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Fandom Hell City

The Sergeant nodded in response, sticking his hands back into the sleek black slacks he entered the bar with. There was some blood from the recent murder, but the words had struck a chord in Stephen. He knew what the city was on the outside, but the people who populate it were a whole different ballgame. He had to set up a base to work from, somewhere not so obvious like the embassy.

That embassy was all for show anyway.

"I understand."

Stephen took the hand of the man who faced him, shaking it firmly while also holding the back of his elbow to maintain the grip. A sign of friendship.

"Come with me, let us grab something to eat. I don't think the embassy wants to deal with 'criminals' quite yet.

We will just call it a warning, eh?"

For most people, seeing such a stoic figure chuckle was unsettling, but seeing as Alexander was blind, he did not mind chuckling in front of him. The officer eased into the laugh, a low bellow that seemed to resonate from his stomach.

"I'd like to talk to you personally."

(Don't worry I got chu! @Tylor guillory )

Natalia decided to walk out, she was tired of waiting. Though they had good reviews , they made a bad first impression. As she decided to walk out with the two men, she saw some explosive aura then just sighed then continued walking. Though Hell city was being attacked by six of course. She was kind of over it. It was the same thing over and over again. Just exploding stuff. Geesh people need to be more creative. The exploding stopped for a little while then she say people panic. She decided to just hand people who's home was destroyed money from the suitcases that were suppose to be for her weapons. At least when I bombed I gave people time to grieve.
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Joseph was lucky he spotted it coming towards him, firing right at the ball of Aura before it got even close to the location. He hoped the same rules applied to this thing as it was to shooting grenades (meaning if it get's shot the explosion goes off there instead) however he wasn't a man to take chances, dropping the Sniper in it's position he got in the car, quickly starting it and driving it in front of the crowd, the drivers window down he flipped a switch and on the side of the car, a large fan like shield departed from one whole side. Even if the explosion were to reach, Joseph was confident the shield would block the blast.

Stepping back out of the car he walked over and picked his Sniper back up, pulling back a lever it was bolt action "Looks like someone wants to play games." his expression went serious for a moment. He knew what gifted human's were capable of but it wasn't anything new to him. Setting himself back up from a different position, he laid himself down and looked back into the scope. Lining up six again this time aiming for his left thigh, he shot almost instantly after lining the man up. Pulling back the lever again he kept an eye on the figure, if he didn't go down he planned to keep trying until he did.

@Tylor guillory
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks](Don't worry I got chu!)
Natalia decided to walk out, she was tired of waiting. Though they had good reviews , they made a bad first impression. As she decided to walk out with the two men, she saw some explosive aura then just sighed then continued walking. Though Hell city was being attacked by six of course. She kind of felt over it. It was the same thing over and over again. Just exploding stuff. Geesh people need to be more creative. The exploding stopped for a little while then she say people panic. She decided to just hand people who's home was destroyed money from the suitcases that were suppose to be for her weapons. At least when I bombed I gave people time to grieve.

(Got who?)
Grinning, Alexander nodded his head. "I'd definitely like to take you up on that offer. Maybe we could be friends." He said. When he went to go for a handshake, Alexander realized how still his clothes were and remembered that he was still covered in blood. "Oh, I apologize, but would it be okay if I changed my shirt first? Hell City may thrive on violence but it is still ill behavior to walk around with bloody clothes." He explained, slightly embarrassed. "We've only walked...about three blocks from the bar? My apartment isn't too far from here."

@SSgt Goodrich
The boy tilted his head, "The Clowns? They sound like fun~!" he giggled. After seeing her cut down his toys with air, he was excited to play with her too. 'I wonder if she is more fun than them since she's a clown!' the boy thought keeping his smile.

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By some Miracle or maybe by Six's mad dance skills he continued to dodge the bullets sending his own attacks back at joseph." Jamona! Or whatever that paedophile Michael Jackson says."Dust said as he to began dancing with six.

