L isn't really all out and about with her identity. What if..." Gin began imagining L as a fat old man dressed as a sumo wrestler then shivered at the thought. "Dear god no don't get ahead of yourself Gin." He said in a calmer tone. As he came to his location. "Ok so now what I'm just suppose to watch a bunch of thugs. Haha send the blind guy to spy on some gangsters really funny." Gin said genuinely sounding amused. Gin always imagined L as a woman but being blind and refusing to use his snake sonar unless necessary he didn't really know. Most of the time he spoke with L the voice was all computerized so that didnt help either. But he always had a hunch L was a woman, but wasn't really certain being as no one really knew much about L. Gin leaned against a pole being sure he could keep his senses focused on the Gang members. "Let's see what's going on here."( @Lilah Tunth also what do you guys imagine the characters sounding like lol like Gin for instance what do you guys imagine him sounding like?)
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Nancy hurried from the streets and into the bar, hers short hair a bit wet from all of the sweat she sweated out while running, a newspaper in her hand.

"Fresh copy!" She said, and looked at the cover. Her eyes wide, pondering on the content.

Hell's Den

Fight or what?

During yesterday, it was said that in the general store by the name of 'Rainy Traveller' something along the lines of a fight happened. But is it true? Or is it just a twig of Hell's grapewine? That is what I'm here to find out.

Some reporting we're made by some store keepers around the area. They said that the fight ended quickly and that it wasn't much of a fight, now it is also said that employees of the Rainy Traveller took part in the fight.

What is the Rainy Traveller? It is a general store owned by an associate of one of the greatest writer of all times, Saedor. It is rather small and underfunded, all of the employees are said to have a tough to break bond with each other, and are nearly family like.

They are said to have fought with the infamous Red Lotus gang. Red Lotus known for the leader Madden LeClair, owner of the LeClair Hotel.

For more speculations see pg. 6

For more information on Rainy Travellers see pg. 8

For more on Saedor and his works pg. 10



@Tylor guillory
(I guess id like him to sound more like Gin from bleach or maybe orochimaru lol also what's Gin suppose to do is he gonna fight or talk or what? Are you gonna rp as someone for him to talk to lol @femjapanriceball okie dokie fix)

Gin waited for something big to happen patiently, maybe a fight or a drug deal anything at all."This better be worth my time." He tapped his elbow bored of standing around. He then walked inside the rainy traveler and decided to talk to one of the workers there. He went up to a man at the counter."Hello sir I'm wondering if you'd like to fill me in on the little fight that went down here yesterday. "Gin smiled kindly waiting for a answer.
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(@Tylor guillory, tag @femjapanriceball not me, she is after all the Creatorof Llyria Harp)
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"Of course and Lucifer is fine. " she said as she put her hands on the table. "Why did you start you're organization anyways? I've done a background check and you don't seem to be interested in Fame,Fortune, Power... Are you just doing this for entertainment?"

She asked curiously.

@Tylor guillory)
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Upon rolling through the city, he could see the filth begin piling up in the streets. The embassy location was a grand hotel, with embroidery lining the walls of such a fine hotel and the staff themselves contrasting a pure white compared to the people shambling outside to witness the inauguration of the embassy. Not only was every kind of drug addict under the sun present for the embassy's establishment, but Stephen took notes on suspicious people whom stood out from the usual rabble that now stained the pearly marble steps of the hotel. Men in suits. Women with large hats and starry purses. What were they doing here? Is there such a grand schism between the wealth of these people or are these people funded by a grander organization that may fall under the line of 'tool'? He motioned from the shadows for one of his peers to collect some information on the suspicious people. He might need it for later.

It was only then that the ugly Wolf reared its miserable head. Its teeth bared flesh and


O grasped was the boy by Death, for the Wolf now come,

And his cries mean no more.

With his peers collecting information on the suspicious people, a representative of the

embassy greeted the people and announced the grand opening. "

We are only going to be here for six months,

" he declared dutifully, "

and those six months, we will do everything in our power to cleanse this city!

" He must have felt proud of his work. Rookie.
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As Moses was making his way to Jokers location, he had remembered that they had an important meeting with one of the most well known, and dangerous men in the city, Thaddeus Rabba. This man was one of the most financially......AND physically untouchable people in the whole of Hell City. Moses was to conduct a meeting with him to ascertain weapons from his company, Gears Of War Inc. In an attempt for the Clowns to build up their arsenal. Moses spots Thaddeus in the spot they agreed to meet @National
There to meet up was large building, one if the many meeting towers that Thaddeus owns around the city. Sadly, Thaddeus was one of those house breakers, and the roof was destroyed, the building now had a fantastic view, and Thaddeus was across a 2-seat table, he was pissed.

He grits his teeth and looks looks at Moses.

"You were late, Moses. You should have been here 2 seconds ago, and you wasted two precious intervals of time. Do you understand what dire consequence you have made? I want a good reason on why you're late."

Moses sat down. No emotion on his face . "I was on my way to blow up a certain building for Joker." He replied. Moses then got down to business. "So what do you want for a shipment?" He exclaimed @National
Thaddeus roars as he chucks the table out of the building, the desk crushing a building half a mile way, three floors eliminatied.

He slams his fist into his chair, his chair being bursted into a milliong slivers.

"I want land, of course. I'll pay for two Weapon Deliveries a month for a year, and I get the Southern Harbor."

@Sinister Clown

Oops wrong person xD @LordGowther
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Alexander nodded his head in understanding. "I see." He said before turning around and grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels. Things were put in a very specific order so he wouldn't confuse where the drinks were. It was very rare for him to mess up an order. Even if it did happen, customers were too drunk to even realize they were sipping on the wrong drink. "Here you are. And are you looking for a job? Things can be a bit busy around here. The extra help would be nice." Alexander smiled. While pouring out the drink, he heard the door open and Nancy voice her arrival. "Well, hello Nance." He said kindly.

@Lilah Tunth @Guts
"Gladly" Moses says as he stands up out of his chair. In a monotone voice he says "So, do we have a deal?" He says as he extends his his hand "I have a pressing matter to attend to at the mafia headquarters" he says

Dean turned briefly to wave to Nancy before returning to his conversation with Alexander. "I'd be glad to help out for whatever you can afford." He takes a generous drink, licking his teeth clean. "I should be available around noon any given day. And I don't mind staying for a long time afterwards if necessary." With any luck, he could make enough to protect himself better. Brass knuckles wouldn't keep him from getting his ass kicked for very long.

@ScytheMeister7 @Lilah Tunth
Natalia sat there waiting for an answer but didn't want to be rude and rush him. She took a couple of glances at the window then at Madhu showing him that she was bored of her mind. Knowing that Madhu knew most of the codes in the mafia.She hoped Madhu understood Morse code as she tapped on her leg. 'Madhu I want Code Home to be done Asap. This will be the perfect time to do it.'

@TripTripleTimes @Sinister Clown
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