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Fandom Hell City


Seeing the tornados surround him, Juuzou did not see much he could really do to avoid the attack - or Naru for that matter as she tried to land a hit on him. Unable to defend himself from the tornados and the girl, he was hit a few times, but that only seemed to add to his excitement, increasing his murderous intents as his thoughts turned with possibilities of how this fight would turn out - and none ended without one or the other being dead at this point due to the blood lust going to his head, but there were other possibilities he was not thinking of, like them both living, or one running away to live another day, but seeing as they were both a little unstable, that was unlikely to happen at all (Nyx, you can decide exactly where your attacks hit I guess, it's a little easier on me if you chose certain spots to aim for when you say you're going to attack lol)
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( xD I can't.... you're making me laugh so hard it hurts @Tylor guillory Btw I honestly think Goodrich is secretly a poet @SSgt Goodrich )

Natalia walked up to him trying not to laugh, rethinking if she still wanted to help him. knelt down to get a better view of the wounds, after a couple of minutes of examination. She didn't really want to use her abilities to heal him since it involved actually touching him so she said. " I think you should go to the hospital maybe they can treat you."
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(I agree, we have figured you out Goodrich!)

Naru managed to slice at his skin using the sharp bursts of air, yet she quickly noticed how it only seemed to drive him further into madness. He's relentless!

She laughed and flipped forward, taking her hammer and finally slamming it against Juuzou's body. However after taking the hit he appeared to pop back up.

"Tsk." Naru subsided her tornados and tried to read his thoughts, which proved almost impossible. However she had a few good guesses. It's like one of those whack a mole games.

Jumping back she made a curious suggestion, "Why don't we make this game more interesting?" Using the air to lift objects and humans around the area she brought them over and began spinning them wildly in the air. "I bet I can kill them faster than you can." Their screams filled the thick air as Naru laughed with amusement. @JynxParanoia
Joker blinked a few times when he noticed his fist run right through the aura, stumbling down his fist connected with the little girl's chest. If he were to be honest even thought he wasn't mean to do such things he didn't feel overly bad about it either. Brushing off his fist he suddenly noticed the other twin going into a rage, the 'shield' around them turning into something he wasn't quite sure of yet. What caught his eye was the electricity running through the little girl's body "Ohh now you're an interesting one." he said, at this point he could care less about even his own morals. One of the effects of his 'Embodiment of Madness' the fact the woman had used her Aura filled 'The Joker's' hollow eyes he crept forward into the woman's face "If you want to do something...Go ahead and do it!" he partially shouted his last sentence towards the woman. He waited to see what she would do.

-8:05 PM, Unkown location-

"MY GOOD AND LOYAL MEN, HEAR MY CALL!", said a loud muffled voice. "We will strike the enemy down wherever he might be, will will rip their cities apart faster than lighting, WE WILL PREVAIL!", the muffled voice continued. Then several lights lit up and shined down on him and a huge crowd of people, it seemed to be a man in a metal mask wearing a black Nazi general outfit, and then lights lit up what seemed to be an army of Nazis. These men then chanted with hands in the sky, "Sieg, Ruhm, Tod!". The chant echoed around the outdoor area, "Tommorow we take this so called 'Hell City', the next day we will seize it's state, then when are forces are stong enough, the Europe and the US will fall to our might.", the masked man continued. The crowd of helmet wearing, gun carrying men shouted once more, "Sieg, Ruhm, Tod!", which filled the room with more energy than before. "TONIGHT!...... We are soldiers...... TOMMOROW!..... WE!...ARE!....IMMORTAL!", his voice rang out in which the crowd cheered then began chanting, "HIEL! HIEL! HIEL! HIEL! HIEL!", their hands in the sky once more. After that th men were dissmissed and the man with the voice like thunder went down to a planning room with his leaders where they made the plot to take over Hell City.

Meanwhile Dallas was driving until he saw a strange light coming from a large buidling. Dallas hit the brake, and on the radio came, "Paint it black" by the rolling stones. He walked up to the house, and knocked on the door with his red skull mask and blood on his gloves. When no one came to answer he kicked the door down, and when he did he saw the strangest seen. He saw a young girl on the floor, not knowing if she was dead or not which really pissed Dallas off, then he saw an equally angry girl with electricity around her, finally he saw a crazy guy being attacked by a girl. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!", he yelled, not fully but just loud enough to get their attention. He pulled out his Bowie knife and looked at the two older ones, "One of you asswipes hit a small innocent girl, and one of you asswipes ARE GETTING SKINNED! SO WHO DID IT!", he yelled at the two.

