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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia VinesCiri blinked as Emmanuel seemed to of decided on the same thing, both of their feet connecting a cracking could be heard. Clearly a skull or jaw fracture, possibly something less minor but Ciri wasn't sure. Either way something broke and Chaka was flung into the wall, effectively breaking more things. When he asked for food Ciri carefully took a peppermint from her satchel and tossed it to him. So what, she mostly ate candy. "Um..Sorry. Please don't hurt us. We're just trying to leave." She told him.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Chaka let out a insanely happy weezy laugh as he grabbed the candy and shoved it into his mouth. He looked up at them flashing his perfect smile that didn't match his dirt covered appearance." Hehehe nummy nummies. Thank you, you help Chaka so Chaka help you! You can't escape only chance to survive is to hide, hide, hide, or killz, killz killz!" Chaka said laughing wickedly and clapping his hands. Then he cleared his throat and spoke normally standing up and wiping the dirt off him."Yeah sorry I get a little loopy when I miss a meal. Anyways yeah can't escape there's a barrier around the school grounds. Pretty strong magic, might as well hide its what's best." Chaka suggested looking at her as his stomach grumbled again.

Emmanuel looks at the taller teen with disgust as he munch at the candy. What happened to him to act inhumane? Wait, did he just say Chaka? Chaka as in the guy who Emmanuel chased and pestered because the younger boy saw Chaka's power early in his freshman year? Is this the same carefree Chaka Emmanuel knows of? The boy scowls.

He doesn't believe it. The killings, the magical barrier, or the fact that his upperclassman has gone crazy, none of this is real. He can't be stuck here. Mom said that they will have Kabeb and Sütlaç tonight. Madhu suppose to come home tomorrow. Plus, there's an sale event in Steam tonight. He's a busy guy!

"We're getting out of here!" With the angry shout, a thick band of gold launches at the wall. However, Emmanuel misses, hitting the space above the wall. The gold thread bounces off the invisible ((I assuming)) barrier with a dull thunk. Emmanuel attacks it again.
@Helm Dexter

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth hadn't even noticed the pair of elves behind them until they spoke, causing her to jump a good foot into the air and dash around to hide behind the table. She slowly peeked out from behind the table as they spoke to Haruka, when they said they were survivors she stood up fully. Elves, huh. Kinda cool. She was part cat so she didn't really have much to complain about or say about it. As long as they were friendly she could care less. Maybe they could even join their group, so could Opi. They'd be safer in a large group against the killers after all. "Umm..Haruka isn't with the killers. I-I can promise that. I'm not either." She told them, looking at them nervously.
Chaka yawns and plays with his wire making a bird out of them and having it flutter around him. He makes it fly and land on Emmanuels head, it then begins pecking him viciously on the head."Hello, didn't you hear me its impossible. Also do you have more food im starving, and won't hesitate to try and eat you guys again. " Chaka warned as his stomach began to grumble again, and he began drooling. @Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes


Opi sat there nervously, twiddling her thumbs. She listened to them all carefully, still shaken up after her encounter with Haruka.

"I don't think there's any reason to hurt anyone Mr." She looked up quickly, as she scanned everyone and then turned her head back down again.

@Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude
Haruka nods and let's his eyes stop glowing as well. He walks into the kitchen and looks around. He walks back out moments later shaking his head "somebodies already been here, there's nothing left" he stands at Elizabeth's side again. "We should get to the infirmary to check on Bismarck" he looks around at the others in the room. "Any of you interested in coming with. Large group has a larger chance at surviving" @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter
"We were on our way, for the sake of medicines in light of a lethal infection, if one ever came to be," Luna said with a grin. She seemed way too happy, if she were a normal schoolgirl, but she was in fact a trained assassin who had experienced death hunts like this many times over. Not exactly new to her brother either.

"If you need help, we could lend you a hand. We haven't been to the school since we ran out of it at the start. Survived off the fores alone," Lunarin said without a change in his voice. "But...if you want to survive based on number count, a larger group is better, if you want to survive based off of mortality rate, staying hidden is better. A larger group means you are more conspicuous. Opi over here, she didn't even seem to notice you until you threatened her. If she had friends or nearby allies, you would've been in huge trouble. In a game of cat and mouse, the mouse can only win in two scenarios, what are they?"

