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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

As Haruka walked with Elizabeth he watched her out of the corner of his eye. She seems a bit timid. "Hey" there was one thing He had to know. "Why didn't you tell them what I was" it confused him as to why she would hide that from her sister and Bismarck. "Aren't you scared that I'm dangerous? Especially after what I did to those killers?" @Mitchs98
Shnuydude said:
As Haruka walked with Elizabeth he watched her out of the corner of his eye. She seems a bit timid. "Hey" there was one thing He had to know. "Why didn't you tell them what I was" it confused him as to why she would hide that from her sister and Bismarck. "Aren't you scared that I'm dangerous? Especially after what I did to those killers?" @Mitchs98
Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth looked up at Haruka as he started speaking, slightly confused. She didn't see what it matter what he was as long as he was on their side. So she didn't understand why it was so important to him. What he was was his own buisiness. "
I didn't see what it mattered because you're with us. A-and you're Bismarcks' friend so it was fine." She replied. "J-just because you're a demon or whatever doesn't mean you're dangerous. Besides...you helped us earlier. A-as long as you're on our side it doesn't matter." She added. "You..are on our side right..?" She asked nervously. Just because he was a survivor doesn't mean he was legitamately going to help them.
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri turned to face Emmanuel when he yelped in shock and asked what something was. "Hu-?" She began, being interrupted by him saying it was a person and quickly looking on the ground in front of him. She paled slightly at the sight, even if she'd already witnessed it first hand in the auditorium it didn't make the sight of a body any less shocking. She nodded slowly when he said for them to just leave. "Yeah..lets just go. I'm sure he's alright.." She replied, trailing off slightly before grabbing Emmanuels hand and starting to walk towards the wall. She would run, but, she really didn't want to cause him to fall. She ran really fast after all. Sure she could pace herself to his speed, but, the fact remained of suddenly running being a problem.
@Solemn Jester

Unfortunately for the two of them, to reach the closest wall they have to cross the vast empty space of the track field. Emmanuel thinks no thoughts about the danger of crossing that field and just sprints as fast as he could away from the school.

The boy grips onto his friend's hand firmly, glad for her presence. He has mix feeling about the whole thing. How should he really think about this situation? The school is game level messed up, but in the other hand, this is really different from the norm. Emmanuel is not really off-put by it but death shouldn't be a thing. Right? People are not really dieing in the school hall, right? It's probably best to get out of here and sort out the facts.

The two cross the field without trouble and past the few trees that line parallel to the school property.


Opal sat alone in the cafeteria, humming a soft tune to herself as she edited her profile on of her social media sites, posting new things here and there for her followers. Opal liked it here in the cafeteria, it was quiet and no one was in there to bother her. Opal was never good at making friends because she was so awkward and when ever she did, they just usually left her.

So here Opal was, wrapped in another world.