@Sinister Clown @Mitchs98
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"IDIOTS! The lot of you! I'm degrade myself by being in close quarters with you!" Purely out of fear she hid her Aura, and that seemed to leave her unharmed. Madden shielded her face out of reflex, cringing. "Clown........... WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? DO YOU REALLY WANT A FIGHT? Well, you would get one!" Madden got into position, circling him after screaming, waiting for a reaction. Her face sneering, she smiled, "Honestly? I don't believe you stand a chance," She said, little did she know, arrogance might kill her.

@Sinister Clown @Miths98 @NyxNightmare

@Sinister Clown @NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth @Morbuskid

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth was shocked at first when fire joined her electricity, then realize Tera somehow added her Aura to hers, truth be told Elizabeth was un-aware that was possible. Maria continued to watch in awe as her sister was fully prepared to showdown with the Joker himself, she said nothing but still clutched her chest, the shock of the moment making her forget she could just heal it herself.

Elizabeths' expression only grew dark as the Joker spoke, the lights in the room began to flicker and dim as electricity arc'd madly around her, some of the bulbs blowing in the process. She said nothing, she simply raised her arms up and arched her hands out towards the Joker, a mass of fiery electricity firing out directly for him. He wanted her to do something, she'd do it. For now, she ignored the man who had stormed in and drew a knife as well as Maddens shouting, completely engulfed in the thought of frying the Joker from the inside out. If anyone was skinning the Joker today, it'd be her.
After seeing the woman's reaction, he only grinned. Once the little girl reached out towards him everything Madden said had went out the door, this girl was far more interesting to him. Maybe this interest would get him hurt however it was a risk he was willing to make. Reaching towards the girl he wrapped his hands around the woman's throat and gripped it tight before lifting her in the air. His body was flowing in electricity, a mad laughter emitting from the man. He was certainly hurt, his skin peeled away more than it already had and his body was left smoking however, he still stood there laughing uncontrollably.

Thaddeus was angry as the stupidly annoying six guy ran away. His anger wasn't stopping, his thick, red smoke enwrapping his entire body. His eyes were glowing red as his personal gravity was increasing drastically.

"Bastard interuppted our meeting... OUR FUCKING MEETING."

His starts to explode, his anger ready to destroy anything.

@Tylor guillory @ScytheMeister7
@Sinister Clown @Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare @Morbuskid

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

One minute Elizabeth was cooking the Joker like a steak dinner and the next he walked through the electricity and began choking her, his hands gripped her throat tightly, a shocked and scared expression forming on her face. "Let..me..go..!" She cried, struggling against his grip and gasping for air, flailing wildly and trying to move his hands off her throat to no avail. The electricity arcing around her body dispersed as did the bubble of dark aura as she felt herself getting weaker, though still she struggled.

Maria stayed put momentarily until she realized he was choking her, she also realized he was stronger than she had originally thought, considerably so to have just shrugged off being electrocuted. Attacking him would be dangerous, in his current posistion he could easily snap her neck or worse given half the chance. So, she did the one thing possible. Standing up she began crying, partially fake but mostly out of real concern for Elizabeth. "
Please..please let her go!" She shouted, running up to him crying. "She only attacked you because she thought I was injured badly and I'm not..I don't think..please don't kill her!"

She hoped it would be enough to distract him for someone else to attack him, or maybe, just maybe, be enough to make him let go of her. She could tell no matter which option Elizabeth was barely clinging to conciousness, she had to act fast before he
did kill her.
In almost an instant, Tristan returned back to the way he was..His aura seemingly to slowly vanishing away he dropped the little girl. If it wasn't for the woolen jacket covering most of his skin they would have seen the multiple burn marks it left on his skin. Continuing to giggle he looked over to the pleading girl with an amused expression "Oh don't worry, I was only playing with you" he said with extreme sarcasm "But, I'd like you both to do something for me..If you could be so kind, lend me your madness?" his eyes peering over towards Madden "I am still very interesting in whatever 'Lady in Red' is planning." he extended out his hand facing his palm up "You don't have to answer, but if you accept just touch my palm.." his vibrant yellow eyes glared towards the little girl, Maria. He decided he would try her first "I'm not one to ruin such youth, you still have so much to learn..Besides I can see a little fire in the both of you!" he chuckled madly to himself.

@Sinister Clown @Lilah Tunth @Morbuskid @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Just before she fell un-concious and darkness consumed her vision she was released, hitting the ground with a light thud, sprawled out on her side coughing and gasping for air. Maria immediately ran over to her sitting her up before hugging her and crying, smiling with relief that she was reatively un-harmed. "I-I thought I was going to die." She told her, hugging her back yet she didn't cry still far to shocked to do so. "It's okay Liz. You're okay, I'm okay." She assured her. Then the Joker spoke, once more looking halfway normal. Maria sniffed and turned to listen to him, not releasing the still dazed Elizabeth, trying to calm herself. Fucking freak, I'll be sure to murder you and present your corpse to your members in small individual pieces. Maria thought to herself, still sobbing from the whole ordeal.

