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Fandom Hell City

Emmanuel's breath skips a beat when Trinity asks the question. His mind runs trying to figure out what to say. To cover it up, he takes a moment longer to pretend to catch his breath.

"I-I don't know. They, he, I think? Was pretty far away when I saw them, and it's pretty dark in there to really see in there." Emmanuel suddenly stands up straight, hands bunch into fists. "But I think he, recognized me! When I told him to stop, they just ran faster! I'm famous!"

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Trinity arched a brow and crossed her arms grinning as Emmanuel told her about what happened. An obvious lie..oh well. She thought to herself. "I see..well. They're probably long gone by now. Not worth chasing after." She told him, walking back to the car and un-crossing her arms. "I need to drop you back off at your place, Boss needs me to take care of something and it'll be dangerous. Madhu would kill me and you both if you got hurt, especially with it past your bed time." She continued, standing by the door waiting for him. She wasn't about to let him run off again when she wasn't looking.
Emmanuel groans and his stance deflates like a balloon when Trinity tells him to get inside the car. He had hoped that she would let him free into the night with that lie.

"Why do keep saying that?" Emmanuel grumbles as he scuffles into the sport car. "You're the same rank as him, and stronger. He's just a Casual, you're not..."

((No, no it does not))

Trinity sighed as she got into the car at Emmanuels obvious annoyance at driving him home and mentioning his brother. "Rank doesn't always matter when it comes to family Emmanuel. Sides, I'm not just concerned about what he'd do. I'd feel awful if you or Alicia got hurt cause of me." She told him, starting the car and driving off from the lab wreckage. "Tell you what, tommorrow after the meeting depending on how it goes I'll patrol the city with you since it got cut short tonight. Sound like fun?"

In truth, Trinity wished she could be going home now too. She was still feeling the effects of the blood loss and to the observant eye they were quite obvious. Her skin was still pale and her breathing was rough. I'll have to deal with the Clowns quickly and try to avoid direct confrontation..I won't hold up long in a fight.. She thought to herself, sighing internally as they drove down the street.
Emmanuel has cross his arms, shoulders hunch, and he tries to sink into the car seat. Definitely, he is not happy.

"Just you and me?" Emmanuel asks. He want that at least. No little sister, no giant mass of darkness and hair following them around, he wants Trinity all for himself tomorrow. They don't even need to ride a car or bike, they can walk around like how Trinity likes it.

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Trinity nodded, "Yep. Just me and you. Annd of course the bad guys we might find." She told him, laughing lowly. "To be honest if it were up to me I'd much rather of stuck with the original plan of patrolling around the fountain area before heading home...but this happened soo."

As she said this they passed the fountain, she sighed thinking how the night went from relatively good to the worst possible scenario that could've happened.
Tristan nodded at the statement Alice made and just gave a long grin "We are all gonna' have so much FUN!!" he exclaimed, clenching onto the back of his chair as he leaped up onto the chair as if he were roaring out the words to them. Hopping back onto his feet he dusted himself off and adjusted his collar "I think it's time we do some..'Aggressive' expansion. The house is getting boring and I never see anyone in that fighting arena anymore!!!" probably because it had been the first time he come back for a while. What Tristan said was true, many members left during the time Tristan was locked in jail and because of his drastic change of appearance many wouldn't think Tristan even was the joker if it wasn't for his personality.

Taking his leave from the room he said little else as he left, walking up the stairway and through the building. Although many didn't know it 'Joker's Funland' was actually a very large building, extending both three levels underground and three levels above Tristan made his way to where most of the Clown members stayed called 'Joker's hotel'


This was also where Joker has his own personal room to have his 'own time' you could call it. There were still a few residents staying in the hotel and each of them payed with blood, drugs and ammunition in fact most of the Organizations funds came from not only 40% of the drug trade but also from members themselves. Some of them greeted Tristan however startled by his appearance "What the fuck are you looking at?!" the men backed up and went back to doing whatever they were doing. Tristan headed up to his room and laid down in his bed 'The moment I lose my 'style' everyone loses their minds!' was the last thought he had before falling asleep.
- remains hidden in a tree but has hood up so people don't see my face- thinks: " I wonder what criminals will be out later today. - smirks with a devious smile-
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Robyn Banks]Natalia looks at her but quickly looks away. As she continued walking [COLOR=#0000ff] "How can you not remember your age?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]She asked kind of concerned for Isabelle not knowing her own age.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
"It's hard ok." She said as she crossed her arm and pouted as she waked with her. "It's not my fault." She grumbled
Emmanuel cannot help but smile at Trinity. Yeah, maybe it was a pity that they were suddenly called to the ruined laboratory tonight. Maybe he could have heard what Trinity have been up to and maybe the Boss would have shared some of her stories away from Hell City. He wonders how life outside here be like? He can't really imagen it.

