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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Sierra let out a small squeak. What was so funny? It was true. The principal was dead, so he wouldn't mind if they took some stuff. Right? ".....Kay. Uh.....I really don't know. Why?"

Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia VinesCiri nodded, "Yes..That's what the teachers said and what the paper I have says I am." She replied, slowly taking the paper out of her pocket and handing it to Emmanuel. It'd simply state her name, age, race, and role as it had for the others. She'd calmed down greatly now that her and Emmanuel were alone and safe for now. She doubted anyone would come by this room for a while, after all the school was massive. Hiding in a classroom was probably one of the best ideas possible. Then Emmanuel suggested leaving the school and escaping all of it. That could work, right? Call the police, get everything sorted. It was worth a shot and definitely preferred to being trapped in the school alone with Emmanuel and psychos. Trapped with Emmanuel she wouldn't mind, Trapped with psychos? THat she minded and could do without. "Yeah! Call for help! Then we can run and leave until help arrives for the rest!" She told him, hopeful. In her panic she hadn't thought of such a thing, really if it wasn't for Emmanuel she'd probably of already been dead from fear alone.

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria and Elizabeth were currently taking the route Ciri, Emmanuel, and Bismarck took by barricading themselves in a classroom. There were over thousand rooms, the chance of them ever being found was very low. It was as good a plan as any. Elizabeth currently also took the route Ciri had: Panicking in her sisters arms. "It'll be fine Liz..We can hold out here long enough. The only problem is getting food and water. We'll figure that out when things calm down though.." She assured her. She was also worried about Bismarck, just about hen she was going to text him to see if he was alright he texted her. Sighing she texted him back 'We're fine, Me and Liz are held up in a classroom right now. I..I have to admit I didn't expect anything like this to happen. We're both survivors though, where are you? We could meet up.'

Bismarck sighed in relief when Maria texted him back. He held the phone close to his chest, his eyes closed, then he replied to Maria's message. 'I'm in the chess club room with the club president. That's Room 705. Meet us here? Or the other way around?'

"....Hey, my girlfriend might be coming here..."
femjapanriceball said:
Sierra let out a small squeak. What was so funny? It was true. The principal was dead, so he wouldn't mind if they took some stuff. Right? ".....Kay. Uh.....I really don't know. Why?"

Bismarck sighed in relief when Maria texted him back. He held the phone close to his chest, his eyes closed, then he replied to Maria's message. 'I'm in the chess club room with the club president. That's Room 705. Meet us here? Or the other way around?'

"....Hey, my girlfriend might be coming here..."
Haruka was ready to charge right to the cafeteria but Bismarcks comment stopped him. "Maria right?" he stopped and scratched the back of his head "I guess that means I'm waiting here for a bit longer" his stomach growled once more "she better hurry or I might start eating the chairs" he wasn't entirely sure if he was joking or not
Shnuydude said:
Haruka was ready to charge right to the cafeteria but Bismarcks comment stopped him. "Maria right?" he stopped and scratched the back of his head "I guess that means I'm waiting here for a bit longer" his stomach growled once more "she better hurry or I might start eating the chairs" he wasn't entirely sure if he was joking or not

Bismarck chuckled. "Relax. I've got you." He opened up his backpack, finding his lunch box and taking out two Fruit by the Foots. He handed one to Haruka, taking a bite of his own. "This lunch box will probably only last us one meal, so we'll definitely have to run to the cafeteria," he said, looking at the floor.
femjapanriceball said:
Sierra let out a small squeak. What was so funny? It was true. The principal was dead, so he wouldn't mind if they took some stuff. Right? ".....Kay. Uh.....I really don't know. Why?"

Bismarck sighed in relief when Maria texted him back. He held the phone close to his chest, his eyes closed, then he replied to Maria's message. 'I'm in the chess club room with the club president. That's Room 705. Meet us here? Or the other way around?'

