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Fandom Hell City

Natalia sat by him then turned the bartender."I'll have a whiskey with ice." She said casually as she took her trench coat off then adjusted her suspenders. She preferred heavy liquor since things like wine didn't really do anything and was like drinking water to her.

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"Oh, well that's interesting" I said with a smirk, as I told the bartender that would have the same and turned to her. "So what was so shit about this day in particular then?" I asked, not out of spire but out of actual curiosity for what had got to her more than any other day "I mean, you have a pretty tough job, so I'm sure most days are shit, or was today just one of those days?"

@Robyn Banks
"Today was my first day and everything seems like havic, Everywhere, But I'll just have to get use to it." She said followed by a sigh. She knew that the job was challenging but she didn't think all of this would happen in one day."I don't even know why I'm telling you this, I don't normally tell people especially people I just met about these types of things."

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"Well, that's Hell City for you." I said, taking a sip of my drink as soon as the bartender brought them to us "The first thing this city tells you when you arrive here is 'Fuck Off.' Most unwelcoming place you will ever come across, but most people choose to stay. People get used to, even addicted to the dangerous, exciting way that they're able to live here, even though they know their lives are at constant risk. Its a shit hole, but its our shit hole is probably the best way to put it." I couldn't help but laugh a bit as I took another sip of my drink, my eyes having wondered so they were staring into space. I myself had seemed to have gotten addicted to the lifestyle, and with all my claims that i despised the two organizations that ran the place, I seemed to sink closer and closer to their way of thinking everyday.
Nat took a sip of her whiskey as well. For some reason she wanted to trust him, But she knew that he hated the mafia and might as well just hated her as well."I actually like the thrill of it all, if I'm honest with myself. Its kind of my distraction from everything." She said as she took another sip. She started getting reports from her earpiece about an explosion and how it was supposedly from the clowns. She was hesitant to get up and attend to it but instead she turned herself away from Markus then said quietly on the earpiece. " Make sure you look for any survivors in any of the buildings and clear away as much damages as possible.I'll take care of it later on ." She turned back to Markus, took a gulp of the whiskey , then asked the bartender to refill her glass.
"I didn't think it would happen but I'm becoming the same way. Everything that happens in this city is just energetic and interesting. At first, I came here for revenge. But now, I don't really see myself leaving this place. " I said, noticing her turn her head slightly as the bartender refilled us "Something wrong?" I wouldn't say it to her, but I was really hoping she didn't have to go. As much as I knew I should hate her and everything that she stood for, I just couldn't. In fact, I found myself thinking exactly the opposite. It felt...different to be able to talk to someone other than myself for once about all the shit in the city. Different in a good way.
"Sorry about that." She said as she turned to him."why did you come revenge?" She asked curiously. She didn't understand why she was still there with him. She should be sorting everything out but she wanted to stay for some reason and she was too tired to be in benefical use for anyone.

"That" I said, emptying my glass in one swig as I recalled the memories that would've rather not recalled "Is a pretty long story that I don't particularly want to tell and I'm quite sure you don't want to hear. We've both had pretty bad days, I don't think there's any need to fill the air with any more depression." I looked directly into Natalia's eyes as I spoke, trying to see If I could find anything in them, not quite sure what I was expecting to find.

@Robyn Banks
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She after a while of looking into his eyes . she looked away then took another sip "Alright." She said she became quiet for a while until that one question she been wanting an answer for all day finally came out."what do you see in me anyways? I thought you hated the mafia yet you never tried to kill me."
I sighed and laughed at the same time, looking down into my drink as I spoke. "I don't know, to be honest..." I said, laughing and sighing at the same time as she asked the question that I had frustrated myself with for the past few hours "I would say its because you're a beautiful woman, but that would be a lie because I've known plenty of beautiful woman that I have wanted to kill for being part of one these organizations. There's just something about you. Something...different that I can't quite put my finger on. In a good way, of course." I smiled up at her as I finished, still battling with the idea in my own head.
A slow song started to play so Natalia decided it was the best time to get up and stretch her hand towards him. "Dance with me." She said in a soft yet demanding voice. She grinned out him as she added "You shouldn't leave a girl waiting.".

