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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Wyatt said:
Eric walked into the gym taking a seat next to a senior that was on the edge of seniors and juniors. He looked at the senior and quickly looked away.
Bismarck looked at the junior who sat next to him, who had almost immediately looked away. Oh, dear. They still remember the talent show incident? He sighed, looking at the floor, then back at the teachers. They were still, unmoving, like statues. Bismarck could have sworn that had he walked up the stairs and slapped one of them across the face, they'd still be indifferent. Weird...really weird. Seriously, what's up with them?

She set down her flute, having had enough of today's practice. She turned off the metronome and sat silently for a few seconds, just looking blankly at the sheet music. And with that, she took a few deep breaths, just clearing her mind. The bell had just rang, and she needed to get started with her day. How tedious. She carefully swabbed out her flute and put it neatly back in its case, snapping it shut to encase the instrument inside. She slowed her folder and placed it neatly back in her organized backpack, making sure it fell in exactly the right spot. She flung her backpack onto her back, then lifted the strap to her flute case over her shoulder to carry it as well. Once ready, she headed into the hall.

She had of course known about the assembly, as all student council members would have. But what was strange was that she had no idea what it was about. It had caused quite the commotion in the meeting before her practice. Everyone was talking and speculating about what it might have been. But now was the time to find out, as it was about to start. She walked casually in the hall, making sure to keep her eyes on her path and her expression neutral as ever. Some excited freshmen bounded past her, no doubt excited to get out of class. To be honest, she was too, but she was unnerved by all the secrecy.

Upon entering the gymnasium, her eyes instantly darted around the room to observe all that was happening. The students appeared normal, acting as juvenile as ever with their countenance and self portrayal. However, the teachers were not as thrilled to be there. One might have speculated that they were displeased with the notion of having to practically babysit these children, but they seemed disinterested in their shenanigans. She eyed them suspiciously, though not wanting to interact with them. That might only alert to them that there was a disturbance with the students, indicating that she knew what was up.

Instead, she took a seat on the edge of the student section, not particularly next to anyone at all. Besides, she did not want to get distracted during whatever presentation this was. From what the council gathered, this had something to do with some new test they had to take. She hoped it would at least not be standardized; they had enough of those already. She set her backpack and her flute case on her lap so she could leave as soon as the presentation was done. If she was lucky, she might even have time to prepare and sharpen her pencils or something. For now, she simply scanned the area, trying to speculate what was going on.

Eric stumbled to find words to speak with but after a moment he spoke to the senior. "Do you know what is going on?" Out of all of the academic clubs he was in he wasn't in student council. They always seemed to know what these things where about, however he was always busy with his other clubs. He often traveled as a result of them. @femjapanriceball
Wyatt said:
Eric stumbled to find words to speak with but after a moment he spoke to the senior. "Do you know what is going on?" Out of all of the academic clubs he was in he wasn't in student council. They always seemed to know what these things where about, however he was always busy with his other clubs. He often traveled as a result of them. @femjapanriceball
Bismarck looked over at the boy, who asked him whether he knew what was going on. He shook his head; despite being the secretary of student council, he'd never been told anything about this. "....No, sorry...I don't....nobody ever mentioned this in the student council meeting yesterday......" He bit his lip, getting more and more anxious by the second.
Rai walked into the gym sitting in the back away from everyone cutting the air with her scissors and taking another sip of her drink.

Hide jolted up "Dang it I missed the bus on my first day!" He stated while getting dress and putting his headphones around his neck and shoving his duffle bag full of snacks and his baseball bat. After doing so he made his way to school and he some how managed to trip over his shoes when he entered to gym. The boy pushed himself up and dusted his clothes off smiling "Am I to late?" The boy asked while sitting down in a random seat eating a snickers.
Melane sat down next to Sierra and held her breath. 10 seconds later she realised it was no use so let it out again.

Riley had noticed something was off the moment she'd left the bus and her feet touched the academy grounds, but she hadn't mentioned it to anyone else. The vampire was somewhat of a loner, anyways. She wandered the hallways, as was her custom before the first bell rang; but an announcement sounded out just after it did so, calling for all students to report to the gym. She'd forgotten about the assembly.. probably because she didn't know what it was about, and Riley almost always forgot things she deemed unimportant.

The vampire had strolled easily to the gym after packing her things in her locker, taking a seat next to a nice-enough looking freshman and waiting not-so-patiently for the assembly to start. Her red eyes scanned the room for any hints of danger; every sense was screaming Danger!

"So," began the vampire, trying to quell both her boredom and the strong sense of unease she felt. "You know what this assembly is about?" She wondered if the freshman--looking a bit murderous with her scissors--would actually speak to her. Most freshmen trembled away from seniors.

