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Fandom Hell City

Tristan glared at her for a moment, It was possible he hadn't spent much time with his family before 'running away' however his thoughts were all of the sudden interrupted when the woman picked up her hammer and nearly swung it towards his head. His expression in awe after she pulled back and chuckled to himself for a moment. After she explained herself rather thoroughly..Tristan slowly nodded "I believe you, Naru wasn't it?" extending his hand out as if to gesture a handshake.

@NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

The twins followed Tera and Madden in relative silence, conversing amongst themselves about what they thought training would be like, barely able to contain their excitement. As they walked they passed by paintings, they weren't really sure who they were but they were more than likely somone important to Madden judging by her reaction to them. They didn't say anything as she seemed to be worried by them and simply continued on, eventually they stopped outside a door(assuming this is what happened, anyway?) that must lead to the training area.

"Are we there?" Maria asked, grinning excitedly and peeping around Madden at the door.
"Oh thank you very much I think I'll have this specialty of mister Starks. I mean its not like its going to kill me." Gin said and laughed." Well I'm Gin its nice to meet you jack, if you'd be ever so kind could you help me to a seat?" Gin asked deciding to use the assistance while he had it, it was always a hassle attempting to move using his training. Even if it was easy Gin liked taking things easy and getting assistance every once in a while. " ( @Robyn Banks
"Of course." Jack said as she assisted him into his seat. "Mr.Stark can I get one of the specials please?" She turned back to Gin and was about to ask something but instead decided not to. She avoided any contact with Natalia while she was passing her to try to get attention from Mr.stark.

@Tylor guillory @ScytheMeister7
A sigh of relief escaped Naru's soft lips. "Thank goodness!" She threw her arms around the man who now accepted her as his step sister, more or less anyways. She had been worried about him denying her.

In her excitment her grasp ended up tighter than usual, her strength splurging on the opportunity. Releasing him she looked more closely at his attire. It was spattered with crimson blood. "That's some nice art work brother." She giggled softly and grazed the tip of her index finger across his cheek to remove a speck of blood still wet as she smeared it onto her own cheek. "Now we are both masterpeices!" She grinned. "Ah, there is a certain reason I came after all. I was hoping to join The Clowns. It took awhile for me to get where I am, and ultimately I wish to be by your side. Erm...I know everyone calls you the Joker and all, but what's your real name?" She tilted her head to the side, twirling around him, his oversized apparel engulphing her body. "You know, this room is pretty big...200 dead bodies could fit in here, if you stacked them right." She commented nonchalantly. @Sinister Clown
Tristan hadn't noticed the sigh of relief, he was dazed off in his own thoughts and once coming back to his senses he just smiled at her last comment "Oh yes, but unfortunately it's only me who stays here." he said with a deep tone and a distasteful expression on his face and answering her last question "My name is..Tristan but in front of the boys make sure to call me Mr. J" he liked the spirit in this girl so far, he just wanted to see what she could do on the streets. "If you want you can stay with us Clowns, but you'll have to start from the bottom." he said pointing down with his thumb and put a smile on his face "But I have a good feeling about you already." his grin was insidious.

Gin smiled as she helped him take his seat. "You know today has been very uneventful for me, I wish something would happen to liven things up a bit. So tell me Jack was it? Who's all here I'm curious." Gins serpent smile stayed on his face his blonde bangs still covering his eyes. He leaned back resting a bit. @ScytheMeister7 (probally gonna go to sleep soon)
"Yes sir!" Naru exclaimed. She had no problem having to work her way up. Even though it could be a little tedious she was expecting it. "Whatever you need me to do I'll do it. I promise you won't be disappointed! The explosions outside, the Mafia's doing?" She presumed. She was just happy to be accepted for now. Tristan...Tristan Taylor..."Do you like having this room to yourself...Tristan?" She tasted his name on her lips out loud for the first time. It felt weird. @Sinister Clown
Tristan smiled at almost everything she said, like most people but this time it was more out of sheer curiosity of her story. At her last comment he let out a short sigh "Are you serious? It's boring and lonesome!" he loved his vocabulary some times, throwing his arms in the air while talking his was some what frustrated at the fact. Looking back to Naru "Why's that?" his face painted curious.