"....Hey, my girlfriend might be coming here..."
Maria and Elizabeth Jones


Maria looked at the text and nodded to herself, 'We'll come to you. On the way there.' She replied before putting her phone back in her front pocket. "Liz, we're gunna go meet up with Bismarck and his friend alright? They're safe and closeby, we'll be safer with them." She told her before slowly standing, pulling her into a standing posistion with her as she did and giving her a reassuring smile. Elizabeth nodded in response, "O-okay lets go..." She replied. Of course she was still scared, but Maria was right. They'd be safer with Bismarck, especially with his powers. With that Maria took her sisters hand and walked over to the door, shoved the desk aside, and carefully exited the room. Aside from one or two people, the floor was decently empty which meant getting to Bismarck would be easy. "Lets go Liz, keep up!" She told her, though regardless she was still holding tightly to her sisters' hand so she didn't have any choice. In a matter of minutes they were outside the door to the chess club, rather than shout like an idiot Maria opted to text 'We're outside, let us in.'
femjapanriceball said:
Sierra let out a small squeak. What was so funny? It was true. The principal was dead, so he wouldn't mind if they took some stuff. Right? ".....Kay. Uh.....I really don't know. Why?"
@femjapanriceball [/color]
Eric looked at all of the food, it would last a while but, with Hide going at it, it would be gone within a day like it always ways. Eric grabbed up the food that Hide had pulled out and put it back in the bag pulling out what ever random things where in there so that Hide still had access to them, then he grab two waters put them in the bag. He waved his wand a branch grew out grabbing the bag and growing around it. "So we don't actually know how long this test is going to last, because of that I am going to make sure we have a stash of food in case of emergencies. We need to start getting set up."

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming (sorry no internet having to use my families hot spots)
Chaka smiled at Sierra and nodded," I'd show you mine, but it got torn to piece during the chaos." Lying like a pro, which he was. He looked around for something useful."So now what are we suppose to do?" @femjapanriceball @iSurvivor
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck opened the door, holding his book close in case it wasn't them, breathing a sigh of relief when it was Maria and Elizabeth. Then he practically jumped onto Maria, pulling her into a hug. "Thank goodness....I was so worried..." He said quietly. He wasn't going to let her go ever again. He swore on his powers.


"Of course I am," Sierra said, holding out her slip of paper to prove it. "A-and even if I were a killer, I wouldn't kill anyone!"
Maria and Elizabeth

Maria let out a small squeak of surprise when Bismarck pretty much lept at her, briefly wondering if he was attacking her. It was possible he'd drawn killer and had snapped, after all. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head and hugged him back, Elizabeth joining in said hug too. "I was worried about you to. I thought you had gotten killed..this is crazy. Everyones' gone nuts." She told him. "I'm glad you're safe, we should probably get back inside though." She added, Elizabeth immediately nodding in agreement and walking the rest of the way inside without them, though she stayed close incase she was needed.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria let out a small squeak of surprise when Bismarck pretty much lept at her, briefly wondering if he was attacking her. It was possible he'd drawn killer and had snapped, after all. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head and hugged him back, Elizabeth joining in said hug too. "I was worried about you to. I thought you had gotten killed..this is crazy. Everyones' gone nuts." She told him. "I'm glad you're safe, we should probably get back inside though." She added, Elizabeth immediately nodding in agreement and walking the rest of the way inside without them, though she stayed close incase she was needed.
Haruka looked at the fruit roll up he got "awesome" he ate in in a flash as Bismarck opened the door. He decided not to awkwardly join in on the group hug, "Soooo. Hi, I don't mean to be a jerk but did you guys keep your paper slips. To prove that your both survivors" he didn't think that Maria would attack Bismarck. He could clearly see that from the look in her eyes from when she saw him. He's asking for his own sake, you never know with people. @femjapanriceball

