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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Cirillia Vines

@TripTripleTimes (mentioned) @anyoneelse

Killer. That's what it said on the paper when she got it. Ciri didn't know what to do, she wasn't a violent person at all. Yet. Here it was having her kill someone. She wouldn't do it, she couldn't. She absolutely refused. There was no way she could kill someone, she wasn't even sure if she could do it in self defense. Though, she knew she would have to..but still. The next thing she thought of was Emmanuel and what he got too. What..what if he got survivor? He was strong, but..she didn't like the possibility of it. She hoped he got killer, she really did. Not to kill people, but for a better chance of survival. She would try to convince him not to kill anyone unless they had to, but she wasn't sure of his thoughts on the subject. Regardless she needed to find him no matter what. "
Emu! Where are you!" She called out, quickly hiding her paper in her dress pocket and collecting her satchel beside her. She frantically ran around the room trying to find Emmanuel and dodging any kind of fight that tried to come her way.

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    When told he could eat his snacks he smiled in delight while practically tearing the pack off of his back and eating two snickers bars and three reesie pieces. But stopped when his friend started to talk about his past he sat there and nodded a bit "Yea I remember that bully I wanted to beat the shit out of him for doing that stuff to you....." The boy stated quietly not knowing if he was heard or not as he pushed himself against the tree more looking down "I think you mentioned your parents once but I'm not sure to be honest." He said a bit louder than before but not looking up. Hide looked over at the girl smiling "They are? I thought I was just really good." He countered laughing a bit and wrapping his leg around the tree bark and letting himself fall backwards his legs the only think holding him up "Look I'm a bat!" The boy said smiling and doing a pull up smiling at the two.


    "Fuck you okay." She growled while following the boy. She sniffed the air and her eyes changed from emotionless to fury "Well just great now we have to find another food source...." Rai thought aloud as she looked around.



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Eric ended his depressing speech and just watched the others enjoying themselves. Hide had been through it all, it was amazing that he was so kind to Eric. That must have been why Eric have developed feelings for the boy. He chuckled when he say Hide acting like a bat. He looked down at the ground to make sure no one had seen the. "Cez, how good are your illusions could you make it appear as though we we're were not up here. If not I can cast a spell." He pulled out his wand.

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming
"I can, But it drains me every few minutes." She said as she began to work on it anyway. The boys would have saw what looked like a misty green fog appear from her hand as she touched the tree branch she went silent as she slowly worked away on the illusion, As it surrounded the trees and themselves. She hummed silently as she worked. She tried to ignore Hide and Eric as she did her work.

Twis groaned. "And where in a SCHOOL building would that be!" he said. a little upset and a million different thing ran through his head at once. He sighed and hummed silently as he tried to straighten his mind.

@Cicero @Wyatt

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    "Spells!?" The boy asked while trying to get up which ended up with him falling to the ground on his back with a loud thud "Owww!" He exclaimed while lifting his back up putting his hand over the stinging pain hoping it would dull it out some pain. He got up limping back to the tree looking up "I'm okay." Hide said laughing and smiles.


    Rai just shrugged a bit "Doesn't matter lets just go some where somewhere." She said duly while turning away from the coffee and walking in the direction of the school "I have a lust. A blood lust lets go find unfortunate victims." Rai suggested while pulling out her scissors cutting the air and rubbing the gem with her thumb.

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Emmanuel Leolam

Emmanuel Leolam was so, so late. Not arriving at school, no, but the young teenage took his sweet time walking towards the gymnasium. He wanted to skip out on the morning assembly knowing that the principle will be spiel about how great the school is and grade, club, ya-dee, ya-da. Emmanuel would then meet up with Cirillia after the morning announcement and the two would hang out some more before class starts. He arrived at the double door of the gymnasium to at least hear the last of the speech when he heard the loud BANG. Soon after that, the door bursts open and panicked students have all rushed out, nearly trampling the teen over.

Confused, all Emmanuel can do was follow the wave of student away from the gymnasium without looking under his seat. He could not make out of the cries and shouts and Emmanuel thinks to himself that he should have not skipped out on the morning announcement today.

"Shit, shit, shit." With every word, Emmanuel's voice became louder and louder, laced with annoyance. He needed to know what just happened. Blindly, he grabbed a student's shoulder and asked loudly, "What just happened?"