Mitchs98 said:
Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth looked up at Haruka as he started speaking, slightly confused. She didn't see what it matter what he was as long as he was on their side. So she didn't understand why it was so important to him. What he was was his own buisiness. "
I didn't see what it mattered because you're with us. A-and you're Bismarcks' friend so it was fine." She replied. "J-just because you're a demon or whatever doesn't mean you're dangerous. Besides...you helped us earlier. A-as long as you're on our side it doesn't matter." She added. "You..are on our side right..?" She asked nervously. Just because he was a survivor doesn't mean he was legitamately going to help them.
"Yes I'm on your side, I'd rather not watch you guys die, your nice people" he coughed "could you not tell Bismarck, he's kind of the only friend I have, I don't want him to be scared of me" he remembered how lonely He was before he was before Bismarck. He doesn't want to go back to that, especially in this situation. @Mitchs98
Shnuydude said:
"Yes I'm on your side, I'd rather not watch you guys die, your nice people" he coughed "could you not tell Bismarck, he's kind of the only friend I have, I don't want him to be scared of me" he remembered how lonely He was before he was before Bismarck. He doesn't want to go back to that, especially in this situation. @Mitchs98
Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth sighed with relief when Haruka confirmed he was on their side. Honestly she was kind of nervous about it, but it seemed it was for no reason. She nodded when he asked her not to tell, she had no intentions on telling anyone anyway. "O-of course not. I don't really have any reason to.." She replied. "I'm glad you're with us though...I-I'll try not to get in the way." She added before quickly asking "Please promise me y-you won't leave me if we get attacked." She'd never exactly seriously fought anyone, so she wasn't sure if she'd be of any use at all. Sure she was trained in fencing, but that's different then fighting to kill someone that's trying to kill you.
Mitchs98 said:
Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth sighed with relief when Haruka confirmed he was on their side. Honestly she was kind of nervous about it, but it seemed it was for no reason. She nodded when he asked her not to tell, she had no intentions on telling anyone anyway. "O-of course not. I don't really have any reason to.." She replied. "I'm glad you're with us though...I-I'll try not to get in the way." She added before quickly asking "Please promise me y-you won't leave me if we get attacked." She'd never exactly seriously fought anyone, so she wasn't sure if she'd be of any use at all. Sure she was trained in fencing, but that's different then fighting to kill someone that's trying to kill you.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
When Bismarck leaned on her she wrapped her arm around his waist just so she wouldn't walk to far ahead and make him trip. That was the last thing they needed. She nodded when Haruka came up with a plan, "
Alright, sounds good. You better keep her safe or you won't just have to worry about the Killers." She replied with a eerily serious expression. Elizabeth looked between the three of them nervously, she didn't know Haruka well at all. She'd met him maybe once before now? How did she know he wouldn't abandon her the first time things went bad? "But..." Elizabeth mumbled nervously to herself. "Go ahead Liz, it'll be fine. We won't take long then we'll meet up with you guys." She told her reassuringly, giving her a smile and a nod to say 'go ahead'. Elizabeth slowly nodded in response and walked over to Haruka, "O-Okay, let's go.." She told him.

Cirillia Vines

Ciri frowned slightly and blinked in disbelief. A dragon? What..? "Umm..Emu? Are you okay?" She asked him before sighing, hoping he hadn't started to go crazy too. Though, she guessed people at this school had some freaky powers so it was possible it belonged to them? She wasn't entirely sure at all. "You know what, actually. I believe you Emu. It's possible there was a dragon I guess. Let's get going though, faster we leave faster we can get everyone else help." She told him before climbing onto the windowsill and hopping out. Outside was no where near as insane as inside, which was a good thing. She guessed most people hadn't thought about leaving yet. Or they had and already did.
Bismarck began limping to the infirmary, holding onto Maria for extra support. He smiled reassuringly at her as they walked.

"Th....thank you....for caring about me," he said, wincing as he accidentally stepped with his bad leg. "I thought that I'd be able to....ow....just walk it off.....but really, it's nice knowing that you care....."
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck began limping to the infirmary, holding onto Maria for extra support. He smiled reassuringly at her as they walked.
"Th....thank you....for caring about me," he said, wincing as he accidentally stepped with his bad leg. "I thought that I'd be able to....ow....just walk it off.....but really, it's nice knowing that you care....."
Maria Jones