@Mitchs98 @Helm Dexter @Shnuydude[/uSER]
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TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel looks at the taller teen with disgust as he munch at the candy. What happened to him to act inhumane? Wait, did he just say Chaka? Chaka as in the guy who Emmanuel chased and pestered because the younger boy saw Chaka's power early in his freshman year? Is this the same carefree Chaka Emmanuel knows of? The boy scowls.
He doesn't believe it. The killings, the magical barrier, or the fact that his upperclassman has gone crazy, none of this is real. He can't be stuck here. Mom said that they will have Kabeb and Sütlaç tonight. Madhu suppose to come home tomorrow. Plus, there's an sale event in Steam tonight. He's a busy guy!

"We're getting out of here!" With the angry shout, a thick band of gold launches at the wall. However, Emmanuel misses, hitting the space above the wall. The gold thread bounces off the invisible ((I assuming)) barrier with a dull thunk. Emmanuel attacks it again.
@Helm Dexter[/URL] @Shnuydude[/uSER]

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth nodded in agreement with Opi. "
Y-Yeah. We're all survivors. We should stick together.." She told them. Though the situation quickly resolved itself it seemed. When Haruka walked off then walked back and reported there wasn't any food Elizabeth was kind of shocked. No food? In a kitchen for a massive school? Elizabeth couldn't believe it. But Haruka had no reason to lie as it affected him to, so she had to believe him. Soon enough he invited the elves to come with them, which they more or less agreed to. "B-But we could just hide somewhere after getting supplies and wait it out in a group. W-we'd be safer that way if we were attacked, right?" She told them.
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
A magical barrier around the school? That would make sense from the faint magical signature she could feel in the air all around them. But she didn't really want to believe it. There had to be a way out! There just had to! If they stayed here they could die. She didn't want to die, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing Emmanuel either. When Emmanuel shouted and attacked at the wall and it simply bounced off a barrier they couldn't see her heart sank. They really were stuck there for three days. When Chaka made a bird thing that started attacking Emmanuel she jumped up and swatted the thing away. "
Stop hurting Emu or you can starve to death for all I care." She told him defiantly. "And if you try to eat us again I'll kick you through the barrier." She added with a slight glare before rummaging through her satchel and tossing a small milky way at him. Again, candy diet.

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth nodded in agreement with Opi. "Y-Yeah. We're all survivors. We should stick together.." She told them. Though the situation quickly resolved itself it seemed. When Haruka walked off then walked back and reported there wasn't any food Elizabeth was kind of shocked. No food? In a kitchen for a massive school? Elizabeth couldn't believe it. But Haruka had no reason to lie as it affected him to, so she had to believe him. Soon enough he invited the elves to come with them, which they more or less agreed to. "B-But we could just hide somewhere after getting supplies and wait it out in a group. W-we'd be safer that way if we were attacked, right?" She told them.
Chaka quickly snatched up the milky way and savored it's creamy caramel and chocolate goodness. A tear ran down his cheek," do you know how long it's been since I've had something to eat? Maybe a few hours," he said as if this were something unthinkable. He wiped the tear away and looked up at the apologetically. "Sorry I tried to eat you guys my kind get a little loopy when out blood sugar runs low. Also I'm still your senpai, even if I'm as batier than Dracula after living in a cave form a century with nothing to do but watch reruns of the Teletubbies. So show your senpai some respect!" Chaka said sternly to them both then went back to eating the candy bar."Anyways you should probably find a place to hide. I'm sure killers are on their way, oh and if you see Bismarck tell him I said hey oh and also that I killed his cousin no hard feelings right." Chaka said casually to them both looking around to see if there were any other people he could take food from. @femjapanriceball as Bismarck!)
Mitchs98 said:
Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth smiled back at Haruka, "Thank you..I appreciate it." She replied, relaxing a bit now that she knew Haruka wouldn't up and abandon her to die. She assumed he wouldn't, but confirmation helped. After all they were all here to survive, what was stopping him from running and leaving her if things got bad? Soon enough they reached the cafeteria and when she was told to get behind him she immediately did so, lightly clinging to his shirt and trying to make herself as small as possible to hide behind him. She peeked out from behind Haruka to look at the girl who was just as scared as she was it seemed. She glanced at the slip and slowly moved out from behind Haruka when it read survivor, nodding when Haruka confirmed it. "Um..nice to meet you Opi. I'm Elizabeth. Y-you can call me Liz..Sorry for scaring you." She told her.

