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Fandom Hell City

Tera blinked a bit in amazement, a certain shudder crawled down her spine and the aura around them felt...uneasy. She was quite strong willed herself but this was enough to keep her mouth shut. Note to self...don't question the Joker's style...

She averted her eyes from his gaze and tried to keep from giving into the sudden urge to do or think things she normally wouldn't. A part of her wanted to leave, but she knew if she did she would be letting not only Madden, but the organization down. So she endlessly repeated different sweets in her mind, which, might just be a form of insanity.

(I'll post for Naru soon. I got this stupid line thing going on when I use the mobile browser -__-)
@Sinister Clown @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Upon the Joker letting loose his own Aura that could instill fear and emotions, Elizabeth used her own, causing her and her sister to be relatively un-affected by it, a light green shield of sorts surrounding the two that only a gifted human could see. While, they could still see his appearance, it just didn't bother them much more than his previous one. Maria jumped up and down excitedly, "Do it again, do it again Mr. Tree! But this time turn red with green makeup and a frowny face!" She told him, grinning excitedly.

Elizabeth smirked, content that her power worked probably much to the dis-may of the Joker, practically daring him to try something further.
Emmanuel turns his head slightly to a side and watches the little pink girl hops around the general store. He is not paying any real attention, so Cirillia looks like a pink blur to him. His head lifts when Cirillia finally stops to pay attention to him. He stares at the offered candy bag and after a moment of staring blankly at it, he takes the bag from Cirillaia's hand.

"Thanks, I guess." As soon as he says those words, explosions, car tires screching, and people outsdie starts to scream in terror. Emmanuel can feel the whole build shake. Is the building going to collaspe on them?

"It's gonna fall," He whispers to himself. Frighten by that thought, Emmanuel grabs Cirillia's hand and drags her outside. He doesn't want to be inside. They have to get out. They can't be burried alive.


Madhu knows the look Trinity is giving him. They have been partners for a while and even worked together before Trinity was promoted to underboss. Maybe his subtle and relaxed way of teaching the young underboss is not working for her. Maybe it is time to work on a schedule, push more papers to her, teach her the grander job of being an underboss. Madhu takes a deep breath.

"Trinity, I know that you are a good field agent, strong and quick with your work." Madhu places a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder. He looks at the teen with storms brewing behind his eyes. "Your mission records have been excellent, but being an underboss means more than killing and having fun. I will be setting up a schedule for some lessons for you."

Maybe Trinity have been praying or maybe Lucky Lady is on her side, because explosion rings near the mansion HQ.

"Not again! Trinity hold on to that thought!" Madhu pulls away from Trinity. He had enough with this explosion as of late. "We have to deal with this again!"

"Naru, huh? I'm Juuzou~! ...pleased to meet you Naru-chan~. And if I am talking too much... Then-" he said, doing a close eyed smile to the girl before spinning the scythe around his hand. "-you can always try to attack while I am talking, na?" he said, mocking her slightly, with his usual playfulness turning more to the sadistic side once again.

He was swift to take his keys and open the door. For the reason of his swift action, Alexander may never know, but the rain began to trickle from the overcast skies. The gentle pitter-patter of noise that emanated from the roofs of all the complexes in 'Hell City' seemed to join together, forming a stormy orchestra that would frighten most kids solid. The noise itself was soothing, as any natural sound, but for the officer, his eyes couldn't help but well up at the sight of it.

It would frighten Stephen also, but much to his luck, he managed to lock himself into the safety of Alexander's apartment. He would go another day with his sorrow.

Almost immediately, without removing his footwear, the Sergeant moved to close the blinds on the windows of his apartment, sealing off the outside world from the interior of both his heart and this home.

"... Quite the storm, eh?"


( It was not a coincidence. )
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Tristan saw the green aura-like shield that one of the girls put around them both, walking gradually towards it he chuckled deeply "You think something like this..Will keep me from taking that innocent face away from you?" his permanent insidious grin made everything he did just that slightly more creepy. 'Kill them...They look so innocent~ RIP THE INNOCENCE AWAY FROM THEM!! Make them yours, pretty little girls could be useful to a man like me...Maybe I should just kill them, their crimson blood splattering over the floor would be so satisfying.' Tristan's mind was running wild with idea's of how to deal with the situation but first, he wanted to test what this 'aura shield' could actually do. Bringing his fist back he rammed it into the shield with some moderate force.

Six leapt off the building sending Aura blast everywhere as he did. He flipped through the air Landing on his fee, he raised his hands in the air like a Olympic gymnast would. Dust landed on his shoulder." Stuck the landing ok now lets get out of here quickly. Six ran quickly towards the jokers fun land.

@Sinister Clown
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Alexander furrowed his eyebrows at the very quick and sudden movement of Goodrich. Something was obviously wrong but he would push just yet. Instead, he walked his way into his apartment and shook the little bit of rain that managed to hit him from hair. "They're quite common in this city. You get used to it." He said before setting down the cane and tugging his sodden shirt off in front of the other man, paying no mind to the fact that someone else was standing in the same room as him. A man nonetheless. Alexander had no qualms about privacy when it came to things such as this. They were both male. What did it matter? Besides, it wasn't like he was stripping completely. With a small relived sigh, Alexander hung the bloodied shirt over the edge of his couch before walking in the direction of his bedroom, completely used to its layout so he didn't need to use the cane. "Feel free to take what you want from the kitchen. I'll be done soon."