Just then, Emmanuel heard his nickname been called out. He snapped his head towards the direction where he thought he heard it. Forgetting about the student he rudely grabbed hold of, Emmanuel push his way past the students towards the sound.

"Ciri?! Is that you?" Emmanuel called out very loudly, causing heads to turn. For sure that must be Cirillia right? "Where are you?"

@Mitchs98 @Anyone who want to be the student Emmanuel just grabbed.
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"You know spells like in... Uhh... Harry Potter, I can give you an example." He flicked his wand at the boy and the boy grew a rat tail. Eric couldn't help but to laugh when it grew in. "That looks alot better don't you think?" He then sat admiring Cez's work. "You're doing a great job over there." @Cicero @LilyannaGaming
Cez only nodded to focused on her work to say anything. Once she was done, the are they where in was sound proof and looked like nobodt passed these trees in a while, also it help that she made the trees seem like they where no longer a bridge. She turned to Eric and Hide, the only people she allowed to see through the illusion. @Wyatt @Cicero

(Im passing, out but you may continue, I will check randomly as I wake up. )

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    Hide climbed up the tree again sitting down when he felt something grow out of his back "What the? Cool a rat tail!" He stated in enjoyment smiling while pulling at it letting out a small whimper of pain. He let it go of the tail and looked around "Oooo pretty...." The boy exclaimed in a low voice smiling while his eyes wandered over to Cezanna at the word 'pretty' he blushed a bit when he finally noticed he was staring at her. So he looked back down and pulled the pack and hid his face inside it smiling "S-Sorry...." Hide stuttered in a small voice. (I'm getting off as well xD Sooooo see ya guys nd have a good night)

TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel LeolamEmmanuel Leolam was so, so late. Not arriving at school, no, but the young teenage took his sweet time walking towards the gymnasium. He wanted to skip out on the morning assembly knowing that the principle will be spiel about how great the school is and grade, club, ya-dee, ya-da. Emmanuel would then meet up with Cirillia after the morning announcement and the two would hang out some more before class starts. He arrived at the double door of the gymnasium to at least hear the last of the speech when he heard the loud BANG. Soon after that, the door bursts open and panicked students have all rushed out, nearly trampling the teen over.

Confused, all Emmanuel can do was follow the wave of student away from the gymnasium without looking under his seat. He could not make out of the cries and shouts and Emmanuel thinks to himself that he should have not skipped out on the morning announcement today.

"Shit, shit, shit." With every word, Emmanuel's voice became louder and louder, laced with annoyance. He needed to know what just happened. Blindly, he grabbed a student's shoulder and asked loudly, "What just happened?"

Just then, Emmanuel heard his nickname been called out. He snapped his head towards the direction where he thought he heard it. Forgetting about the student he rudely grabbed hold of, Emmanuel push his way past the students towards the sound.

"Ciri?! Is that you?" Emmanuel called out very loudly, causing heads to turn. For sure that must be Cirillia right? "Where are you?"

@Mitchs98 @Anyone who want to be the student Emmanuel just grabbed.
Cirillia Vines

Her frantic searching was proving pointless in the chaos that was the gym. She needed to find Emmanuel and leave ASAP if there was any chance of survival. Killers were killing each other and survivors were going equally as insane. All around her there was some form of panic, crying, fighting, or killing. It was extremely horrific for the girl, so much so she felt like throwing up and curling up into a ball on the ground from fear and shock alone. She was just about to call out for Emmanuel again when she heard him call out for her. "
It's me Emu I'm over here!" She called out, running in the direction of his voice. Extremely sensitive hearing had its perks by far, and this was one of them. Thanks to Emmanuel speaking it took her no time at all to find him, she had no clue he had simply arrived late rather she thought she just couldn't find him.

Nevertheless as soon as she found him she ran up and hugged him tightly, shaking visibly out of fear and on the verge of crying. "
Emu I was so worried about you! I don't know what's going on! I-I was worried they ganged up on you and killed you or something. The teachers they..they said we had to kill people or hide for three days then shot themselves. Everyone went crazy and just went with it. I..I don't know what to do." She told him frantically, barely pausing between sentences, her grip on him only tightening further as she spoke. She neglected to tell them she had drawn killer out of fear of someone else in the room hearing it and coming after her. It was clear she was a weak person and she was sure the survivors would do everything they could to give them a better chance. "W-we need to hide and..and..get supplies I guess? I..I don't know." She added.

