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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Kazehana said:
SerenaAfter the sudden and surprising test was revealed, her eyes widened. The teachers had killed themselves, and she knew they were falling into anarchy. Well that was great. She flipped her backpack over her shoulder and took a brief moment to determine who was the most occupied. The freshmen. Perfect. She nimbly darted around their silly squabbles, not paying much mind to the severity of their fighting. It was easy to ignore their screams, but she couldn't help but feel awful for this cruel twist. Her eyes kept darting until she made it out of the gymnasium, essentially putting her in what she assumed was the clear. First thing was first. She made her way down the hall in a deliberate fashion, making sure to take alternative routes if one was occupied with a vicious fight. Son, she burst into the empty cafeteria, satisfied that there was no one to speak of already present. Of course, if this was to last three days, she would need all the essentials. She ran into the kitchen, locking all the doors and barring them shut with various heavy appliances. It of course took quite a bit of effort, but she managed. Once she was done, she flipped the lights on to reveal what she had to work with. First thing was first: to check the food situation. There was quite a bit of food, so she knew she could last. But there was enough for several other students, perhaps the entire student body for two days. But how would she know who to trust? She honestly had no idea what her status was since she hadn't bothered to pick up the paper. She wouldn't be killing anyone either way. The idea sort of had no ground when she thought about it. After all, if no one participated, no one would have to die. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as people had already started killing many others. How would she know who to let in and who to help? They could very well try to kill her as well!

She walked to the kitchen. Not running, or sprinting. Just walked. Though the chaos she occurred she was already feed up with it. She just wanted everyone to shut up.The gun still by her side. She saw the door cracked open, as lifted her gun out. To see a girl, she snuck up behind her, placing the gun to her head. "Killer-" she cocked the gun. Making it clear that she won't just bluffing. "Or survivor".

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    The boy looked over at his friend and jumped a bit "Scare me some more why don't you." He said sarcastically while getting up and dusting off his pants. But he stopped after hearing what Eric said "Y-You killed someone?" The boy asked while moving back a bit shaking his head in disbelief "N-No you won't do something like that.....would you?" Hide asked the boy again. He was having a hard time trying to figure out the school not that it was coming along nicely or easily. But the fact that his friend that he trusted killed someone and told him that easily made him sick to his stomach it felt like he was going to throw up again. As soon as he seen the girl of his dreams he sorta lost the sickening feeling but it was still there and fighting back the butterflies forming in his stomach "I'm a s-survivor. What about you two?" He asked gesturing to both Eric and Cezanne.


    Rai growled a bit turning around "Was I suppose to be scared I couldn't tell." She stated coldly. Even if she was mean to her friend she knew that hopefully he won't leave her just like everyone else had. She wouldn't have cared either way of course but she somewhat would just miss his company "Of course I choose killer why do you think I brought my scissors you idiot." Rai told the boy pulling out her scissors tracing the edge with her thumb.



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She kept right on going upon hearing the girl trying to sneak up behind her. Did she now know that Serena had impeccable hearing? After all, she did have perfect pitch. She started looking through the refrigerator to see what she could make for lunch, clearly not taking this too seriously. "Hello Aliyah. How did you get in here?" she asked, opening a drawer to look at the cheeses they had. She was having a craving, and she certainly wasn't going to be stingy with this much food. "Care for some cheese? There's plenty extra," she offered, taking two blocks out and turning around. She held one out, smiling at the girl as she did. As it stood, she had no idea if she was a killer or a survivor, and she really didn't want to lie. Plus it was far more amusing to simply start talking as if nothing was happening. Serena wondered briefly if Aliyah even liked cheese, but shrugged it off as he knew she would find out soon. Aliyah knew her, so it stood to reason that she knew that Serena's abilities were limited through the use of an instrument, so she was of little threat holding cheese regardless.

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Eric noticed the girl whom seemed a little afraid. "Well of course I am a survivor, and the girl had it coming to her, she had just killed a boy. The fewer killers there are to hunt us down the better." He looked to see both of their expressions. He had a cruel since of justice because after his experiences, he punished people when he could. "I was thinking ahead for our, or should I say your safety."

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming
He stared at the Phoenix with awe "dude that's awesome" however his admiration was cut short by his stomach growling. "Its a good thing I got this" he pulled out his backpack....which had been left open. "Noooo.I had so much food in there" he looked over to Bismarck "we need to get to the cafeteria and get some food" he's back to his non serious self after quickly getting bored of this test @femjapanriceball
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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.0c2d27b39683dd061fb51f595f5387fc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.0c2d27b39683dd061fb51f595f5387fc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "ohh. My friend has Sass!" He said laughing as he pulled out his Dagger. His grin twitched. "You cant scare me and piss me off Little Ria!" He said Laughing at the nick name he had given her at some point since they had met. He twisted his dagger in his hands looking at her with a playfull, Sick grin.



