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Fandom Hell City

"Bah, he is always like that." Emmanuel then lowers his voice to imitate an older man's voice. ""Emmanuel wear your seatbelt," "Emmanuel wear your helmet," "Emmanuel stop burning stuff," blah, blah, blah, blah blah. Oh, and my favourite,"Alicia, 'hug' Emmanuel."" Emmanuel sags heavily against the lovely car cushion. A quick moment later, he sits up.

"Boss, fire him if he starts fussing to you too. He's a worrywart." Emmanuel warns the new boss.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
"It's a long story lets just say it would be hazardous to my health." Dust said for six who was now playing with a knife he had taken from someone. "Sorry six is feeling handsy today as for what we want from you well its very simply really, we want you to start a war with the mafia." Six's expression turned serious as he leaned in waiting for a answer from the man known as the joker. @Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth
"A war with the Mafia? Are you stupid enough to think we are not at war with them?" Alice asks, her demeanor changing from happy to stony in a split second. "And even if we are not... what makes you think we will listen to your-" She raised her hands for the quoting gesture, "'Order'?" She then looked down, a bit guiltily, "But, I guess I should not speak for Mr. Clown..."
@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity couldn't help but laugh when Emmanuel went on his little rant about his brother. "Maybe you should stop burning stuff." She told him playfully.

"Got it, Boss." She said, nodding and slowly pulling onto the street. Eventually she sped up to a speed she was comfortable driving, which...was only roughly 65 MPH. Eh. It'd have to do unless they wanted to be the new decorations in a shops front window. "So. Any new problems I should know about Boss? I heard about the Joker escaping, I'll track him down after I find someone to run Johns pawnshop. Not that it should be to hard to find him..but yea." Trinity spoke as they drove down the road towards the 'fu-ountain'.
Lukas had been out of jail for quiet some time. He had served his sentence, they thought that would change him, make him 'a better person'. Well it didn't, Lukas was still the same and he definitely wasn't going to change. Like just last week he had gone out and done the same thing that had gotten him in trouble in the first place! Except he hid the bodies better this time.

Lukas was walking around the street. A lot of people were nervous for some reason. He over heard some people talking about...an explosion at the jail. Lukas smiled to himself, 'it must be that clown! I knew he would get out someday.' He ran home and got his things he would need. His dagger and his claws. He hid the dagger in its hilt behind his back under his shirt and put on all his claws, this was a special occasion! He wanted to look his best!

@Sinister Clown

I'm coming for you! :3
Lily finished gathering the souls of the dead guards and sptooed a young man walking through the streets. She considered engaging in conversation with him, then made her decision. Why not? She walked over to him, gravel crunching under her feet. "Somebody seems eager, doesn't he?" Lily asked.

@Chris Montaview
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: Bookstore

Company: @femjapanriceball

Starting Action: Talking to Tera

North looked to the side as Tera asked if he was part of the clown gang, "Ah. No. " He started to say, then he noticed how she acted, plus her eye color - of course it was a hunch, and in his opinion far from right, nevertheless he commented, "Although, I have a idea who you belong to. If you want to fight with me still, go outside..".
When I think about it, barely any person who wanted to fight would actually listen to this request, there is the 'bomb' I was thinking of I suppose. He thought, going against his own words. He looked at Bismark as he offered to clean up, "Thank you," He said as he tried to pick up some of the seventy plus books that fell down. He glanced at Bismark that picked up one of Saedor's books, well I suppose that was to be expected, not that I mind, placing the last few books up, keeping a open mind of the possible member of the Red Lotus.
Emmanuel leans against the car side and listens to the two lady talk. As the boss' car drives down the paved room, the boy stares out the window and to the orange glow in the city night sky. It is not the usual white light pollution he knows of, but he knows what it is. He blinks, he hears the siren of firetrucks, ambulances, and cars that are not polices, and he ignores all the rush of the nightly activities. Living in Hell City can do that to a person.

The car turns and warm glow in the sky is no more than a faint reflection on the glass window. The vehicle passes a tiny, lite bookstore and down the road where the city is quieter.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks

((Ohh i am loving the new layout!))
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Bismarck looked up from his book. "North, if you're going to fight, be careful," he said, stacking his books carefully. "And if you need any assistance, just call me, okay?" He asked, holding one of the books and pointing it at Tera as though it were a weapon (well, technically, it is).