(Sorry! Fell asleep)

Alexander thanked Natalie. "So I heard you just arrived back in the city? How was life far away from here?" He asked before Jack appeared with another drink request. "A specialty? Sure." He said with a smile before putting his back to the bar once more and getting to work. Alexander's specialties were his most famous drink and the the ones he enjoyed making the most as it called for some level of creativity. A few seconds later, he handed Jack a purple drink topped with club soda. "Here you are." He said as he handed it it her.

@Tylor guillory
(Its ok anyways I did too)

"Yes I got back yesterday.It was fine actually,there's more police enforcement but they're a lot weaker unless the bring out the higher organizations, the people outside actually have morals they live by, criminals are scolded except those on Tv shows and movies.I kind of miss it." She paused for a little bit. But she looked back at him then smiled again."But how was it like when I was gone?" She asked.



"Thanks Mr.Stark." She said as she went back to the man."Well I'll tell you who the important people here are then. There's Mr.Stark of course, Nancy the bartender, Natalia Romanov just came in, I don't really like her though."She said to Gin.

@Tylor guillory
"I can stay with you if you'd like. And serious? I am, but then again I'm not." Naru tilted her head again, she sat down on the bed, crossing her legs. Without her knee high socks to sheild her scars, it was obvious to see the carved words on her flesh, some old, others were more recent.

Insane, Lies, Insomnia, Another, 5378, Chaos, Laugh, were some of the words. Various sentences in french were also apparent.

"Tell me brother, do you desire anything?" She stared at him curiously. @Sinister Clown
"I see." Alexander said. "I've always wondered how the other half lived. Hearing about it from you, it seems a lot calmer than our city here." He grabbed another glass and poured a shot of whatever was nearest before knocking it back. "What's been going on in our great city here? Well, you know; the usual. Gang fights here, clowns blowing up things there. Death, destruction, chaos. All that good stuff." He said matter-o-factly. "Though it has been a bit quiet without you here. Good to have you back."

@Robyn Banks
It is clear that Madhu needs to rest. The lesser casual human can only take so much damage than the rest of the races, but the underboss did not survived for this long waiting for his body to heal. There are things that needs to be done.

As soon as the emergency team arrives at the scene and the injured underboss is given medical attention, Madhu springs up to use his phone, an action the medic watching over him protests about.

Lady Romanov," Madhu calls Natalia and leaves a message. “We will be using the old mansion.” With the message sent, Madhu calls a different number.

Prepare the fort, we are moving back in,” Madhu orders the messenger. He shuts it off and head towards the group of mafia members who escaped the falling building without a scratch. Now that they have a base, they need to start moving people in.

The Mafia beginning did not start at the downtown area of Hell City. Instead, just southeast of the city, where the land starts to roll and builds large and small pepper the hillside, is where it all began. On top of a hill, the hive place of the mafia origin watches all of the City.

Of course the mafia mansion did not always looked like how it is now. The old fort had its fair share of battles, even been blown up at one point. Ever since the Mafia stormed the core of Hell City and taken over the tower, this old base was renovated from rooftop to basements and was put to retire. Well, “retire” is a strong word to use; it is still in use today, before the bombing. Guns and electrifying tall gates are all up-to-date. Its computer system is connected to the tower HQ. In short, the mafia is in good hands.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare @Other mafia?

While all that is going on, Alicia Leolam sits on the family sofa, kicks her legs, and wonders where her brothers are.
Upon hearing the news of the new mafia HQ building Loki decided it would be beneficial to hangout there. Probably time to get involved huh Mikki?

