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Fandom Hell City

Tera awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. Or rather it sounded like a loud bell far too early in the morning. But she didn't want to keep Madden waiting. She could tell it was her, nobody else would be knocking at their doors. Putting on a fresh pair of clothes she exited her room. Patiently she waited for the twins to emerge. She could feel the excitment in her chest. Training with Madden was never fun, but it was I'm fact the best. And this time she was eager to have others with her.

@Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98


@Robyn Banks

Loki could hear a faint sound from the mic. He looked around at the mess. He managed to take cover just in time. Although not without injury. He felt his right wrist had been broken and he let it lay a little limp, cursing under his breath. Bodies were sprawled out everywhere, some dead some alive. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. So he wasn't bluffing. Shit.. It's a good thing we also had bombs placed at his place.

He noticed Natalia appearing to help others and he decided to do the same. He still didn't quite like her, but the concern he had heard in her voice earlier made him realize she really did care. Whether it was about keeping things together or proving to be something larger, or something else Loki didn't know, being the head of the Mafia wasn't easy, and she was doing well . it was them that may have been letting her down a little.
After All of the people on the first floor, were out. She ordered some of the members, who wasn't severely hurt to aid the who's that were. While she approached loki." I don't think we've met, Natalia Romanov. Thank you for helping me take them out of the building." She said to the man with the snake surprisingly unhurt.
@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria groaned and rolled over in the bed she and Elizabeth were sprawled out in when someone knocked on their door. Struggling awake she collected herself and sat up cross legged, yawning and stretching before turning and shaking her sister awake. "C'mon Liz, wake up." She told her, shaking her with one hand and rubbing her eyes with the other. "5 more minutes.." She mumbled, swatting at her sisters hand, half asleep.

Maria shrugged and ripped the blanket out from under her sister, causing her to roll off the bed and hit her head on the bedside table before finally landing on the floor with a loud thud. Rubbing her head Elizabeth stood up with a sad glare on her face. "
You could have just shook me again you know..that hurt, a lot." She told her, frowning.

Maria waved her off, "
Oh please, you'll be fine. Get your stuff, someone knocked for us." She told her, hopping out of bed and slipping her things on. Elizabeth shot her another glare before getting her own things, I hate you sometimes..really..she thought to herself, sighing. When they both were ready they left their guest room, noticing they were the last out they kinda felt bad.

Good Morning Miss Madden, Miss Tera. Sorry we're up late, Liz insisted on being hard to wake up." She told them, smiling and grinning playfully at her sister who shot her another glare. "If by hard to wake up you mean almost literally tossing me out of bed..sure.." Elizabeth remarked, mostly to her sister.


@Robyn Banks

Trinity had found herself a desk to hide under soon after the explosions began, she didn't quite make it out unscathed however. Her shoulder was dislocated and she was fairly sure her head was bleeding. She was currently trapped under a desk under increasing amounts of rubble, lucky her.

It wasn't soon after she heard Natalia on her earpiece, "I'm..mostly alright. I'm trapped under rubble and bleeding a bit though. Other than that tottally fine." She replied, trying to think of a way out.
"Don't worry I'm coming to get you." She said through the earpiece then started running back in. She started to look around then said." Trinity do you know where you are?" She asked.
@Robyn Banks

"Uhhh..I'm under one of the reception desks. Seemed like a good plan at the time, it wasn't, not really." She replied, poking a piece of the rubble.
Not far from a CCG base of operations, a UH-1 Huey that was black as night was flying to the base. About half an hour later it arrived and landed at the CCG base. The left side door had opened and a man in a long coat with a M4A1 holstered on his back, with two bags on the sides of his coat, and on his waist was a sheathed bowie knife and holstered 1911 Colt with the word "Family" carved on it's side, had made his way out of the helicopter and towards the building. As he was walking troops looked at him in confusion, some kept their guns trained on him, thats when two agents came out of the helicopter and walked up to then accompanied the strange man with a horrific mask. As they entered the building the mercenary looking man had sighed and he though about something but no one else would no what it was so he just left it at that. They approached and door and then opened it and there was the leader of the organization. The two agents approached the boss and told the man to stand back. " Good day, i hope all is well here at least, because we know there is trouble down in Hell city. So to help relieve some of the tension we brought our 'Peacekeeper' to help, his name is Dallas Grove ad perhaps you have heard of him," the agent said motioning to Dallas. " He is to do whatever tasks you give him in the city, so use him to your best advantage." the agent said. And with that the agents left the room and headed back for the helicopter in which it took off with them aboard to god knows where. "Look, i know you don't like 'gifted' people, so lets just cut to the chase, you want me to go clean something up in the city, and i know you want it done right. So just tell me what to do and i'll be out of your hair, simple as that," Dallas said in a calm yet intimidating voice.

