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Fandom Hell City

Jack went in the back then found the cane. She hurried back to Mr.Stark 's side, gently holding his hand to place the cane in it. "Here you go Mr.Stark." She said then glared at the man. She hate law enforcement and anyone else that worked for the government. How could he take Mr.Stark? He was just righteous and wanted to arrested criminals so badly. He should just arrest everyone in this city.

@ScytheMeister7 @Tylor guillory


Nat wanted to aid her friend but it seemed like he had some help already. If the 'Hero' went off with Stark, she knew the perfect way to deal with it. But for now she just watched.
"The law I give is a law not known here, true law. Thugs have run the show long enough, and despite me sympathizing with the man who took down the thug, the law is the law."

Sensing no hostility, Stephen motioned to the person leading the blind bartender out. He hated to do this to anybody being the vigilante, so he offered up advice.

"There is a vigilante act, if you can get enough witnesses here to convince the jury you acted out of good faith, you will have no problem getting out. And you will get out fine."

Goodrich then looked at the rest of the bar, eyeballing each of the civilians. He saw some of the hatted women and suited men and turned his cheek to them. He did not want to be identified so soon, just an anonymous law-giver.

"Can I spot a cigarette?"

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Alexander thanked Jack before gripping the cane carefully and leaning on it. Despite his hate for the thing, he couldn't say it didn't help. He put his blacked out glasses back on and reached a hand out to try and grab the other man to thank him as well for his words. "I appreciate what your saying but this man here seems to think he's on a heroic mission, it seems." Alexander turned his attention to Goodrich and frowned, which was highly uncharacteristic of him. "Deal, I'll go with you as long as the bar remains left untouched. I've put eight years of my life into this place and it's not going to be shut down because a death took place here and you deem it unsafe." He said before walking in the direction of the door, the click-clack of the cane settling his nerves slightly. When he heard no steps following him, Alexander turned around. "Coming?" He asked.

@Tylor guillory
The Staff Sergeant left without his cigarette, following after the blind man heading outside. His face has returned to a stoic one, one free of emotion and judgement. He took the shoulder of the man he was arresting.

"I shall not cuff you, but I expect you not to take off. I may have to hurt you then."

He smiled even though he knew that the man could not see it, he hoped that maybe his cold aura would seem softer now. Like a slight breeze during snow fall, not the blizzard it usually conveys.

"Your bar will remain unharmed. I have no doubts that you are well connected, and they will make sure they will keep the bar open. Even in the face of closure by higher firms."


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/@Robyn Banks

Nat watched Alexander go with the man then crossed her arms sighing. It seems like the waitress had to watch over the bar until he arrived back. Though she didn't seem to know how to do any bartending. Natalia left a tip on the table then walked out not saying a word. I have the perfect way to show that vigilante his place. She smirked then continued walking

@ScytheMeister7 @SSgt Goodrich
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Down in the docks of the west part of the city, three huge cargo ships just start to unload, multiple people running up and down the bridges that connect the ships to the harbor, loads of boxes filled with all kinds of weapons being unloaded. On the sides of the enormous ships are logos that cover up the sides of the ships, saying

"Gears of War Co."

These were all shipments from Gears of War, the largest weapons business in Hell City. While the people were unloading the weapons into hundreds of Semi Trucks to be taken to the many warehouses, there were several billboards all around the city and in the docks that read,

"Wanna start Anarchy? Wanna protect your friends? Well then, get your ass down to Gears of War Co. Before someone else does, and blows you up :D "

(If any gang leaders maybe want to buy weapons for their gangs. Since you know, gangs need weapons)

Down in the West of the city, in a private strip of land for planes to land, stood five SUVS, all painted chrome black, with three men each outside of every car, and in the middle, stood Thaddeus himself, waiting for his greatest mind to show up.

@Sinister Clown
"Hmm well I think I'll keep a eye on those two." Gin said as he left the bar bowing once more to the bar. His face changed back to normal and he used his katana as a cane. He walked into a dark alley and from there made his way to his next destination.


Sin walked down the road covered in scratches, he was even a little dirty. "Man that was a close one its a good Thing I got out of there when I did those guys were pissed." He said thinking of his last battle. He laughed as he entered a hotel and got a room. After getting the room key and making it there he put his baggage in the ground and laid down on the bed. He then turned the TV on and watched south park."screw you guys," said the fat little racist kid."Haha oh I love south park." He said as he drifted off to sleep.

