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Fandom Hell City

"Aren't you going to see what she wants?" Loki pressed.

"Huh?" Tera looked up at him.

"The woman back at the store. She's calling you."

A little reluctantly she sighed and turned back to look where she had left. Well, as long as I don't run into North so soon again. He probably does resent me a little. Maybe Loki was right...She walked back to meet the woman standing in front of the store. Oh, she was one of the people watching earlier.

"Ehm...can I help you with something?" Her voice was a bit edgy, she tried to sound friendly but it only did so much for her. Along with her resting bitch face. @Mitchs98
It wasn't long before six and cat found themselves in mafia territory. They walked up to the lab that Six had spoken to Natalia at. Six held out his hand and began blowing it up he was searching for something and wasn't going to be stopped. He blasted guards as they came at him slowly making his way towards what he had come for. Eventually he found it." Yes this will do greatly to help my plans. We should go before where spotted." Dust said as Six picked up his Prize and quickly left. Making sure to keep himself hidden, as he was preparing to leave he turned towards the lab and sending a ball of Aura big enough to destroy the lab at it. Then he left quickly.
Conscience slowly drifts back to Emmanuel's mind. He has fallen asleep with his forehead plastered against the car window and now his forehead itches when the glass rattles from the knock. The boy peels away from the glass, itches his forehead, and he lets out a wide yawn completely unaware of the other passanger. Emmanuel jerks to a complete awareness when he looks around the car and looks at Natalia, still scratching his forehead.

"Hi! Hey, er, hello Boss!" Don't tell him that he fell asleep! He quickly pulls down his hand from his head to his lap.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks
"Emmanuel its time to go patrolling." She said in her softest voice as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She got a message from her earpiece stating the lab recently exploded. "Trinity we have to go.Now." She told Trinity.

@Tylor guillory )
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Maria Jones

Maria got excited, bouncing up and down as the woman started walking back to her. Yay she heard me! She thought, a big grin spreading across her face. "Um, Hi!" She told her excitedly, waving. "So uhh..I watched your fight and you were awesome with the fire and the walls and the WHOOSH! Sooo I was wondering if it was possible for you to help me get better at controlling fire. See you're like, tons better than me, and it'd be really cool if you could." She continued, rambling just as excitedly as when she greeted her.

Maria sat the small plastic bag with her chips and book down and pulled her zippo lighter out of her satchel and un-sheathed her katana. "
See, right now I'm only able to control fire sources that already exsist and stuff." She explained, lighting the zippo and sub-sequently lighting the katana on fire. "I mean...it's kinda cool but not nearly as awesome as what you can do. I'm not even sure if it's possible to get better but...It'd be awesome if you could help me. OH! I almost forgot to tell you my name, how silly of me, I'm Maria."

While she spoke Maria manipulates the fire on the katana, moving it up and down and around the blade and making a small fireball in her palm from the katana before returning it to the blade before it burned her. When she finished speaking she looked up at the woman excitedly, practically beaming.


@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity laughed as Emmanuel woke up, not having realized he had fell asleep to begin with. Her expression immediately turned from happy to serious when Natalia told her they had to go. "Go? Go where?" She asked her quickly.
"Lab...now" She said putting her seatbelt on "Sorry Emmanuel but we'll have to go patrolling some other day. Why is everything happening today?"
Emmanuel eyes widens and then sparkles in the low lights of the city lamp.

"Alright! Lets go!" Any sleep in him has left Emmanuel completely.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks

((Yeah, i would like to know too. Maybe i can add it to madhu's intro when i finally release him. Like him going to another country (singapor? I think?) N talk about thw formula?))
Madden was walking to the small general store, her reason? Tera.

She heard the Tera was fighting somebody or something of that sort. Amazing how fast rumors flew and traveled in Hell.

"Tera! Quit fooling around! We need to make a move! The CCG is in Hell City!" She walked, her posture imposing. Not noticing the person standing next to Tera. Her red armour on, her hair up in it's usual bun, "What's worse is that L is leading them!" She snarled out. "Then the fucking clown vanished, you can tell I am just fine!"

'The ass clown... I'd strangle him....' She thought, 'Piece of shit disappeared...'

@NyxNightmare @Mitchs98
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@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity didn't hesitate getting into the car, she knew where Natalia was talking about. She had to keep people from breaking into it regulary. Fastening her seatbelt she turned the car on and flew down the highway, willing her vision to be well enough for her to not crash into a stationary object or even a person. Though...people tend to move out of the way, lightpoles did not.