Maria Jones

Maria carefully lead Bismarck to the edge of the stairs before stopping. Why couldn't this school have an elevator? "Lean on me more if you gotta, we gotta go downstairs." She told him, re-positioning her arm to be under his for added support. She had no idea what kind of pain he was in but it was probably about to get worse as they had to go downstairs. Once he was in a secure enough position she began slowly descending the stairs to the infirmary, carefully looking around as she did so on the off chance someone tried to jump them. She wouldn't hesitate to claw them to death if they did, though Bismarck was vulnerable.
Bismarck leaned even more on Maria, holding onto her tightly. He winced as he went down every step, but, other than that, he showed no other signs of being in pain. He looked over at his girlfriend once more, grateful to have her with him. If he hadn't had her, he'd probably be dead by now. Either by suicide or any other circumstances.
@Helm Dexter[/URL] @Shnuydude[/uSER]
"They either survive in a pack or They stay alone and stay unnoticed" he walks to the cafeteria door. "If you plan on coming with me and Liz then let's go. We have an injured friend we need to get back to" he takes note of the 3 new people he just met. The male twin has definitely killed before, he has that look in his eyes. His sister seems more polite, like less of a threat but by her posture he can tell she's a warrior, and by the way she seems to have her twin on leash, she might be in charge of him. Opal seems scared out of her mind no thanks to himself, once they get back to Bismarck he'll have to think of a way to say sorry @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Mitchs98
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Shnuydude said:
"They either survive in a pack or They stay alone and stay unnoticed" he walks to the cafeteria door. "If you plan on coming with me and Liz then let's go. We have an injured friend we need to get back to" he takes note of the 3 new people he just met. The male twin has definitely killed before, he has that look in his eyes. His sister seems more polite, like less of a threat but by her posture he can tell she's a warrior, and by the way she seems to have her twin on leash, she might be in charge of him. Opal seems scared out of her mind no thanks to himself, once they get back to Bismarck he'll have to think of a way to say sorry @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Mitchs98


Opal piped up. "So I suppose I'm coming along with you all?" "I mean, I have no where else to go and maybe I can help your friend..." She looked down. "But that's only if I'm needed." She spoke with confidence and then with self-consciousnesses, remembering she was only fourteen and had just met these people. She wasn't sure if she'd said the right thing. Opal bit her tongue and began to pick at her gums, it being a nervous habit of hers. @Shnuydude @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf
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Shnuydude said:
"They either survive in a pack or They stay alone and stay unnoticed" he walks to the cafeteria door. "If you plan on coming with me and Liz then let's go. We have an injured friend we need to get back to" he takes note of the 3 new people he just met. The male twin has definitely killed before, he has that look in his eyes. His sister seems more polite, like less of a threat but by her posture he can tell she's a warrior, and by the way she seems to have her twin on leash, she might be in charge of him. Opal seems scared out of her mind no thanks to himself, once they get back to Bismarck he'll have to think of a way to say sorry @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Mitchs98
"I'm a healer!" Luna replied with some enthusiasm. "If you would like, I could heal them with my magic."

"How did she get injured exactly?" Lunarin asked as they walked through the halls.
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck leaned even more on Maria, holding onto her tightly. He winced as he went down every step, but, other than that, he showed no other signs of being in pain. He looked over at his girlfriend once more, grateful to have her with him. If he hadn't had her, he'd probably be dead by now. Either by suicide or any other circumstances.
Maria Jones

Maria carefully descended the stairs as Bismarck clung to her. She had to admit for him to be wounded he was doing quite well. He was stronger than he looked by far. When he looked over at her her expression softened and she smiled reassuringly at him. A few steps later and they were on the floor with the infirmary. "
We're almost there Bizzy, hang tight." She told him as she walked towards the infirmary. So far so good as long as no one attacked them they could get in, fix Bismarck up and get supplies, and get out.

Shnuydude said:
"They either survive in a pack or They stay alone and stay unnoticed" he walks to the cafeteria door. "If you plan on coming with me and Liz then let's go. We have an injured friend we need to get back to" he takes note of the 3 new people he just met. The male twin has definitely killed before, he has that look in his eyes. His sister seems more polite, like less of a threat but by her posture he can tell she's a warrior, and by the way she seems to have her twin on leash, she might be in charge of him. Opal seems scared out of her mind no thanks to himself, once they get back to Bismarck he'll have to think of a way to say sorry @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Mitchs98
@Shnuydude[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf
[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]"Injured? I can heal them," Luna said with a grin. "I do know healing magic,"

[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]"I'm a healer!" Luna replied with some enthusiasm. "If you would like, I could heal them with my magic."
"How did she get injured exactly?" Lunarin asked as they walked through the halls.