The snake hissed and slithered back up his sleeve. Walking into the large mansion he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He remembered this used to be the old HQ building, probably not the complete safest to be but if it's only temporary...

Loki helped bring people from the bombing site back to the HQ. He didn't like doing this sort of thing, being around so many people, so many injured people at that.
Bismarck was bored. The entire day seemed to be at a waste. He wanted at least one mission to make his day complete. Oh, well. Maybe he would write a manuscript or something. He went downstairs and to his room. He reached for his laptop, then thought of something else.

He grabbed a piece of paper.

To Electo:

I cherish the general store, where we first met. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were going to be a nice girl. Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than a nice girl.

Ugh. What a terrible start. Bismarck put the letter in his desk. I hope she never sees that awful rough draft.

@Lilah Tunth
Emmanuel hunches his shoulder and hands are jammed into his vest pokets as he walks the evening street of the Hell City. He walks without a thought, surpressing anything away that enters his mind. A person bumps into him and he glares at the back yelling "Watch it!" And stalks away from the whoever.

Eventually, his feet take him to a small store. It is a familiar place, The Rainy Traveller. It has a earthly scent to it, kinda homy in a way. Emmanuel opens the door to the general store, burst it for a grand entrance.

"Whoops." He didn't mean that to happen.

"Nothing," Emmanuel replies as he enters the store. His shoulders a little bit relaxed but his hands are still in his pokets. "I'm just... looking around."

The boy walks around the store lowly, looking down barely looking up, and his lips pulls down every other time, painfully aware of the other person in the room.
"Hello little boy!" Electo chirps out, her head turning from counting the amount of books written by Seador they had in the store, with how much was left, they would have to stock up on them.

She turns to see the young man, the fabric of her cream colored cardigan shifting a bit.

Tristan looked at her, thinking for a moment "Well, I guess you could...And desires? Hmm..I'm not sure I know what you mean." he tilted his head at the same time Naru did, as if in sync a long wide grin crept up his face. This woman was definitely strange, well to any normal person she would be anyway but Tristan however saw a spark in her..A spark he certainly liked.

"Romanov? That's very interesting why don't you like her?" Gin could feel himself getting excited, he has heard about the new leader of the mafia, but didn't think he'd meet them this soon. He probably wouldnt get a opportunity like this again and wasn't going to pass it up. He picked up the drink and slowly drank it..."This is quite delicious I must say. I might return here sometime. "

Bismarck noted the young man's strange behavior, but brushed it off. He saw Electo and tried not to freak out. What if she saw his love letter? That would be embarrassing...maybe he would think of something...they never seemed to get a private moment.

"Um, Miss Electo, would you like to go somewhere tonight?" He asked awkwardly.

@Lilah Tunth @TripTripleTimes
"I'm not a little boy!" Emmanuel whips his head up at the cheery voice that greets him. "I'm 14!" He puffs up his chest to proof that he is not a little boy. He looks around the store blocking the man's attempt to ask the lady out.



The TV in the Leolam living is blasted on. The screen plays colourful and eye catching images but Alicia pays no attention to it. The TV is just a noice filler in this quiet place. The phone on the coffee table suddenly rings. The girl eyes widden and dives for the device. It is her oldest brother!

"Hello brother!" Alicia cheers. Her little feet swings as she waits for her brother's responce.

"Hey kid," The brother's voice echos through the cellphone. "I'm in the city, but I'll be home late." The girl's feet stop their swing. "You know busy at work-"

"Yeah, I know," Alicia says, sighing out. She then asks "Do you know there Emu is?" Her second brother have not picked his phone all day. He would at least pick it up by now.

The brother does not answers right away but eventually replies, "He'll be home. Dont worry about him too much, Alicia. You know how he is."

"Yeah." Alicia brings up her legs to her chest and leans foward against them. "Be safe, big brother." The brother thanks her and the two siblings say their good byes.
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