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Fandom Hell City

Tristan leaned forward, stopping in his tracks and spoke in a rather deep tone "You said I had a debt to pay? I told you I'd be back..I like to be a man of my word." some would think keeping the constant insidious grin on his face for so long would hurt, but it came rather naturally for Tristan although he let a neutral expression on as well. Everyone that walked passed him made sure to keep a wide range away from the man.

@Lilah Tunth

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Annnd the situation only got worse when Madden more or less invited him over. There went training, at-least for now. Maria didn't mind putting off training for now so much as she did meeting the Joker, she had heard nothing but bad things from him, even worse things than her and her sister had done before. She'd prefer not to meet him at all, if possible, but it seemed inevitable.

Elizabeth on the other hand was freaking out on the inside, it was bad enough being around so many people she had just met but it was even worse that he was coming. She was positively terrified of the thought, "I-Is he really c-coming here?" She stammered, looking up at Madden with a terrified expression.
Along her way to find the Kuro Clowns she slipped out through the entrance to Funland. The rain was soaking her clothes, her steps leaving a splashing sound. As she walked through Hell City a particular sound caught her attention. Raising her hammer her spirits lifted more so than they already were.

I can hear...

The screams grew louder, echoing through the aphotic alley way.

I can smell...

Blood filled her nose as she inhaled deeply, the sweet scent. Thought as she turned the corner she saw someone who she didn't know of at all. From this distance she wasn't so completely sure to whether or not this was a guy or a girl. But it was unmistakable. He was un-doubtfully slaughtering people.

"Hey! Just who do you think you are?!" She growled irritably. "Mass murders are MY thing! If you have a thirst for blood, try me on for size!"


Naru glowed a bright blue as her aura transferred strength into the hammer as she slammed in down onto the ground, causing a fissure to ripple towards the foreign figure. @JynxParanoia (I have entered you into the rp xD )


Tera couldn't help but feel a bit irritated. I hope he gets hit by a freak meteorite accident on his way here!

She didn't even try to hide her displeasure. The Joker is nothing but trouble.
Milo swirled the stick of his lollipop in thought. "Hmm, I didn't really think about that. I'm more of a blade sort of guy. Do you have a catalogue maybe?" He asked and twirled his very pink hair with his finger. "And payment is no problem at all, no matter the means."

@National @Sinister Clown
Tristan giggled and hung up the phone, putting it back in his woolen jacket. Looking down at himself he felt that he really needed a change of clothes. 'Oh well it will have to do for now!' he thought to himself rather aloud as he made his way to 'LeClair Manor' or whatever the cranky woman called it. Making his way through the front door he stormed in "Alright everyone, LINE UP!!" everyone saw him and glared in silence, some were even confused but Tristan thought his intentions were clear enough "..No line? Alright well how about one of you just tell me where the lady in red is hm?" a wide insidious grin creeping up his face.

@Lilah Tunth
Six was bored now the war had yet to start so he decided to do something he enjoyed. "Well I guess this might stir up some stuff." Dust said as Six stood up back ontop of the skyscraper, his body had more bandages than usual since his fall from the skyscraper, so he looked more like a mummy now."Oh and may I say you look ridiculous. "Dust told Six who just gave him a annoyed glare. He turned back to the city and held out two fingers in two different directions." Ok hit it Dust!" Dust told himself and he landed on a boom box that immediately began playing the song Shots. Six began randomly sending explosive shots of Aura all around the city no place was safe from his random assault. "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOT SHOT SHOTS EVERYBODY!" DUST sang as the song played and Six began his firing.

Sin was drinking in his hotel room when he heard the explosions. The hotel shook a bit and Sin fell off his bed "Hahahha woohoo another party in hell city!" He said raising a now broken bottle of vodka to whoever was doing it."I think I've got glass in me good thing I can't feel anything right now! Yep I'm definitely bleeding hoho that's gonna hurt when I get sober! "

Gin had just taken down a bunch of gifted when the explosion went off they where on there way out. He looked up towards the sky and grimaced. "Looks like we're going to meet sooner that I thought." He left the gifted humans with the other CCG members and made his way towards the explosions.
Lilies huffed the man in front was annoying, and to make him go away faster she answered, "Turn right after walking straight for two minutes or so,.the doors are big, and would most likely be open."

