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Fandom Hell City

"Wow, another one, huh?" She was the second person today to walk in and ask for a job. It made him quite happy, actually. "What's your name, sweetie?" He asked, cocking his head slightly to the side. His glasses tried to slip off his nose, revealing milky white eyes for a split second but he managed to cover them back up quickly enough. Surely the girl saw them and he feared for a second that they would scare her off. Milk white eyes weren't very common, even in Hell City and certainly not out there in the normal world

@Robyn Banks
Loki nodded. "I'm fine. Being able to transform into a snake comes in handy. At least, for escaping injury. Snakes are very flexible creatures without many bones."

Although his body was quite sore. And he was sure he sprained his wrist. But nothing that significant. Looking out at the rubble he could only hope there was more damage in FunLand.
Madhu hisses at the sudden feeling in his broke arm and then relaxes when the bones and muscles mend together to be healed. Lady Romanov have healing abilities? He cannot remember right now. The underboss tries to open his eyes, but close them.

"Better than before, Lady Rom..anov," he says and clentches his hand. Nothing in his hand feels off, from what he can tell. There are pain where his shoulder meets the back, but that's fine. She needs to reserve her Aura for others and herself.

A boulder that Emmanuel has target is wrap in gold like a cacoon. The cacoon steams as it burns the concrete and steel. It didn't buldge from the young teen first attempt to move, so he pulls harder, grunting loudly by the strain. The concrete finally give, tilting, not moving. That caused the debris around it buckle and collapse. Emmanuel is fine but the screamings under him stops.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare
Jack paused for a couple of second after seeing his eyes. Not out of fear but out of amusement. "My name is Jacqueline Alder but people call me Jack for short." She said starting to smile again.



"That's good." Natalia said to Loki then looked at Emmanuel then rushed over to him. "Emmanuel what did you do?!" She said moving the rubble away franicly.

@Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare
Emmanuel stands frozen. He doesn't know.He was helping. He want them out. He stares at the golden concrete, the ground, his hands, and finally at Natalia.

"I was hel-" He killed them. His wide, greyed eyes look the woman. His eyebrows draws close together in realization.

"Emmanuel!" His older brother roars and gets up, only to fall back to his feet. The low ranking mafia beside him, helps the underboss to his seat.

The second brothers backs away and flees from the area. The gold cacoon starts to unravel showing the black burnt concrete and smothering steal bar.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare
"Well nice to meet you, Jack." Alexander said with a soft smile. "How have you been liking the city so far? It's not like many others but Hell City has its own...perks." That was to say the least. Hell City was very different from other cities. Very very different. Most newcomers couldn't deal with, either choosing to leave, the smart decision, or staying only to end up dead sometime in the following weeks, the foolish decision. It was one of the many reasons why Alexander had built the bar in the first place. A neutral safe haven of sorts.

@Robyn Banks
"... I'll go get him." She said as she went after him. She could admit he was a fast runner but Natalia was steadily caughting up. She then grabbed his arms causing him to stop.

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"I'm pretty new here myself, but if you ask me, it gets easier as each day passes by, as long as you look threatening enough, people won't touch a hair on your head," Nancy piped up. Her voice soft, her gaze setting upon Jacqueline a rather blank smile on her face. She regretted coming to Hell City, if she was honest. But she had a job, a place to stay, her hands weren't as bloody as most people in Hell, so she had nothing to complain about. In her opinion, compared to some people, her life was not hard.


@Robyn Banks
"Alright, I'll take your word for it." She said.she looked around for a bit then looked back at them.She didn't want to rush into getting the job but she was very eager. "So about the job. I'm a hard-worker,always on time, I never really a waitress though but it can be a fun experience." She said softly grinning.



"Look. You can't run away from your problem. You have to face the fact that they're dead but know that you were only trying to help." She said calmy stuffing her hands in her trench coat. Comforting was really her thing but she still attempting for Emmanuel's sake.

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"I understand. I've lived here all my life so I can attest to the idea of never knowing how long you'll survive. Just know if you ever need help, you can come to me. I'd be glad to get people off your back. I've acquired something of a...reputation here. Also, this bar is a neutral zone. You'll be safe here." Alexander promised. "And yes, the job. There are a few things you'll need to know. Some rules and such. Waitressing is fairly simply. Just take a customer's order, fill it in, and deliver it back to them. Rule include the following: Fighting or any other type of violence in prohibited in this bar. If you see a fight brewing, you tell me. Don't intervene yourself. Gifted abilities are allowed as long as they aren't used for harm. No gang activity is allowed within this bar." He smiled for a second. "I think that should be all for now. Is that simple enough?" He asked. "If not, ask Nancy."