@T h e F o o l @NyxNightmare
(Bismarck sounds so motherly just now xD "Just be careful sweetie" haha)

Based on his reaction and choice of words it was apparent he wasn't from the Mafia or Clowns. He's definitely supernatural though, If he's gifted then it's nothing more than a mere fight. If he's something else Ill be forced to teach him more than a lesson. It was the fact that he asked to go outside that she could tell he wasn't from the Mafia or Clowns. They wouldn't have cared for trashing the place. "For the sake of these books I'll step outside. But if I don't watch you, you might disappear, you are hard to see sometimes you know that?" Her voice was a bit irritated as she took his wrist and raced outside. As they slipped through the doors she tossed him in front of her. She had not simply had a battle where her life wasn't in immediate danger before so honestly she was a bit excited. Loki always ended up beating her, he was in the Mafia after all. She had learned not to kill his snakes, he had gone insane and full death mode, needles to say her charm didn't get her pardoned from that near death experience.


Drawing her blade she swung towards the guy from whom she learned his name was North. If he won she might tell him her name, otherwise she wasn't too into formalities. "This is hell city! So burn in it." A circle of flames were laid down by her around them, seeming to move with them.

@T h e F o o l
Lukas had been smiling the whole time he was walking. But his smile disappeared when he heard a female voice to the side of him. "Yeah, I am going somewhere important and fun!" He said giving her a quick smile. He really didn't like woman. But there was definitely something powerful about this one! So he respected that. He also noticed their were dead bodies around her, so he decided to not mess with her.

"Looks like you were having fun..."


(Powerful women scare him)
"I wouldn't say that," Lily said nonchalantly, checking her fingernails for any blood that remained from the dead bodies' souls. "I was simply doing my job as Grim Reaper." Lily smiled. This man seemed afraid of her. That was simply amusing in her opinion.

@Chris Montaview

@T h e F o o l @NyxNightmare

( xD pretty much)

Bismarck watched the battle through his glass window, still holding his book, just in case.
'Wow a grim reaper, that's interesting!'

He went over to the bodies and poked at one with his claw, drawing a bit of blood. "You mean you don't think it's fun to kill?" He asked curiously "cause it sounds fun to me!" He giggled. He wouldn't mind being able to kill people as a job.

"Grim Reapers don't 'kill'," Lily said, offended. "At least not most of the time. It is my duty to take dead souls and send them to the Underworld. Killing is a very small part of it and is only allowed to be used on the older souls, bless their little hearts. Even then, all I do..." Lily took out her scythe and waved it over a dying guard's body. A small light appeared then disappeared. "Is that. Any questions?" She added sarcastically.

@Chris Montaview
"Hm, no killing? Then no fun!' He thought to himself as he pouted. He could tell he had kinda stepped on the Lady's toes there. " well sorry there Miss, I did not mean to hurt your feelings. " he said as he turned away from the body and looked back at her, giving her a cocky smile. Now he really didn't want to get in her way.

@Chris Montaview

Lily sighed, burying her face in her left hand. "It's fine, just...tell me if anyone else drops dead and I'll send him or her to the Underworld in a split second." She sighed. "Speaking of the Underworld, I'd better go." And just like that, she disappeared to the Underworld, holding onto ten or twenty souls. "There. Welcome to the Underworld. I am Lily Underworld, the Grim Reaper, Lady Death, you get the idea. You're dead. Have fun."
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Maria and Elizabeth Jones

"Come ooonn, let's go already. We still have a long way to walk to get home too and I'm already tired." Elizabeth told her sister Maria whom had now sat down on the rim of the fountain watching firetrucks and such zoom off to the other side of town for the past twenty minutes, shaking her. Maria sighed "But I wanna see where the cars are goi-"

No! You said almost fourty minutes ago we wouldn't take long looking at this dumb fountain, then twenty minutes ago you said you wanted to stay a bit longer and watch the cars. I knew you couldn't stick to just sitting here for a little bit, you never do." Elizabeth interrupted, crossing her arms with a huff and pouting when she was finished. Maria sighed and stood up, "Fine Liz, you're right. I'm sure we can find out what happened in the morning. Let's go home." She told her grabbing her hand and pulling her along slightly forcefully. Elizabeth smiled cheekily like a kid who had got their way after whining to a parent, which she kinda did. "Thank you." She told her, continuing to smile as they walked.

