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Fandom Hell City

"Well there's a lot of rumours about her plus I heard she was apart of the terrorist group that caused do much trouble recently.Though She does seem different than I expect her to look like." Jack said leaning on the table by Gin. "Would you like another drink sir?" She asked nicely.

@Tylor guillory


"Thank you Mr.Stark, honestly I think you're the only one glad I came back. I appreciate it though." She looked her phone then checked the message from Madhu. She would head over there soon hut she thought she had a little more time."you are the only person I feel really close to."

@Tylor guillory
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The Sergeant eyeballed both glasses of Daniel's with greedy eyes. To be offered two drinks in a city like this rode a fine line between hospitality and hostility, two H's that he feared equally. The hospitality could mean that he has gotten himself already infatuated among the crowds. He was memorable. Something about him lead her to spare the money to get two glasses of whiskey, and that already was an omen toward his inevitable identification among criminal groups. As for hostility, it could be that she already was a part of said criminal groups and that they had no problem finding and identifying him, or even more sickening, she was hoping to sway him into a dark room somewhere where word of mouth is more powerful than stroke of hand. He was handsome enough, he considered both options.

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.

It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.”

As much as he wanted to deny them, he took up a single glass and returned the same warm smile she gave him. He took a small swig of the whiskey, letting it linger on his tongue to deduce if any chemicals have been dropped in it and much to his surprise, he found none. He swallowed the flaming alcohol down earnestly, hoping that the smell and burn do not linger too long on his breath.

"Thank you. I appreciate the generosity."

@Robyn Banks
Gin laughed." Well I wouldn't really know much about looks anymore, I haven't seen anything in a long time. Sure I'd like another drink. Oh miss Romanov is it? I'd very much appreciate it if you'd have a drink with me." Gin had sat his katana next to him making sure to keep it within reach. He had his other katana strapped to his side. "Oh and Jack was it I believe you had something you wanted to ask me earlier? Go ahead don't be afraid to ask."

@Robyn Banks
'I once worked for a noble cause, do you want to know why I quit? Because noble causes in the end, are all a lie. Every system is corrupt in it's own way which makes Hell City just like every other one. I had heard many horrible stories of this place, I came here and saw what went on and frankly; It's hardly much different to what we already were.'

~Quote by Joseph Kingsman~


The plane that Joseph was inside had been rumbling and tumbling, it wasn't the most smoothest flight he has ever been on but it wasn't the roughest either. Looking outside his small window to the right of him Joseph set his eyes down at what was Hell City he thought it to be a beautiful city. The Mafia leader did a good job a building it. However once coming to the several blown up building it was easy to tell that it was still the same as always. Even though he had been away from Hell city for over a few months now he still kept close tabs on what was going on. "So the Joker got out, the daughter of the Godfather of the Mafia has taken over Hell city and much more..Things in Hell city have certainly gotten interesting.." a sly smirk appearing on his face.

The plane landed safely right inside the 'base of operations' which was Gears of War Co. Joseph had came to bring in a large shipment of weapons, but he had also planned on having a chat with Thaddeus. Hopping out of the plan and onto the platform he gestured to the men to start unloading the cargo. Taking out a phone he contacted Thaddeus by call, once he answered saying "The shipment's here."

Alexander cocked his head to the side and smiled. "I'm glad, Nat." He said. Alexander wasn't much a fan of the violence in and around Hell City. He merely tolerated it, and in some rare cases, joined it when he had to. It was times like this, just sitting and talking with a friend that made him really happy. But of course, things just never seemed to like working out for him.

Before he could say anything else, the sound of glass smashing into the wall beside his head resonated throughout the room. From what he could sense, the bottles of booze had been sparred. He couldn't say the same for the nice photos he'd had Nancy frame a week ago. Alexander's smile dropped within seconds and instead, a deathly cold expression took its place. The blacked out glasses did nothing to make him look any less intimidating.

Clearing his throat briskly, he spoke evenly and without hurry, the bar dead quiet. "Would someone like to tell me why I have shattered glass all over my floor?" He asked. After a few seconds, no one responded. "Hmm, wonderful. I guess I'll have to find out for myself." With practiced moves, Alexander swung himself over the countertop and stalked over to where the seat near the back of the bar were. He carefully spread his aura to see his surroundings and noticed a rather puffed up man standing somewhere to his left.

Sniffing the air, Alexander could tell he was close to death, and he himself was going to deliver it to the ruffian. Within mere seconds, Alexander had the man pinned to the wall with several knives and stood close was another pressing into his neck.