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

    The boy looked at his hands confused after that he looked up at Eric "I wasn't eating that much....." He said quietly even though he knows that was a lie regardless of his eating habits. Which where to eat all the candy in site so the bag of sweets that were meant to last a whole week ended up lasting a day. While thinking about that he putting his hands on the branch he was sitting on and let himself fall but doing the same thing he did with his legs he hung upright smiling while he let go of one hand and pretend to scratch his side making monkey noises "Ooo aaa! I'm a monkey man!" Hide stated laughing while switching his hand mid jump

Shnuydude said:
Haruka looked at the fruit roll up he got "awesome" he ate in in a flash as Bismarck opened the door. He decided not to awkwardly join in on the group hug, "Soooo. Hi, I don't mean to be a jerk but did you guys keep your paper slips. To prove that your both survivors" he didn't think that Maria would attack Bismarck. He could clearly see that from the look in her eyes from when she saw him. He's asking for his own sake, you never know with people. @femjapanriceball
Maria and Elizabeth

Maria looked up from Bismarck to Haruka when he asked if they kept their slips. Really she thought nothing by it, the only reason she hadn't asked Bismarck being she trusted him fully. "Yeah, Liz has them." She replied. "What about you..?" She asked him somewhat suspiciously, it was as valid as him asking them. No way was she letting him near Bismarck without proof, Bismarck seemed to trust him but she didn't. Not really. Elizabeth moved to take the slips out of her pocket and hand them to Haruka, they'd say the same standard junk as the rest. Name, age, race, and role. Which, of course, was Survivor.

Sierra bit her lip, then began rummaging through the drawers. "Find something useful....?" she suggested, pulling out several papers. Curious, she flipped through them. Plans for the test and names of every single position. Go figure. She saw her own name (Survivor, of course), then, going even lower, she found Chaka's. Her jaw dropped; she backed away from him, her eyes wide.

((Now would be a good time to kill her
xD ))

Mitchs98 said:
Maria and ElizabethMaria let out a small squeak of surprise when Bismarck pretty much lept at her, briefly wondering if he was attacking her. It was possible he'd drawn killer and had snapped, after all. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head and hugged him back, Elizabeth joining in said hug too. "I was worried about you to. I thought you had gotten killed..this is crazy. Everyones' gone nuts." She told him. "I'm glad you're safe, we should probably get back inside though." She added, Elizabeth immediately nodding in agreement and walking the rest of the way inside without them, though she stayed close incase she was needed.
Shnuydude said:
Haruka looked at the fruit roll up he got "awesome" he ate in in a flash as Bismarck opened the door. He decided not to awkwardly join in on the group hug, "Soooo. Hi, I don't mean to be a jerk but did you guys keep your paper slips. To prove that your both survivors" he didn't think that Maria would attack Bismarck. He could clearly see that from the look in her eyes from when she saw him. He's asking for his own sake, you never know with people. @Mitchs98 @femjapanriceball
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria looked up from Bismarck to Haruka when he asked if they kept their slips. Really she thought nothing by it, the only reason she hadn't asked Bismarck being she trusted him fully. "Yeah, Liz has them." She replied. "What about you..?" She asked him somewhat suspiciously, it was as valid as him asking them. No way was she letting him near Bismarck without proof, Bismarck seemed to trust him but she didn't. Not really. Elizabeth moved to take the slips out of her pocket and hand them to Haruka, they'd say the same standard junk as the rest. Name, age, race, and role. Which, of course, was Survivor.
Bismarck smiled, seeing that Maria and Elizabeth were okay and proven to be Survivors. He hastily flashed his own piece of paper with his role just to prove that he wasn't a Killer, then, realizing they were in the hall (a dangerous place to be in this situation), he took both Maria and Elizabeth's hands and walked back into the room, once again barricading the door with pretty much every heavy thing he could think of. Then, after a minute or two, he hugged the twins again, just glad to see them both alive. He was still a little concerned about Sierra, but, again, she was in good hands. I think.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and ElizabethMaria looked up from Bismarck to Haruka when he asked if they kept their slips. Really she thought nothing by it, the only reason she hadn't asked Bismarck being she trusted him fully. "Yeah, Liz has them." She replied. "What about you..?" She asked him somewhat suspiciously, it was as valid as him asking them. No way was she letting him near Bismarck without proof, Bismarck seemed to trust him but she didn't. Not really. Elizabeth moved to take the slips out of her pocket and hand them to Haruka, they'd say the same standard junk as the rest. Name, age, race, and role. Which, of course, was Survivor.
"Uuuum" he expected this. He hoped that maybe she wouldn't want to see his since he was friends with Bismarck but that obviously wasn't the case. He took out his own slip and looked at it. Everything on there was fine except for his race which stated "devilspawn" it doesn't matter wether he's a survivor or not, who in their right mind would trust him, he doesn't even know if Bismarck would trust him anymore. He grudgingly handed his slip over as he took theirs. He sighs "well you girls are legit survivors" he stands and waits for her to read his @femjapanriceball
Chaka smiled as he saw an opening, and sent his wires at Sierra. They would wrap around her getting tightier and tightier cutting deep into her. He quickly used his wires to slice her into pieces. Then he turned towards her little friend frowning and covered in blood. @femjapanriceball @iSurvivor
femjapanriceball said:
Maria and Elizabeth