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth nodded and started following after Haruka when he said they should go. Though she stopped and turned to Opi when she spoke. She smiled faintly and nodded, "
If you want to. I-It's safer with us than being alone anyway." She replied. "I-it's up to you though." She added before turning and resuming to follow the rest. Her ears perked up when Luna said she was a healer. "R-really? That'd be great! A-and he was hurt when we were attacked. H-he got stabbed in the leg." She told them. A healer in their group would be a great addition, really. They wouldn't need to worry about medical supplies for sure.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria Jones
Maria carefully descended the stairs as Bismarck clung to her. She had to admit for him to be wounded he was doing quite well. He was stronger than he looked by far. When he looked over at her her expression softened and she smiled reassuringly at him. A few steps later and they were on the floor with the infirmary. "
We're almost there Bizzy, hang tight." She told him as she walked towards the infirmary. So far so good as long as no one attacked them they could get in, fix Bismarck up and get supplies, and get out.

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth nodded and started following after Haruka when he said they should go. Though she stopped and turned to Opi when she spoke. She smiled faintly and nodded, "
If you want to. I-It's safer with us than being alone anyway." She replied. "I-it's up to you though." She added before turning and resuming to follow the rest. Her ears perked up when Luna said she was a healer. "R-really? That'd be great! A-and he was hurt when we were attacked. H-he got stabbed in the leg." She told them. A healer in their group would be a great addition, really. They wouldn't need to worry about medical supplies for sure.
Bismarck took a deep breath, returning the reassuring smile that Maria had given him. He could see the door of the infirmary, just a few feet away. All he had to do was hang on for three more minutes, then he would get healed. Sierra, are you watching from wherever you are? Don't worry, I'm not going to die.....it's just a leg wound. He closed his eyes briefly. He could almost hear Sierra's voice, scolding him that running was the most important part of this test. He could see her with his eyes closed, with the orange pixie cut and a relaxed expression. She was with his father now. I wonder, is Dad taking care of her? Probably. I guess that means that I'm the last Saedor.....that makes me head of the family.....I guess. Tears stung his eyes again. This was terrible....this was so unfair! He wanted his family back right now! His eyes filled up with tears; they fell down his face. Then he sobbed into Maria's shoulder. ".....Why do we have to do this...? Why can't we just go home and live out our lives? This is so unfair...."
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck took a deep breath, returning the reassuring smile that Maria had given him. He could see the door of the infirmary, just a few feet away. All he had to do was hang on for three more minutes, then he would get healed. Sierra, are you watching from wherever you are? Don't worry, I'm not going to die.....it's just a leg wound. He closed his eyes briefly. He could almost hear Sierra's voice, scolding him that running was the most important part of this test. He could see her with his eyes closed, with the orange pixie cut and a relaxed expression. She was with his father now. I wonder, is Dad taking care of her? Probably. I guess that means that I'm the last Saedor.....that makes me head of the family.....I guess. Tears stung his eyes again. This was terrible....this was so unfair! He wanted his family back right now! His eyes filled up with tears; they fell down his face. Then he sobbed into Maria's shoulder. ".....Why do we have to do this...? Why can't we just go home and live out our lives? This is so unfair...."
Maria Jones