@SSgt Goodrich

Cirillia Vines

"You're welcome." She told him, smiling happily and taking a piece from her own bag and putting it in her mouth. At around that time Hell City went to well..Hell. Stuff exploded, people screamed, and buildings shook. To anyone else, it'd be terrifying. To her it was exciting, "Ooh, wonder what blew up this time." She spoke grinning excitedly. She hears Emmanuel whisper about something falling and tilts her head, her ears flopping to the side, "Huh?" She asked, confused.

Shortly later she was pulled outside by him without the foggiest idea of what was wrong.
Maybe he wants to be alone? She thought to herself, giggling. "What's wrong Emu?" She asked him for probably the sixth time today.



Trinity listened to Madhu as he spoke, in truth she didn't really do much more for the Mafia than act as an enforcer, he had a point. She was kinda useless beyond that. "Alri-" she begins, but explosions and Madhu shouting interrupted her.

She sighed, another explosion. At this point it might as well be the cities new favorite pasttime. "Where do you think it came from?" She asked him, half caring. It wasn't really close enough to bother her beyond halfway caring, and frankly she'd been involved in enough explosions for today.


@Sinister Clown

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria nodded and continued grinning excitedly at the Joker, even when he approached them. She wondered if he'd figure out it was part of Elizabeths' abilities to control emotions and not an actual shield...and he did..in a rather abrupt way. Upon attempting to punch the 'shield' the Joker would find his fist pass through and connect...with Marias' chest. The force of the blow caused her to cry out in pain and stagger while clutching her chest, knocking the two over. Elizabeth couldn't react fast enough to teleport them away either, she didn't expect a man as esteemed as the Joker to be that dense when it came to Aura's similar to his own.

She quickly sat up and leaned over her sister, "Maria! Maria are you okay?!" She shouted with tears forming on her eyes, gently shaking her sister. "I-I think so." She replied, still dazed from the blow, and sat up wincing in pain. Elizabeth noted the obvious pain her sister was in from the Jokers very smart plan of punching intangible Aura, standing her own Aura began to turn twisted and dark, pulsating with what looked like red electricity.

The 'shield' around the two expanded to cover the Joker, except now it wasn't an Aura meant to shelter the two from the fear instilled by the Jokers Aura, no it was an Aura meant to counter the Joker with his own Aura. Elizabeth was seething with rage at this point, her sister was merely joking with him and he hurt her. Meanwhile Maria could only watch in shock with an 'Oh Shit' expression on her face. "
Why..why did you think that was SOLID? I thought the Joker was supposed to be smart and powerful. Instead he punches a INTANGIBLE SHIELD AND HITS MY SISTER. Exactly what made you think that was a good idea?" Electricity began to arc around Elizabeths arms and body, she was seething with rage at this point and it was very apparent. "You better have a good explanation." She warned him, bothing but malice and hate in her voice, her expression dark and ruthless like that of a murderer.
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"I would find it inappropriate to eat at such a time, we are about to head out to eat, aren't w



Goodrich froze dead in his tracks. His eyes fluttered slightly before he did a full body turn toward the window, which had been shut. If they were eating out, he would have to be in the rain.

Rain meant tears.

R a i n m e a n t r e m e m b e r i n g . . .

The Sergeant, stoic and true, was frozen still at the window. The man deemed unbreakable by the embassy was on the verge of mental collapse. He knew what he had witnessed. He knew what he had done. And now--

It was a monument to all his sins.



Alexander quickly pulled another shirt from one of his drawers and pulled it on before turning towards his night table and picking up an unlabeled bottle. Popping it open, he spilled one of the tiny capsules into his hand and downed it with half of the bottle of water he had beside it.

The small pills helped to replenish his aura whenever he'd use it too much. Alexander didn't like using it but if he was going to be out to eat with Goodrich, he wanted to be able to see, even if it was only minimalistic. He walked out of his bedroom and back to where he'd left the other man.

This was not how Alexander expected to first see the man. He looked completely petrified and close to a mental breakdown or fit. "Mr. Goodrich?" He called out gently, making sure to move slowly and non-threateningly. Cautiously, Alexander placed a hand on Goodrich's shoulder and pulled him down to his couch, seating him down before kneeling in front of the other man.

"Mr. Goodrich? I need you to breathe slowly and carefully for me, okay? Just try and relax. There's nothing harmful here." From what Alexander could tell, the other man was most likely reliving a haunting memory. A quick glance around the room revealed that his blinds had all been closed.

'Ah, it must have something to do with the rain.' He thought to himself. Thinking quickly, Alexander stood up and walked quickly over to where he had his music player. He hit the on button, not caring about what song was on and raised it enough to drown out the sound of beating rain.