"Yeah. That sounds nice," Emmanuel says and watches the world pass by. By the same small store, the orange glow in the sky, and finally back to his small but comfortable home.



Murmur and panic emit frenetic from one end of a cellphone. The holder of the phone hears but does not listen to the repeating explanation coming from the other side. A hand clenches and relaxes as his patients wear thin.

"Listen," The man intrupts the voice. "Get me all the report of tonight's damage and numbers and I want it in my hand when I land in Hell City tomorrow." The voice starts to fuss again but the man tsks loudly, his true colour showing.

"I want to see you and the chef guard, Toma, tomorrow, in my office for a personal debriefing." With that he hangs up.
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Moses goes back to his chair at the front of the main entrance to the Funland and starts to stare intently at the doors. He never was one for sleep, and since the lack of it didn't hinder him in any way, Joker figured he made an excellent night guard.
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"I suppose you are right Madden. We should still keep a lookout for drastic changes." From the corner of her eye she saw Elizabeth give North their numbers. Hmm...if she's looking for a training session as well perhaps we could all have a group session? Hopefully it doesn't collide with our relations. Red Lotus doesn't usually get into fights with Lyria Harp so much so I figured it would be okay. Those two are pretty energetic. Their stamina must be phenomenal. As Madden asked about the twin's abilities they ended up stepping outside. Maria seemed to be able to play around with fire and darkness, while Elizabeth manipulated electricity well and teleported. She had yet to see how skilled she was with the emotions ability. "With a little work you two could grow into some top notch fighters." She also found it interesting that Maria could only heal her sister. Almost as if they were destined to fight alongside one another.

She began to see a bit of commotion taking place in the store. Mostly between the store keeper and a lady. Why doesn't she just leave? eh, well I'm interested in seeing what this guy can do.

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- is in hell city exploring and is perfectly blending in - is thinking to self: wonder why thare are so many cities I've seen them, never been in any. - keeping thoughts to self-
Isabella groaned as she sat there on a bench next to a car she had blown up while eating an ice cream. "There so mean completely forgetting about me..... Maybe the clowns would be better off for me." She said as she took another lick from her ice cream as shadows swirled around her slowly as the man that had been driving slowly started to crawl from his car bloodied and fear filled. "P-please help me?!?" He begged in pain not knowing she caused it. "Awww poor man you look so hurt." She said as she didnt look at him and kept eating her ice cream
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella groaned as she sat there on a bench next to a car she had blown up while eating an ice cream. "There so mean completely forgetting about me..... Maybe the clowns would be better off for me." She said as she took another lick from her ice cream as shadows swirled around her slowly as the man that had been driving slowly started to crawl from his car bloodied and fear filled. "P-please help me?!?" He begged in pain not knowing she caused it. "Awww poor man you look so hurt." She said as she didnt look at him and kept eating her ice cream

Natalia decided before she arrived the manor to receive the sleep she deserved she decided to give Isabella a call. "Hey Isabella. Want to do something entertaining?" She said smirking." It involves the clowns if you are wondering."
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Natalia decided before she arrived the manor to receive the sleep she deserved she decided to give Isabella a call. "Hey Isabella. Want to do something entertaining?" She said smirking." It involves the clowns if you are wondering."

Isabella immediately picked the phone up and spoke cheerfully. "Hi mama!! I'd love to what are we doing?" She asked excitedly as she jumped off the bench happily and spun around to face the injuried man before she smiled her wicked and sinister smile before she skiped over then kicked him hard bending his head back quickly and breaking his neck. "What are we doing mama?" She asked again as she waited for an awnser as the mans head hit the floor as he died instantly
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella immediately picked the phone up and spoke cheerfully. "Hi mama!! I'd love to what are we doing?" She asked excitedly as she jumped off the bench happily and spun around to face the injuried man before she smiled her wicked and sinister smile before she skiped over then kicked him hard bending his head back quickly and breaking his neck. "What are we doing mama?" She asked again as she waited for an awnser as the mans head hit the floor as he died instantly

"Well I plan to have a meeting with this Joker person I've heard so much about but to ensure that we will attend I need a hostage and that's where you come in. I need you to go... Funland or whatever its called and take a member back with you.I know it will be dangerous but I assume you will be able to take on whatever. And you may destroy some of the things there as well. I can give you a squadtron or whatever you need to make this succeasful.As a reward I will give you full range to do whatever you want for a day .So are you interested?" She asked pretty solemn but cheerful at the same time. She found it funny how so many children wanted to be related to her so far. She honestly thought it would be the opposite but then again this is hell city. So in a why she was pretty much one of the role models for every wannabe criminal in this area. She knew Lucifer took Elizabeth in so it would be rude to dishonor that, so she had to roll with it.
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[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]"Well I plan to have a meeting with this Joker person I've heard so much about but to ensure that we will attend I need a hostage and that's where you come in. I need you to go... Funland or whatever its called and take a member back with you.I know it will be dangerous but I assume you will be able to take on whatever. And you may destroy some of the things there as well. I can give you a squadtron or whatever you need to make this succeasful.As a reward I will give you full range to do whatever you want for a day .So are you interested?" She asked pretty solemn but cheerful at the same time. She found it funny how so many children wanted to be relates to her so far. She honestly thought it would be the opposite but then again this is hell city. She knew Lucifer took Elizabeth in so it would be rude to dishonor that.

