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Fandom Hell City

*Bring* *Bring* *Bring*...Tristan heard his phone go off again, slipping it out of his vest and looking to see who it was "You again.." answering the phone he put it beside his ear and spoke into it "Yessss?" he knew who would have been talking on the phone, and heard a bird flapping it's wings off in the background 'It's him again..' the sound of the birds wings flapping had stopped almost the second he heard it. Becoming curious of the situation he walked onto a bench and sat on it to listen to what the man had to say now.


She said as she kept on walking impressed by his skills. When they got close to what it seemed to be their home she stood by the door then waited for them to enter.

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Moses spoke to the phone "Someone tried to break in. I killed his bird and broke his kneecaps. He can't stand right now.....so it wouldn't be socially acceptable for me to ask him to leave"
'Someone who would try break in with a bird....Wonder who'd that be..' it was a sarcastic thought in Tristan's head as heard of the situation, scratching his head and sighing he answered "Dumb bastard should have asked!" he giggled, assuming that even if he did ask the type of person Moses was would have told him to leave anyway "He'll be better eventually, get the man a pillow and just explain how lucky he is! IS THAT DAMN TRUCK READY YET?" it didn't seem that Tristan cared too much about what happened at the base, if anything it just meant he missed out on all the fun and gave him reason to be mad.

@Tylor guillory
Moses threw a pillow over to the injured man and replied to his boss with a peculiar calmness in his voice "Yes sir. The truck is ready and has already left HQ. I was on my way to pick you up when he barged in."
The sound of gunfire echoed in the near empty alleyway, Trinity dove beside a dumpster to avoid it, drawing a gun of her own. "You dumb asshole why didn't you just pay up! C'mon!" She shouted, firing two rounds down the alleyway. "Two reasons. One. You're a bitch. Two. You're a bitch that works for The Mafia and I'm sick and fucking tired of putting up with those assholes!" The man shouted, firing his machine gun at the edge of Trinities leg, a bullet managing to connect. It went all the way through, it'd heal..

"C'mon John, I was nothing but nice to you! Drop the gun and I won't tell the new boss about this!" Trinity shouted back and the man whom had decided to fire at him. John was the owner of a run down pawn shop that, despite its appearance, got buisiness quite regularly and sold very expensive wares. Most of which was stolen.

"How about...NO FUCK YOU!" John shouted, continuing his barrage of bullets. Trinity sighed, she hated when she had to kill stupid people that she actually knew. "Last chance, John!" Trinity shouted from behind the dumpster. Johns only response this time was gun fire.

I gave him a chance, and he blew it...Was all she thought before running from out behind the dumpster as soon as she heard the faint but rapid clicking sound that meant the fool had ran out of bullets mid gun fight.

Revolver drawn, Trinity ran and fired two shots, one into each of Johns kneecaps. He hit the ground, screaming in pain and lying on his side. She didn't kill him, rather she put her revolver back in her satchel. "Willing to pay now, John?" Trinity asked him, frowning. John simply stared up at him, shaking his head. Trinity responded by stepping down on his left knee, hard, soliciting another cry of pain from the man. "Now?" She asked.

He responded by drawing a knife and slicing the bottom of her leg. She stepped back at that point, assessing the damage to her pants and her leg. Lucky bastard hit an artery. Sighing, her hand retracted and in it's place her plasma sword appeared. "You brought this upon yourself, John." Trinity said sadly, bringing the sword down into the mans throat, decapitating him in one fell movement.

Sure, The Mafia would lose a bit of money with his death. But John had all but swore rebellion against them. Sighing, Trinities hand returned to it's rightful place and she tore a piece of fabric from Johns shirt and tied it around her rapidly bleeding leg, artery wounds were always trouble, they took much longer to heal than anything else that would be classed as minor.

Stepping over his corpse and into his pawn shop, she busted the safe open and took what cash he had in it, pocketing it and exiting. Coming out of the alleyway she walked down the street towards the HQ. The new Boss was arriving today and she'd have to tell her that they just lost one of the higher contributing..patrons..under their control.

Sighing, she continued walking down the street. Eventually while walking she noticed the Leolam(Did I spell this right? O.o ) siblings with some woman she hadn't seen before. Was she the new Boss? A friend? Family? Stalker? Trinity thought to herself. Speeding up a bit, she walked up to the three, a fair distance away. At first, she didn't speak, un-sure of what to say really. She knew both of the kids could handle themselves, but she also didn't know what the woman was capable of.

So, Trinity just went with a standard greeting. "Hey there, need help with something?" She asked, mostly directed towards the kids.