Ciri was by no means a shy person, so it should be clear to Emmanuel that her current emotion would be pure fear.
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Her frantic searching was proving pointless in the chaos that was the gym. She needed to find Emmanuel and leave ASAP if there was any chance of survival. Killers were killing each other and survivors were going equally as insane. All around her there was some form of panic, crying, fighting, or killing. It was extremely horrific for the girl, so much so she felt like throwing up and curling up into a ball on the ground from fear and shock alone. She was just about to call out for Emmanuel again when she heard him call out for her. "
It's me Emu I'm over here!" She called out, running in the direction of his voice. Extremely sensitive hearing had its perks by far, and this was one of them. Thanks to Emmanuel speaking it took her no time at all to find him, she had no clue he had simply arrived late rather she thought she just couldn't find him.

Nevertheless as soon as she found him she ran up and hugged him tightly, shaking visibly out of fear and on the verge of crying. "
Emu I was so worried about you! I don't know what's going on! I-I was worried they ganged up on you and killed you or something. The teachers they..they said we had to kill people or hide for three days then shot themselves. Everyone went crazy and just went with it. I..I don't know what to do." She told him frantically, barely pausing between sentences, her grip on him only tightening further as she spoke. She neglected to tell them she had drawn killer out of fear of someone else in the room hearing it and coming after her. It was clear she was a weak person and she was sure the survivors would do everything they could to give them a better chance. "W-we need to hide and..and..get supplies I guess? I..I don't know." She added.

Ciri was by no means a shy person, so it should be clear to Emmanuel that her current emotion would be pure fear.
Emmanuel Leolam

Emmanuel continued to push past the people until finally Cirillia came crashing into his chest. The girl was shaking in his arms and he patted the girl's back trying to calm her down. Emmanuel shooed and rubbed her back trying to return her to her usually upbeat and hyper girl. There was still too many people rushing around, so with Cirillia in his arms Emmanuel weaves down the hall and into a classroom where it will provide privacy for the two of them.

"Kill me?" He repeated after Cirillia with a twist of doubt in his face and continued to listen to Cirillia. The tone of her voice only urged the boy to walk faster and seek a place to sit, but still he was still skeptical about the whole killing thing. Like, this is a school for christ's sake!

"That's stupid!" Emmanuel rattled. "Nobody can make us kill each other. They're all overreacting!" A sudden scream pieced the air. The back of Emmanuel's neck tingled and his steps quickened. He dared to look back, only to find the hallway emptier than before. Emmanuel laughed a nervous giggle. "It gotta be a giant prank or something, 'cause I'm getting the creeps."

Finally, Emmanuel and Cirillia reached a door to a classroom and he swings the door wide open.
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel LeolamEmmanuel continued to push past the people until finally Cirillia came crashing into his chest. The girl was shaking in his arms and he patted the girl's back trying to calm her down. Emmanuel shooed and rubbed her back trying to return her to her usually upbeat and hyper girl. There was still too many people rushing around, so with Cirillia in his arms Emmanuel weaves down the hall and into a classroom where it will provide privacy for the two of them.

"Kill me?" He repeated after Cirillia with a twist of doubt in his face and continued to listen to Cirillia. The tone of her voice only urged the boy to walk faster and seek a place to sit, but still he was still skeptical about the whole killing thing. Like, this is a school for christ's sake!

"That's stupid!" Emmanuel rattled. "Nobody can make us kill each other. They're all overreacting!" A sudden scream pieced the air. The back of Emmanuel's neck tingled and his steps quickened. He dared to look back, only to find the hallway emptier than before. Emmanuel laughed a nervous giggle. "It gotta be a giant prank or something, 'cause I'm getting the creeps."

