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Fandom Hell City

Loki clicked his phone off. He knew security was trying to get ahold of him. He would always be up front and center when it came to Lucifer's commands, but he didn't particularly like taking orders from his daughter. His long sleeves hid the snakes in his clothing as he sighed. He could tell his peaceful days of napping on high ledges would soon be over. The voicemail contained aessage about a meeting bring held and how he was expected to attend. He decided he would amuse these new people in charge by going to the meeting, but, he no longer trusted the new boss's authority, even if she was appointed by Lucifer himself.
"Mr.Leolam. I heard a lot about you. I hope that your flight was pleasant." She said as she happened to pull of a grin at Madhu. She was sitting on her desk still as she leaned back against her chair. Though the mission wasn't successful she decides to calm down and not hold that against other people and try to be more... Understanding (which wasn't her forte).

Madden smiled, one more Pyromancer in her ranks. 'Wonder how horrible things would have been going if I didn't take over this band of merry men.....'

"Joining means hard days of training, not only your body but your mind too..." She said, her tone firm, yet very nice for Madden. She then took out a phone from her leg armour pocket (convenience), and called one of her servants, so they would pick her up. Her talk with whoever on the other end was short, and Madden's words we're barely audible.

The car arrived exceedingly quick and she said turning to the two girls, "Follow me, Maria and Elizabeth,", she got in the car's front passenger seat, gesturing silently to the back for the three to get in.


"Thank you, Lady Romanov. The flight was fine." Mashu's eyes were bloodshot, a tall tale of lack of sleep and jet lag but he is well groomed from head to toe. The man returned the smile to the mafia boss.

"I apologize for not being here yesterday and for the sudden line of work as soon as you arrived," Madhu said, smile dying down. "I do hope that the family have followed your orders well."

@Robyn Banks
Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria nodded, barely able to contain her excitement. "Awesome! Sounds much more fun than stealing stuff." She told her, grinning excitedly. "Annd we like you too, Miss Terra." She continued, smiling. Elizabeth nodded, So long as we get sleep first, I don't mind at all. She thought to herself, yawning. When the car arrived and Madden told them to get in they wasted no time in doing so, as much as Maria didn't want to admit it she was as tired as Elizabeth. "So. Where we goin'." Maria asked Madden, leaning up through the middle of the seats grinning excitedly.

Elizabeth, however, was slowly falling asleep with her cheek pressed against the window. "
I don't care so long as it has a bed.." she mumbled, yawning.

@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare
Terra stepped inside the car. She herself felt a little sleepy as well. But she kept awake as the car drove on. She didn't even particularly ask where they were going, if they were in Madden's hands they were fine.
"We are here." Stated the man driving the car, his face covered with a blank white, full faced mask. A practice installed by the LeClair family for all servants that served the family outside of the mansion. "Good, today was a long day, and I'm tired...." Madden stifled a yawn, she got out of the car and so did the servant, he silently opened up the door for Tera and the twins.

Madden got inside the large Chinese styled manor. Someone took down her hair, someone else took off her armour, reaviling leggings and a simple T-shirt under neath. She gestured to the guests to one of the servants to show the guest rooms. Madden herself went back to the master bedroom. Lounging on the couch, phone in hand.

A girl in a white dress made her way to the guests, her hair a soft shade of light brown.

"I-i-i'm Lilies.... I'll show you your way around..."


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"I understand you were abroad doing other business so you don't have to apologize.The mafia are having problems with the recent bombings and so forth.The attempt to take some of the clown's drug trade didn't end well and Some of the members seem to nor trust me. I still want to take down the clowns but I feel like it's hard to get things done around here especially when its an attack. Mr.Leolam what is your opinion about what the next action should be?" She asked eager for his answer. She really needed his input since he's experience more things with the mafia than she did.

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria sunk back into the seat once it was clear Madden wasn't going to talk to her, still as excited as ever. She got even more excited when she saw the mansion, "Ooh! Wake up Liz we're here!" She shouted, shaking her sister awake. To which she responded with a groan and rubbed her eyes, un-sticking her face from the window. "Wow." She said, staring at the massive mansion. The two quickly got out of the car and followed Madden into the mansion, the inside was as awesome as the inside to the two.