It didn't take them long to approach the now very exploded building, Trinity slowly brought the car to a stop staring at the wreckage. "What happened?" She asked, looking over at Natalia.
"The Lab blew up. Emmanuel I need you to stay in the car, I don't want you see anything that can scar you." She said as she got out then walked in. There was mostly dead people on the floor and the lab was badly destroyed. A scientist with burnt clothes and coughing as he approached her. "Don't, we tried everything we could but it wasn't good enough." "How are the experiments?" "The lab was badly damaged so none of the guinea pigs survived. But we can still figure out what was stolen and what was not." The man replied. Handing her the documents. She surprisingly took this bombing pretty calmly. "But our plan still work effectively though correct?" She asked the scientist waiting for an answer. "Yes the duplicate experiments are still in the secret lab. So we can get back on track soon enough" the scientist said to her. She smirked. You wouldn't think all let all my expirements be openly available with a back up plan did you? That's terrorist 101, she thought in her head. "Good." She said looking at the documents trying to figure out what was missing. Though she did have a duplicate sytem , which saves her by a lot. Finding out if anything was stolen was critical, since it could still be used against her.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
Bless Trinity's autopiloting self! Emmanuel praised whatever gods that are on Earth. He had no time to realize that the boss only ment for her and Trinity to go to the lab, where ever that is.

Arriving at the location, Emmanuel looks up at the badly destroyed building. Is this the lab? How come he doesn't know about it? Emmanuel frowns. Of course he knows exactly why.

Emmanuel waits inside the car until he is sure that the boss and the underboss will no come running back. He will not really disobey the boss's order. He is just going to look around this lab and come back before the ladies come back. No harm if he is not caught. If he can get to the roof, he the full view to the damage! Emmanuel leaves the safety of the car, hair grey and gold rings in his eyes.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks
A moment of silence passed after the earful and she replied flatly "No." She was about to turn around when a vision of Loki entered her mind. "Your Godzilla nature" he had said.

Stubbornly she turned back to face the girl. "I mean yes. I can definitely train with you." She held out her cell for contact info when a familiar voice shook her soul. Slowly she avoided turning around as much as possible. It was the leader of Red Lotus.

Quickly she straightened up.

"Eh..heh heh..." Crap. I haven't bothered with checking in on head quarters yet today. She'll chew me out.

Sure enough she did. Quickly exchanging contact information she looked back at Madden. "Whats our plan of action? And the Clown is always troublesome. It seems the only way to consider him contained is in death itself."

@Mitchs98 @Lilah Tunth
Madden sighed. The woman was telling the truth. She paused, and looked at the girl near Tera, her Aura, was similar to her's and Tera's if one would look closely. "Tera, the first move would be finding out the CCG hideout," She moved closer, "And, who is that?" She tilted her head to the side, pointing to the girl.

(Kay, Imma out, school calls, xP)

@NyxNightmare @Mitchs98
Tristan mused at Alice, although she was right he was definitely an odd and mysterious person with ambitious ideas. It was probably why Tristan never attempted to kill him in the first place "Oh, I have a few ideas.." making a noticeable pause soon afterwards "I have a good joke, listen to me...All of these..'People' have big plans for themselves, And then there is one man with the interest of just having 'fun' " he said humorously "This man get's a lot of attention and now people are giving him offers...Because he's a man without a plan~" musing over himself "The funny part is, That man is going to be the ruin of every single one of them." it wasn't clear what he was talking about. However to Tristan he made complete sense. "We'll play along for now."

@Lilah Tunth

@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity got out of the car shortly after Natalia, Yea...I gathered the lab blew up..I just thought you had more information that that. Trinity thought to herself, sighing internally. Although she trailed behind a bit she got most of the conversation, "Do we know who did it and what was taken?" Trinity asked, glancing between the two. She wasn't really sure what all the lab experimented on, but whatever it was it looked very important.


Maria Jones

Marias eyes grew wide when the woman that walked up mentioned the CCG. I need to get back and tell Elizabeth as soon as possible.. Maria thought to herself, listening to the woman talk before turning her attention back to Tera when she was finished.

Maria frowned and stared at the ground sadly when Tera told her no, putting the fire on her katana out and sheathing it before saying "Oh..alright then.." she started to turn and walk off when Tera seemed to have changed her mind. Turning back around to face her excitedly with a wide grin on her face again she spoke "Really? You mean it? Awesome!"

She quickly took Tera's phone and sent herself a message before placing it back in her hand. "
Awesome! Thanks a lot!" She told her, bouncing up and down excitedly.

When the woman that had walked up earlier asked who she was Maria smiled, "
I'm Maria, nice to meet you. Oh, and, if you guys need help finding those guys I can get my sister and we can help you after dropping my book off at our house. I'm sure she won't mind seeing as this is kiiinda serious." She told her, glancing back into the store to make sure her sister was still alright.