Servants at the manor where looking at her strangely, even stranger then at Clown, it made sense though, with her refusal of wearing the customary mask, and the way she treated everyone. She was the strange one, not them.....

@Sinister Clown

As the white haired boy trailed down the alleyway, he hummed a tune to himself as he walked with his arms out, as if he was pretending to be a plane. He did not even have to have keen senses to know the alley was full of people. A man stepped forward, "Hey, freak. What are you doing here? " he stopped the boy. The albino only smiled in reply to the unknown man. "I asked you a question, freak. " The Man said, grabbing the boy's shoulder roughly. A second later and the man was screaming, clutching what use to be his hand as the boy looked on. "You're annoying me." he stated as he looked at the man. Being a little mad at the boy for taking their 'leader's ' hand, another man charged at the boy. He smiled at this, and he quickly stopped the man's attack... And soon the other men were either running, fighting the boy, or dead. Happily enjoying the "fight", he listened to the screams of the men as he wildly swung his scythe that had been hidden from sight - until a voice distracted him for a split second and next he knew, a girl swung her hammer at the ground, causing a fissure that unbalanced him. He looked at her, and grinned what some would call a childishly sadistic smile. "Na, who are you? " he asked as explosions sounded throughout the city.
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Bismarck was in his room, trying to recover the deliberate criticism he had received. It was okay. He was fine. He heard Electo coming downstairs. "I'm fine!" He called out, but his voice begged to differ.

@Lilah Tunth

Lily scowled at the sight of the Joker. "Go away, dammit. And leave Madden-sama alone."

@Sinister Clown
(People Six is kind of bombing the entire city atm you might kind of want to add something about that like idk maybe the sound of explosions geez xD )
Electo raised an eyebrow, she tended not to question people, but even she was skeptical about what Bismarck had just said.

"You are lying to my face, what is really eating you?"

As the conversation went on, Joseph was about to answer "Sugar's" question before he noticed bright lights coming from a tall tower, and explosions occurring all over the place in the City "Oh? It looks like we have an attack on our hands, excuse me for now Thaddeus." taking a step back he went back to the car which got them here in the first place, taking out a suit case he laid it on the bonnet of the car, opening the case and connecting several parts together which in the end made for a Sniper Rifle.


Resting the sniper on his shoulder he walked to the other side of the car and placed the Sniper down on the bonnet, lining the up the figure on the building, looking through the scope he spotted the mysterious man and what looked like a bird next to him. It was easy to tell which direction he came from, just follow the path of the explosions. Lining himself up to his target, he first aimed with Six's right shoulder "Try this one on for size, sir." shooting, the bullet headed right for Six's shoulder (The right shoulder).

@Tylor guillory

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[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Electo raised an eyebrow, she tended not to question people, but even she was skeptical about what Bismarck had just said.
"You are lying to my face, what is really eating you?"


"I-I don't know," Bismarck said. "I guess that what that young man said kind of...upset me." He opened a book, keeping his hurt to a minimum.
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"Et tu, Brutus. It is nice to meet you also, Alexander."

His reply was fast and genuine, the only reason being that he was incapable of holding back his own smile. There was a charm to Alexander, no doubt, and that definitely explained how his bar has remained untouched despite the influx of criminals and looters. He wasn't wrong morally for what he did, but the people of "Hell City" need to recognize the two kinds of right.

"Between you and I, you did nothing wrong. I just hope you realize there is something called...

How do they say...

Malum prohibitum, malum in se."

The officer took the sleeve of the man gently and brought him to a stop, putting his own hand on Alexander's shoulder. His hand, despite his aura, had a warmth that would almost rival a harsh liquor. It was gentle, smooth almost, but hard on the skin as the body heat from both of them seemed to explode in a supernova when his hand met his shoulder.

"It means that there is wrong within principle, and wrong in rule. What you did was not wrong in principle;

you were defending your business. What is wrong is murder, and that is only by rule."