Finally, Emmanuel and Cirillia reached a door to a classroom and he swings the door wide open.
Cirillia Vines

Ciri felt safer with Emmanuel, calming down a little bit from his efforts but not too much. She was terrified and rightfully so, at any second one of the crazy students that were killing people seemingly because they were instructed to could run up and kill them. Or try, Emmanuel would maim them if they tried more than likely. Emmanuel didn't seem to believe her at all though, which was bad. Either that or he was just trying to calm her down while internally panicking himself. He had a point, no one could force them. Therefore she was fully intent on not killing at all unless forced to through a life or death situation. She agreed on them overreacting, but this wasn't just overreacting. This was outright insanity.

She wished he was right about it being a prank, though, from what she saw it wasn't. It couldn't of been. Soon enough they reached a empty classroom, once the door was swung open and they entered Ciri immediately tore away from Emmanuel and barricaded said door with a chair before reattaching herself to him. He was the only reason she wasn't on the ground immbolized in shock and fear. She wished she had've just skipped school today and convinced Emmanuel to do the same, sadly that wasn't the case and the both of them were now in real life-threatening danger. She shook her head as she began to answer him, "
It's not a prank Emu..I watched it..someone got stabbed to death right in front of me. I thought it was fake at first...then I looked a little closer at the body and-..they were dead.." She replied.

To make matters worse I was selected as a killer. I-I don't want to kill people Emu..I don't know why they picked me." She told him, shuddering slightly at the thought of having to kill..anyone really. She didn't even want to kill the person she hated the most in school, even when given free reign to do so. Nonetheless they had to think of a plan if they were to survive this. "I'm scared Emu, what if they kill us? What if they find us?" She asked him worriedly. "We need to think of something, get supplies, anything. What should we do? I don't want to die..."
Solemn Jester]Chaka yawned and moved along with the girls waving bye to Christophe as he did.[COLOR=#660033]"Have fun surviving or killing! Hope we meet again!"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka called as he moved around with Sierra and Melane wiping the ketchup from his breakfast off his face and rubbing his bruised nose.[/COLOR][COLOR=#660033]"God that hurt wonder what that guys probablem was?" @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14255-deadpool42/ said:
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri felt safer with Emmanuel, calming down a little bit from his efforts but not too much. She was terrified and rightfully so, at any second one of the crazy students that were killing people seemingly because they were instructed to could run up and kill them. Or try, Emmanuel would maim them if they tried more than likely. Emmanuel didn't seem to believe her at all though, which was bad. Either that or he was just trying to calm her down while internally panicking himself. He had a point, no one could force them. Therefore she was fully intent on not killing at all unless forced to through a life or death situation. She agreed on them overreacting, but this wasn't just overreacting. This was outright insanity.

She wished he was right about it being a prank, though, from what she saw it wasn't. It couldn't of been. Soon enough they reached a empty classroom, once the door was swung open and they entered Ciri immediately tore away from Emmanuel and barricaded said door with a chair before reattaching herself to him. He was the only reason she wasn't on the ground immbolized in shock and fear. She wished she had've just skipped school today and convinced Emmanuel to do the same, sadly that wasn't the case and the both of them were now in real life-threatening danger. She shook her head as she began to answer him, "
It's not a prank Emu..I watched it..someone got stabbed to death right in front of me. I thought it was fake at first...then I looked a little closer at the body and-..they were dead.." She replied.

To make matters worse I was selected as a killer. I-I don't want to kill people Emu..I don't know why they picked me." She told him, shuddering slightly at the thought of having to kill..anyone really. She didn't even want to kill the person she hated the most in school, even when given free reign to do so. Nonetheless they had to think of a plan if they were to survive this. "I'm scared Emu, what if they kill us? What if they find us?" She asked him worriedly. "We need to think of something, get supplies, anything. What should we do? I don't want to die..."
As Cirillia was stacking the chairs in front of the entrances, Emmanuel dragged the desks to clear a space by a wall. He made sure to make as little noise possible as he moved the desks around.

"I... shit," He didn't know what to say. He still could not believe that mass murder is happening in their school. He stubbornly wanted to be in denial but with how Cirillia was acting and how the whole school reacted at the gym, it was hard to not to believe the truth. They are all just highschoolers, kids. Nobody here can kill anybody. Thooouugh, there were some sketchy people in and around the school, but for sure nobody would really do something stupid like that.

Done with the small tasks, the two teenagers held of to each other tightly and cuddled on the ground. They sat like that for a while, Cirillia's face hidden at the crock of his neck and Emmanuel rested his head against her's. He had his hand behind her back while her's latched tightly onto him. He never stopped rubbing circles on her hunched back.

