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Fandom Hell City

Alaric fiddled with the hilt of his second knife, tucked away inside his jacket as he whistled and walked out from the alleyway. Him not paying attention was probably why he ended up bumping into someone as he stepped out into the light. "Ouch." He hissed as he rubbed his chest where the girl had also walked into him. Peering at her with yellow-green eyes, he noticed her pink hair first and then the defensive way in which she held herself, as if poised to fight if the moment called for it. "Don't kill her, Alaric. We've had our full for the day." Jax warned. Alaric scoffed and accidentally answered out loud. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Jeez." The lapse of judgment didn't concern him as he backed up to look at the girl properly. "You okay there? Maybe you should pay attention before walking into people. Be glad it was me and not someone else. Citizens of this city aren't all as kind as me." He joked, distantly recalling the corpse still strewn across the ground in the alleyway behind him.

@T h e F o o l
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Fumei Hana

Nickname/Alias: Daydreamer

Location: Somewhere....in Hell City

Company: @ScytheMeister7

Starting Action: Talking to Alrick

Fumei glanced at the male twin with more than mild surprise, before looking at the other when he spoke up about not killing her - which to be frank she agreed with fully. "Wow, you guys are open about your murders huh," She commented, speaking her mind out loud when the Twin according to the other was Alrick. "Yeah, I am fine." She replied, a little uneasy with the fact that a murderer asked if she was okay. Be glad, wow, what a joke. She thought to herself for once today, Kind also, wow double wammy. Some sarcasm dipping into her mental voice, and by some it really means dripping with sarcasm. She thought before she moved past the male, walking straight into the Alleyway where the supposed body was, or at least if the information was correct. Her camera from the newspaper dangling from her neck as she snapped her first photo of the already decaying body.
Dallas managed to dodge most of the bullets, only grazed by a few. He managed to grab the gun and keep it off of him but this person's strength was incredible for his size, though Dallas still managed to keep the bullets from hitting anyone it was still a bit of a challenge. He then forced the gunman's arm up, did a cement breaking punch into the waist of the gunman, then went to disarm him, which had succeeded as he had manage to put his back to the gunman's front, and get enough force to make the gunman release the gun. He then did a hard back kick and sent the gunman stumbling back. Dallas then walked over to the short gunman with the robotic arm, as he approached the gunman Dallas cracked his neck, "You got guts, i'll give you that much, so shorty how would you like to die today, would you like to die honorable or would you rather me skin what organic parts you have left on you, off and leave you hanging for the vultures." Dallas had stated in his intimidating tone. He pulled out his pistol and his Bowie knife, leaving his two Katana swords on has an alternative.

@Tylor guillory
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"Alright darling what would you like?" Jack approached the man smiling, with a notepad in her hand ready to take his order. She was actually doing pretty well so far. She honestly didn't think it would be so easy. If she knew she would've taken the job earlier.

Alexander smiled broadly when he heard Nat approach. "It's good to hear you again, Natalie. How's your father? The business?" He asked. Mafia business was strictly prohibited in the bar but it didn't mean Alexander was going to restrict anyone from speaking about it. Plus, he'd known Lucifer since he'd been young and Natalie too. "Well, I hope."

@Robyn Banks

I hope I got your character right. If not, kill me now)
(Yeah you got it right.)

"Lucifer is fine and the mafia is... getting interesting. I would've ask about the bar but it kind of speaks for itself." She said smiling as she took a seat. Alex was one of the only people the make her smile and it was pretty rare when she did. Mr.Stark always made her feel comfortable and she knew she could let her guard down since everyone knew that gang activity was prohibited there.

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Alaric was surprised by the aloof nature of the girl but before he could react, crippling pain erupted from the base of his skull and spread to the rest of his body. He let out a choked sound of shock before bracing up against the wall of a building to stop himself from face planting onto the ground. "Goddamit, not now." He hissed under his breath. By the time the pain receeded, Jax was now in control. "It's been over ten years and I'm still not used to that fucking pain." Alaric groused in Jax's head. Jax let out a small laugh before remembering the girl and the body in the alleyway. "U-um. Excuse m-me miss? I can e-explain what happened h-here." He stuttered, anxiety catching up to him. This was one of his first legitimate social encounters in his entire life. His social skills were lacking, so to speak. "P-please don't call the facility. I d-don't want to go back."

@T h e F o o l
The Staff Sergeant returned a slightly blank stare before his eyes refocused on the lady offering a drink. He gave a small smile, clearly flattered by the offer and took her up on it. He was not much of a drinker, but he ordered a glass of Jack Daniels. He thought it would calm his nerves in the search for information, and in a town where alcoholism is God and word of mouth is more important than paper-- What could he lose?

@Robyn Banks
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Alexander's smile turned into a full out grin. "I'm glad to hear. So what are you here for today? The usual? Or something different this time?" He asked. Alexander liked to use Natalie as a sort of guinea pig for his new drinks to see if they'd sell or not. It was one of the reasons his business did so well. Natalie's taste in alcohol was pretty good to say the least. The evidence was in the amount of customers and regulars the bar had.

@Robyn Banks
"Hmm... Surprise me. Feeling pretty adventurous today." She said as she started to cross her legs and put her hands together. Honestly she felt 'adventurous' majority of the time, She went there. She always wanted to try something new and she kind of liked the experiments Mr.Stark did.



"Ok I'll be back shortly." She said as she walked to the bar then said. "Can I get a glass of Jack Daniels actually make it two please?" She could've gotten it herself but she didn't want to ruin his system with the drinks.She paused then looked at Natalia for a while. Though she hasn't been in he'll city for long, she knew enough about her from the rumours and recent events. Jack already knew she didn't want to be anywhere near her but still acted casual.