"Wanna tell me why I'm one glass down?" He asked coldly. The man shook his head viciously and tried to get away but to no avail, screaming about how he hadn't done anything. Alexander grinned, but this time, it wasn't like any of his other grins. This one was a lot more cruel.

"It's too bad I don't believe you." And with a flick of his wrist, the man's throat was cut and Alexander's carefully ironed white shirt was now crumpled and blood stained.

"Very unfortunate that there are some people in this city who still don't know the rules..." He said solemnly.

@Tylor guillory
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"Nicely done Mr.Stark. You surely got your point across Across." She said smirking. She then heard the man with his eyes closed asking her to have a drink with him. She had nothing to be afraid of since she was capable of handling herself but didn't let her guard down just because he's blind. "I'll be back Mr.Stark." She then walked up to the man then sat in front of him. "Yes?" She said. Though she was the mafia leader, she still had manners especially to someone older than her.

@ScytheMeister7 @Tylor guillory


"No it's fine. Just call me when you need me." She said smiling as Natalia approached then walked off to attend to the other customers.

( I find it funny that Natalia and Goodrich are in the same bar but doesn't notice each other's presents lol @SSgt Goodrich )
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Goodrich stood and looked at the man who just slit the throat of the other-- it was a shame really. The bar had seemed peaceful, like the pastures of his youth, yet now with the abrupt destruction of property and life, he could not find the same peace in the bartender's voice. He was clearly bothered, not only by the ruffian, but by the existence of such ruffians in general. Shouldn't he know? Shouldn't he understand that cities are nothing but breeding grounds for the underprivileged and the unfortunate?

"It does not matter, bartender, if the rules have already been laid out by word of mouth."

Goodrich took time to stand and set his glass down gently, he saw what had happened to the other fellow who broke the glass.

"You took that man's life. I believe it is well known fact that the action is illegal."

The air grew cold, just as the aura he carried with him to this forsaken place.

"You are under arrest."

( Yeah, kind of crazy how he is so close to his target, yet he doesn't know what she looks like yet. @ScytheMeister7 )
Alexander turned to face the direction of the new voice and smiled kindly. "Under arrest? Hmm, never thought I'd hear those words directed to me. You must be new to Hell City?" He asked whilst cleaning the blade of his knife. He swiftly pulled the other four out of the wall and payed no mind as the man's dead body collapsed onto the floor, blood seeping into the strategically dark wood. "This is how things have worked in my bar for years. Violence is not tolerated. My use of it is merely a means to an end." He explained and pocketed the knives back into place. Later when he had free time, he'd clean them properly. For now, they'd be fine.

@SSgt Goodrich
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Alaric was surprised by the aloof nature of the girl but before he could react, crippling pain erupted from the base of his skull and spread to the rest of his body. He let out a choked sound of shock before bracing up against the wall of a building to stop himself from face planting onto the ground. "Goddamit, not now." He hissed under his breath. By the time the pain receeded, Jax was now in control. "It's been over ten years and I'm still not used to that fucking pain." Alaric groused in Jax's head. Jax let out a small laugh before remembering the girl and the body in the alleyway. "U-um. Excuse m-me miss? I can e-explain what happened h-here." He stuttered, anxiety catching up to him. This was one of his first legitimate social encounters in his entire life. His social skills were lacking, so to speak. "P-please don't call the facility. I d-don't want to go back."

@T h e F o o l
Fumei Hana

Nickname/Alias: Daydreamer

Location: Somewhere....in Hell City

Company: @ScytheMeister7

Starting Action: Taking Pictures

Fumei took another picture as she circled around, the male from earlier arriving again, she pulled out a needle behind her. He blinked as this was a little different, and by a little she means that this was a 180* degree change. "I am not calling the facility, I am just...taking photos for my amusement, anyways I won't directly call them." She said slipping a little lie in there, other than that she was saying the honest to goodness truth. She took another picture before she broke past him before he ended up changing again and she had a feeling that side was more or less likely the murderer. She took a sigh of relief when she was a few steps away from the alleyway, putting back the needle.
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"The law applies to all people and all places, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to step outside."

His order was razor-like, his voice edging toward firm but laying within comfortable conversation range. He wasn't shouting, but he wasn't lowering himself to the mere whispers that were beginning to collect around the bar. He wasn't looking to fight the bartender, no, but he was definitely looking to instill proper law. This small act of justice will be the first of many steps he will take in 'Hell City'.

"I am no rookie, so drop the knives on the way to the door. I do not want anybody to touch the body until paramedics come."

His right hand sat upon the service pistol in the black holster, the black leather burning in his hands as he was prepared to unholster it. A badge came after it, his hand moving swiftly to expose who he worked for and the authority behind the arrest. He was doing good.