@Sinister Clown

Sin managed to crawl his way to a phone and called Natalia. He waited for a answer. @Robyn Banks

Gin made his his way towards Six until he heard gun shots and using his sonar saw a man shooting at the source of the explosions.
The explosions made everyone drop to the ground except Dallas. He shrugged and then dragged the two drunk mobsters to a back alleyway. There he got out his bowie and cut into one of the mobster's neck, severing the spinal cord and causing a pool of blood, then it was the other ones turn in which he got a bowie knife right between the eyes. Dallas then flicked his blade clearing off most of the blood and let the two dead mobsters bleed out and lay dead.
Tristan looked over across the room, there seemed to be a pair of twins both of which showed slight fear towards him. For little girls they were brave indeed in his eyes. But then again like most criminals in Hell City, it's truly hard to make yourself actually feared among all the other ferocious beings that existed in the City. At the girl's last comment about how she expected him to look he giggled to himself playfully before getting up out of his eat and walking over to the children.


Slipping out a 'balisong knife' what he liked to call it. Creeping up to the girl he placed if softly on the woman's cheeks dipping his head in close to hers. His eyes seemed to almost glow when he stared deep into them "Oh but haven't you heard? Don't judge a book by it's cover." a wide insidious grin crept up his face yet again as he spoke to the girl named 'Maria'.


@Lilah Tunth
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Shooting the Aura again as it came flying towards him, he watched the balls of explosive aura implode before making 'fireworks' into the sky. It caused less damage to the city however the tops of a few building were slowly torn away by the explosions which occurred, pulling back the lever multiple times as he shot, his expression didn't alter a moment. "Either this man is messing with me, or he's just extremely lucky." looking to the suitcase, dragging it over he switched some parts and changed the barrel, taking out a different set of ammo which he slid very carefully into the Sniper. Taking a deep breath and looking back in he set his aim towards Six again.

Firing once again, he aimed at the same place he originally did, the man's right shoulder and like the last time he missed completely due to the man's rather odd dancing. However this time it didn't matter, when making contact with the wall which stood behind Six the bullet exploded into a similar explosion to Six's own, however made by hand. Pulling the lever he slipped another bullet in, ready to keep shooting.

@Tylor guillory
Natalia checks her phone then sees that its Sin picks up the phone, then tells the men to continue. She walked away from them saying on the phone "Did you you finish the job?"

@Tylor guillory

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria glanced over to Tera when she giggled at what Maria had said and her grin only grew wider. Maria expected him to attack her at this point, and she was honestly ready, but instead he laughed at her. Which, only made her smile more. What she didn't expect was for him to draw a knife and casually walk up to her followed by placing said knife on her cheek. Her eyes widened a bit in shock momentarily and she felt herself freeze up, Guess I was more scared than I thought... she thought to herself.

Elizabeth, however, didn't tolerate what he was doing at all. Sure, it terrified her beyond belief much more than she had been when he entered the room, but he threatened Maria and that's not something to be taken lightly. Drawing her own knife she stepped out from behind her sister and placed it an inch above his wrist, electricity arcing around the blade, an icy glare and dark expression on her face. "
Move the knife if you want to keep the hand." She told him flatly.
The Sergeant nodded and closed his eyes, relieved that the man did not deny the offer. He looked down both ends of the street, checking for the hatted women or suited men to make sure they were not being followed. To his surprise, he found no one of suspicion, save for the bum clad in plaid whom wandered aimlessly near the alley.

"Fair enough, you lead the way."

He looked back at Alexander, then posing another question after his statement.

"Do you have a cigarette?"

Tristan spun the knife back, slipping it down his sleeve and giggled at the other girl threatening to take his hand "I was merely making a statement little girl.." he patted the girl on her head with a playful expression on his face. Looking around it seemed that Madden already threw a fit of anger earlier "Do you two by any chance know why the lady in red is mad?" he asked with a curious gesture.


@Lilah Tunth
"Oh I don't know, maybe it's because you still exist to wreak havoc. And I see you got a new hair du huh?" Tera flipped her own hair and mockingly stated, "Oh my god! If I stand next to you we can be Christmas colors! I seriously don't understand how people take you seriously."

She honestly knew he could do quite the damage, and that he wasn't one to fool with. But that didn't stop her sharp tongue. She highly despised him. She looked down a bit. Sorry Madden I got snippy. That was unprofessional. She thought but didn't voice it.

@Sinister Clown @Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98
@Sinister Clown @Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth continued to glare at him and point the knife at him for a few seconds, especially after he patted her on the head, before putting it back in her satchel. She continued to glare at him from that point onwards, clinging to her sisters arm protectively, her gaze not breaking contact with his face.