Maria looked at Bismarck and sighed before kissing his forehead, "Of course I care about you. Why would you think otherwise?" She replied. "Just because people are going nuts and killing each other doesn't make me love you any less you know." She told him. "I know you'd do the same thing for me if you could anyways." She added. So far so good, no one else came to attack them yet. Though that could partially be the somewhat pissed off 'come near me I'll gut you' face and vibes Maria was giving off. Either that or they had other priorities.
Chaka had somehow ended up outside the school after failing to find food in the home ec classroom. So he walked around the school ground on his hands, and knees crouched like a lion stalking it's prey. His stomach grumbled and his mouth watered ad he searched for food. It wasn't long before he heard someone talking, no two people." Must eat, need food to live." Chaka hissed in a low tone as he watched them from the bushes he had been hiding in. It might of been the lack of food, or maybe that Chaka was always kind of a odd ball, but he was acting particular crazy after missing lunch." Chaka will eats Dems, hehehehe yes Chaka will eats them all!" Chaka said to himself as he leapt from the bushes covered in dirt and leaves at his targets screaming," gives Chaka food!" With a feral Iook to him. @Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
Mitchs98 said:
Maria JonesMaria looked at Bismarck and sighed before kissing his forehead, "Of course I care about you. Why would you think otherwise?" She replied. "Just because people are going nuts and killing each other doesn't make me love you any less you know." She told him. "I know you'd do the same thing for me if you could anyways." She added. So far so good, no one else came to attack them yet. Though that could partially be the somewhat pissed off 'come near me I'll gut you' face and vibes Maria was giving off. Either that or they had other priorities.
Bismarck nodded. She was right. It was silly of him to think that she wouldn't worry about him. Because she cared about him as much as he cared about her. He looked over at her. She had a look on her face that said that she wasn't to mess with at the moment. It was a little scary, actually. He looked ahead. Two flights of stairs and his leg would stop hurting. Then he could get back to what he was doing before; surviving.
Luna and Lunarin walked around the halls of the third floor. Lunarin was dressed up in a fur cloak he had made while in the forest while Luna had almost the same, only it was made of a different fur. Their eyes were hidden by the cloaks, but their eyes were currently silver, they could see everything in the dark hallway and they could even hear much more.

"I don't hear anything now, but I would be careful," Lunarin said with a whisper. "I'll try to incapacitate anyone who looks shows signs of threatening us rather than kill them."

"Good, now we just need to get medicines in the light of infection, the forest can only provide so much," Luna said as she and her brother trailed silently through the corridors. Well...almost silently. Eventually, Lunarin stopped to draw a throwing knife. He had a bad feeling.

Emmanuel is staring at the tall wall of the Hölle Academy when suddenly out from the bushes a figure jumped out.

"AAAH!" Emmanuel lets a scream again. This causes his voice to break, but he ignores it in favour of jumping away from the person. He pulls Cirillia with him.

"What do you want?!" The kid asks. Because of the surprise, he didn't heard what the person wanted just a second ago. The person is clearly male but because he is covered in dirt and leaves, Emmanuel does not recognize his oddball upperclassman, Chaka.
Chaka stays crouched down and talks in his hissing manner." Me wants de food givez me Dee food!" Chaka hissed rubbing his hands together before running at them both again flailing his arms around as he did." Give mez Dee food or I makes food out of youz!" Chaka ordered as he attempted to bite Emmanuels ankle fiercly. @TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel is staring at the tall wall of the Hölle Academy when suddenly out from the bushes a figure jumped out.

"AAAH!" Emmanuel lets a scream again. This causes his voice to break, but he ignores it in favour of jumping away from the person. He pulls Cirillia with him.

"What do you want?!" The kid asks. Because of the surprise, he didn't heard what the person wanted just a second ago. The person is clearly male but because he is covered in dirt and leaves, Emmanuel does not recognize his oddball upperclassman, Chaka.
Solemn Jester]Chaka stays crouched down and talks in his hissing manner.[COLOR=#660033]" Me wants de food givez me Dee food!"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka hissed rubbing his hands together before running at them both again flailing his arms around as he did.[/COLOR][COLOR=#660033]" Give mez Dee food or I makes food out of youz!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka ordered as he attempted to bite Emmanuels ankle fiercly. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19312-triptripletimes/ said:
@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98
Cirillia Vines