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    "What do you mean your survival? You're here to so its all our survival you are so called protecting." He stated while poking the boy's forehead smiling "I know you had a good reason don't worry I'm just surprised you told me so easily is all. Snack?" Hide asked the boy while twisting his pack around to the front of his body opening it and looking inside. "Wait so all of us are survivors? Sweet!" The boy exclaimed in complete joy while pulling the two of them into a hug blushing a bit of how close he was to Cez. Soon after this he let go and continued to scuffle around in the pack looking for the candy he most enjoyed.


    The girl shrugged in annoyance "Who said I was trying to do that?" Rai asked while watching the dagger in his hand "You see the idiot who's announcing he's a killer causing a giant panic in the gym?" She asked the boy putting her scissors away. Sitting against the wall and looking at her friend with a plain look "You can be annoying when you yell so much...." Rai told the boy dully while looking up at the sky.

Eric didn't except to be pulled into a group hug and was nearly shocked into his ghostly form. Then after wards he began to fell tired, and he clutched his fist. If he could bleed his fingers would have dug into his hands and drawn blood. "Well you can't hit what you can't hit." He said jokingly. Then he made one arm ghostly but it was still visible. He moved his arm through his friend. It probably felt cold as it moved through him. "Did I not tell you before?" He asked to him self. "Well that is great that we are all survivors. But I feel like I should have already passed this test." All considering he was a true survivor. He retracted his arm and made it solid again. "I am getting tired, before long you won't be able to see me."

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.21efc1d988f4bc8dde8994561303ca52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.21efc1d988f4bc8dde8994561303ca52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Puffing out a air from his chest. He gave her a scrowl. It's not like is paying attention. They are all turning on each other! and im not yelling." he said feigning hurt. "Am I really that annoying?" He said with a pout face. He couldn't help it. He insisted on trying to make her laugh.



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    The boy felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked up "What do you mean?" He asked not being the smartest person let alone if he was even smart. He looked at the arm of the boy reappear and finally he put two and two together "Y-You're dead....aren't you?" The boy asked him his voice full of utter despair and sadness. He'll lose his best friend and that's something he wanted to stop soon his eyes changed from sadness to determination in a snap of a finger "I'll help you stay here what do I need to do?" Hide questioned while thinking to himself about what he was doing he didn't know the first thing of helping a dead ghost or whatever it was that his friend was. After hearing Cez out he nodded a bit "If you disappearing can't be helped lets find a spot that's suitable for an amazing friend like you!" The boy exclaimed while grabbing a reeses pieces bites from his pack flipping around on his back again and eating the candy smiling.


    She rolled her eyes and looked at the ground in front of her "I suppose you're right for once you baka..." She muttered a bit. While turning her gaze back to the boy she looked at his pouting face returning her same cold stare "Only when you try and I think you're still trying....if its to make me laugh you know I gave up all emotions especially happy ones a long time ago." Rai told the boy in an icy tone frowning a bit. She hated when the boy tried to make her laugh and it usually only ended up in his failure this would be around his....twenty attempt give or take she wasn't keep track anymore.

"I am both dead and alive, it happened before I meet you but I won't just disappear and be gone. I struggle to maintain a solid form so I won't always be visible. That gives us an advantage though, I can always scout a head without a worry." He looked around, they had some food, they would have to use it sparingly though. "Okay let's head to the woods, there might be food there but if there isn't use what you have sparingly. Also I am not a ghost rather I am magical essence. I will tell everything once we start moving." He loom towards the forest trying to see if there was anyone else that way. Once in the forest they would have to make preparations.

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming

  • ]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.68832ac74584c7d14de02f8b23177423.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.68832ac74584c7d14de02f8b23177423.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Sighing he looked at her. "I may be Baka, But I know things. and how to blend in." He said rollin his eyes "Your indeed a heartless woman, Maybe I can at least get a smile out of thee cold stone on front of me?" He said poking her and laughing. Counting all the times he tried to make her laugh, Ever since they met he supposed.