Isabella happily cheered. "Thank you mama!!" She said happily before she skipped down the street happily towards jokers fun land as she grabbed a baseball bat out of a bin that was on the side walk. "Hey mama does it matter who I grab?" She asked having not hung up the phone yet as she skipped swinging the bat around happily
" Not exactly just get someone that the leader will realize is missing . maybe a second in command or something like that. I stress that this is very important and you cannot risk getting captured yourself." She said as she looked out the window. Making her voice more stern but still soft, knowing she is still talking to a child.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella happily cheered. "Thank you mama!!" She said happily before she skipped down the street happily towards jokers fun land as she grabbed a baseball bat out of a bin that was on the side walk. "Hey mama does it matter who I grab?" She asked having not hung up the phone yet as she skipped swinging the bat around happily

[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]
" Not exactly just get someone that the leader will realize is missing . maybe a second in command or something like that. I stress that this is very important and you cannot risk getting captured yourself." She said as she looked out the window. Making her voice more stern but still soft, knowing she is still talking to a child.

"Yes mama. When do I need them by?" She asked as she skipped twoards jokers fun land happily as she thought of ways she could do this and make her leader or 'mama' proud
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yes mama. When do I need them by?" She asked as she skipped twoards jokers fun land happily as she thought of ways she could do this and make her leader or 'mama' proud

"As soon as possible,If you don't mind?" She said . she honestly didn't care about the time as long as the mission was complete.Everything else didn't matter.
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]
"As soon as possible,If you don't mind?" She said . she honestly didn't care about the time as long as the mission was complete.Everything else didn't matter.

"Ok mama!! Ill call you when I have them ok!!" She said happily to Natalia as she neared fun lands main entrance which was in her sights

(Ok who will let me kidnaps there character that is high in the clowns rankings!?!?)
femjapanriceball said:
(Okay @Tylor guillory *gulp*)
"H-h-h-he's at his store, like always...!" The injured Llyria Harp member sobbed. "P-p-p-please, don't tell him that I broke the rules...d-d-d-don't tell him...h-h-he doesn't like it when members of his g-g-gang kill other people....thinks it's wrong...just stop..."

Bismarck clutched his cheek. This Grim Reaper lady was good...but also very arrogant. "Miss, I don't wish to do severe damage to you—"

"I know," Lily said, drawing back after she hit Bismarck. She took a swig of wine. "Tastes good, doesn't it...being the best."

"Look, Miss Underworld, I would like to end this battle—"

"Then I suppose...oh!" Lily smirked. "Now this was a very nice battle, but I have better things to do. Farewell!" And she disappeared.
"See now was that so hard?" Sin then struck the man hard enough in the head to kill him. He stood up and walked out of the alley way dusting off his black leather jacket, and fixing his hair." Sigh, I can never seem to find anyone worth fighting anymore lets hope this was worth the time." Sin said as he put his hands in his pocket and walked towards Llyria harps base of operations." You know I've got a good feeling about today. " he said to himself.

Six had finished eating and Cat had fallen asleep at the table he'd face in a plate of food as she slept." Well I'd love to stay but I must be going. She should be fine just let her know I'll see her around. " Dust said to the waiter as Six got up to leave. He walked through the Restaurant stepping over the bodies of a few mafia members who had tried to kick him out after he forced his way in. He looked back at the either unconscious or dead men on the floors and smiled." Well it was fun fellos but I'm very busy and must be going so ta ta." Dust said for six who made the same ta ta hand gesture he always did. He then left and looked back at the restaurant. "Hmm the food was good, but the service sucked plus I was rudely interrupted during my meal soo. Hm there lucky I left cat in there." Dust said for Six who turned away and began walking away from the restaurant the quickly turned back and blew a hole in it anyway. "There you go four star that's my review be lucky if it wasn't for Cat being asleep in there I would of blown the whole place up. Oh and if anyone ask my name is Tristan leader of the Clown gang thats rivals with the mafia." And with that Six walked away whistling like always his footsteps seeming to echo through the entire city. (Ok no Sin has something to do although I'm not sure if he was on a job for Bismark or if he's going after Bismark because of @femjapanriceball reply but now Six needs something to do any takers)

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