Ciri let out a small squeak of surprise when Chaka leapt out coupled with Emmanuel pulling her back. She stared wide eyed at the obviously completely insane student. It hadn't even been two hours yet! She clung to Emmanuel shaking in fear as Chaka told them what he wanted. Of course, when he ran at them and tried to bite Emmanuel Ciri's immediate reaction was to aim a kick as hard as she could directly for his face. "Get away!" She shouted as she kicked at him. She assumed given his crazed state he wouldn't be able to dodge. Even if she HAD decided to give him food that went out of the window as soon as he attacked them.
Solemn Jester]Chaka stays crouched down and talks in his hissing manner.[COLOR=#660033]" Me wants de food givez me Dee food!"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka hissed rubbing his hands together before running at them both again flailing his arms around as he did.[/COLOR][COLOR=#660033]" Give mez Dee food or I makes food out of youz!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka ordered as he attempted to bite Emmanuels ankle fiercly. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19312-triptripletimes/ said:
@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98

Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia VinesCiri let out a small squeak of surprise when Chaka leapt out coupled with Emmanuel pulling her back. She stared wide eyed at the obviously completely insane student. It hadn't even been two hours yet! She clung to Emmanuel shaking in fear as Chaka told them what he wanted. Of course, when he ran at them and tried to bite Emmanuel Ciri's immediate reaction was to aim a kick as hard as she could directly for his face. "Get away!" She shouted as she kicked at him. She assumed given his crazed state he wouldn't be able to dodge. Even if she HAD decided to give him food that went out of the window as soon as he attacked them.
"Get away from me!" With no time to react, Emmanuel takes a quick step back and then kick at Chaka's face. At the same time, Cirillia kicks the older student. Emmanuel's eyes widen at the girl's action, but what is done is done.
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Chaka was expecting to get a nice tasty taste of underclassmen. But instead got the disgusting taste of foot in his mouth. As both their feet coneccted with his face a cracking sound could be heard, and he went flying at the wall. Hitting it with a loud crash sound, and more cracks. Chaka raised a thumbs up towards them weakly now covered in scratches, and said weakly," Chaka....is ok....just broke a few ribs....I think. Can iz hafs food now?" He asked pleadingly as if him getting kicked was just some formality he had to endure before being feed. Standing up and wiping the blood from his nose caused by the double kick Chaka gave them a sad look and rubbed his stomach which grumbled violently. @Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
TripTripleTimes said:
"Get away from me!" With no time to react, Emmanuel takes a quick step back and then kick at Chaka's face. At the same time, Cirillia kicks the older student. Emmanuel's eyes widen at the girl's action, but what is done is done.
Cirillia Vines

Ciri blinked as Emmanuel seemed to of decided on the same thing, both of their feet connecting a cracking could be heard. Clearly a skull or jaw fracture, possibly something less minor but Ciri wasn't sure. Either way something broke and Chaka was flung into the wall, effectively breaking more things. When he asked for food Ciri carefully took a peppermint from her satchel and tossed it to him. So what, she mostly ate candy. "Um..Sorry. Please don't hurt us. We're just trying to leave." She told him.
Chaka let out a insanely happy weezy laugh as he grabbed the candy and shoved it into his mouth. He looked up at them flashing his perfect smile that didn't match his dirt covered appearance." Hehehe nummy nummies. Thank you, you help Chaka so Chaka help you! You can't escape only chance to survive is to hide, hide, hide, or killz, killz killz!" Chaka said laughing wickedly and clapping his hands. Then he cleared his throat and spoke normally standing up and wiping the dirt off him."Yeah sorry I get a little loopy when I miss a meal. Anyways yeah can't escape there's a barrier around the school grounds. Pretty strong magic, might as well hide its what's best." Chaka suggested looking at her as his stomach grumbled again. @Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes


Opal froze, she heard the sternness in the male's voice and without a glance behind her she closed her computer. She proceeded, reaching her trembling hand into her bag and pulled out her slip, holding it behind her. "H...here you g..go." Opal spoke carefully and quietly so maybe she wouldn't provoke anyone.