When one of the maids made their way over and introduced herself Maria smiled and waved at her, "
I'm Maria annd this is Elizabeth." She told her, gesturing to Elizabeth who had wandered a bit off from the group looking at the interior of the mansion. "Nice to meet you."

When her name was mentioned she quickly walked back over and waved briefly at the maid. "
Hi." She told her, smiling lightly.

@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare
"I believe that the main problems are already been addressed and are in work to be restored, thanks to you, Lady Romanov," Madhu answered. His eyes crease upwards slightly along with a corner of his lip. He is of course talking about "The Cold Gate Prison is already cleaned and blueprints of a stronger facility are being sent back and forth between the security department, facility manager, architects, and engineers as we speak. They will be meeting together sometimes within this week."

"The safety of the public after the bombing is secured and clean up are coming to a conclusion. We have few eye-witness report and surveillance videos to confirm that the destruction is caused by the Joker." Here, his lips lifted to a small snarl but Madhu quickly killed it. "What is important now is to bring stability and order to our public. Local businesses are stalled because of the last night events."

"The issue with the Clown and the... other troublesome individuals will have to be solved, but with our resources streched thin as it is... all we can do at the moment is to keep an eye on them and have a heavier guard around our shipment of "goods" when they arrives." Madhu paused, eyes down cast in thought. "Maybe we should postphone the shipment until the situation in the city dies down." The comming shipment was not their usual supplies of herbs and chemicals, rather it is the explosives and guns kinds.

"You are doing well, Lady Romanov." Madhu looks up at Natalia with a steady gaze. "You have already proved what you are capable of, your fighting abilities and your leadership. The faults lies on some of our members for slacking off thinking they have an easy day with a young boss transfering in and an underboss missing from home. I will be meeting those individual later today."

Of course there are more to talk about, like the laboratory and the estimated coast of repairs and death, but this report was long enough already.
(@femjapanriceball Sin is waiting for Bismark to pay him already lol)

Sin sat against the wall of the book store still snoring. His hair was a mess but it usually was he even began drooling a little. "Ahh money and ladies I must be in heaven."

Six walked towards Natalia's location whistling as always. A devious look in his eyes. Dust flew not to far ahead of him, his one good eye searching for anything that might be important. Six made his way closer to the Mafia HQ." Are you sure about this how do you know this won't end in a battle? That would even be tough for you taking on so many." Six just waved Dust question away and kept waking onward.( if your still in the HQ I assume so @Robyn Banks )

Gin stood around CCG HQ unsure of what to do." Hmm maybe I should go outside and hunt down some gifted? That is what I usually do." Gin leaned back his katanas strapped to his side. (@Lilah Tunth ok now I just need you to give Gin something to do a mission or something lol buts you gotta rp it for me lol)
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: General Store -> Men's Dorm

Company: @femjapanriceball
@Lilah Tunth

Starting Action: Talking to Bismark

"Huh. oh alright.." He said waving goodbye to Bismark who was going to his respected room. "Well, I guess Ill pack up" He said to her before he went down to the Men's section and found his name. His room was plain as white, barely anything that he really could hide from anyone. There was a simple bed with white sheets, white blanket and a single white pillow and wooden dresser that held most of his apparel and a laptop....and that was it.. two whole things.
Time for the possiblity to die. He thought before he fell asleep.

The next day, he woke up and remembered to add the two twins in his phone before he got ready and ended up in the front of the General Store again. He actually wanted to do a job today, but at least this was honest money, he thought tapping his chin with a sigh before laying on his outstretched hand.
The secretary that greeted Madhu by Natalia's door knocks and notify the boss and underboss of a suspicious man coming towards the HQ. The secretary infos the two that the man is the famous Six and the mafia has guns have their gun pointed at the man, should he do anything suspicious or come closer.

@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks
(Yep I'm still at HQ)

Natalia soon got up from her chair."I want everything important in this facility ,underground and our of here immediately!" She said to some of the members on her earpiece. "Mr.Leolam I suggest you take cover before things get too serious." She said as she walked out of the room. She started to walk outside with some men behind her ,pointed their weapons at six. "I'm going to give you five seconds to leave the perimeter or I'll give the order to blow your brains out!" She asked having the emotionless look on her face.