Maria hugged Bismarck back once they were safely inside where they'd more than likely be hiding until everything was over. Logically speaking it WAS a good place to hide. Unless they burst through the window or the wall there was only one door, one easily guarded door. Elizabeth quickly took the slip of paper from Haruka with one arm, not moving out of the hug and quite liking how safe it made her feel. She couldn't really care less what his race said as long as it said survivor, Bismarck was friends with him so it was good enough for her at that point. "
I-It says Survivor. He's fine." Elizabeth assured them, handing his paper back and taking their own from him. "S-so..what now?" She asked them. They had to come up with some kind of plan, after all they couldn't just stay here for three days with no food or water. "Dunno...watcha' think Biz? I'm not actually good at the whole plan making thing...especially for something like this." She asked him.

Really, who WOULD plan for some random freakish test that pitted you against your friends and classmates for virtually no reason? It still didn't make sense to her why the test was even held in the first place.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria hugged Bismarck back once they were safely inside where they'd more than likely be hiding until everything was over. Logically speaking it WAS a good place to hide. Unless they burst through the window or the wall there was only one door, one easily guarded door. Elizabeth quickly took the slip of paper from Haruka with one arm, not moving out of the hug and quite liking how safe it made her feel. She couldn't really care less what his race said as long as it said survivor, Bismarck was friends with him so it was good enough for her at that point. "
I-It says Survivor. He's fine." Elizabeth assured them, handing his paper back and taking their own from him. "S-so..what now?" She asked them. They had to come up with some kind of plan, after all they couldn't just stay here for three days with no food or water. "Dunno...watcha' think Biz? I'm not actually good at the whole plan making thing...especially for something like this." She asked him.

Really, who WOULD plan for some random freakish test that pitted you against your friends and classmates for virtually no reason? It still didn't make sense to her why the test was even held in the first place.
Haruka takes his slip of paper back with a sense of relief. My secret is safe for now, however if we meet a killer I might be forced to use my powers. He gives Elizabeth a smile of appreciatation and leans against the wall to listen to Bismarcks response. Normally he would have butt in with his own plan but he trusted Bismarck so he stayed quiet. @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98

  • th

    Oshima takes off his glasses and cleans the lens on his scarf "So are we going to kill people, or do you want to stand there and miss all the fun? If you want I can do all the hard work for you, but that means I get all the satisfaction of the kill, is this what you want Smarty?" Oshima smirked because Kur?b? was starting to get angry 'Just what I want, now use that rage to go and paint the walls a crimson red'. "C'mon Smarty, are you to scared that you will lose a fight? Don't worry, I will make sure I'll kill anybody before that happens."