@Robyn Banks @Lilah Tunth
Nancy nodded, "I'd be happy to help you with anything you need," She then corrected her headphones, and made the volume higher, the rather cool tunes of 'Where the Lonely Ones Roam' by 'Digital Daggers' soothing her. She then continued, "And if you do get into a fight, hypothetically of course-" She d at Alex, "-you can always ask me to beat them up," She giggled at her own pun. "I'm Nancy by the way,"


@Robyn Banks
"My brother is right," Emmanuel grinds those world. His hands clench and opens his eyes, glaring down remembering the sibling's arguing and the elder's repeating rant. "I shouldn't be here." He pauses.

"I shouln't be here! I killed them!" This time he yells. Guilt of it and anger of denied escape wells up in Emmanuel's chest. He yanks his arm from the boss, side steps any attempt of restrictions, and bolts away. He wants alone. He don't want to be here or home. He wants to get away.

To better chance his escape, Emmanuel runs to a nearest tree and propels himself up and away. He swings from the tree to a car roof and up again to a building.

@Robyn Banks
Jack laughed along with her . jack loved puns always made her feel better at times. Especially when there bad ones. She was glad she got the job and knew she would get a long very well with them. She spun in the Stoll then looked around thinking.where do I start?

@ScytheMeister7 @Lilah Tunth


Natalia let him go without putting a fight. Since she decided he just needed time to think. She watched him escape from her nodding impressed with his precision. He'll never cease to amaze me. She decided to go back to the Former Mafia HQ to go help the others.

@Lilah Tunth @NyxNightmare

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria smiled and nodded, "We're ready!" She told her excitedly. Elizabeth nodded and mumbled "I guess so...". She was honestly still annoyed at her sister for waking her up so roughly, not to mention slightly nervous of what Madden had in store for them.


@Robyn Banks @NyxNightmare @TripTripleTimes

Trinity sighed, it was rather obvious that Madhu wasn't fine, though she kept her words to herself. She could tell her skull was probably fractured, or at the very least had one hell of a bruise. "I'm fine, really." She told Natalia when she offered to help her. In truth she was probably the least injured of the group, especially when it came to Madhu.

She watched intently as Emmanuel worked to free some people..then failed badly as they stopped screaming. Before she could say anything to him shouting began, first from his brother then from Natalia, and then he ran off. Trinity debated following after him but it was Natalia who decided to do so first.

Not wanting to step into the argument that was sure to happen if she said anything, so she simply stayed to her own thoughts, waiting for the ambulance to come and waiting for things to calm down a bit.
Madhu takes a while to get his bearing back together. After standing up so suddenly, his vision went dark and he became faint. The man thanks Abe.

"I should get those two out of here," Madhu mumbles to himself as he leans fowards on his arms, which rest on top of his knees. His chest is heavy at the thought. This is their home; a place where there is no restrictions and rules like those of the government ruled cities. Their Aura are free and not submitted by pills and drugs that he have seen elsewhere in America and worser in other parts of the world. They can grow strong and powerful. Feared and respect.

The boy still has lots to learn if he wanted to join the Mafia.

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98
femjapanriceball said:
"F-fight?" Bismarck yawned. He had just gotten up. "Oh, yeah....those two fights....I really didn't want to do that....well, if you really want to know, I found myself going against the Lady Death, the current Grim Reaper. I forget what was going on....oh, yes, it started because she was bad-mouthing my store...why do you want to know?"
"That's classified sir thank you for your cooperation." Gin said tilting his head sideways and smiling his serpent smile he then raised a finger to Bismark so that he knew to wait on moment." Excuse me I have to make a call I'll be right back. Gin walked outside and Quickly attempted to make contact with L." Hey L apparently there was a fight between two gifted humans on was a man named Bismark the other a girl who's the current grim reaper. Bismark owns the place should I take him in?" Gin asked liking his lips at the thought of potential resistance from Bismark.