@Tylor guillory @TripTripleTimes
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Tristan decided to walk, walking through the long streets which dotted Hell City's landscape. Still no one had noticed him, reaching into his coat and taking out a cigarette packet and popping one out "No one recognizes me?? What kind of gag is this?" placing it in his mouth, taking out a lighter and lightning it up he continues to walk. More and more people walking passed him as he had his stroll through the city, it become more and more disturbing at the minute.

One man had walked passed, staring at him the whole time as they crossed paths. Still no one had recognized him? Even with such an intense look in his eye he still did nothing. However what Tristan didn't know is that the man had turned around and began following him. Tristan at this point was annoyed, a large frown grew on his face
"Well then, I guess it's time to go back to the old ways.." giggling to himself "Oh it's gonna be good fun!" he exclaimed out loud, the man behind him hearing every word of it decided to be a little more discrete about his whereabouts, hiding behind a wall. Tristan walked into a barber shop, the man decided to wait outside for the time being as Tristan went in to do whatever he was doing.

Walking in, the lady greeted Tristan
"Hello there, please take a seat and tell me what you want for you hair today!". Not saying much Tristan sat down in the chair "I want that...Joker look" he said with a large wide grin on his face, the woman didn't think much of it at the time. It wasn't surprising in this city she just wanted the cash. Giving him a bit of a trim "Green hair..?" the woman asked with a questionable tone, Tristan looking at the woman in the mirror "Why of course!" the woman did the finishing touches, dying Tristan's hair green he got up and bowed his head "Why thank you ma'am, do you recognize me at all?" he tilted his head up to the woman with a striking grin on his face. The woman backed up to the wall and glared at Tristan for a moment "S-so the news reports were true..." going to scream, she was stopped with a knife being driven into her throat, Tristan leaning in towards her with a wide grin.

"Don't be so DAMN RUDE!!!" ripping the knife out and cleaning it off with his fingers, flicking the blood on the woman and stuffing the knife back in his coat. Walking out the large man noticed his new appearance, but still chose to follow him.

Tristan continued walking and walking, until he finally reached where he wanted to be
"Ah, here it is what a long walk that was" musing at his comment he glared back towards the man behind him "Oh?" hopping around he made a sarcastic saluting gesture "And who are you?" the man didn't speak, at this point he just decided to charge and end it in one swoop. Kneeing Tristan in the gut and bringing his hands cracking down onto his head Tristan's head went barging on the ground. Flopping down and looking up at the large man "Oh you got some fight in you? I like that...I really do like that, Say? Why don't you just c-" he was interrupted when the large man grabbed him around the throat and lifted him up. Tristan dangling his legs in the air and holding on the man's forearms, still continuing to chuckle "Oh, I get it..Less talk more action? You know it's always good to spare time for a joke every once in a while." bringing his boot up and axe kicking the man up the chin the man reacted with ramming him back down into the ground "Oof!!". Tristan was starting to get pissed "Alright buddy, Now that's NOT funny.." punching the man in the face, the man staggered back seeming surprised about the force of the punch. Tristan hopping back to his feet he leaps up grabbing the man's head and bringing it down into his knee. The man dropping Tristan continued punching into him to a bloody pulp, the man laying there unconscious Tristan spat on him kicking him once more "What a party pooper.." he said with a pouting expression. Looking back to the Mafia building he continued walking until getting to the entrance, taking a stop for a moment and taking in the site of the building.


(Since @Lilah Tunth Claimed the other one xD )

Walking into the front door he went to the lady at the front desk, everyone there seemed disturbed by his presence. Glaring around and walking over he went up to people asking them the same question "Where's that new 'boss' of yours at?" repeatedly asking, being given the same answer each time there was not a word spoken "Everyone lose their tongues?" he asked with a curious expression and looked around the room, walking to the front desk he 'kindly' asked "Can you get me a meeting with the new boss.." backing from the desk he looked back to the guards who gave him a stern glare "What's wrong boys?" shrugging as they still didn't give him a reply, he came up with an idea "Oh! I have a magic trick, please please watch." showing his right hand "Nothing there right?" beckoning one of the men over "Come, come here I want you to take a close look..So you know I'm not cheating of course." the man was hesitant, but wondered what would happen if he didn't listen. Walking forward the woman at the front desk rung Natalia's office (@Robyn Banks ) to inform her of the situation.

