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Fandom Hell City

(There's that Dallas guy and Stephen,that other dude who are counter terrorist.I'm running out of clever puns. I might have to go fission for more,Since there's not mushroom for any more puns on this topic... Ok I'm going to stop making puns now. @Tylor guillory )

Natalia just walked away smirking while hearing him curse her out. She had more things to plan out still trying to figure out how to get the pills out of the black market and fighting against the clowns. So it was nice to get one of her problems off her shoulders.
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Tristan didn't even decide to speak at the time, a deep frown appearing on his face as he stormed in. Shoving Moses away from his path he made his way down to where the 'underground' levels use to be. Seeing mostly smoke, everything inside was hardly anything more than ash and broken pieces now.

Glaring back to a few groups up clowns behind him, his angry expression still remained on his face
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!" turning around he charged at one of the clowns, continuously beating his face in with both of his bare hands "WHY CAN'T NONE OF YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!!" blood splattering all over his jacket and face he kept ramming his hands into the man's skull before picking his head up and smashing it into the ground, by the time Tristan was done the man had already been long dead. Standing Tristan wiped off the blood which covered his eye. Storming back off he decided to go back to his room and once seeing that the Hotel managed he was relieved for one thing. Walking inside and up to his room he opened the door and found a woman lying in his bed "Huh?!" freaking out for a moment he fell back into the corner of the room and into a sitting position "Uh, helloooo??"


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"Eh well I guess I'll be off then. Better get paid." Sin mumbled as he walked off through the rubble. He called up and conecctions he had in order to find them until he finally did." Ok now to go for the kill." Sin said as he picked up a suit case filled with weapons and other things."I hope this is fun I'd hate to be disappointed again. But as long as I get paid I guess it's fine." He then began his trip to the location he had been given for the counter terrorist.( ok so who would I tag in this lol?)
(@Tylor guillory )

Natalia had to think of where they would have the temporary HQ. Until she realized that there was more than one hotel to choose from or they can just work underground. Hmm decisions, decisions.
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Tera looked towards Madden. She was glad she had gotten enough sleep as to be ready for the day ahead of them. She reached out her phone to message North before following Madden to where she would lead them for the training session.

Morning North! This is Tera obviously. The twins and I are training intenseively! I, if not all of us, will be stopping by afterwards to train with you as well! So look forward to it!
OH! PS: Sorry if I was rude during our first encounter...and for creating a mess...the books you recommended were a nice choice.

She slipped the phone back into her pocket. @T h e F o o l @Lilah Tunth


Peeking out the window from the room, Naru watched the smoke rise from the fallen buildings. It was through the smoke that her attention was directed towards the entrance. Her eyes squinted and then widened. Is...Is that him? He's still kind of far away...but it must be. His green hair is trademark.

She dug her nails into the bed sheet with anxiety. Should I go down there? No...he looks busy. Oh...oh SHIT
he's really pounding on that guy. W-What if he sees me and thinks I set off one of the bombs?! I have to- She didn't get to finish her sentence before the door clicked open. Turning her head her eyes locked on the man who entered, gleaming like a child who just discovered a mountain of sweets. With tears threatening to fall she quickly blinked them away and bounded over to him excitedly. "O-Oh, you know you really are taller in person." Even on the ground he seemed to tower over her a bit. She wanted to hug him but refrained for now. She stood back up and away from him a bit. "I h-hope you don't mind I borrowed your s-shirt." She was a little nervous and didn't know how to tell him why she was there. "I'm Naru Taylor. It's...wonderful to finally meet you after all this time...brother."She looked at him softly.

@Sinister Clown
Tristan glared at the woman with curiosity "Brother??" glaring up to the ceiling for a moment "I don't remember having siblings..Well your last name IS Taylor..." he wasn't sure what to do in this situation 'But damn she looks good in my coat..' looking top to bottom he wondered if this was just some gag or if she was being serious "So..Why have you come here?"