Tristan nodded at the huffing man, ignoring the man's agitation at him he wondered off into the direction he was told to go. Mainly looking out for the large and open door once finding it he glared in only to see Madden with the same expression as always. Slyly making his way in and taking the nearest seat he could find, he chucked on leg over the other and leaned back with his hands behind his head. "So, how does 'The woman in red' sound? I think it has a nice ring to it."

@Lilah Tunth
Electoral scrunched her nose, "What did he say?" She inquiries, pulling on her cardigan sleeve.

"Not.... bad....so to speak, it I prefer Lotus," Madden stated, her eyes narrowed. Lotus was something from childhood, everyone called her that, back then people smiled when they heard her nickname, now? They cower in fear....

(I'm out, gotta sleep or I'll die soon :-P)

@Sinister Clown
Alexander smiled in response. "There's no need to explain yourself. I understand perfectly well." He said. "Hell City has been ruleless for years. It's something the majority of us have learned to except. When someone such as yourself brings law and rules into the equation, our conditioned response is to laugh and tell you off." Alexander carefully turned and made sure he was facing Goodrich and not some random wall by accidentally hitting him somewhere in the shin with his cane. "Not all of us actually feel the same. I simply...have a reputation to uphold. If I don't, the bar at is risk and then so are the people I choose to protect."

@SSgt Goodrich

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Shortly after Elizabeth asked her question someone stormed into the mansion and asked where Madden was, shortly after that he came in. It was no mistaking it, it was him, the Joker. Elizabeth immediately hid behind her sister sister and clung to her, peeping out from beside her just to make sure he didn't suddenly decide to attack or something. He's..more...normal than I thought..but he gives off this creepy aura.. She thought to herself.

Maria on the otherhand, while she didn't particularly like the idea of meeting him, she was genuinely curious. Sure, she was slightly afraid of him, but still. She edged closer to him forcing Elizabeth to follow and stared at him intently, "
So. You're the Joker huh? I expected someone..tougher looking." She told him, grinning mischievously.
Six managed to just avoid the shot as he began dancing to the music still firing of shots."Oh looks like we've got someones attention! " he send a huge blast of energy towards the same direction the bullet came from and continued with his mad dance skills.

....sin laid on the floor still drunk and very much bleeding...

Gin made his way towards Six attempting to avoid the crowds of people running in panic and the explosions.

@Sinister Clown
"I haven't seen you around before." She watched as a few people were taking this opportunity to escape, so hastily she swung her hammer around, mixing with her air control to slice through the running bodies. That's all they were anyway right? Embodiments that meant virtually nothing. Her eyes piercing into the guy's own spheres of scarlet she readied her hammer again. "All you really need to know is that I'm apart of the Clowns." Barely knowing anything about him she didn't think find it in her to release her name. Watching him closely she had a slightly different feeling about him than other opponents. He's....insane.

A ripple of continuous explosions sounded throughout the air. Explosions? All around the city...I wonder who that could be?



Shit. I guess I didn't wish hard enough. Tera groaned to herself as The Joker appeared before them all. She glared at him with sharp daggers. He was probably happy to be hated though. A total nut case, and not even the good kind with cashews and almonds!!! Then Maria's comment made her giggle a bit. "Nice one." She breathed.

@Sinister Clown

(Nah i am going to go murder some Mobster NPCs)

Dallas looked down and saw a radio, so he decided why not? and turned it on. To his surprise it was some rap music that came on, he shook his head and turned the tunning knob until he found some older songs which were mainly about war so he decided to leave it on. Besides, one of his favorites came on and that was The Animals- House of the rising sun. While listening to it he decided to go to the local bar to see if any gangsters might have been getting a drink. When he had gotten there he parked the jeep, locked it, and then to his surprise it seemed that two mobster numb skulls got themselves drunk in the bar. He walked over to the intoxicated duo and grabbed both of the by the back jackets, now this was suspicious so he decided to play with his Italian Accent, "Hey bartender, don't you worry 'bout a thing, these two numb nutz were suppose to be going somewhere else but to my surprise they ended up here, i'll get em out of your hair because we gotta go see what the drunk duo punishment is alright?", he said to the bartender. (Is someone actually roleplaying as a bartender? If so then i am interacting with you.)

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