One more quick thing before we go home, and it's one the way?" Maria asked her sister, looking down at her. "That depends..what is it?" Elizabeth replied, sighing heavily. We are legitamately never going to get home tonight, are we? She thought to herself, a frown evident on her face. "I wanna stop by the storethat's a few buildings down from our apartment and buy a book and some stuff. It won't take long at all, I mean it this time. Pleeeeaaasee." Maria asked, hugging her sister as a means to convince her.

The two walked in silence for a few minutes as Elizabeth debated how to answer her sister, at this point she was tired as hell and the majority of her brain told her to tell her to fuck off. But, she didn't. "
Fine." She finally told her coldly, letting out a sigh of defeat. "Yay!" Maria shouted, quickening her pace and pulling her sister along with her. "Slow down!" Elizabeth shouting, nearly tripping and struggling to keep up with her sisters pace.

After running for a bit they reached the Rainy Traveller General Store out of breath. "
Run..slower..next..time." Elizabeth said, panting and holding her chest. "No can do! You didn't wanna take long, so we didn't!" Maria told her, giggling. Elizabeth sighed and walked up next to her sister, grabbing her arm. Apparently there was some kinda fight going on outside, and of course Maria would want to stay and watch it. Great, so much for only being her a few minutes. Elizabeth thought to herself, sighing

Maria walked into the store with her sister to get a safer view of the fight, eyes glued to it to entire time. "
Soo. Whose fighting out there Bismarck? I don't remember seeing them before." Maria asked, not taking her eyes off the fight. Elizabeth simply moved closer to her sister, hoping no one would notice her.
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NyxNightmare said:
(Bismarck sounds so motherly just now xD "Just be careful sweetie" haha)
Based on his reaction and choice of words it was apparent he wasn't from the Mafia or Clowns. He's definitely supernatural though, If he's gifted then it's nothing more than a mere fight. If he's something else Ill be forced to teach him more than a lesson. It was the fact that he asked to go outside that she could tell he wasn't from the Mafia or Clowns. They wouldn't have cared for trashing the place. "For the sake of these books I'll step outside. But if I don't watch you, you might disappear, you are hard to see sometimes you know that?" Her voice was a bit irritated as she took his wrist and raced outside. As they slipped through the doors she tossed him in front of her. She had not simply had a battle where her life wasn't in immediate danger before so honestly she was a bit excited. Loki always ended up beating her, he was in the Mafia after all. She had learned not to kill his snakes, he had gone insane and full death mode, needles to say her charm didn't get her pardoned from that near death experience.


Drawing her blade she swung towards the guy from whom she learned his name was North. If he won she might tell him her name, otherwise she wasn't too into formalities. "This is hell city! So burn in it." A circle of flames were laid down by her around them, seeming to move with them.

@T h e F o o l
"Lady! Calm down!" Electo shouted, her full allure on, just so the woman would calm it. She was pushed outside with Terra and North, accidentally. She did not want a fight, fight means an a bit irritated Bismarck. Irritated Bismarck meant no fun...


@T h e F o o l
"Me neither," Bismarck said. "She's a patron of this store and North just decided to fight her. I think she's from Red Lotus or something." He watched Electo get involved and watched as the fight rose slowly. "Miss Electo, please be careful..." He muttered, clutching his book, as he felt that this would probably end with him using his magic. He looked at the two newcomers. "So, how may I help you?" He asked.

@T h e F o o l @Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare
North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: General Store -> Outside

Company: @femjapanriceball

Starting Action: Talking to Bismark

North gave a nod, "Aye Sir." He said giving a nod to the male leader, before giving a mock salute. He believed that he wouldn't be fighting, at least not outside.. until the female spoke again,
Well at least I had the possibility that she would agree, He thought to himself before he was dragged outside the bookstore, and was pushed in front of his opponent. "Well that is the point," Commenting on him disappearing, being rather late about it.He pulled out the somewhat small dagger, dwarfed compared to the blade that the other was holding. He glanced at the circle of fire surrounding him, "Well, you are one for theatrics aren't you." He commented as he felt the heat around him, Well that was probably a bad idea, tsk, he scolded himself again. He allowed his aura to consume him, decreasing his presance after the female swung her sword at him. Okay, in a fight with a girl who can use fire to stop me from moving too far, not to mention she has a big ass sword, not good. He thought, being pessimistic as all hell, feeling a small cut, then a little drop of crimson on the arm with his bad hand. He loosened the grip on the dagger before he started to walk slowly and quietly behind the original position, without his lack of presence, this would more or less likely be suicide. He wasn't good with fighting, at least when the other knew that he was there.