(Sorry it was short, didn't really know what to say xD )
"Because I...wanted to see you." Naru slipped out an envelope from her shorts and handed it to the Joker. "It's your father's marriage contract. It binded him and my mother. So, I suppose you could say we aren't really related, but-" Naru quickly grabbed her hammer and swung it at the Joker's head, catching herself she missed by a few inches, swinging it back away from him and setting it onto the floor beside her. "Hah. Sorry....spazzes." She laughed a little awkwardly. "You do believe me...don't you?" Her sleeves ate up her hands so she flapped them, a habit. @Sinister Clown
Alexander smiled in Jack's direction. "Hmm, for your first task, why don't you start setting up the tables? Business it sure to get busy soon." He recommended. There was a coolness in the air that let him know it was starting to get late.

@Robyn Banks
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( @SSgt Goodrich @Morbuskid )

Sin made his way towards the buildings his targets were in his hands in his pocket as he did." Huh so I'm going after some government people eh might be fun. I can't wait to see what there made of." Sin took out a black pistol and came to the door and knocked as if it were normal and he was just coming for a visit.
"Of course." Jack said smiling then got off the stoll to start setting up the tables. She organized it to the best of her abilities but thought it needed something different so instead of just putting the napkins plain and simple.Jack did origami's with the napkins then set them on specific spots. I don't think he'll mind. She thought to herself.

Tylor guillory]( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25257-ssgt-goodrich/ said:
@SSgt Goodrich[/URL] @Morbuskid )
Sin made his way towards the buildings his targets were in his hands in his pocket as he did." Huh so I'm going after some government people eh might be fun. I can't wait to see what there made of." Sin took out a black pistol and came to the door and knocked as if it were normal and he was just coming for a visit.
(I can;t seem to find mister sin the in character section, mind giving me a page number?)
Bismarck watched the man exited and listened carefully to his conversation. It was quite easy to hear....oh, dear. It looks as if Miss Underworld has gotten me in trouble. How shall I explain to that man that it has been proven impossible to take me into custody? Oh, well. They shall see. He opened one of his many books.

@ anyone in the store

The Staff Sergeant seemingly fell off the radar as the facility was being set up. Stephen thought it might be better if he snuck away from the cameras and the attention to fully dedicate his time to finding this fugitive. It was dangerous work, no doubt, and he needed to prepare fully for it.

On that thought, He was amazed at the logistics of his embassy; they left in waves, yet the progress seemed to be steady. The armory had already been set up, and the younger rookies have began their patrols after assignment by a senior officer. He shuffled his way to the edge of his corner office, newly constructed, and looked out across the city the international community called, 'sin stained', 'demonized', 'condemned'...

There was a charm in the people. The way the sun rose above the steel mills made it seem as if the smoke stacks themselves shed a light upon the raggedy crowd of rubble outside the embassy. The dirt caked faces of each homeless individual gave the glint of hope in each of their eyes. The contrast was immense, the heat and warmth of rebellion and the muddy face of defeat. They were tired of 'Hell City', they were tired of the day to day


They were tired of the evil.

The Sergeant took a long, slow draw of a cigarette he was offered by the construction personnel.

It was going to be one hell of tour.
"So how long do you think it will take to rebuild it?" She asked the architect after an hour of conversation. The architect examine at the damage then looked back at her. "Well looking at the damage I'd say A couple of months. Until then I suggest you find a temporary HQ, Since you requested me to upgrade everything." "Alright. Just make sure its perfect." She said then he just laughed then said ." Of course." She started to walk off into the city, needing a breather from everything.

Maybe I should look for something that might be good as a temporary HQ. Maybe a hotel or something. She said thinking to herself. She already told the underbosses to find something useful. So she didn't have much to worry about. But she needed to focus on her other plans. She looked up at the sky then looked forward again. Today is going to be a long day.

@SSgt Goodrich
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North Dovev

Nickname/Alias: 'Ghost' and 'Dove'

Location: General Store


Starting Action: Checking his phone

North was seriously bored at this moment, which was clear by his thoughts that were trying to figure out if there is actually a way to die of boredom. Most of the time not many people come here, but we stay above ground. However, today people had been coming around due to a newspaper. His savior appeared when he looked at his phone.North sighed as he checked out the people who arrived here after the incidents, "Who here is actually here to buy books not to ask what happened." He commented to himself.

Morning North! This is Tera obviously. The twins and I are training intensively! I, if not all of us, will be stopping by afterwards to train with you as well! So look forward to it!
OH! PS: Sorry if I was rude during our first encounter...and for creating a mess...the books you recommended were a nice choice.
Could have been worse, probably, also it is fine...but don't make a mess again, someone might sue. [/textmessage]
(Okay i am a little tired for waiting for Lilah so i'll take control of here.)