"My na..name is Opal Uniss, but most people call me Opi." She stayed stiff, struggling to find the right words. "Typical Opi." She thought.

All Opal could do was hope no one shot her.

Haruka took the slip and read it. He turned to Elizabeth "she's a survivor" he sighs out of relief, he was glad he didn't have to kill again so soon after that last encounter.he puts his hand down "I don't have a gun" he walks around Opal so that she can see him holding his hands up. "Sorry for scaring you but I had to play it safe." he holds her slip out so that she can take it back. @Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter
Shnuydude said:
Haruka smiled "don't worry, I won't leave, your safe with me" they approached the cafeteria , he looked and in and saw a girl sitting at a computer. He looked back at Elizabeth and whispered "stay behind me" he sneaked up behind the girl and held his hand up behind her head "don't move I have a gun" he didn't even feel bad for possibly scaring this person, take no chances "if you still have the little slip that says if your a survivor or not then slowly hold it up so I can look at it" he might not have a gun but he could easily kill her from this distance if she tried to fight back. @Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter

Shnuydude said:
Haruka took the slip and read it. He turned to Elizabeth "she's a survivor" he sighs out of relief, he was glad he didn't have to kill again so soon after that last encounter.he puts his hand down "I don't have a gun" he walks around Opal so that she can see him holding his hands up. "Sorry for scaring you but I had to play it safe." he holds her slip out so that she can take it back. @Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter
Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth smiled back at Haruka, "Thank you..I appreciate it." She replied, relaxing a bit now that she knew Haruka wouldn't up and abandon her to die. She assumed he wouldn't, but confirmation helped. After all they were all here to survive, what was stopping him from running and leaving her if things got bad? Soon enough they reached the cafeteria and when she was told to get behind him she immediately did so, lightly clinging to his shirt and trying to make herself as small as possible to hide behind him. She peeked out from behind Haruka to look at the girl who was just as scared as she was it seemed. She glanced at the slip and slowly moved out from behind Haruka when it read survivor, nodding when Haruka confirmed it. "Um..nice to meet you Opi. I'm Elizabeth. Y-you can call me Liz..Sorry for scaring you." She told her.

femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck nodded. She was right. It was silly of him to think that she wouldn't worry about him. Because she cared about him as much as he cared about her. He looked over at her. She had a look on her face that said that she wasn't to mess with at the moment. It was a little scary, actually. He looked ahead. Two flights of stairs and his leg would stop hurting. Then he could get back to what he was doing before; surviving.
Maria Jones

Maria carefully lead Bismarck to the edge of the stairs before stopping. Why couldn't this school have an elevator? "Lean on me more if you gotta, we gotta go downstairs." She told him, re-positioning her arm to be under his for added support. She had no idea what kind of pain he was in but it was probably about to get worse as they had to go downstairs. Once he was in a secure enough position she began slowly descending the stairs to the infirmary, carefully looking around as she did so on the off chance someone tried to jump them. She wouldn't hesitate to claw them to death if they did, though Bismarck was vulnerable.
"Good, you're not enemies," Lunarin said as he stepped into the cafeteria. However, he knew Haruka hadn't shown his slip. His eyes were glowing brightly and a throwing knife was in his hand. "However, I'm not sure about you..." he said as he intensified his glare at Haruka. "Show us your slip..." Lunarin and Luna held up their survivor slips, but none of them let their guard down.
"Alright," Lunarin said as he hid his knife in his belt behind his cloak. "But if you're the mastermind of purposeful harm under the goal of a killer I will kill you or I will tell everyone about you."

Luna pulled her hood down and gave a bright smile as her silver eyes faded to their natural crimson color. "It's great to know some people have a heart. I'll tell you what. Lunarin and I are trained assassins, but since we're survivors, we're going to keep our lethality down. However, my brother here has no issues with killing people who threaten us. So he's acting civil under my wishes."

@Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter @Shnuydude

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