The man approached Tristan, staring at his right hand
"Good good, now.." a knife slipping out of his sleeve he stabbed the men's forhead, quickly taking the guards pistol and shooting the other guards he dropped the body which he was using as a shield. "Well they didn't last long did they?" cracking up with mad laughter he stuffed the pistol in his coat and waited to see if the front desk lady came through.
Madhu does not run and cover while there are people in the HQ running around preparing for a bomb attack.

"No, I am your underbosss. I am to fight by your side, dona." Madhu follows Natalia out to the door.

The same secerity comes running in her high heel front of the boss.

"I apologize, my lady for stopping you, but the Joker is already in the building killing one of our member." The lady reports, a ting of panic in her voice.

@Tylor guillory
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Natalia sighed looking at the secretary. " I'm busy with the birdman right now as you can see. Why don't you get the security still inside to bring him into the meeting room. Take his weapons and Gun him down on the way,I'll be there shortly but until then I want you to treat him as a business partner until I arrive." She ordered the secretary. Then turned back to six still having all weapons aimed at him.She happened to look at Madhu and say " What is up with today?"

@Tylor guillory
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Six just smiled and poked the guns amused." Oh so scary I'm so terrified of your big guns." Dust said from a safe location. "But your realize as soon as you open fire on me I'll explode and take you all with me. Now shall we talk like reasonable people orrr?" As Dust said this a ball of Aura appeared in Six's hand. He smiled as he heard the clown was in the building. "Oh that's wonderful I was hoping he would show up."

( @femjapanriceball and anyone else to do with Llyria harp or whatever the gangs called sorry )
"Why the hell are you here?" She asked six.still letting the guns aim at Six. She wasn't really afraid of having both of them killed since again previous job. But she had to think about the members as well so she wouldn't take that risk.

@Tylor guillory @TripTripleTimes
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The secretary nods and hurriedly infos the people in the vottom floor to bring the Clown up. (@Tylor guillory

((Controlling the npc isnt nessary right?))
Six titlted his head side ways questioningly. "What do I want? What a stupid question to ask... But if you want to know then lower the guns and lets have ourselves a talk of and let the clown in on it to. Or he might kill all your men." Dust said for six who still had the Aura preparing to attack if necessary.

( @Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes @Sinister Clown and I suppose it adds to the story If someone controls the npcs lol)
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Natalia paused for a few seconds in thought. Then said. "No Aura abilities and no weapons , other than that fine... Lower your weapons." They did as Nat commanded then she put her hands in pockets then gestured him to go in. She didn't have to worry about everything important being captured like the lab. It was gone by this time and under the city, secured. She still didn't let her guard down though.

@Tylor guillory
(I'll control them, without killing them of course..)

The security came down to the room where Tristan had been waiting, five dead bodies scattered around him
"Oh finally! You took your time." he said with a wide grin. There was about ten security guards, each of them pointing guns towards Tristan ready to shoot if it became necessary. One of the security men asked him "We've been ordered to take you to the boss, hand in your weapons and come along with us...We'll be watching everything you down so don't make any funny moves 'Clown'." The man who spoke rose his gun back at Tristan watching him empty his pockets of various knives, a deck of cards, three dollar notes & the pistol he took from the guard earlier, dropping them all the ground. "Shall we go?" he said with his hands raised and a wide grin on his face.

The security guards nodded and began walking Tristan to the meeting room, stepping aside to let him in Tristan walked passed and inside. Looking around the room only person he could spot out in the room was Six and that bird of his.
"Oh? You're a naughty boy Six." looking to the woman who was now the 'new boss' of the mafia "Why hello beautiful!" smoothly making his way over closer to the woman, making a respectful bow "It's a pleasure to meet you." bursting in laughter he stood back up "Looks like the party has started without me."

@Tylor guillory @TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

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