@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth
Moses simply nodded his head in agreement and answered with a simple "Yes". He was fine for taking on the mafia...but one thing eluded him still. He doesn't believe that that bird Dust is some random bird....in fact he doesn't believe it to be a bird at all.
"No but I have an idea... Trinity until I find out what is missing from here. I want you to find the clowns drug trade stat and have it erased immediately. I will give you 6 squads to take control of to execute this ASAP. This is the perfect time anyways since most transactions happen at night... And I dont want any of the clown drug dealers, you find alive. I want to see the percentage of clown's drug deals collapse before the meeting starts at noon." She said surprisingly calm. She wanted blood shed now more than ever. She will not let her reputation be demolish by some guy with a bird and a gang of fools. To her this wasn't a little battle anymore, this was war .

She turned the surviving scientist.
" I want all the duplicate experiments taken away from this city by tonight in a more secure location. But I want to keep three things here."She showed the scientist the three items in the documents. The scientists was hesitant but did what He was told. Natalia wanted them to pay for what they've done and she knew how to destroy both of them at once. She was going to destroy them piece by peace and most importantly... She wasn't going to start by taking one step at a time,No,she was going to bombard them with everything she's got.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
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(Lol will do)

Six was back at his old spot ontop of the tallest skyscraper in all of hell city. He smiled as he stared at the items in his hand. One was a (flash/hard because I don't know the difference) drive containing all the info that the lab had on them files documents you name it it was there the other items was a bottle of what appears to be pills." Well it seems that we got some of what we neede. I'm glad we didn't have to fight anyone seriousl, it would of taken up far to much time." Dust said now back on his talons. Six just tossed the bottle of pills up and down catching it every time then placed the Drive in a hidden compartment in his boots." So what do you predict will happen in the future. Will hell city tear itself apart and be reborn a new? Or is there a whole new path laid out for this city?" Dust asked a hint of malicious wonder in his voice. Six just shrugged and put the pills in his pocket." I suppose your right we should just lay back and watch the fireworks. Things are getting very interesting in hell city." Dust said as he gazed out at hell city with his one good eye.(and cue some badass song for the episode end credits any suggestions? Lol)

As I was making my way across the city, I noticed a familiar face strolling across the ground, playing catch with himself with what looked like a bottle of pills. A particular person that may or may not have put a gaping whole in my chest. I wasn't really one to hold grudges, but a friendly chat seemed in order. To 'settle' our apparent differences. In the blink of an eye I was walking beside him, keeping my head straight ahead as I spoke. "Hey there, uh, guy whose name I just realized I don't know" I said, chuckling at how badly I had planned this encounter "What you got there? I'll take two guesses that A, its not yours and B, whoever does own it didn't give you permission to take it." I tilted my head slightly as I looked at him, a smirk playing on my lips as I played out his possible responses in my head.

@Tylor guillory

((P.s The Righteous and the Wicked - Red Hot Chili Peppers ;) ))
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Emmanuel has flinged himself to the roof of the laboratory, or what is left of the damned place. He looks down at the damage. There are people dead and alive, running about and shouting. This place is as bad as the prison but without the added chaos of prisoners loose free. There is nothing for him to do, but to just watch the live show of people have a look out for the ladies of the mafia.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks

Madhu's character sheet completed. Waiting for approval.
@Lilah Tunth[/URL]

Alice giggled, her boss was a genius. "So he thinks he played you..... but in reality you played him.... brilliant!" She twirled. Her laughter echoing all around the room, a bit scratchy sounding because of her headware. "Fool! I call you one so much that it should be your middle name! If can play them.... what can he do to you?" Q whispered from one of the rooftops in 'Joker's Funland' his tone carrying all the way to Alice through the telepathic bond they shared.

"I don't care!" She replied. She skipped around, "That is a strange bird though..." She mused, a smile on her face unseen because of the mask.

Mitchs98 said:
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes
Trinity got out of the car shortly after Natalia, Yea...I gathered the lab blew up..I just thought you had more information that that. Trinity thought to herself, sighing internally. Although she trailed behind a bit she got most of the conversation, "Do we know who did it and what was taken?" Trinity asked, glancing between the two. She wasn't really sure what all the lab experimented on, but whatever it was it looked very important.


Maria Jones

Marias eyes grew wide when the woman that walked up mentioned the CCG. I need to get back and tell Elizabeth as soon as possible.. Maria thought to herself, listening to the woman talk before turning her attention back to Tera when she was finished.