Six had all his pieces in place, the pills where on there way to those six had chosen. He sat on the skyscraper looking over the city. "Ahh soon my dreams will become a reality." Dust said as he landed next to Six. Six grabbed the ledge of the skyscraper leaned closer over smiling as he did."Oh will you look at that a old friends arrived in the city and he's joined the CCG how amusing. "Six stood up and prepared to leap from the skyscraper to the ground the tripped and fell all the way to the ground from the skyscraper. The wind blew rapidly around him as he feel his eyes widened as he fell. He paniced and waved his arms around as Dust flew next to him screaming for him." Aaaaaahhhhh stop screaming you stupid bird and help me. Aaaaaahhhhh!" Then he hut the ground sending a huge shockwave as he made impact with the ground. The ground cracked and after the dust cleared there was a big hole with Six in it he had landed face first. Dust flew and landed on his rear which was up in the air. "Ouch that hurt." Dust said.
Alexander nodded his understanding and smiled back. He tapped his cane carefully as he walked, hoping that he wouldn't end up tripping over anything and make a fool of himself. "So what exactly is your name? I can't keep calling you 'the man' in my head forever. In my opinion, it's a bit rude." He said. "I'm Alexander, by the way. Alexander Stark." He would have held out his hand for a handshake but he didn't think it was appropriate now.

@Tylor guillory

(Taking an early night. Got a lot of things to do in the morning. Goodnight!)
The Sergeant kept walking alongside Alexander, keeping two steps behind him.

"The name is Stephen. Stephen Goodrich. I am a Staff Sergeant with the new embassy here."

The murderer now had a name, he could file a proper report when the time comes. He didn't think too much of his motives or his needs, he thought only of the murder he had just witnessed. As right as the man may be, he was still guilty.

Tristan rubbed his chin with an amused expression on his face, he looked deep into her eyes "I couldn't have said it better myself" (At one point there rather literally xD ) Getting up he used the wall which he backed up against as support to help him back up on his face. it was at this point he realized the actual height different between the two. However it didn't mean that much to him, the spark in the girl's intentions was what Tristan loved the most so far, her question however was a good one. Perhaps it was time Tristan started being honest with himself and to him it started with this person "My real desire? I want someone to share my madness with..Someone that no matter how much of a 'freak' I might be..Will still stick around to have a good laugh." his grin insidious as ever when he spoke towards Naru.

(I can meet up with you @National I might actually need some things.)

Natalia realized that she was running low on weapons when A low ranking mafia informed her. She needed more anyways for security reasons and her plan for the future did involve explosives. She decided that she should give 'gears of war' a try. What did she have to lose? She instructed a car with suitcases of money inside to take her to the primary base for the weapons company. It wasn't long until it arrived and brought her to her destination. She got out of the car with two men by her side as she examined the place. It was very impressive and in a way spoke for itself. She put her hands in her pocket as she walked only looking ahead for the time being. She ordered a worker to tell the leader that she would like to buy weapons from him and wanted to be seen as soon as possible.

"Sure you aren't a little boy! Whatever you say," Electo grinnined, 'Cute,' She then turned to Bismarck, for one second she thought he asked her out, but dismissed it as wishful thinking. She looked around the store, "Where's North?"




Nancy his behind the counters, her eyes closed, the music could have been heard all the way across the pub with all of the volume.
Jack rushed over to nancy almost in.panic but tried her best to calm down. "Nancy! Mr.Stark been arrested by some vigilante law enforcer! What do we do?" She said trying to calm down but it wasn't working successfully. Though she just started working there she was started to like her co-workers and didn't want to lose them.

@Lilah Tunth
Naru looked up at him with a smile, though her eyes seemed to spark mischief. "Sounds like a rather romantic desire, especially coming from the leader of The Clowns." She smirked, grabbing Tristan's wrists. "Care to laugh with me in my realm of insanity?" Pulling him she tilted back over the edge of the window, falling out and taking him with her. The height from the top to the ground was a little bit away, so she used her hallucination power to warp the scene around them. A wave of rippling checkered tiles surrounded them with clockwork and red bunnies scattered around. The scene was dimly lit and it almost appeared as if they weren't falling at all, but more of an endless fall that slowed time. Images appeared swirling around, some of them random, while others were of various times in Naru's life from starting out doing tasks for Shaded Rose to multiple mass killings.

A swarm of deformed butterflies attacked one another before merging together to form a giant bird that soared off. Naru laughed and as she did, the words HaHaHa flowed out of her mouth. "Ah, we are getting to the end of our ride." She commented as she opened her arms out and flipped in the midst of falling, releasing a burst of air that dispersed the fake alternate reality and allowed them to land softly onto the ground below.

"Being able to control the air comes in handy." She pointed out, raising her hand to create a wave of wind that brought her hammer down to her. Remembering they were out in public now she referred to him as so, "I appreciate the acceptance into The Clowns Mr. J, Tell me if you find that person to share your madness with won't you?" She winked.

@Sinister Clown
Emmanuel squishes his face is distaste as he is called little boy once again. He doesn't say anything though but snickers when the lady says nothing to the man's question. That girl is waaaaaay out of his league.