Lilac Dubois

It was an ordinary day for Lilac, so far. She had gotten dressed, placed a book in her bag, grabbed a new pack of lollipops from her endless supply in the closet and sprinted towards what her day had in store for her. Lilac had always ran to school on foot, surpassing the buses and cars who were competing to get to the finish line first, but they didn't stand a chance. In no time she stepped foot on campus, barely breaking a sweat. Walking from the fresh outdoor air and into the sweaty blob of what was her school, she had noticed a rather large group of students heading into the gym. Lilac was very forgetful and hadn't remembered the gathering that was occurring today, but she followed the flow of students entering. As she made it inside the gymnasium, her eyes were bouncing from face to face. The unpleasant sea of chatter flowed through her. She did not mind the loudness, but what had bothered her was the lack of synchronization and steadiness. Being used to his horrid feeling of the unbalancing sounds, Lilac picked out the juniors from the crowd and an unoccupied seat in the back. Making her way there, she was beaten by a boy with a bed head. A small sigh escaped her lips as she was forced to sit in front of him. Lilac slightly moved a couple of her long, silver strands of hair out of her eyes as she took out a book. She simply read as she awaited for the rest to gather.

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iSurvivor said:
Melane sat down next to Sierra and held her breath. 10 seconds later she realised it was no use so let it out again.
Sierra patted Melane. "It'll be fine. I just know it. It's not like we're all gonna die or something. I'm sure they're just gonna give us some kinda pep talk. Y'know, 'blah blah blah this test will help fund Hölle blah blah blah do your best'," she joked.
Chaka happily followed the others as they exitted the bust. Strangley enough he was always the last one of the bus. He figured it was because of his courteous tensions. He refused to push through all his fellow student, and was often worried one of his strings might get caught on someone unintentionally. So he waited until everyone left, and as he was waking off he noticed someone had left their coat on the bus. He picked it up in hopes of finding the owner. As he walked towards the school he felt a cold feeling and smiled." Ahh cold, yes that's a trap spell I'd know one anywhere." Chaka said before going and joining the others in the gymnasium. He sat along with some other seniors and hummed happily as he waited for the announcement. @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Thatonechillgirl @Cicero @Robyn Banks
femjapanriceball said:
Sierra patted Melane. "It'll be fine. I just know it. It's not like we're all gonna die or something. I'm sure they're just gonna give us some kinda pep talk. Y'know, 'blah blah blah this test will help fund Hölle blah blah blah do your best'," she joked.
"Yeah," smiled Melane, "Friends?"
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Haruka walked into the assembly room and looked around at the look on everyone's face. He immediately picked up on the wrongness of the situation. He slowly walked in between the junior and the senior section until he saw Bismarck, he could tell by the concerned look on his face that he had no idea what was going on either. He took a seat near him. Not caring that he was in the senior section. "I don't trust this..."
Christophe l'Zombi sat amongst a group of friends in the gymnasium, joking amongst themselves quietly, even as the announcement droned on and on. They were all seniors, what did they care? All of them were accepted into colleges, all they had to do was not fail their finals and they'd be home free from this place.
iSurvivor said:
"Yeah," smiled Melane, "Friends?"
"Sure, friends." Sierra grinned, shaking Melane's hand. "Let's pass this thing!"

Shnuydude said:
Haruka walked into the assembly room and looked around at the look on everyone's face. He immediately picked up on the wrongness of the situation. He slowly walked in between the junior and the senior section until he saw Bismarck, he could tell by the concerned look on his face that he had no idea what was going on either. He took a seat near him. Not caring that he was in the senior section. "I don't trust this..."
Bismarck looked up, seeing Haruka, his friend and fellow chess enthusiast, sit next to him. Despite not being a senior. But Bismarck was never really a stickler for rules. "......Me neither," he said. "There's something.....off....about the teachers.....guess we'll find out when—"

"Attention." The voice of Doctor Hölle, the principal and founder of the school, filled the gym. Bismarck looked up.

"There's our answer," he whispered.

"Now, as you know, you have been summoned here for the details on this year's final exam. And here they are; this is a test of literal survival to find out who is suited for this world and who...." His eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd. "Isn't. The rules are simple:

1. Students will be divided into two groups, Killers and Survivors. If you are a Killer, your job is to take the lives of as many students as possible. If you're a Survivor, you must last three or more days without getting killed. You will be assigned these shortly.

2. You are not allowed to leave the school

3. Do whatever it takes."

Bismarck cocked an eyebrow. Was this a joke?

"We will now be assigning positions. Please look at the bottom of your seat. You will see a piece of paper with your assignment."

Bismarck stood up, and he did indeed see a piece of paper. He flipped it over.

Bismarck D. Saedor - Male - 18 - Gifted Human - Survivor

"What the heck?" he whispered.

"You will start at the sound of the gunshot." And simultaneously, all the teachers held guns to their heads.

"AAAAAAHHHHH! NOOOOOO!" Sierra screamed.


femjapanriceball said:
"Sure, friends." Sierra grinned, shaking Melane's hand. "Let's pass this thing!"
Bismarck looked up, seeing Haruka, his friend and fellow chess enthusiast, sit next to him. Despite not being a senior. But Bismarck was never really a stickler for rules. "......Me neither," he said. "There's something.....off....about the teachers.....guess we'll find out when—"

"Attention." The voice of Doctor Hölle, the principal and founder of the school, filled the gym. Bismarck looked up.