Maria relaxed once the knife was removed from her face and let out a breath she had apparently been holding without her realizing. She giggled at Tera's comment and glanced between the two, honestly not noticing until she said something. "Ooh, she's right! Now that I think about it, your hair does look like a Christmas tree. And as far as Miss Madden being mad...I dunno." She told him, giggling. It'd probably net another hostile reaction with a knife, but she didn't care. Elizabeth could teleport them if need be, and besides it was fun making fun of the 'most feared man in Hell City', despite her being a bit afraid of him herself.
Alexander smiled in thanks before shaking his head. "I apologize but no, I don't smoke. It's a bad habit and the smell is off-putting." He said before grabbing onto what he thought was Goodrich's shoulder. From what he felt, the other man was a good bit taller than him. "Can you tell me what direction Dex Ave is? And what street exactly we're on?" He asked.

@SSgt Goodrich
"Hhhaaaaaayyyyy Natalia how you doing girl!" Sin said drunkingly."OK look I kind of hurt myself when I fell off my bed drunk, and landed on my bottle of vodka. Well now I've got glass stuck I me and am bleeding rather seriously think you could come get me I'm at the usual hotel its listed on my file. You know the on I send all my clients in case they want to hire me for another job. Also yeah yeah I finished your job now please come get me I don't known if it's the booze or the lose of blood but I can't feel anything anymore. K thanks. " and with that he hung up.

Six was surprised by the exploding bullets but just shrugged it off and kept dancing. This time he would send two blast. One cut off his shot and a second one to hit him.

Gin slowly walked up to the sniper and put his katana blade up to his neck seemingly coming out of no where. "Hello my good sir afraid I'm going to have to ask you to quit shooting at that man. For you see." Gins Aura changed to a dark and menacing one that would send chills down the strongest and bravest of men. And in a very serious and harsh tone he said." That mans mine to kill. "

@Sinister Clown @Robyn Banks
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The wind blew the petals off the flowers and whipped his loose shirt around him. The boy laughed, almost psychotically, looking around the illusion created from the girl. "Fear? Is that what this place does, shows you your worst fears? You might have a little trouble then~. Hey, what's your name? I'll tell you mine too!" he said, tired of referring to her as 'the girl or clown' in his head.

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Before the bullet even got to Joseph, a huge, bulking figure got in front if the blast, taking the being of the hit. Looking up, the smoke around Thaddeus thickening, the color being more bloody as time passed. He looked up at Six, his temper sky high. He was letting his anger consume him.

@ScytheMeister7 @Tylor guillory
"We are on Winchester Street, Dex Avenue is to our East."

With the directions given he decided to reassuringly motion to the east. He had a feeling the blind man could lead him to his house from there. He was slightly surprised to hear Alexander did not smoke though, running a bar and living in such a sin-filled city would drive any sane man to the moral crutches of substance abuse. Maybe he was stronger than that.

Maybe he was stronger than the soldier that needed the cigarettes in the first place.

No matter, he pushed the thought from his mind and awaited instruction.


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Tristan stood up straight, his figure became slightly taller than normal and a slight frown came down on his face. Turning his towards the others "Oh, you don't like how I look right now?" a wide and insidious grin yet again crept up his jaw. "Well how about this..." Tristan always loved a good joke, but to him this was more than a joke. They were a direct challenge.

Suddenly a deep and muggy green aura began leaking out of Tristan and within a matter of moments filled the room his appearance began slowly shredding away his skin turning pale white, his insidious grin becoming much wider and dark than before. His hair and even his clothing had changed their appearance as well. This is what Tristan called
'The Embodiment of madness.' he stood tall and his smile was permanent, his voice was much deeper and more sinister. If the people around him weren't either strong willed or completely insane themselves the mere Aura of Tristan would be enough to send them mad however either way his sinister intent was known. @Tylor guillory
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Alexander thanked Goodrich and began walking carefully. The other man had become oddly quiet when he'd mentioned that he didn't smoke and it worried him slightly. Alexander wanted to ask but felt it would be invasive. Besides, he'd just met Goodrich and he wasn't about to annoy him now after everything else that had already happened. Plus, he wanted to become friends with the man. The walk didn't take long as Alexander didn't live too far from the bar. Thankfully, he still had his keys in his pocket and pulled them out before sifting through them and picking the one that felt right. "I feel quite useless right now, but could you please open the door for me?" The frustration that leaked into his voice because he couldn't even open his own door was evident and heavy.

@SSgt Goodrich

(Please tell me that Winchester comment was not just a coincidence)
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