Maria frowned and stared at the ground sadly when Tera told her no, putting the fire on her katana out and sheathing it before saying "Oh..alright then.." she started to turn and walk off when Tera seemed to have changed her mind. Turning back around to face her excitedly with a wide grin on her face again she spoke "Really? You mean it? Awesome!"

She quickly took Tera's phone and sent herself a message before placing it back in her hand. "
Awesome! Thanks a lot!" She told her, bouncing up and down excitedly.

When the woman that had walked up earlier asked who she was Maria smiled, "
I'm Maria, nice to meet you. Oh, and, if you guys need help finding those guys I can get my sister and we can help you after dropping my book off at our house. I'm sure she won't mind seeing as this is kiiinda serious." She told her, glancing back into the store to make sure her sister was still alright.

@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth
"Madden LeClair, the owner of the LeClair Hotel!" She said proudly, her head up high. Then her eyes narrowed, the Aura of the girl was also as filled with something else. 'Strange....', she blinked slowly.

She 'blinked' or teleported all the way behind Maria, and then in front again.

"Pyro.... and.... dark.... something dark........" Madden muttered out. Looking at Maria with scrutiny. "I shall teach you.... and the results would be astounding.... would you want that?" She asked after two minutes of the strange look, clapping her hands. 'A pyromancer, the Red Lotus is known for that.... might we get another one?'

"Someone with the beauty of fire should not have it wasted," She said softly, her head a bit lowered, she stated: "You can manipulate fire.... so can I," She gestured at Tera then, "Only a million times better..." Her head snapped back up, a smirk stretched across her face.
Hell's Den

Clowns Not Last Laugh?

I'm sure that by now, we all know of the Cold Gate blow up. But what most don't know is that the infamous 'Joker' is on the move and is the reason behind the blow-up, how? You might find yourself asking. Don't fret, we at Hell's Den know the answer.

Who is 'Joker'? One of the most notorious criminals in Hell City, he is known for many horrid crimes.


For more information see pg. 5

Based on the information recovered by the few guards still alive, spotted with the 'Joker' figure was a man known for finding the city that goes by the name of 'Six', one of the reasons the Joker escaped.

The next being a mysterious woman in red with dark hair. We don't know her identity, but she is one of the reasons our escapee managed to escape.

Woman in red? See pg. 7

Six? See pg. 10

Cold Gate? Pg. 12

- Will Be Back With More

Anonym Writer​

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Six titled his head questioningly at the strange man who had just popped up out of thin air." Do I know you?" Dust replied for Six as he landed on a pole. Six had a blank emotionaless look on what parts of his face you could see, so mainly his eyes and the upper parts of his face. The man obviously knew how things worked around here, and knew Six but Six was far to busy to remember everyone he came across." So what if I stole it is that any concern of yours? I'm a very busy man and talks not something I do thats what I have the flying rat for. Hey wait a second." Dust said outraged he began flapping his wings hard and moving around radically as if throwing a tantrum. " I am not a flying Rat how dare you say something like that I thought we were friends! Oh woe is me woe is me." Dust said in dramatic fashion. Six patted his head and and gave him a smiley eyes look." Alright I guess I forgive you, anyways Six um that's the mute says that unless you have something of importants for him or you can be of use to him he can't spend his time chatting with you so ta ta." Six made the ta ta sign with his hand. @JKthegreat

"You don't
remember me" I said, clutching my chest in mock agony and pretending to stagger "Oh the pain is unbearable." I straightened up, my usual casual grin having returned. "But seriously, at least I have the courtesy to remember the people that I put holes in, that's just decent manners" I said, my smile fading for a second as I walked along side him "Anyways, I digress, I just wanted to have a small talk with you. You see, What you steal and who you steal from, that ain't really my problem, as long as its not from me. But in this case, you're clearly an important man who seems to think hes got some very important quest that hes on, what that is, well no one seems to know, but that means that whatever that is, its important. So what is it? Oh tell me, please, I love a bit of gossip to spice things up." I gestured towards the pill bottle he was tossing up and down, my curiosity of what a guy like him would need to spend so much effort trying to steal getting the better of me.

@Tylor guillory
"If you insist I'll tell you, these are pills that I will use to bring this city to its knees. That's all I'm telling you because that's all you need to know, let me give you some words of advice. Hell city's about to go to war, either get out while you can or choose a side. That is if that damn clown doesn't go and do something crazy.....oh dear god that would require a miracle." Dust said for six then signed." Well its still going to be war whether the clown does something crazy or not. So again might want to get out of the way or start preparing yourself for a long hard fight." Six put the pills in his pocket keeping his hand on them Cat was walking right next to him she still hadnt said a word. @JKthegreat @morpheusing

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