"Well I am a great dancer" I said with a grin, as I took her hand and lead her onto the dance floor "So it would be a waste if we didn't." I placed my other hand on her hip as we got to the floor, and took the lead in the dance, secretly making sure that there was not much space between us. "I never would have taken you for the dancing type" I said with a smile, my eyes locked with hers as we moved with the music.
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"There's a lot you don't know about me and I'd like to keep it that way." She replied smirking not taking her eyes off of him. "And about your little crush on me, I suggest you give it up and just focus on your revenge." He is a great dancer but she thought there could more space between them.
"Wouldn't you just love that" I said with a smirk "Unluckily for you, I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet, so when you're my point of focus, don't think I'm gonna give up that easily. And who exactly are trying to convince here? Me to give up my crush on you, or are you secretly trying to talk yourself out of those little feeling that you're having towards me? Only you can answer that one."
"Both" She said honestly then looked away."I'm doing you a favor.You're only going to get your heart broken." She continued to follow his lead while moving a bit closer to him. She kept repeating to herself that he couldn't be trusted in her head. Anyways even if she did like him, her father would never accept and she wasn't going to risk her position for him.
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"A great man once said" I said, my expression still lightened with a grin but I seemed to be looking deeper and deeper into her eyes as the moments passed "That the pain at the end of the path is worth the journey along it. Maybe I will get my heart broken. That doesn't mean I won't try to begin with."
'' Sorry but I have to go. I have to check out the area that the clowns supposedly bombed... Don't look for me." She said as she broke out of his grip, took her jacket then walked off but before she left she placed the money on the bar table so Markus wouldn't have to pay.
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I didn't even have time to respond before she had broken away from me and disappeared out the door. I sighed, and slipped my hands into my pockets again, trying to keep my casual appearance unaffected.. "You're night just seems to keep getting worse my friend..." The bartender remarked as I downed the rest of my drink. "Oh, you have no idea" I said with a chuckle before walking out the door and disappearing into the night like I hadn't even been there. " I didn't even get to pay for the drinks..." I muttered, laughing to myself again as I lay my head on my hands, looking up at the sky from atop one of the tallest building in Hell City.
(Not much you are currently at the joker's HQ waiting on him to show up with six, who is injured in the kneecaps and dust can't fly. @morpheusing .. No one pay any attention to this page its just....character development)
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Natalia walked into the area that the clowns had bombed then started to examine the perimeter. The place looked like hell, destruction everywhere. She knew she had to rebuild the prison,this area,and that building from earlier. It was just money going into the toilet, it might leave a dent in the income of the mafia but they have enough investment around the world to bring it back in about a month."This look awful maybe worst than the prison and the earlier building combined. Plus there could be people without homes now." She said to an enforcer.She couldn't wait to destroy the clowns and six. So she could worry about more important things. She still had to schedule a meeting with the Joker and six was the least of her concern. "How long will it take to rebuild everything." She asked her assistant at the scene. "Around four to six months." The man calculated. "That'll be fine. I want you to call the architect and tell him to make the prison, and the buildings bombed t ten times better than before. I want to leave a message." She said looking around at the premises. The man looked at her then asked " And what message will that be?" "No matter how hard you push us down while get back up better than before. I don't want them to get the feeling that they have the upper hand, just because they exploded a couple of buildings. You can give full credit to my father since this is more of the government business than mine's." She said walking away. She felt like her job was done and she could finally go to the manor and finally get some rest.
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Lily was bored to death. She had spent the whole day gathering lost souls, sending them to the underworld, yada yada yada. Now there was nothing to do. Nobody was dead. Wait, never mind, I sense something. She walked through the streets, holding her scythe, then saw some people talking at a bombed prison. Cold Gate Prison. Lily walked over, curiosity etched on her pale face. There were bodies of the guards strewn all over the place. Just what she needed to do. She stared at the bodies. "Tsk, tsk. I can see just by looking at them, that their lives were terribly dull. How disappointing. All they did was sit around and guard people."
Tagged: @TripTripleTimes

Mentioned: @Robyn Banks

Trinity smiled at Alicia when she walked over to them, glad she was buying her fake story of her feeling fine. In truth, Trinity felt like she could pass out at any given moment, and she wasn't sure if she wouldn't welcome the sleep at that point. "Thank you, Emmanuel." She told him, smiling and taking a sip of her tea before gently setting the cup back down.

She waved at Natalie as she left and told her "Good-bye." before sighing and staring into her tea cup. First time meeting the new boss and she probably already thinks I'm weak or too careless or just plain un-skilled she thought to herself, sighing. She then noticed Emmanuel coming back with the tray of food, "Nata-...the Boss said she'd come back for tea later. Pretty sure she had buisiness to attend to." She told him.
"Naaa, Emu didn't get to see Big Sister go," Alicia teases the brother. Emmanuel does not take too kindly to the tease and tells Alicia to go to sleep. The girl says nothing but looks smug.

"Ok, I'm go to sleep now," Alicia announces. The girl hops hops close to Trinity. "Good night, Trinity." With that, the girl kisses Trinity's cheek and bounces to her room. The beast follows her behind.

"Emu, don't stay up too late!" Alicia calls out from her room.

Emmanuel takes a seat on the table, almost slumping over.

"Did I..." Emmanuel hesitates to ask the older girl after a moment of silence, "Do you think I did good?" He asks, almosy pleading. He really hope he did, but seeing and hearing that the boss have left kind of dampens his mood. He wants to impress the new boss before his brother ruins all the good image of him to the new leader of the family.

Emmanuel eyes Trinity's leg and up at her face. She doesn't look too good. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that right now. He pushes the plate of snacks closer to the underboss. He even places some sliced spicy pepperoni to the plate.

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