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    "Sparely? I don't wanna have to wait to eat my candy what if I really really really want some and I'm full?" He asked while following after them both. After awhile of this he just sighed and smiles "Forest adventure with Cez,Eric, and Hide! Good book title...." Hide thought aloud while mindlessly turning on his music turning it up loud enough for the group to hear. As he did so he heard Cezanna hum so he turned his music down some listening to the music from his headphones and the girl's humming...mostly the girl though. What could he say he liked her and she was amazing at singing...not that he'd have any guts to tell her that while thinking this he looked at Eric "How are we suppose to know what's editable and what isn't?" The boy asked him curiously while showing his stupidity as he grinned and scarfed down the rest of the bad of reeses pieces.


    She swatted his hand away growling at him "That's what surprise me." Rai muttered to the boy while looking at the ground. The girl smacked the back of his head "You know I don't liked being touched." She reminded him again while wiping the hand she swatted him with on the floor on the roof. Nodding at what he said "Yea I know I'm heartless and I plan on keeping that way. You can't make me smile by poking me that just annoys me more....do you plan on getting cut by my scissors? If not don't poke me again or you won't have to worry about your fingers anymore." The girl stated harshly while crossing her arms.

"Well, you will eat them and if you don't died then we know it is safe to eat." He said jokingly. "Can you still assess the Internet on that thing? If we can look up the things we find." He didn't like the face that everyone could hear the music since it was so risky but he allowed it for the time being since they were the only people they knew of being in the forest. "If we hear any one other people you have to turn the music off. Look for any good shelter, we can stay in. Preferable high up so we can see others. Once we are settled we can talk more."

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming

Aliyah simply sigh, finally noticing who it was. "Serena this isn't a joke people are dying out there. You need to be more careful." She looked the cafeteria door before going back to the freshman. She only knew serena from a few encounters but she had a good impression. She took a cheese from her hand before thanking her. "Get as many food as you can and the rest find a hiding spot or destroy. If you want to survive this unharmed you have to make people want to be you're ally or kill for you for what you have. Either way the need you. That's how you will survive." She took another bag before stuffing it with food. She was being a realist rather than believing that everything would be just fine and dandy if they thought of peace at the school. Heck even the outside world wasn't like that. "We need to stick together if we want to be alive after this. Remember we are survivors not diplomats. Because they will sure as hell kill you before you even have time to negotiate."

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.8a4f8551d91dc5623445c2d3b421e523.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/untitled7.png.8a4f8551d91dc5623445c2d3b421e523.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> When she swatted his hand away he laughed. Then ignited his flames. around his fingers. "Oui! I do. But where's the fun without you flustered or annoyed." Yep, He had chosen to provoke her. "And I don't need fingers. Just my head, madam! Now without any futher stalling, we should probably fine food for a while, else we might starve to death." He said playing with his flames.



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    "Oh...okay sure thing!" He said his voice full of enthusiasm he enjoyed trying new things and his friends should know this from every time they went some where with exotic food he'd have to try it regardless...it usually ended up with him sick. After thinking about what his magically friend said he looked some what disappointed "You were joking weren't you?" Hide asked the enthusiasm flooding from his eyes. Eventually he nodded and turned the music off "Okay I'll just turn it off now we have Cez's amazing humming we can use as music." He stated his cheeks heating up a bit at what he just said but smiled none the less at both of them "Why can't we talk now I mean we're doing so right now so...." The boy trailed off not really knowing how to finish the sentence but he just hoped the boy understood what he meant either way "Wait seriously Cez you know this stuff?" Hide asked her while hugging her smiling and laughing along with of course blushing "You're a life saver no an angel sent from the heavens!" He exclaimed in full excitement. After lifting her up he seen what she was pointing to "Its a bridge...." He said mostly to himself while putting the girl down and releasing her from the hug he looked at the bridge confused. Why would there be a random bridge going between two trees? He thought well not for long it looked safe enough for them to stay.


    She growled and nodded a bit "Okay fine I'll just cut your head off along with your fingers it can't be that hard I did it before." She stated coldly as she remembered the poor man that tried hitting on her and feeling the blood on her hands and it seeing it ooze out of the man's neck. The girl just nodded to herself "Its what he deserved....." She reminded herself in a small voice before looking back up at Twis with her patted stare "Yea lets go if we can't find the food I can always just eat you that should keep me feed for awhile." The girl told the boy and showing no signs that she was joking around him with. He should know by now that she doesn't play jokes when it comes to surviving not anymore.