"You have the right to remain silent."

@ScytheMeister7 @Robyn Banks
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@TripTripleTimes @anyone else at new HQ.

Once the medical team arrived and reset her shoulder and such Trinity left with the rest trying to think of a place for new HQ while getting some much needed rest and food at a Waffle House(Yes. Yes I went there). As she poked her steak with her fork her thoughts absentmindedly drifted to Emmanuel, wondering if he was alright and where he ran off to. Though, she shook the thought out of her mind, Emmanuel was a tough kid he'd be fine.

Although her shoulder was still sore and she looked like someone that escaped a hospital with the bandages wrapped around her head, she was relatively un-harmed. She assumed Madhu and Loki were as well, considering they'd both left to find a spot for a temporary HQ. A short while later an image as well as a location to the temporary HQ was texted to her, she had to say it was just as impressive as the old one.


She quickly finished her food and made her way to the car and drove off. The new HQ was outside of Hell City, something she had to admit that she liked. Pulling up to the gate she confirmed her identity solely by showing the guard her arm, sure there were many other cybernetic arms but hers had the mafia insignia on it.

Driving in she parked just outside the house itself and got out admiring it. "Nice place." She spoke, mostly to herself.
"Desires, Desires!" Naru removed a pocket knife from her shorts. "Brother has the fame, fortune doesn't matter, you run the show." Sliding the glistening blade over her soft skin, she carved Desires. "Aren't we all searching for something?" Setting the knife down she picked up her giant hammer and wandered, skipped rather, to the window. She thought she could see a plane descending in the distance from the now blackened sky. But that wasn't unnatural, many planes landed every day. "We search because there is always something missing." Glancing back at him she leaned back and forth on the hammer, allowing it to support her. "What are you missing Tristan?" Opening the window she let the breeze rush in, breathing in she let out a sigh. "Do you smell that? It's the smell of opportunity. And death, Maybe....even something sweet from one of the cafe's down there. You might want to reconsider remodeling..." She waved her hammer at the destroyed buildings. "All that." Leaning against the opened window, Naru's eyes were glossed with mystery.

"Do you have any tasks for me? Or perhaps a heart felt brawl to lighten the mood?" She wasn't giving any feelings away in her tone of voice or gaze of her eyes. But she had been working towards this very moment, and she longed to be praised.

@Sinister Clown
Gins expression changed to one of a child opening presents on Christmas. He then put his hand to his face as the bartender killed the man who had broken the glass. He then turned to Nat." I'm not going to lie to you or attempt to be coy, I'm a member of the CCG my rank is chief. But I have no interest in fighting you I'd just like to ask you if you know anything about a man. He killed my daughter and child and burned my home. It was some time ago he even took my sight from me." Gin raised his bangs up showing the scar across his eyes." I don't remember much about him except that he had bandages covering up his body and the ability to blow things up." Gin took a drink of the stark specialty and smiled as he thought of the man." He didn't speak not on word he just came and destroyed everything, I ask you because I figured being the new boss of the mafia you might know of this man's whereabouts. That is if he's even in this city." Gins grip on his katana izanami was tight like a anacondas.

(Lol yep im making my characters enemies xD I was considering making the joker the one who killed his family but idk if that was a good idea anyways @Robyn Banks )
"The only person that fits that description is Six. The last time I saw him was at A meeting I had with him until that fool came along... " She said calmly though It was easy to tell she was throwing shade when she spoke. "For his whereabouts , he's a mysterious person. He doesn't stay in one place for long so Its hard to actually locate him, But he's definitely in the city.He has too many plots to just leave this place without attempting to leave a mark... If you want to kill the little bastard. Be my guest, you'll take some problems off my shoulders." She heard the officer get up and start his rumbling about the law or whatever and thought she should do something before he leaves but she wanted to finish her conversation with the blind man first.

@Tylor guillory
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"Six huh?" The name left a taste in his mouth like he had just liked a battery. He then pulled out a card and handed it to her. It was his cell number. "If you see this Six please give me a call and tell him I said hi." Gin slowly stood up he turned to Natalia and bowed but accidentally head butted her. He stumbled backwards and held his head."Oh that was a mistake I really shouldnt have attempted that." Gin regained his composure then bowed again this time he didn't hurt anyone. "Well I should go I have a dreadful headache for some reason." He then attempted to leave he grabbed Stark unaware it was him in a attempt to feel his way threw the room. @ScytheMeister7
The officer stared down the man grabbing Stark and held his hand out as they shuffled toward the exit. His eyebrows were burrowed into the bridge of his nose in clear confusion, taking one of his large hands and prying free Stark whom the blind man held hostage.