( @femjapanriceball @Lilah Tunth )

Six was watching from another building when jokers bombs went off at mafia HQ. He was wearing sunglasses over his usual get up and took them off as Dust spoke." Well it looks like those negotiations went.... Up in smoke." Dust said and there was a scream like the one from the CSI intro. Six looked behind him." What the hell was that? Oh well nothing new ok lets go find something interesting to do." Dust said as Six tossed the sunglasses away and walked off to find some amusement.

Sin wasnt in the best of ways, he had come here for work and only ended up getting a painful experience so far. He was covered in rubble and wasn't happy about that." Dear god.... Who the hell blows up a building! Really what lunatic does that!" Images of the joker flashed through Sins head and he shivered." Oh god no never again. Hey can I get some work already? " Sin said using his robotic arm to move the rubble off of him and dusting himself off from head to toe. Apparently the explosion hadn't affected him enough to make him forget about work. "Hello anyone gonna give me a job or what? I'll take just about anything as long as it pays!" Sin said speaking loudly as he moved through whatever rubble there was in his way.(@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes how much of the building did joker actually blowup BTW? @Sinister Clown )
Dallas looked at Touka, his mask covering his expressions. "By the look on your face, your probably wondering who i think i am. Well i know i am the man who screwed up his life and is only trying to fix it. So i don't think highly of myself.", he said trying to keep it as polite as possible. Dallas then looked over to the computer, "And i didn't know you knew i was coming but i guess someone probably told you about my arrival, it would make sense or someone probably would have warned us about being in restricted air space.", he said to the computer. "So what jobs do you have for me to take care of, or at least to help lighten your burden.", Dallas asked looking back at Touka.

@Lilah Tunth
(@Tylor guillory . He blew up only the foundation of the building....however, obviously that has consequences. ...the whole building sorta fell apart in large chunks gradually....not like all at once.
Flying out of the building, a figure in the sky came rumbling down. The wool jacket fluttering everywhere through the wind as Tristan spun and turned before finally crashing down on the top of a car, bouncing off and onto the road "Oof!" hitting the hard ground. Tristan glared up the see the building slowly collapsing, It was a grand site indeed. "Well guess it's time to get back home then." getting up and dusting his coat, both of his ribs were broken and his left hand was deformed in shape by the way he landed onto the car.

Without having much care for his injuries, snapping his left hand back in place
"GAH YOU BASTARD!!!!" kicking a building next to him, small cracks developing in the brick wall. Taking a short sigh Tristan made his way back to 'Joker's funland' or at least what was left of it. Coming to the entrance, Smoke was seen coming from the inside. Walking in the front door Tristan looked around towards the others and asked "What the hell happened here?".

@Tylor guillory )
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( Yep pretty much. @Tylor guillory) " Well since you want a job so bad I'll give you 100,000 dollars cash, if you do this task for me." She said a couple of feet away from sin. Dusting the debris out of her coat.
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"Yeah whats the job?" Sin asked as he walked over to her his robotic arm seemingly unharmed as was the majority of him.( @Robyn Banks also come on no ones going to say anything about Six's joke or word play xD I actually kind of tried on that one)

Six noticed the joker but decided to just go about his business as usual." Eh we'll see him later unfortunately. "Dust said as he flew next to six who was now walking on his hands at the edge of buildings.
Moses finally looked up and said "Take a wild guess. Either way there's good news. The hotel is still here, and I was able to spread my aura far enough to save the entire warehouse ...as you can see, even the main entrance......but the factory is in absolute ruin. OH and I was able to strike a deal with Thaddeus. A shipment of and assortment of his finest weapons every month for the next year. All he wanted was territory within South Shore. Eventful day I'd say"
( xD great pun I respect it . I see you were just trying to make an impact. @Tylor guillory )

" The goverment has sent some counter-terrorist to recapture and reform me. I'm a very busy woman so I can't take care of it myself but I want them out of my hair.someone will send you the cash later on today since right now isn't the best time as you can see." She said looking around then turned back at him.
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"Yeah that's kind of clear to see. Ok I just better get paid I burned down the store of the last guy who didn't pay me." Sin said as a smile annoyed look crept across his face. "Damn bastard made me wait so long, ok so tell me about these counter terrorists. Where can I find them what do they look like I need info!" Sin said ready for a fight. (Also who will rp as them lol! And wow that pun really blew my mind @Robyn Banks )

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