"There's our answer," he whispered.

"Now, as you know, you have been summoned here for the details on this year's final exam. And here they are; this is a test of literal survival to find out who is suited for this world and who...." His eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd. "Isn't. The rules are simple:

1. Students will be divided into two groups, Killers and Survivors. If you are a Killer, your job is to take the lives of as many students as possible. If you're a Survivor, you must last three or more days without getting killed. You will be assigned these shortly.

2. You are not allowed to leave the school

3. Do whatever it takes."

Bismarck cocked an eyebrow. Was this a joke?

"We will now be assigning positions. Please look at the bottom of your seat. You will see a piece of paper with your assignment."

Bismarck stood up, and he did indeed see a piece of paper. He flipped it over.

Bismarck D. Saedor - Male - 18 - Gifted Human - Survivor

"What the heck?" he whispered.

"You will start at the sound of the gunshot." And simultaneously, all the teachers held guns to their heads.

"AAAAAAHHHHH! NOOOOOO!" Sierra screamed.


"Come on!" Melane grabbed Sierra by the wrist, "Let's go, wait, killer or survivor?"
Chaka stood up and smiled as his string grabbed the piece of paper under his seat."Oh look guys I'm a killer better run or I'm gonna get ya!" Chaka said in a friendly manner as he walked around looking at all the panicking students."Geez what's wrong with everyone? Haven't any of you seen a dead body before... Or a dozen.. Well you better run unless you want to die." Chaka warned now his string was moving about preparing to strike any students he could. Chaka wasn't homicidal by any means he was a survivalist and knew if this was for real everyone involved would be in danger of dying.@everyone
Solemn Jester]@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Thatonechillgirl @Cicero [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23225-robyn-banks/ said:
@Robyn Banks[/URL]
why does no one ever tag me xD )
iSurvivor said:
"Come on!" Melane grabbed Sierra by the wrist, "Let's go, wait, killer or survivor?"
".....Survivor....." Sierra muttered, still in shock. She trembled, then burst into tears. This was just too much. "I....I.....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!"
It was the gunshots that broke Christophe and his group out of their avid conversation. They all looked around in confusion, as panic erupted across the room, spreading like a wildfire. Kids were shouting, crying, starting to run for the exit, or attempting to attack one another. A boy on Christophe's right was suddenly strangled by the one behind him; a girl to his left collapsed bawling.

Bewildered, he stood and began pacing away from the heart of the chaos, towards one of the exits to the gymnasium. The first thing he needed to do was get to safety; then he'd be able to sort all this craziness out.
Haruka checked under his own seat and found a paper for him. But I'm not even in the right section he looks over at Bismarcks paper and sees that they're both survivors. He hears the gunshots and watches as the teachers fall to the ground. The chaos of all the students panicking was frightening. He grabbed Bismarcks wrist. "We need to run come on" he wanted to run out of this room. Hopefully Bismarck wasn't in too much shock and would follow him
femjapanriceball said:
".....Survivor....." Sierra muttered, still in shock. She trembled, then burst into tears. This was just too much. "I....I.....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!"
"Same. This is quite a shock but let's hope no one has any weapons..." she hushed her tone, "Like the teacher's guns... Anyway, is Bismark one too? There's a woods one the grounds, right? If so, that'll give us the best cover..."
Chaka couldn't help but notice Bismarck's little cousin, or sister whatever she was to him running away with another girl."Ohh fun I love a good hunt, and if anyone going to kill my friends family I think it should be me." Chaka said noble like as he chased after them." Hey Sierra! Come out I'm not going to hurt you! Come with me and I'll protect you from all the other killers. You can trust me I'm friends with Bismarck! " Chaka called out his tone worried and pleading as he looked around for them. @femjapanriceball @iSurvivor
Shnuydude said:
Haruka checked under his own seat and found a paper for him. But I'm not even in the right section he looks over at Bismarcks paper and sees that they're both survivors. He hears the gunshots and watches as the teachers fall to the ground. The chaos of all the students panicking was frightening. He grabbed Bismarcks wrist. "We need to run come on" he wanted to run out of this room. Hopefully Bismarck wasn't in too much shock and would follow him
Bismarck held onto Haruka's hand, nodding. ".....Right." He had an expression of shock on his face as he ran out. ".....W-we need to hide...." he said quietly. "....Wait. SIERRA! SIERRA!" he shouted. "WHERE ARE YOU?! SIERRA!" He saw Chaka walk towards her and sighed in relief. She'll be fine. I trust Chaka.

"Come on, let's go."

iSurvivor said:
"Same. This is quite a shock but let's hope no one has any weapons..." she hushed her tone, "Like the teacher's guns... Anyway, is Bismark one too? There's a woods one the grounds, right? If so, that'll give us the best cover..."


"....I....I don't know.....I don't think we can risk it....." Sierra muttered. "Let's just hide in the woods until it's—" She turned around, seeing the guy from the bus call out to her. "....You're.....Onii-Chan's friend....? W-well....okay...."

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