"Are you deaf, sir? I am apprehending this man for murder and you stroll as if to carry him out? You must be insane.

He released the blind man now that Stark was free, and with shift of weight, held his stance with his pistol. It was clearly drawn now, pointed down, but drawn nonetheless. And he began to weigh his escape options...

@Tylor guillory @ScytheMeister7
( How do you know how a battery taste like? Never mind I don't even want to know. @Tylor guillory )

"Ow!" She said as she started rubbed her for head watching the man trying to find his way. I don't know how he's going to fight of six if he can't even find his way in the bar. She thought. About just healing his eyes using her abilities but she changed her mind. She heard the guard saying they rights but only said the beginning . She scoffed then said" What happened to the rest of the Miranda Rights? Did you forget or something? Don't worry I'll say the rest for you.Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Don't worry its a rookie mistake." She turned around then took a good look at the man. " He's blind and only trying to find his way around the room, isn't it hard to tell? And though I do love A wannabe hero thinking he can actually change this city. Law enforcement hasn't had any authority here in years. So, I suggest you drop the act now before you get killed." She said smirking still sitting down as she crossed her legs.

@SSgt Goodrich
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Alexander wanted to laugh when he heard the man pull something from his pocket. His aura didn't allow him to see what it was exactly. From the shape, it looked like a card. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't exactly see. I'm blind." He told him, nonchalantly before pulling off his glasses to reveal his eerily milky eyes. His attention must have been set onto only one thing because Alexander was startled when he felt someone grab onto his arm and yank him in the direction of the exit. "Excuse me, but where exactly am I being taken?"

@Tylor guillory
Jax raced after the girl quickly, not wanting to lose sight of her. The way she's said 'not directly' had him on edge. Plus, he was not sure how to find his away around the new city he found himself in. "Just let her go. We'll be fine, brother." Alaric told him. Jax shook his head. "I don't think so. Maybe she can help." He said before finally catching up with the reporter. "P-please, miss. Can y-you help me? I don't know w-where I am."

@T h e F o o l
The Sergeant holstered the pistol he had drawn and put away the badge he had been given. He replied in a slow and steady voice, as if it were the hushed winds over a quiet lake. It only left a small ripple of sound in the room.

"I am not a police officer, merely an advocate and enforcer of the law. I apologize that the badge is hard to read in this light, and I apologize to the disabled man for the inconvenience, but if you would excuse me



He gave a sarcastic smirk, his eyes clearly annoyed by her comment.

"I have a murderer to apprehend."

With that stated, he turned back to the bartender, fixing his posture. Goodrich's hands, which had been seen grasping a pistol, moved to his sides as a sign of humility. He took out a small device though, a camera, and snapped a shot of the corpse lying on the floor.

"I expect you to follow me outside, sir. I will be taking you to an office where you will be interrogated and tried for the incident."


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"Wait what's going on? Is someone getting arrested ugh you know what this is ridiculous I'm tired of walking blind!" Gin said as scales appeared around his face." Ahh much better I can kind of sssseee nos." He said in a hissing manner his tongue clicked around as he pronounced the s sound." Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something? " Gin asked as his snake sonar allowed him to see somewhat. He noticed the two men one he guessed was Stark the bartender the other was the man attempting to arrest him. @ScytheMeister7 @Robyn Banks
Alexander was about to respond when his 'sight' completely vanished. It was something that happened once in a while, whenever he used too much energy. Just like he'd been as a child, Alexander was completely sightless. "Oh jeez..." He whispered under his breath before turning in the direction he'd last sent Jack. "Jack, could you possibly find my cane hidden somewhere behind the counter?" There wasn't much Alexander hated but his cane was definitely one of them. It made him feel a lot more powerless in a city that thrived off of the weak. "It's going to be one of those days." He said before turning back to the 'enforcer of law'. "I'll come with you but I'm telling you now, no one in this city is going to arrest me. Authority of your sort nor law exist here." He explained. "Never has, never will." When the other man, the one who's grabbed onto Alexander, spoke, Alex patted him on what he assumed was his shoulder. "Nothing to worry about. Just a man with an authority complex."

@Tylor guillory
@SSgt Goodrich
"Ahh I see well I guess you could say I'm a enforcer of the law as well, but then again there is no law in this city is there? Anyways I'm not one to go arresting people for such tedious things." Gin said as he grabbed the mans arm to help him out a bit." I think its pointless to arrest the man i don't really see any laws broken here. Just a blind man who took down some thug who was causing trouble. "Gin smiled and his tongue flickered again. @ScytheMeister7

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