@Lilah Tunth
" Alright I'm going to need you to keep talking... how was your day?" She asked trying to soften the mood. Nat soon realized that the ceiling seemed like it was going to cave in really soon but she remained calm as she walked towards the desks.

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((Wasnt I all over the place today. Really big sorry to @Robyn Banks and @Mitchs98. Didn't thought today would be a weird day for me. Yikew. Things r calmer now, but wow.))

Madhu hisses in pain as he pulls himself out from the rubbles, well tries to. He somehows survived, also the mafia member who have warned the underbosses and the man Madhu reconize as Loki of the bombing. He have shoved the person and himself to a place he knew would be a haven from the collaspe. How the fuck did he surrvived all that? His entire backs hurts he cannot feel his left arm. He is pretty sure he has a concussion. Well, it can't be that bad. He is standing and in pain. A plus being alive.

He reaches out to the small ear piece and turned on the device. He never liked this thing and has it off. He suddenly stops in raising his feeling arm. Pain shocks his entire body pulling bones and muscle all in the wrong direction. He cannot move. He asks the man in the tight but safe space to turn the device for him.

"Boss-" He clenches his teeth. "We are fine, thanks to your warning. Abe," the name of this fine, helping man, "tell the boss where we are. Just," Madhu breathes in deeply. "Talk for me. Tell her of my s-status and maybe your girl." Madhu chuckles. It hurts but he needs to concentrate. On anything. The young man starts to babble, nervously and anything.


In a distance Emmanuel watches as the grand tower of the Mafia HQ collapses. He chases after the falling bable.

((Edit: just to clear, madhu is stuck. Yeaah))
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@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

"Well. I overslept, missed the meeting, and nearly got blown up after getting stabbed and almost bleeding out last night. I'd say it's a solid 9 on the 'How much like hell was your day' scale so far." She replied, laughing nervously. It wasn't soon after that Madhu spoke up, "Good..you're safe. What about Loki? Is everyone else alright?" She asked, hoping they were.
" I still need to get Leolam and some guy named Abe out from rubble after I take you out but other than that it's fine." She said as she shoved rubble aside then soon pulled Trinity out. She then lead Trinity outside the all. To collapse completely building. "Stay here until I come back." She said as she went back inside to help the others.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
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(Honestly, everyone it's a good idea. Thaddeus is the only weapons manufacturer in the city....and one of the only criminals who has been granted total amnesty from the mafia and ccg)
(That is so true. I would but I'm kind of helping people from avoiding a building being collapsed on top of them.later though)
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Madden smiled, Maria woke up easily, rose with the sun, which ment there was no doubt about it, she was a student.

"It's fine, are you ready? If you are follow me. We are going to the training hall,"

She then turned to Tera and said, "When we get there you shall demonstrate the art of fire,"


Morbuskid said:
Not far from a CCG base of operations, a UH-1 Huey that was black as night was flying to the base. About half an hour later it arrived and landed at the CCG base. The left side door had opened and a man in a long coat with a M4A1 holstered on his back, with two bags on the sides of his coat, and on his waist was a sheathed bowie knife and holstered 1911 Colt with the word "Family" carved on it's side, had made his way out of the helicopter and towards the building. As he was walking troops looked at him in confusion, some kept their guns trained on him, thats when two agents came out of the helicopter and walked up to then accompanied the strange man with a horrific mask. As they entered the building the mercenary looking man had sighed and he though about something but no one else would no what it was so he just left it at that. They approached and door and then opened it and there was the leader of the organization. The two agents approached the boss and told the man to stand back. " Good day, i hope all is well here at least, because we know there is trouble down in Hell city. So to help relieve some of the tension we brought our 'Peacekeeper' to help, his name is Dallas Grove ad perhaps you have heard of him," the agent said motioning to Dallas. " He is to do whatever tasks you give him in the city, so use him to your best advantage." the agent said. And with that the agents left the room and headed back for the helicopter in which it took off with them aboard to god knows where. "Look, i know you don't like 'gifted' people, so lets just cut to the chase, you want me to go clean something up in the city, and i know you want it done right. So just tell me what to do and i'll be out of your hair, simple as that," Dallas said in a calm yet intimidating voice.
@Lilah Tunth
"Its not that we dislike gifted people, we just want to make it better for those that are not gifted," Touka stated irritated, 'Who the he'll does he think he is?'