@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes
"Your so annoing." Dust said from behind Moses unaffected by his ability. Six was then leaning against the wall also back to Normal."Maybe you should show appreciation for the man who broke your boss out." Dust said with venom in his voice. "Oh and no one was breaking in we knocked on the door you bumbling fool." Dust flapped his wings and flew over to Six." Pleas as if you could kill me so easily I am bound to Six I cannot die. Be lucky Six doesn't blow this place to kingdom come." It was obvious Dust was annoyed by the man's attempt at taking them down but Six didn't seem fazed at all he just casually stood around as if he were Waiting on something.
"Thank you, Big Sister!" Alicia says and bounced up the stairs to their modest family home. It is pretty late and Alicia has stayed way past her bed time. The girl unlocked the door. As she turns to say goid night to Natalia, she sees a familiar figure down the road.

"Trinity!" Alicia throws her hand to wave. "Look who walked us home!"

@Robyn Banks @Mitchs98

((Welp sorry i am out again, though now am able to post. I havent been getting notices for new post in the ooc. Just remembered about it orz And you got their name right mitchs! Dam i am unable to look at Trinity cs before posting. Im sorry. Next post be better if i made any wrongs.)
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(Dude don't even the birds part of my character and I have plenty ways of stopping it don't even I stated Dust inapt ability to survive in my cs plus if you haven't noticed Dust is how Six speaks)
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( That was my intention. And no matter how many ways you have to stop my ability, you won't be able to use them)
Natalia at first reached for her trench knife until she noticed that the children seem to know her. She looked at the girl examining her. A cyborg... Interesting. She thought. She didn't say a word still having her hands in her pocket. Since the children knew her so there was no need to harm her.

@Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
(Yes I will Dust isn't even in range for your abilities to work)"Try something like that again and Six will blow up this base of yours." Dust said now high up in the air on a beam. Six just smiled and waved at Moses.
(Yep. He was when I grabbed him. At least that was my melee ability....though, my other one you have no idea the range of. So yes, you won't be able to do a thing against me.)
@Robyn Banks @TripTripleTimes

Trinity smiled and waved at Alicia and walked further up the street to the three. "Good night you two!" She called as the door closed behind them. Trinity then turned her attention to the woman in front of her, she still had no clue who she was but apparently the kids had knew her, if only slightly.

"Names' Trinity, nice to meet ya." She told her, smiling. The woman seemed familiar but she shrugged it off. "I see you've met Alicia and Emmanuel, nice kids."
"Natalia Romanov.Nice to meet you as well.How do you know the children?" She asked going back to her cold,emotionless expression that she had so often.

Emmanuel stay by the door. He and Alicia argued for a quick moment before Alicia left the adults with a huff. From where he stands, the boy can hear his sister's beast stomping around.

((Haven't rid of me yet lol))
Six sat down and dusted off his pants." We will wait for the joker to arrive thank you very much, and don't worry we won't be any trouble unless you attempt anything again." Dust said stretching himself out.
@TripTripleTimes @Robyn Banks

Trinity watched the two argue, smiling the entire time, wondering what exactly it was they were arguing about. Those two were usually always arguing about something, though Trinity guessed it was like that for most siblings.

When the woman in front of herself identified herself as Natalia Romanov Trinity arched a brow questioningly Is this the same Natalia that is supposed to be taking over for Lucifer? She thought to herself, before speaking "I know them from my work with The Mafia, their older brother is an associate. All three of them are nice."

Making a quick mental note that her gun only had two bullets left in the chamber just in case a fight broke out she continued "What about you? How do yo know the kids, I mean."
"We met at HQ, and boss walked Alic- Us, home," Emmanuel replies for Natalia. He fidgets a little after he made a small mistake. He soon straightens up. There is no time to be embarrassed.

"I would offer you two ladies tea," Emmanuel says trying to be polite to these two powerful women, "but I think there are some work to be done."

Sure he is not Madhu, but he is an Leolam and whatever one Leolam can do, he can too. Especially if they are a casual human.

@Mitchs98 @Robyn Banks
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Moses notices that Six is feebly trying to play off the obvious injury to his kneecaps as he crawled to the nearby wall and dusted off his bloody pants. Amusing, he thought. He expeced at he hadn't managed to kill the bird considering how little effort he put into it, though it's wings were so heavy it couldn't fly. And so he thought to himself ; Well, I suppose he can stay until Joker gets here. He goes over to his chair, sits down, and stares at the injured bird intently.
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