@SSgt Goodrich
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Natalia looked at her phone then put it back in her pocket. Did he really hang up on me? She thought to herself. She curse under her breath almost deciding on leaving him there. But she commands the men to take her to the hotel. When they arrived, without question,she was given the key to Sin's room. One of the men (let's call him Daniel) opens the door, seeing Sin and broken glass on the floor, while south park was playing on the television. She approached him unamiably using her feet to nudge him on the stomach."Get up, You look pathetic."

@Tylor guillory
A grin slid across Naru's face as she took her hammer and lunged towards Juuzou. It appeared as though his body moved like that of a noodle. Which were one of Naru's favorite foods besides roasted face. Her days of watching llamas with hats had taken the best of her as a child. Probably what contributed to her insanity to be quite honest. Yet, on a serious note, the heat of battle filled her with excitement. I'll test his strength, and see if he's worthy of being a Clown.

She didn't hold back with her strength. Each strike full with a rush of sharp wind. "Your scythe is impressive I'll say." She commented slyly.



Tera's jaw dropped. "You child abuser!!" Her hair blazed with fire. "You'll burn in hell!" She added flames to Elizabeth's electricity, lending her her strength. @Sinister Clown @Mitchs98
Sin appearing to be passed out automatically looks up and smiles."Alright alright I'm getting up." He got up using the bed for assistance. He stood up pieces of glass stuck in him and he was bleeding. "Umm you think you could assist me with this please?" He asked pointing to his injuries. @Robyn Banks
Natalia sighed. "Daniel take the glass out of him." The man nods, smirking as he approaches cracking his knuckles. Natalia then went by the door then leaned on it waiting the whole thing. Daniel starts pulling the glass out with no caution whatsoever. Nat just looks at him doing the procedure with that emotionless face, she did so well.

(lmao, noodles? I think he is just flexible lol.) Juuzou blocks the attacks from Naru with the staff of the scythe, but they are pushing him back with the strong winds that follow the strikes. Excitement and blood lust hit Juuzou once again, "I hope so, it's made out of the greatest metal there is. I wonder... If I can test it's sharpness... And kill you, hmm? Or would you survive? It'll be fun to test that out, and see what happens!" he sticks his tongue out at her. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Screenshot_2015-12-01-13-23-21.png.c92ea285b90736b1d460c428781c9e63.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Screenshot_2015-12-01-13-23-21.png.c92ea285b90736b1d460c428781c9e63.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Sin laughed."Haha Daniels I was drinking you earlier wait...is your first name jack?" So burst out laughing not even fazed by the mans brutish pulling of the glass. @Robyn Banks

Six eventually made his way to the jokers funland breathing heavily. He knocked on the gate then moved to the wall and leaned on it. Dust landed just by the gate. "Well that was a close one we almost became unstable." Six shook his head then slouched down."I hope the clowns home I could use a good laugh."

@Sinister Clown
Natalia just rolled her eyes looking away. Everyone wants to be a comedian... I can't lie though it was kind of funny. She thought to herself. After a couple of minutes Daniel announced that he was finished, walking to the bathroom to wash off the blood. Nat looked at Sin solemnly " Alright take off your shirt." She ordered. She wanted to be done as soon as possible so she could tend to other business. She had more important things to do than babysitting a drunk.

@Tylor guillory
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Sin blushed."Oh senpai I don't know if I'm ready for this." He stuttered nervously with his next words." O..ook senpai just be gentle its my first time." He took off his shirt smiling now his orange eyes seemingly piercing into Natalias soul. @Robyn Banks
Laughing hysterically, Naru snapped her fingers, as a cloud of fog steamed over, removing the hallucination. Once again the city buildings framed their every move. A notable opponent indeed. With natural air, she could manipulate more. Grasping her weapon she spirled around to create multiple mini tornados and sent them in his direction. "Kill me? Please do try." She felt like she was stepping onto shaky ground, but knowing he was just as insane as she might be made the fight more enjoyable. She wondered just what else e had up his sleeve. While the tornados were swirling around him she also made her own advances to attempt in landing a direct hit. @Tylor guillory )
As soon as the music played and overpowered the rain, his eyes refocused and he glared at the man kneeling before him. He stood up quickly, his head tilting to the side with dizziness from standing so fast, and spoke in grandeur tone. One full of judgement and wrath.

"Why do we sit and do nothing?!"

He was clearly bothered, and angry. But the anger, though it was directed toward Alexander, seemed obvious enough that he was not angry at him. He couldn't be; there was nothing for him to be mad at him for. What he was mad for was his memory, his stubborn conscious that hung to a scrap of memory that left him haunted and ethereal. The air around him grew cold, and Alexander, since he sees with his aura, could see the bothered officer's aura. It twisted and swirled upon itself, in eternal turmoil, as it wrestled itself as a way to contain it's presence. It was horrifying.

"Do you think the rain bothers me? Hmph, I'm not made of sugar. There is nothing to fear about the r





His voice, once brimmed to the top with anger, returned to a hushed tone. A whisper so soft, yet with so much emotion that even through the music, the wave of energy the final word left gave a ringing silence. The music seemingly muted.



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