The kid grins a bit more, feeling a bit better than before... or not. Shot, why did he think about his feelings again? Emmanuel walks up to the counter where the man with glasses stands behind. He puts his arms on top of the counter and lean towards the man. The boy looks at the lady and back up at the man.

"You should be a bit more... straightforward," Emmanuel says, voice low so that the lady can't hear him and eyebrows and lips frowned.

@femjapanriceball @Lilah Tunth


Madhu is walking across the foyer with a cup of coffee in one hand and a tablet in the other. Since arriving at the mansion HQ, the man has been busy, checking the estate (the building to the landscape), make sure that the digital data is here and also back up it again, looking at this and looking at that, the list goes on and on. Yes, he has the cosa nostra to do the works, but he wanted to see the condition of the entire thing.

He did take a break, hence the coffee in his hand, and then runs into Trinity on his way back to work.

"Ah good. You're finally here." Madhu frowns a little but takes a breath. Trinity is still young and she likes her pies. Madhu hands Trinity his tablet. He smiles easy. "This, you will be finishing." His fellow underboss is good, at fighting and doing field works, but there are works that needs to be done within the mafia. Trinity is good but she can improve. He wants to polish the young underboss' skills while he is still able.

"We need to find Black Diamond," Madhu tells Trinity. "His snakes can come in use around here."

"Wait." Someone is missing, for a very long time. "Where is Isabella?"

@Mitchs98 @Nyx @Daniel reaving
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Walking up gradually towards Thaddeus Joseph kept his hands tightly clenched behind his back. As he approached he couldn't help but notice some of the updates which had been made in the base of operations, mainly all made off his blueprints it was still a rare talent for someone to be able to craft such things. Thaddeus himself even changed slightly, Joseph could have sworn he was larger last time, bringing his fingers up to his chin "Looks like things are running smoothly as usual...Under your brutish lead." Joseph's accent was extremely British, he often spoke in an elegant tone "It's been a long time friend, you need to catch me up one what's been going on with you..I've kept tabs on the news in Hell City but it seems you've been keeping on the low." a sly smirk appeared on his face however his intent was pure and non harmful.



Tristan followed Naru throughout the whole series, seeing themselves falling he had an expression of awe and chuckled madly to himself "OHHH!! This is so exciting!" he spread himself out however found himself drifting off into something else. He saw what looked like her memories, other images some even looked similar to things he often saw in his own little world of madness a wide grin was painted across his face the whole time, after drifting away it seemed that it ended in almost an instant. They were outside in public, after Naru finished talking he grinned slightly 'Ohhh I really like this one..' after a moment passed he spoke "Oh trust me, I'll tell you." he was definitely interested however, he wanted to see how she was in action first "Say, how about you go to one of my 'Kuro Clowns' and ask them for something to do?" after pausing for a moment he continued on with his sentence "I'm going to..hang around here for a while." dozing off he walked away in the opposite direction, it seemed to be raining however he didn't mind it. 'Good thing she's only a step sister' he chuckled almost psychotically to himself yet again.

In a simple day, Kristian training his gymnastic skills not caring if he have to kill someone just have peace, after some training in the empty gym. Kris is not afraid to be alone but it's too late, 'But I can protect myself.' he thought looking around spotting a small place to rest alittle, "I'm lucky no one noticed me." he did not notice but he was already asleep, he just noticed when the door opened without no one there. he decided to play along, he flies to a garden in his dreams and relax among the flowers.

was when he heard a noise at the academy there, I could not risk it could be a killer or an animal, he then pinch in a sensitive part of his waist, he woke up successfully. Kris took a mini knife in hands ready to attack.


Nancy his behind the counters, her eyes closed, the music could have been heard all the way across the pub with all of the volume.
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel squishes his face is distaste as he is called little boy once again. He doesn't say anything though but snickers when the lady says nothing to the man's question. That girl is waaaaaay out of his league.
The kid grins a bit more, feeling a bit better than before... or not. Shot, why did he think about his feelings again? Emmanuel walks up to the counter where the man with glasses stands behind. He puts his arms on top of the counter and lean towards the man. The boy looks at the lady and back up at the man.

"You should be a bit more... straightforward," Emmanuel says, voice low so that the lady can't hear him and eyebrows and lips frowned.

@femjapanriceball @Lilah Tunth


Madhu is walking across the foyer with a cup of coffee in one hand and a tablet in the other. Since arriving at the mansion HQ, the man has been busy, checking the estate (the building to the landscape), make sure that the digital data is here and also back up it again, looking at this and looking at that, the list goes on and on. Yes, he has the cosa nostra to do the works, but he wanted to see the condition of the entire thing.

He did take a break, hence the coffee in his hand, and then runs into Trinity on his way back to work.