"Wait, there's people assigned to be killers?" He asked as they were still running back and forth finishing up their fort. That's messed up! It's a messed up game of cat and mouse! Geesh. He grimaced at the thought of Cirillia killing anyone. He could not imaged it. Then his little sister popped into his mind. He bit on his lips.

"We should just leave the school. Nobody's stopping us. We can just skip the whole thing." He huffed. "Whatever crap they said, I heard none of it. Nobody's dying tonight and we're calling the police. Oh, right." His eyes widened at the thought. "We can call for help." He fished out his phone.
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iSurvivor said:
Melane walked up to the door and pulled. It was locked. "Got any hairpins?" she asked, "Or paperclips."
@femjapanriceball @deadpool42
Chaka laughed at her request, " pshh ha please just give me a few seconds and I'll have this door opened no problem." Chaka said as he began using his wire to pick the doors lock. He moved the wire in the locking mechanism until he heard a click. Chaka looked up and smiled at Sierra and Melane," I believe I've done it." Chaka exclaimed proudly. @femjapanriceball @iSurvivor
Kazehana said:
SerenaShe frowned, a bit offended by her comment. "I know how to strategize. There's a reason I'm the top of the class," she pouted, almost blown away by how dumb this girl thought she was. Well then again, it wasn't like she ever talked about it. It was only ever relevant when someone insulted her intelligence anyway. "Are you sure that burning the food was the smart choice? We could still run out, and people tend to get desperate when they're hungry," she observed, tilting her head from side to side. "Well, never mind the past. You lead the way; I have no idea what fortress you are talking about," she replied, shifting her backpack to be snug. They would most likely have to do some running, and she didn't want to risk losing anything, especially her flute. Despite everything she had said, she didn't have a clue what Aliyah was hinting at, so she just figured she'd go along with it. After all, she could always retreat to the air vents!

"Yes it's smart. That makes you valuable for having something they don't have. If we just left the food laying about. You might as well just wait til the kill you."she sling the bags over her back before starting to walk to the door. She knew what she was doing unlike what most people expected. "We'll probably have to find a classroom. With no windows. Probably will set traps from the door. Something that only we know how to avoid." She walked out the door expecting Serena to follow her. "The top floor." She pointed towards the stairs. She went past students with daggers, baseball bats, etc, etc. She tossed the gun in her hand to Serena. "Think of it as self defense...before they attack." She said a bit amused by her words choices. She stumbled on a dead body of a girl with her eyes still open as if she was staring into Aliyah's soul. Aliyah looked at it in disdain before continuing to walk.

Serena followed silently, though in all honesty, she thought Aliyah was dead wrong. If anyone found out that they had what could be the only actual food supply on campus, they would be hunted down in a heartbeat. But she didn't say anything yet, since no one knew that they had food at all. She looked at the fallen students warily, already acutely aware of how dangerous this was going to be. They needed to find a classroom and fast, for she really didn't feel comfortable being out in the open. She fumbled with the gun for a moment when Aliyah tossed it to her, grasping it without setting it of thankfully. She would most certainly be using it if she had to. "Do you think this one is worth checking out?" she asked, gesturing to a dark classroom nearby. "It might be empty since there are no lights, but there could also be a trap. Either way, the door is open, and the light switch is likely just inside," she pointed out, though she didn't make a move. She wanted Aliyah to make that sort of decision. After all, Serena was basically just backup for the real front, who in this case would be Aliyah. Though the gun did make her feel a bit more secure about the situation. Off in the distance, somewhere around the corner of the mess of halls, she heard a scream and shuddered. She wanted this to be resolved as quickly as possible.

"Well we sort of have shelter, we should see what we have food wise." He pointed to Hide's backpack since that was were the majority of their food was. He knew his friend wouldn't be happy to split from it but it was for his own good. The rat tail slowly began to whiter away as it wasn't a permanent spell. "Also Cez, would we be able to build up her without disturbing the illusion?"

@Cicero @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:

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    "Spells!?" The boy asked while trying to get up which ended up with him falling to the ground on his back with a loud thud "Owww!" He exclaimed while lifting his back up putting his hand over the stinging pain hoping it would dull it out some pain. He got up limping back to the tree looking up "I'm okay." Hide said laughing and smiles.