The television screen in the lobby then lit up, a go this letter L in black on it. "Welcome Mr. Dallas, I was expecting you," A computerized voice.

"Right now we don't have any large missions, only observation of the LeClair Manor or a search through 'Joker's Funland' is allowed, I'm afraid authorities dislike the the CCG for whatever reason," After that little speech a loud sound of slurping was made and Touka facepalmed.
Jacqueline walked in front front of the bar door then took a deep breath. Just walk in and be yourself and it will be alright. She kept repeating to herself. She opened the door then walked in casually, taking in her surroundings. She sat on a stoll at the bar then waiting for the bartender to come see her.


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"Hi!" Nancy waved to the new comer. Lowering the volume on her headphones to even lower, she continued wiping the tables, and doing things like putting back excess cups to their respective shelves.
Emmanuel finally reaches the base of the collasped HQ. His eyes are wide and he looks down at the mess. Is this the HQ? This can't be. From the other side of the rubble he can see boss and Trinity. Emmanuel runs across the concrete and steel. He freezes when he hears screaming under his feet. Horror settles in and Emmanuel digs threads of gold down at the broken pieces.

(@Robyn Banks @Mitch)
Natalia walked out with Madhu and Abe in her arms as she left right on time. Watching the building collapse. She turned to Emmanuel placing Madhu and the man down gently. " You shouldn't be out her Emmanuel, it's too dangerous..."



"Hey! I'm actually here for the job offer as a waitress." She said smiling. She was still kind of nervous but she was really good at hiding it.

@Lilah Tunth
"There are people in there!" Emmanuel screams. The threads wrapped themselves around a large chunk of concrete and the boy tries to pull it out. Hissing and burning emits from the stone, but nothing moves.

"Emmanuel stop this at once," Madhu orders his kid brother. His voice is strained but command is there. "You're doing more harm than good. Spread out your Life Line and locate the survivors." The elder brother sits up right and arm in his lap. His eyes are closed and his breathing is controlled. Madhu does nothing to comfort the child nor shield him. The boy have come this far and must come in terms that there maybe some people he may know under there, dead even. Emmanuel continues to pull at the concrete.

"Thank you, Lady Romanvo. Abe." Madhu slowly thanks the two.

@Robyn Banks
Alexander walked from the back room into the main part of the bar only to notice a new arrival. Putting down the bottles of liquor he held in his arms, he went to go take his place behind the counter. "Hello. My name is Alexander Stark, owner of this bar. Call me Mr. Stark. What are you here for today?" He asked with a kind smile. Using his aura to 'see', Alexander noticed how nervous she was, despite the obvious attempts to hide it. "Is it your first time here? I don't recall ever hearing your voice before."

@Robyn Banks @Lilah Tunth
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes @NyxNightmare

Trinity was a bit shocked at first when the rubble started moving, she thought the building was finishing it's crash to the ground. Lucky for her it was Natalia, "Thanks Boss." She told her, smiling lightly as she lead her back outside. Sitting down on the ground she turned and watched as Natalia went back in and soon came back out with Madhu and Abe. Damn. She's a lot stronger than I thought. She thought to herself, staring up at her as she exited the collapsing building.

"You guys alright?" She asked, gesturing to Loki and Madhu. It wasn't soon after than Emmanuel arrived. Guess he saw the explosion, or something. She thought to herself. Sighing she didn't speak as the two sibilings argued, she simply stared at the now destroyed HQ.
"The ambulance is coming." From where he sits, he can hear the sirens of the many ambulances and trucks coming closer and closer. "Just some a small back pain... concussio-." His breath shakes. He does not share the dizziness and the nausea. Where is his vission? He cracks open an eye. Pain. Blurriness and double vission..? Yes, that sounds about right. "I will be fine."

Madhu moves his feeling arm over his numb, crushed arm. His back burns - pain - doing so, but it is better that than others seeing what has happened to his arm. Too many have seen it already. He does not need a child to either. He coughs - pain - and settles down his breathing. He does not feel the red from his throat, nor sees it.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks @NyxNightmare
"Though the ambulance is on its way I don't mind assisting. Madhu I'll do you first." She said as placed her hand on his arm and start to use her healing factor on him. "Better?" She asked with her solemn expression.


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