"Ah good. You're finally here." Madhu frowns a little but takes a breath. Trinity is still young and she likes her pies. Madhu hands Trinity his tablet. He smiles easy. "This, you will be finishing." His fellow underboss is good, at fighting and doing field works, but there are works that needs to be done within the mafia. Trinity is good but she can improve. He wants to polish the young underboss' skills while he is still able.

"We need to find Black Diamond," Madhu tells Trinity. "His snakes can come in use around here."

"Wait." Someone is missing, for a very long time. "Where is Isabella?"

@Mitchs98 @Nyx @Daniel reaving
"Um, I don't really know," Bismarck replied to Electo, then listened to the boy giving his own advice. Straight...forward? I guess I could try...

"Uh, Miss Electo, what I meant was...um...I'd like to go on a date!" he said, though perhaps extremely quick.
Alexander's smile was friendly. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Goodrich even if it was due to unpleasant circumstances." He said. Even in his current position, Alexander was anything but impolite. The only time he wasn't in a good mood was when the atmosphere and condition of his bar were put into harm's way. Seeing at how Goodrich wasn't going to do anything to the bar, he felt no hostile feelings towards the man.

@SSgt Goodrich

Sugar walked along the edge of the docks and watched as large ships passed him by. From what he'd gathered, they were most likely weapon shipments from Gear of War co. He had been meaning to strike a deal with the leader of the 'company' for a while and it was only now that he'd gotten the chance. Sugar didn't know Thaddeus well but he was looking forward to meeting the only weapons dealer in Hell City


(@Sinister Clown Are your CS's in the Neutral Character section? I'm interested in reading them)
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Cirillia Vines

Ciri walked down the streets of Hell City, humming as she walked, her pink ears and dress an eye sore to mostly everyone especially when compared to the dark murder ridden city that was Hell City. As she walked her rabbit ears would bob up and down ever so slightly, to the casual onlooker they'd simply think they were fake, to anyone that knew her they'd know they were real. As she walked she placed a strawberry candy into her mouth and frowned, realizing that was her last one. Sure, she had a lot of other candy in her bag, but strawberry was her favorite.

Sighing she tossed the plastic bag to the ground, she'd just have to buy more. As she walked she flashed back to her times in the facility, if only momentarily, and shuddered at the thought. She hated that place and was glad she made it here, none of them would dare come after her here, not in Hell City. For all they knew she was dead, and she was glad that that was their assumption. The notion was silly though, no one had ever been able to so much as touch her without her wanting them to unless they got lucky, she was trained for that after all.

As she walked down the street she eventually reached the Rainy Traveller, as good a place as any, besides they usually kept a good stock. Looking through the window she noticed the owner, Bismarck, talking to someone she didn't recognize as well as...Emmanuel! A wide grin crept on her face as she entered slowly and hoped he didn't see her yet, though the damn bell easily gave away her prescence she didn't care. In what was almost just a blur of pink Ciri ran right into Emmanuel at full and hugged him knocking both of them over, "Emu!" she shouted happily, smiling.

@femjapanriceball @Lilah Tunth
Thaddeus looked at Joseph, the hulking behemoths eyes always crafted into an angry and brutish stare. The men in the SUVS all get into the cars as they get ready to escort the two out. Thaddeus slams his hands together as he walks to a white and gold Lamborghini, purely bulletproof with many other hidden surprises, a car that was made by Joseph himself.

"You're the only one I know that gets here at the right time. The mafia leader herself wants to go buy some weapons from us, so we have to go ahead and do that. Get in the car before I break it."

@Simister Clown
@Robyn Banks
At Tristan's words she beamed with excitment. I really want to make him proud. So this is what having an older brother is like. She was completely oblivious to her true feelings for him. She simply acknowledged his suggestion, or rather an order in a nice manner, with a nod and mischevious grin before taking off to hunt down one of the Kuro Clowns. Come to think of it...where are they?! I thought I saw Moses around here somewhere. She had researched this organization for a few years now so she practically knew everyone in higher authority. Well, she knew of them. I wonder where someone gets a name like Moses. How did the story go again? He parted a sea of dead bodies? Something like that I think. Then there is also Alice. Like...Alice in Wonderland? I wonder if she likes bunnies. As she skipped along with her oversized hammer swinging by her side she hummed her usual song. She acted as if it wasn't raining at all.

(@Lilah Tunth where is Alice right now I totally lost track of her xD )
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(There's about to be a clash of some really opposite personalities)

Milo smiled as he spotted the man he was looking for, completely ignoring the others surrounding him and the obvious threat in his voice. "Hi, Mr. Rabba! I've come to talk deals with you of the...weapons variety." He said cheerfully and held out a lollipop as a kind of offering. "How about it?"

Thaddeus glares at Milo. His anger was pouring through his red smoke, the smoke starting to get thicker and thicker. His anger was starting to coarse through.

"The more... The thing that I hate the most... Is being interrupted. State your deals before I explode."

@ScytheMeister7 @Sinister Clown

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