(Sorry...best picture I could find.)
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Maria and Trinity Jones

Maria's face was practically glued to the window as she watched the fight and the ring of fire. She grinned mischievously, debating on messing with the two by controlling the fire, but didn't. Bismarck soon addressed them but Maria didn't really pay much attention to start with, intent on watching the fight and completely forgetting why she came to the store in the first place. Elizbaeth looked between the two hurriedly, she wanted to go home and go to sleep.

Tugging on Marias' shirt Elizbeth spoke "
Maria..come on..you promised.". After a few minutes of getting her shirt tugged on Maria turned towards her sister and the rest and sighed, staring down at Bismarck and smiling. "Sorry, Hi. Um. I wanted to buy the newest book by Saedor if you have it in stock and some chips, I can get the last thing myself though." She told him, trying to watch the fight at the same time out of the corner of her eye. "I hope we aren't interrupting anything?" Maria continued, referring to the fight and the conversation they had walked in on.

Elizabeth stayed quiet the entire time and simply watched the two talk,
I can't believe I'm not at home yet because of some dumb book and a bag of stupid chips...seriously..why couldn't she have bought this crap in the morning?.. She thought to herself, sighing.

Although, she had to admit the fight outside was kinda cool. Elizabeth took glances behind her ever so often watching the two outside fight, hoping Maria would just get this over with.

Tagged: @femjapanriceball

Mentioned: @T h e F o o l @NyxNightmare
As North seemingly disappeared Tera growled in disappointment as she missed her target. He's doing this again. It's hard to fight him when I can barely see him. In that case...Tera swung her sword around her, creating wisps of fire that shot out around. She also noticed someone watching them other than the other guy from earlier. She wondered if North couldn't handle himself if the other guy would jump in like he said. A comment from someone who had walked into the store made her wonder if perhaps she really didn't want to meet with that ending. Although she had never fought with someone she couldn't see so nonetheless this was an interesting experience. She dropped to the ground. If he moves I should be able to hear or feel him at the least.

@T h e F o o l @Mitchs98
Tristan sat there, glaring at Sin for a moment with blank eyes. His expression had gone monotone for a short moment. As Alice spoke Tristan couldn't agree with her statement more. "Like she said, why should we take order's from you?" he said sitting at the table, he noticed that Six was playing with some knife he most likely took from one of his Clowns.

@Tylor guillory

@Lilah Tunth

Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Trinity Jones

Maria's face was practically glued to the window as she watched the fight and the ring of fire. She grinned mischievously, debating on messing with the two by controlling the fire, but didn't. Bismarck soon addressed them but Maria didn't really pay much attention to start with, intent on watching the fight and completely forgetting why she came to the store in the first place. Elizbaeth looked between the two hurriedly, she wanted to go home and go to sleep.

Tugging on Marias' shirt Elizbeth spoke "
Maria..come on..you promised.". After a few minutes of getting her shirt tugged on Maria turned towards her sister and the rest and sighed, staring down at Bismarck and smiling. "Sorry, Hi. Um. I wanted to buy the newest book by Saedor if you have it in stock and some chips, I can get the last thing myself though." She told him, trying to watch the fight at the same time out of the corner of her eye. "I hope we aren't interrupting anything?" Maria continued, referring to the fight and the conversation they had walked in on.

Elizabeth stayed quiet the entire time and simply watched the two talk,
I can't believe I'm not at home yet because of some dumb book and a bag of stupid chips...seriously..why couldn't she have bought this crap in the morning?.. She thought to herself, sighing.

Although, she had to admit the fight outside was kinda cool. Elizabeth took glances behind her ever so often watching the two outside fight, hoping Maria would just get this over with.

Tagged: @femjapanriceball

Mentioned: @T h e F o o l @NyxNightmare
"Saedor's latest book? That would be The Child on the Streets. Hmm..." Bismarck tapped his chin. "No, you're not interrupting anything, ma'am." He looked anxiously out the window. He watched Tera drop to the ground. "What is she doing?" He thought aloud, then turned to Maria. "Okay, the book and the...chips. That will be $23.62, please."


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