  • upload_2016-4-19_3-27-15-png.267037

    The boy growled and clenched his fist "What'd you say four eyes?" The boy asked growing while pulling his favorite cleaver out of his pant "You know its no fun to eat another person's kill." He stated while sniffing out the targets in mind. Or at least the ones with opened wounds. After a while of doing this he ran towards the smell that was getting stronger with each step he took. When arriving at his target he barged through the doors looking around with blood lust eyes and he grinned "Come out and play I won't hurt you....to bad anyways." Kurībā called out somewhat expecting an answer back but sadly not getting on. He walked around finally looking at the room. Books, book, and more books he was in a library well that much was obvious but he sniffed again hearing a small whimper come from behind him he turned around. What he saw surprised him truly it did a girl shorter than him but the same raven black hair but blue hairs looking up at him "Hello there are you lost?" The cannibal asked her smiling only getting a small nod in reply. This made the boy grin he pulled himself down to her level as he put his hand on her shoulder as he gripped the cleaver with his other hand which was behind his back. Before the girl realized her head was severed clean off well mostly clean off with the rusted cleaver. "Don't worry sweetie you'll be safer this way." He stated as he looked around for more prey sniffing again "Seems you weren't the wounded one but your friends will soon join you." He assured the dead corpse while walking over to the source of the delightful smell of fresh blood.

  • [/media]
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Cicero said:

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

    The boy looked at his hands confused after that he looked up at Eric "I wasn't eating that much....." He said quietly even though he knows that was a lie regardless of his eating habits. Which where to eat all the candy in site so the bag of sweets that were meant to last a whole week ended up lasting a day. While thinking about that he putting his hands on the branch he was sitting on and let himself fall but doing the same thing he did with his legs he hung upright smiling while he let go of one hand and pretend to scratch his side making monkey noises "Ooo aaa! I'm a monkey man!" Hide stated laughing while switching his hand mid jump

  • Eric saw how sad Hide looked but it was completely necessary. "I am sorry dear friend but I know you all to well. If we were to be trapped in a grocery store the food would be gone in a three days." He was tempted to give Hide another candy bar but he was trying to make it last so he stopped his self. "How about we try to find some more food while no one else is out. The cafeteria has probably already been hit, so our best bet would be out here some where."

Cicero said:

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

    The boy looked at his hands confused after that he looked up at Eric "I wasn't eating that much....." He said quietly even though he knows that was a lie regardless of his eating habits. Which where to eat all the candy in site so the bag of sweets that were meant to last a whole week ended up lasting a day. While thinking about that he putting his hands on the branch he was sitting on and let himself fall but doing the same thing he did with his legs he hung upright smiling while he let go of one hand and pretend to scratch his side making monkey noises "Ooo aaa! I'm a monkey man!" Hide stated laughing while switching his hand mid jump

  • Wyatt said:
    Eric saw how sad Hide looked but it was completely necessary. "I am sorry dear friend but I know you all to well. If we were to be trapped in a grocery store the food would be gone in a three days." He was tempted to give Hide another candy bar but he was trying to make it last so he stopped his self. "How about we try to find some more food while no one else is out. The cafeteria has probably already been hit, so our best bet would be out here some where."
    (Sorry, I have been sick all morning and after noon, I feeling better though!)

    Cez smiled when Hide pointed out her supplies weren't food. "Of course their not. This is." She said showing him the bag with 14 energy bars, that she used to replace lunch every so often. And One pack of Trailmix she snacked on through out the day usually. She sighed and leaned her back against a branch. Sliding the book to Eric with her foot. "That should have most of the plants in these grounds. If not I might be able to help. She smiled at Hide trying to be a monkey and shook her head. "Yea more than likely it has. Plus there's no telling where the Killer's are located." She said and leaned back down. "I need to rest a bit, I would help, but I need to rebuild my energy.