Lend him her madness..what? She thought to herself, confused. She released Elizabeth slowly and stood, walking over to him. She figured she would play along a bit longer due to the sole fact he could have killed Elizabeth if he wanted but spared her. She walked over sheepishly and gingerly touched his palm, wondering what exactly would happen.
Madden's eyes widened, What the....? She looked at the Joker, Is he an empath? Can he feed of human emotion? She looked shocked, I knew that Clown is supposedly strong, but emotions? She was startled and scared, she didn't know what to do, should she make a truce with them? The Clowns? Or would they stab her in the back when all's done? She didn't know......

"Do it......if you want to be my student......do it......"

I need to see what he can do.....

@Sinister Clown @Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare

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Sin made a pouty face a Natalia."Well you would but they stopped letting me into the hospital. Something about..umm....what was it? Oh yeah it was something about never paying my hospital bills and constantly destroying the place! Soo I guess that means your gonna have to treat me doctor." Sin said flirtatiously smiling and posing sexually. Which if he had any feeling would probably have hurt like hell. @Robyn Banks

Six kicked open the door to the jokers wonderland and looked around."Where the hell is that clown at?" Dust yelled as he flew next to Six." We gots business to attend to wit him." Dust said again this time for some reason speaking like a ole western man." We ain't leaving till he fufills his part of the bargain! Don't think we won't blow this here place to kingdom come either!" Dust said again now six was walking like a old western cowboy. His face serious but hilariously so.

Gin was in his office working out he was doing sit ups." One hundred twenty two, one hundred twenty three." He counted as he kept working out. His face was serious and he was deep in thought. His shirt was off as he often hated working out in it and his katanas where in there cases." I can't believe he's actually here. I almost let him get away but If I'm right he's been particularly close with the Clown gang in hell city. So if I'm right he's going to be at there base." He thought as he continued his work out. His breathing heavy and his muscular body covered in sweat." This time I will have your head... Six."
Natalia paused for a while thinking to herself. The sooner I finish,the sooner I can leave. She put a hand on one of his wounds then started to heal him using her abilities. Natalia did a couple of more, still feeling really uncomfortable while doing it. She tried to keep a calm expression but it didn't work entirely. @Tylor guillory
Juuzou grins at Naru's suggestion. In a matter of seconds, 9/15 of the people lifted by the girl's wind had a knife buried in their heads or chests, silencing their screams. "I'll play your game. But I'll win~." he said as he shirt was open to reveal dozens of knives lining the inside of the button down.

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Naru snapped the necks of the rest of the humans, stifling their own screams. But she did it with a bit if annoyance.

He's an interesting one for sure. "Why don't you make a game for us to play?" She tilted her head, almost daring him to challenge her, but on his own terms. She wanted to experience his own fighting preference and style.

(Kind of short becuz at school. Quote from Physics teacher: Ah the smell of a rotting carcass!
xD )

"Mister Gin, we have a mission for you," L called the man and said, his monotone stare making Touka nervous, "Miss Kirishima, please head off to LeClair Manor, reporting where made around the place," He said, lifting the phone from his ear, waiting for a reply from Gin.

"Yes, of course," She answered, going outside of the upper levels of the CCG building and onto the lobby ground.

@Tylor guillory
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Mia just got out of buissness or the Mafia in France, what buissness? She didn't really remember, nor care. So here she is, after walking out of her makeshift apartment so she could go to the Funland, she had noticed a strong sweet, disgusting smell. Walking where it seemed most pungent, she saw two people killing the people around them, both peculiar in looks, the first was obviously a girl, one couldn't mistake her a guy, with the hair and dress, he other being seemingly genderless, with snowy hair and red eyes.

"What do we have here? Looks like a game to me....." She made her presence known, "Can I play too?"

@NyxNightmare @JynxParanoia
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'Me make a game?' Juuzou didn't even think about it before he pulled out four knives from his shirt and throwing them at Naru, aiming for her head and torso, laughing as he watched the knives near his target."Can I play too? " he heard and turned his head in the direction of the new girl, and threw knives at her too, since she wanted to play too~.

@NyxNightmare (my favorite teacher now lol)

@Lilah Tunth
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"Oh yay! Now it's a party!" Naru only dodged enough to avoid critical hits, but she let a knife graze her cheek. The blood that dripped down made her giggle and she drew her finger over the wound, licking the red liquid off. "So you're also gifted with knives." She laughed as she noticed another voice enter their game. Taking her hammer she slammed it against the ground sending more disrupted earth towards the girl.

@JynxParanoia @Lilah Tunth

(My character needs to meet with you for a mission soon lol @LordGowther )
(My character is soon gonna rampage to go search and kill Six just saying)
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