She shrugged, simply looking for more foods. If she wasn't to stay here, she would need some nonrefridgerated food. So she started taking various things from the pantry and shoved them into her bag in case of emergency. "I'll be fine dear. After all, it's not like they're going to catch me," she said, bringing up a smile as she put more food in the bag. "Well that puts a slight damper on my plans. I was going to hang out in the air vents for a while, but you probably can't fit like I can," she said, frowning in contemplation. The easiest out in her mind was simply not being present enough for people to find her. She was vaguely aware of some people that might be able to track her, but she dismissed the thought. They could, after all, all be survivors. She still didn't know what her supposed role is, but she figured no one else did either. So killers would just kill her, or survivors for that matter. It was just sort of a vague free for all. She stood up and secured her backpack on her back. "Alright," she huffed, "Where to? I assume we can't stay here since we'd just be sitting ducks in a place everyone would eventually go for when they get hungry," she reasoned, satisfied with their food. Then it hit her: water! She quickly grabbed a few, sticking them in the bag's side pockets, then the rest where she could fit them. "There! Now all we need is a bathroom," she joked, though realized it was true. Well this was basically the hunger games: biome - school.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but you are right we can talk as we go." He looked to where they were going, it was an interesting place. "Cez said their was more to then we knew perhaps she could tell us about her self?" He nudged her towards Hide, ignoring his own feelings for the boy. He knew how the two felt about each other, it was easy to see. They acted like little school children who were heads over hills for each other.
Cicero said:

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    "Oh...okay sure thing!" He said his voice full of enthusiasm he enjoyed trying new things and his friends should know this from every time they went some where with exotic food he'd have to try it regardless...it usually ended up with him sick. After thinking about what his magically friend said he looked some what disappointed "You were joking weren't you?" Hide asked the enthusiasm flooding from his eyes. Eventually he nodded and turned the music off "Okay I'll just turn it off now we have Cez's amazing humming we can use as music." He stated his cheeks heating up a bit at what he just said but smiled none the less at both of them "Why can't we talk now I mean we're doing so right now so...." The boy trailed off not really knowing how to finish the sentence but he just hoped the boy understood what he meant either way "Wait seriously Cez you know this stuff?" Hide asked her while hugging her smiling and laughing along with of course blushing "You're a life saver no an angel sent from the heavens!" He exclaimed in full excitement. After lifting her up he seen what she was pointing to "Its a bridge...." He said mostly to himself while putting the girl down and releasing her from the hug he looked at the bridge confused. Why would there be a random bridge going between two trees? He thought well not for long it looked safe enough for them to stay.


    She growled and nodded a bit "Okay fine I'll just cut your head off along with your fingers it can't be that hard I did it before." She stated coldly as she remembered the poor man that tried hitting on her and feeling the blood on her hands and it seeing it ooze out of the man's neck. The girl just nodded to herself "Its what he deserved....." She reminded herself in a small voice before looking back up at Twis with her patted stare "Yea lets go if we can't find the food I can always just eat you that should keep me feed for awhile." The girl told the boy and showing no signs that she was joking around him with. He should know by now that she doesn't play jokes when it comes to surviving not anymore.

  • Twis smiled "you would kill your only friend?" The boy questioned, while smirking and cocking his head. "No worries if it came to that I will roast you!" He said with a false laugh. He started walking towards the Cafe. To explore a bit "coming little Rei?" He sung as he went. He looked back at her and smirked "maybe we can find you some Cofee?" He laughed.


    "I like nature and books, put the two together and well, I read a lot." She said silently, as he complimented her humming and picked her up into a hug, which was awkward due to her book bag. After he put her down she smiled a little at the compliment. "No, I'm not an angel, I am merely a very active reader." She said and turned and jumped onto a tree.

    After climbing the tree with simple ease, even with a book bag, she sat on the bridge the five trees had so kindly made a temporary shelter. She blushed a bit as she was nudged closer. Then sighed. "I said you don't know about me. But Hide knows pretty much everything, or so I think." She stated.

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    "Yea no kidding now I really just wanna try anything we find that isn't deadly first I already called it!" He stated clearly without a singly glint in his eyes of taking no for an answer. Not that he would even if it did show that he was scared but these are just plants and Cez said she had a book on this stuff so he trusted her. Well he trusted anyone in his group. While thinking about who knows what he seen Eric push? More of a gentle nudge anyways he pushed Cez closer to him making the boy's cheeks heat up a bit and giving Eric a questioning look. 'Is it THAT obvious?' was pretty much the face he gave the boy which ended up in a smile and a fit of laughter as he wrapped Eric in a headlock shuffling his hair around laughing "You know its not nice to do stuff like that." Hide told the boy as he let him go smiling from cheek to cheek poking the boy's forehead like he always did. It wasn't to be mean or cruel it was just a happy small gesture of gratitude. He turned to Cezanna chuckling "Yea and that habit will safe our lives." He stated while following her up the tree "Yep I'm sure I can get any answer right on a quiz about Cez......okay that sounded weird." The boy said looking down at his dangling feet blushing.