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

    "Would not I know how to share so everyone would get some its just that I'd eat mine the faster....wait that didn't help me." Hide told himself while pulling himself back up smiling brightly as he looked at the two. "Why not the vending machines? Or does this place not know what that is?" The boy asked to either one of them. As her looked over at Cez and smiled "You can rest and Eric can stay with ya while I go search around for food. I won't eat it don't worry." He stated while laughing and poking her head before turning to the other boy "You can manage to keep her safe right Eric?" The boy asked him. He knew he could trust Eric when it involved helping someone but usually the boy was with him and now he's going to get food so he needs to know if he can trust Eric with this.

    (Lil I was accepted to the other rp
    :P Also that's good that you're okay now)

"Just make it quick, really we should all stick together, but yes I can keep her safe. There is a lot for me to work with here." He pointed his wand to the trees implying he could do something with them. He starched his head with his wand while he watched his friend. He did prefer that his friends stuck together at all times.
Shnuydude said:
"Uuuum" he expected this. He hoped that maybe she wouldn't want to see his since he was friends with Bismarck but that obviously wasn't the case. He took out his own slip and looked at it. Everything on there was fine except for his race which stated "devilspawn" it doesn't matter wether he's a survivor or not, who in their right mind would trust him, he doesn't even know if Bismarck would trust him anymore. He grudgingly handed his slip over as he took theirs. He sighs "well you girls are legit survivors" he stands and waits for her to read his @femjapanriceball
Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Maria hugged Bismarck back once they were safely inside where they'd more than likely be hiding until everything was over. Logically speaking it WAS a good place to hide. Unless they burst through the window or the wall there was only one door, one easily guarded door. Elizabeth quickly took the slip of paper from Haruka with one arm, not moving out of the hug and quite liking how safe it made her feel. She couldn't really care less what his race said as long as it said survivor, Bismarck was friends with him so it was good enough for her at that point. "
I-It says Survivor. He's fine." Elizabeth assured them, handing his paper back and taking their own from him. "S-so..what now?" She asked them. They had to come up with some kind of plan, after all they couldn't just stay here for three days with no food or water. "Dunno...watcha' think Biz? I'm not actually good at the whole plan making thing...especially for something like this." She asked him.

Really, who WOULD plan for some random freakish test that pitted you against your friends and classmates for virtually no reason? It still didn't make sense to her why the test was even held in the first place.
Shnuydude said:
Haruka takes his slip of paper back with a sense of relief. My secret is safe for now, however if we meet a killer I might be forced to use my powers. He gives Elizabeth a smile of appreciatation and leans against the wall to listen to Bismarcks response. Normally he would have butt in with his own plan but he trusted Bismarck so he stayed quiet. @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98
Bismarck smiled. "....See? They wouldn't lie to you." He blinked when he was put in charge of planning. "Uhhh......we should......uh.....find food?" He suggested before his phone went off.

'Onee-chan -

By the time you read this, I will no longer be alive. I'm sending this to you as a warning:

Don't trust Chaka.

Also, I'm not your biological cousin. I'm sorry for lying to you.

I love you.


Bismarck looked, wide-eyed at the text.
Sierra....? Then it dawned on him. She was probably dead. "SIERRA! SIERRA! NOOOOOOO!"

BEEP. A text came to him from Sierra.

Sierra had just enough time to text Bismarck before getting hit by some kind of strong. She let out a scream of pain. But, when it was all said and done, there was a small smile on her face.
Chaka walked off leaving the other girl to her own devices. It really was a shame he had to kill her, she seemed nice enough. Chaka wasn't homicidal by any means, but when push came to shove he would do what was necessary. He strolled down the hallways whistling a tune as he did. Something about a hanging tree. He slowly made his way towards the cafeteria feeling that he could use some grub. @femjapanriceball (@anyonelse

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