@SSgt Goodrich @Lilah Tunth
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Nancy straightened up, aloof. She didn't like Natalia, she thought that she was quite arrogant and rather.... well evil..... and even if she wasn't, Nancy always have gotten bad vibes from her. She shuffled her headphones so that they block out everything and listened to the music for a long two seconds and continued with her duties, hoping the two wouldn't notice her.


@Robyn Banks
Goodrich kept his eyes fixed on the door, even after having spent a solid thirty minutes in the bar. Being paranoid was being part of his being, and he swore he saw one of the suited men follow him into the bar, and for that to happen, would spell disaster. So instead of freaking out, he thought he could assimilate himself into the crowd of regulars by playing calm. He would get his drink, scan the crowd, and act accordingly.

@Robyn Banks
Alexander nodded before turning to where the bottles of booze were lined up. Some of the shapes he knew by heart but the newer bottles had Braille engraved in them so he wouldn't confuse what was what. Picking up a glass and a few bottles, he began to carefully pour the new drink he'd been thinking of trying out. He measured the ingredients using his thumb to make sure nothing spilled over before adding a few pieces of ice and a straw. "Here you are, Nat. Haven't named it yet. Maybe you'd like to?" He said before turning his attention to Nancy. "Sure. Coming up, soon." He turned back around, poured the two glasses of Jack Daniels, and then handed them to Nancy. "Here you are."

@Robyn Banks
"Good..." Madden started walking down the hall, her steps short, quick. On the way some random servant handed her a phone, another one a cup of tea. The walk across the fancy carpeted floors was rather uneventful. Madden looked at the paintings, most being of members of the LeClair family, all achieved great things in their lives. In comparison to them what did she do? She scoffed and chooses not to ponder on the matter. But it was plaguing her thoughts, she was weak, if one looked at them, she was stupid if one looked at one of her ancestors. And it scared her.


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Jack smiled then took the two glasses from Nancy since Alexander gave it to her. "Thank you Mr.Stark." She walked back to the man then leaned over handing him the glasses then placing the other one on the table. " I know you said you wanted one but two would be better. You seem so tense.Do you want to talk about it maybe? That always helps me relieve stress. " She asked smiling warmly. She had her reasons to talk to him and she knew she could sit down for a bit then get back to the other customers later since they were already attended to.


(Wow Nat has so many haters... I like it xD .)
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"I'm not sure yet. What color is it?" He asked. His aura only allowed him to see so much. It was usually just shapes and textures he could see with his abilities. Alexander had a basic understanding of color, enough to allow himself to know what people were referring to whenever they mentioned it.

@Robyn Banks
Natalia examined the drink for a second or two then said "it's Mahogany. Why did you ask?" She asked curiously as she took another sip.

(Try to go a lil less on those auto hits lol @Morbuskid )

Sin laughed his orange wide eyes filled with amusement. "I'm going to use this arm of mine to rip out that spine of yours so lets get serious!" Sin pulled out his HDK hand cannons and fired them off at full power, sending two huge blue laser blast at Dallas.
"It helps to name the drink." Alexander responded. He propped his head up on his hands as he thought about a possible name. "How about Phantom?" He said finally, completely missing the mark on the color. In his head, 'mahogany' was a silvery grey color rather than a reddish brown. "Does it suit it?"

@Robyn Banks
"Hmm... If you wanted it to match the color,not exactly since Mahogany is a reddish brown. But,I love the name.

,sounds mysterious. You should keep it."
She said. She liked how they were just talking about drink names. She haven't had a full night's sleep since she got to hell city and everything was piling up in one day that it was getting harder for her to just take a breather.

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Alexander let out a huff. "Huh, I did it again." He quickly recovered and smiled at Natalie. "Would you like the honors of adding it to the drink board?" He asked before pulling out a piece of chalk from relatively no where. The drink board was where Alexander kept all the names of the drinks and its ingredients so that people would know exactly what they were ordering.

@Robyn Banks
As Tera and the Twins followed Madden LeClair, she couldn't help but follow Madden's eyes towards the paintings. Probably the ancestors of the LeClair family...they all look so majestic...Although she expected to see a proud expression on Madden's face, none was present. If anything the opposite was. A part of her wanted to say something comforting but without knowing quite what was on her leader's mind it was next to impossible. It wasn't long before they reached their destination. Finally something the jumpstart the mood. @Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98
"Thank you,Don't mind if I do." She walked up to the Chalk board, quite amused writing in the best handwriting she could pull off. She found it funny how she was amused by something so simple but she figured since the offer was from Mr.Stark, it made a difference than being asked by anyone else.

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Gin decided he would come back to question the man later he walked back into the store smiling as always." Well sir it seems that your fine for now ill be back to question you later though. Until then have a pleasant day." Gin bowed and then left quickly. He walked looking for a place to get a drink He eventually came to a bar by the name of Stark's and decided to go in for a drink. He moved slowly so he didn't bump into anything using his katana as a cane as he entered."Excuse me I'd like a drink if that's alright." He said as he entered his snakish smile spread across his face. "What would you happen to have on the menu?" (Lol seriously hope the bars open I want Stark and Gin to meet xD ) @femjapanriceball @ScytheMeister7 @Robyn Banks
Jack saw the man with the katana come in then walked by his side deciding to assist him."Hello I'm Jack.Well we have a wide range of drinks here. Jack Daniels seem to be popular but I highly recommend Mr.Starks specialty drinks. They are nothing you've ever tasted before I assure you." She said leading him to the bar. (Yeah the bar's open)

@Tylor guillory
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