    She nodded "For survival yes yes I would." She said plainly while following the boy. After hearing the boy she growled "I'd like to see you try that you'd be on the ground flat with your tongue cut off." Rai told the boy scowling at Twis's attempt to tease her about her coffee addition "Sure I'll take a cup and smash it on your head you fucking douche." She stated coldly while glaring daggers or in her case scissors at the boy.



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When he was given the look Eric nodded his head yes and he blushed slightly when the boy messed up his hair. Once up in the tree he looked down at everything. "Well you can go ahead and eat I don't need to. I guess it is my turn to talk about my self, but you can't think differently of me." He took in a deep breath, and waited a moment before speaking. "Well I had been abused since I was in middle school up until the time I was seventeen as you know. However, my bully nearly killed me. He pushed me into on coming traffic, in a rushed moment I destroyed my body and transform what was left of me into magical essence. Now this is the part that you can't judge me for." Again he took in a deep breath, almost unwilling to say anything else. "My parents abused me and neglected me as well so when I sort of died I had also gained some more strength. I got revenge on those who had wronged me by killing them." He then became silent.

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming

Though she wanted to put out a slight grin she knew there was no time for it. They had to destroy the rest and get out of there ASAP. "Somewhere where people will least expect us to be. But we need to find that place quick to wait it out. Probably rest since I expect most people will try to kill at night. Like the idiots they are." It finally occurred to her that most of the people in the school was only book smart. And they would probably die in the first night. No one was smart enough to get essentials nor try to be resourceful. Instead every choice the obvious things.

"I brought camping supplies and other things so we can probably make a fortress of our own. That is until the three days are over. This won't be like hunger games because the game doesn't end when only one person is left. The game ends when people play smart. Clearly it might take a while." She started to burn the remainder of the food with her abilities. Knowing she probably won't burn the kitchen down. She stopped it when there was nothing left, but ash and smoke. "Alright we need to find our fortress fast before people find out what we have.Remain calm and don't tell anyone we were in here. If anything we were still in the gym."


She frowned, a bit offended by her comment. "I know how to strategize. There's a reason I'm the top of the class," she pouted, almost blown away by how dumb this girl thought she was. Well then again, it wasn't like she ever talked about it. It was only ever relevant when someone insulted her intelligence anyway. "Are you sure that burning the food was the smart choice? We could still run out, and people tend to get desperate when they're hungry," she observed, tilting her head from side to side. "Well, never mind the past. You lead the way; I have no idea what fortress you are talking about," she replied, shifting her backpack to be snug. They would most likely have to do some running, and she didn't want to risk losing anything, especially her flute. Despite everything she had said, she didn't have a clue what Aliyah was hinting at, so she just figured she'd go along with it. After all, she could always retreat to the air vents!

Cicero said:

  • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

    "Yea no kidding now I really just wanna try anything we find that isn't deadly first I already called it!" He stated clearly without a singly glint in his eyes of taking no for an answer. Not that he would even if it did show that he was scared but these are just plants and Cez said she had a book on this stuff so he trusted her. Well he trusted anyone in his group. While thinking about who knows what he seen Eric push? More of a gentle nudge anyways he pushed Cez closer to him making the boy's cheeks heat up a bit and giving Eric a questioning look. 'Is it THAT obvious?' was pretty much the face he gave the boy which ended up in a smile and a fit of laughter as he wrapped Eric in a headlock shuffling his hair around laughing "You know its not nice to do stuff like that." Hide told the boy as he let him go smiling from cheek to cheek poking the boy's forehead like he always did. It wasn't to be mean or cruel it was just a happy small gesture of gratitude. He turned to Cezanna chuckling "Yea and that habit will safe our lives." He stated while following her up the tree "Yep I'm sure I can get any answer right on a quiz about Cez......okay that sounded weird." The boy said looking down at his dangling feet blushing.


    She nodded "For survival yes yes I would." She said plainly while following the boy. After hearing the boy she growled "I'd like to see you try that you'd be on the ground flat with your tongue cut off." Rai told the boy scowling at Twis's attempt to tease her about her coffee addition "Sure I'll take a cup and smash it on your head you fucking douche." She stated coldly while glaring daggers or in her case scissors at the boy.


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