    Rai just shrugged a bit "Doesn't matter lets just go some where somewhere." She said duly while turning away from the coffee and walking in the direction of the school "I have a lust. A blood lust lets go find unfortunate victims." Rai suggested while pulling out her scissors cutting the air and rubbing the gem with her thumb.

  • Cicero said:

    • upload_2016-4-18_21-22-38-png.266848

      Hide climbed up the tree again sitting down when he felt something grow out of his back "What the? Cool a rat tail!" He stated in enjoyment smiling while pulling at it letting out a small whimper of pain. He let it go of the tail and looked around "Oooo pretty...." The boy exclaimed in a low voice smiling while his eyes wandered over to Cezanna at the word 'pretty' he blushed a bit when he finally noticed he was staring at her. So he looked back down and pulled the pack and hid his face inside it smiling "S-Sorry...." Hide stuttered in a small voice. (I'm getting off as well xD Sooooo see ya guys nd have a good night)


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    Hide nodded a bit lifting the pack into the air like it was a sacred treasure of some sort. Which in this case it was they need the food in here to survive even if it was just filled with candy "Yea I suppose to share I know this already." Hide stated while opening the bag and looking inside "I said I have about a couple day's worth of candy here. Plenty to share especially if its with my friends!" The boy said with enjoyment smiling brightly at the two. Even if one of his friends were a ghost or whatever he was he still counted a friend. After looking at what Cezanna pulled out of her bag he looked up at her confused "This doesn't look like food Cez?" He questioned while pointing at the supplies and water. (Sorry sorry I fell asleep :P )

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_22-31-38.png.32728dc7a491248b9fadcc3aa5524e44.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_22-31-38.png.32728dc7a491248b9fadcc3aa5524e44.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Why find people and steal the food when we could just kill them and take it. You know stealing is a sinful thing to do Twis." She said sarcastically about the stealing being a sin. Her whole life was a sin anyways so stealing wasn't a problem she just preferred to kill the person so she won't have to worry about the food going short. If you kill the people that means less people to eat the food after all right? She was thinking this and looked around duly "Where would everyone hide anyways?" Rai asked the boy looking behind her for a brief second before turning her head to face the right direction.



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  • th

    Oshima flips over his chair "Killer, finally something I can do. Let's hope my brother has the same." Oshima walks over to his brother "Hey Smarty, what did you get?" Oshima puts his hand other handle of his hook, 'if he says Survivor I will be happy to end him'.

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Solemn Jester]Chaka yawned and moved along with the girls waving bye to Christophe as he did.[COLOR=#660033]"Have fun surviving or killing! Hope we meet again!"[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Chaka called as he moved around with Sierra and Melane wiping the ketchup from his breakfast off his face and rubbing his bruised nose.[/COLOR][COLOR=#660033]"God that hurt wonder what that guys probablem was?" @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball[/COLOR] [/QUOTE][COLOR=#660033] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:

Bismarck looked at him, sighing.
"Great. We'll go to the cafeteria—wait a minute. Maria!" He grabbed his phone, typing a quick text to Maria, his girlfriend, before pushing the chairs and desks aside and beginning his rather dangerous quest to go to the cafeteria.

'Maria, are you okay? Where are you? Are you a Survivor or a Killer?'

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    The boy woke up and looked around yawning. He stood up from the corner he was in "I wasn't murdered in my sleep by four eyes what a surprise." He observed while checking himself for signs of attempted stabs. After doing so he ran his hand across his throat "Still intact it seems." Kur?b? stated to himself. Just as he said this he turned around to see none other than his little brother four eyes. After listening to him he just let out a pitiful laugh "Do you really think I'd choose something that didn't involve eating human flesh? Of course I'm a killer!" He exclaimed in delight while gripping his cleaver that was in the back of his pants like how people hide their guns "You know how these end so don't try it. If you do I just want you to know....I've always wondered what your flesh tasted like." The boy stated grinning a bit and laughed letting go of his cleaver and sniffing the air grinning. "Fresh blood Oshima you know what that means?" Kur?b? asked the younger boy with a small smile as he pushed a chunk of hair out of his eye.