Dallas looked over to the door, "I'll get that for you, besides i think it would be a better idea if you sent me to keep an eye on the Mafia, maybe i can stir something up there.", he said as he reached for the door. He grabbed the knob and twisted it then pulled the door open, "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked. Dallas put one hand on his bowie knife's handle just in case.

@Tylor guillory
After the cigarette, he flicked the remaining ashes into one of the large black bags thrown about the hotel. He didn't know if anything important was in it, what was more important was that he gets a run-down of the surrounding area. He may be ambushed at one point, and any sort of knowledge of the area may allow him to escape his assassins and track down the ones who sent them. So, as soon as he arrived at the embassy, he left again. Yet, not before, taking a standard service pistol in a black leather holster.




He knew that he was still ONLY a special operations member, but enough people at the embassy knew not to mess with him when he collected his own intelligence for an operation. The streets were deadly, and someone as equally deadly is needed to wade through it. If he was going to get the names of people involved with the escape of the fugitive, he would have to get it off dying lips.

And it did not scare him at all.

@Robyn Banks
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The streets were crowded, the air in the area she was in was almost hard to breathe but she was getting use to it. She was going to get the information about the pills in the drug trade. She knew the side effects to them and it wasn't pretty but why should it matter to her? The only reason it matter was because it was her pills they were using and she didn't want to risk anyone using it against her. So she kept walking.

@SSgt Goodrich
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As if right on cue, people began to enter the bar, walking in one after the other. Some of the regulars waved over at Alexander, shouting hellos as they sat at their usual spots. As usually, it was going to be a busy night. Alexander prided himself on owning 'The Bar' rather than one of the normal, everyday ones scattered about the city. He was known for good music, and a relaxing atmosphere. There wasn't anything else Alexander would rather be doing. He quite liked his life in Hell City which was quite rare for its occupants. Most hated the city and couldn't wait to find a way out. He hoped the amount of people wouldn't be too hard for Jack on her first day.

@Robyn Banks @Lilah Tunth
Fumei Hana

Nickname/Alias: Daydreamer

Location: Somewhere....in Hell City

Company: @ScytheMeister7

Starting Action: Walking

Fumei walked around Hell City, it was relatively quiet during the morning hours. However, the newspaper had gotten word of a murder in the morning, she was there to try to take some photos of the unholy sight. When they asked her to go, they made sure to remind her to look out for the probable culprits - Jackson and Alaric. They were told to be tall males around six foot and have neon green hair. For that reason she had brought her poisoned needles, as per usual, if her aura didn't end up working on the two twin devils...and that was only if she'd bump into them in broad daylight. While she was too busy thinking of not bumping into them, she...bumped into them. Or at least one of them, bumping head first into Alaric while they were coming out of the dark Alleyway. "Wow, they really are quick..." She said to herself commenting on the newspaper speed of finding out the murders and other crimes.
The Sergeant hid his standard-issue pistol underneath the leather exterior of a holster. To most people, seeing a gun so eagerly displayed was a rare sight, but as you can imagine, the citizens of 'Hell City' could care less if someone was packing portable firepower. Drug dealers and bouncers plagued the city streets in the afternoon, looking for clients to fiend after their respective bars and clubs. Yet, as the officer walked, he noticed one particular bar catching the local eye and his own. "The Bar" was a simple name for what seemed to be a well kept bar, one full of regulars and not the usual rubbish that go in to take their fix of alcohol for the week. This intrigued Stephen enough to warrant action, so against all protocol, Goodrich entered the bar during service time.

The wolf declared in grandeur to the lamb, "It is not words that fill a wolf's stomach, it is lamb, and I have lost all patience for words!" And thus, the lamb was slain. Another lamb to the slaughter.

Once inside, he took to it that he chose the darkest corner to observe the bar in, hoping that any more of the brim-hatted women or suited men would take notice of his dispatch. He would hate to be in a fight now.

@Robyn Banks
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( @Morbuskid )

Sin pulled out his pistol and began firing immediately. Not even responding to Dallas. "Hey sorry if I'm being rude but could you do me a favor, and die?" Sin asked as he fired of round after round.

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