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_23-20-49.png.6dcebd5480b9cdbafe9ea6bd0341808c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_23-20-49.png.6dcebd5480b9cdbafe9ea6bd0341808c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_23-37-8.png.59391964413186768f899df9b84f1df5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_23-37-8.png.59391964413186768f899df9b84f1df5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chaka laughed a little to hard at Sierra, he leaned against the wall holding his side's before regaining his composer."Phew, sorry it's just that I'm pretty sure the doctors dead, but that was a good one. You crack me up," Chaka said patting Sierra on the back a little to hard and closing the door behind them."You know I'm curious how are we suppose to know who's a killer and who's not if we haven't seen their paper?" Chaka asked a look of wonder on his face. @femjapanriceball @iSurvivor
TripTripleTimes said:
As Cirillia was stacking the chairs in front of the entrances, Emmanuel dragged the desks to clear a space by a wall. He made sure to make as little noise possible as he moved the desks around.
"I... shit," He didn't know what to say. He still could not believe that mass murder is happening in their school. He stubbornly wanted to be in denial but with how Cirillia was acting and how the whole school reacted at the gym, it was hard to not to believe the truth. They are all just highschoolers, kids. Nobody here can kill anybody. Thooouugh, there were some sketchy people in and around the school, but for sure nobody would really do something stupid like that.

Done with the small tasks, the two teenagers held of to each other tightly and cuddled on the ground. They sat like that for a while, Cirillia's face hidden at the crock of his neck and Emmanuel rested his head against her's. He had his hand behind her back while her's latched tightly onto him. He never stopped rubbing circles on her hunched back.

"Wait, there's people assigned to be killers?" He asked as they were still running back and forth finishing up their fort. That's messed up! It's a messed up game of cat and mouse! Geesh. He grimaced at the thought of Cirillia killing anyone. He could not imaged it. Then his little sister popped into his mind. He bit on his lips.

"We should just leave the school. Nobody's stopping us. We can just skip the whole thing." He huffed. "Whatever crap they said, I heard none of it. Nobody's dying tonight and we're calling the police. Oh, right." His eyes widened at the thought. "We can call for help." He fished out his phone.
Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded, "Yes..That's what the teachers said and what the paper I have says I am." She replied, slowly taking the paper out of her pocket and handing it to Emmanuel. It'd simply state her name, age, race, and role as it had for the others. She'd calmed down greatly now that her and Emmanuel were alone and safe for now. She doubted anyone would come by this room for a while, after all the school was massive. Hiding in a classroom was probably one of the best ideas possible. Then Emmanuel suggested leaving the school and escaping all of it. That could work, right? Call the police, get everything sorted. It was worth a shot and definitely preferred to being trapped in the school alone with Emmanuel and psychos. Trapped with Emmanuel she wouldn't mind, Trapped with psychos? THat she minded and could do without. "Yeah! Call for help! Then we can run and leave until help arrives for the rest!" She told him, hopeful. In her panic she hadn't thought of such a thing, really if it wasn't for Emmanuel she'd probably of already been dead from fear alone.

femjapanriceball said:
Sierra smiled as the lock clicked and carefully walked in. "I don't think Doctor Hölle would mind if we lightened his loads a little....right?"

Bismarck looked at him, sighing. "Great. We'll go to the cafeteria—wait a minute. Maria!" He grabbed his phone, typing a quick text to Maria, his girlfriend, before pushing the chairs and desks aside and beginning his rather dangerous quest to go to the cafeteria.

'Maria, are you okay? Where are you? Are you a Survivor or a Killer?'
Maria and Elizabeth Jones

Maria and Elizabeth were currently taking the route Ciri, Emmanuel, and Bismarck took by barricading themselves in a classroom. There were over thousand rooms, the chance of them ever being found was very low. It was as good a plan as any. Elizabeth currently also took the route Ciri had: Panicking in her sisters arms. "It'll be fine Liz..We can hold out here long enough. The only problem is getting food and water. We'll figure that out when things calm down though.." She assured her. She was also worried about Bismarck, just about hen she was going to text him to see if he was alright he texted her. Sighing she texted him back 'We're fine, Me and Liz are held up in a classroom right now. I..I have to admit I didn't expect anything like this to happen. We're both survivors though, where are you? We could meet up.'

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