Maria sighed noticing the saddened expression on Bismarcks' face as he closed his eyes. Chaka was going to pay for killing Sierra. She didn't deserve to die, at all. She was honestly one of the nicest people she knew, she probably didn't even try to fight back when she was attacked. Soon enough he stopped walking and started breaking down crying. Honestly, she didn't blame him at all. Losing someone so close to you had to be hard. She'd do the same thing for him or Elizabeth. She carefully brought him into a hug gently rubbing his back as he cried. "I know..I don't know why this is even happening. It doesn't make sense. I don't see how murdering fellow students prepares you for anything unless you plan on being a psychopath. I promise we'll make it through this Bismarck, all of us. I'll make sure of it. We'll make it, it's only three days. If we barricade ourselves in somewhere after getting supplies we'll be fine. Don't worry, okay?" She told him as reassuringly as possible. Though her herself wasn't sure if they'd make it or not, she wasn't going to let the not be an option if she could help it.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria JonesMaria sighed noticing the saddened expression on Bismarcks' face as he closed his eyes. Chaka was going to pay for killing Sierra. She didn't deserve to die, at all. She was honestly one of the nicest people she knew, she probably didn't even try to fight back when she was attacked. Soon enough he stopped walking and started breaking down crying. Honestly, she didn't blame him at all. Losing someone so close to you had to be hard. She'd do the same thing for him or Elizabeth. She carefully brought him into a hug gently rubbing his back as he cried. "I know..I don't know why this is even happening. It doesn't make sense. I don't see how murdering fellow students prepares you for anything unless you plan on being a psychopath. I promise we'll make it through this Bismarck, all of us. I'll make sure of it. We'll make it, it's only three days. If we barricade ourselves in somewhere after getting supplies we'll be fine. Don't worry, okay?" She told him as reassuringly as possible. Though her herself wasn't sure if they'd make it or not, she wasn't going to let the not be an option if she could help it.
Bismarck's grip tightened around Maria; he kept sobbing, though he was trying to stop crying. He had to stay strong. He just had to. He needed to be an example at the moment, as a senior and secretary of student council. Finally, he calmed down enough to get back on his feet and moving. He was about to continue walking, when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a student pointing a gun at Maria's head. "NOOOO!" Almost in slow motion, he spun in a full circle, blocking Maria and taking the hit. Luckily, the bullet didn't directly hit its target, but it did get itself lodged into Bismarck's left arm. He let out a scream of pain before falling unconscious.
Mitchs98 said:
Maria Jones
Maria carefully descended the stairs as Bismarck clung to her. She had to admit for him to be wounded he was doing quite well. He was stronger than he looked by far. When he looked over at her her expression softened and she smiled reassuringly at him. A few steps later and they were on the floor with the infirmary. "
We're almost there Bizzy, hang tight." She told him as she walked towards the infirmary. So far so good as long as no one attacked them they could get in, fix Bismarck up and get supplies, and get out.

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth nodded and started following after Haruka when he said they should go. Though she stopped and turned to Opi when she spoke. She smiled faintly and nodded, "
If you want to. I-It's safer with us than being alone anyway." She replied. "I-it's up to you though." She added before turning and resuming to follow the rest. Her ears perked up when Luna said she was a healer. "R-really? That'd be great! A-and he was hurt when we were attacked. H-he got stabbed in the leg." She told them. A healer in their group would be a great addition, really. They wouldn't need to worry about medical supplies for sure.


Opi nodded as she smiled, following Liz and the two twins and also the male."So..what should I call you guys?" She looked at the twins and the male with curiosity."Also where exactly is this infirmary you guys are talking about?" She gave a warm, half smile as she walked towards the back of the group feeling small around the older teens. @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98
femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck's grip tightened around Maria; he kept sobbing, though he was trying to stop crying. He had to stay strong. He just had to. He needed to be an example at the moment, as a senior and secretary of student council. Finally, he calmed down enough to get back on his feet and moving. He was about to continue walking, when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a student pointing a gun at Maria's head. "NOOOO!" Almost in slow motion, he spun in a full circle, blocking Maria and taking the hit. Luckily, the bullet didn't directly hit its target, but it did get itself lodged into Bismarck's left arm. He let out a scream of pain before falling unconscious.
Maria Jones

Maria continued to hold her position until Bismarck calmed down. Soon enough they were about to start moving when he suddenly shouted and someone shot at them, or rather her and Bismarck used himself as a shield. "Bismarck!" Were the first words out of her mouth as she caught his unconscious form, thinking he was dead and panicking internally. She quickly checked him over for any kind of bullet wound before gently laying him down. She said or did nothing aside from quickly dash to the side as she was shot at again, the bullet hitting the ground. In an instant she leapt upon the shooter, her very deadly claws tearing into his throat and ripping it to pieces. He managed to shoot her in the arm before his very gruesome death but that was about it. She stood up, hands covered in blood and face splattered with flecks of it all over. She tore off the guys shirt and used it to clean herself as best as possible, grabbing the gun for group to use and anything else useful on his person before tossing the now bloody shirt onto the man. That done she walked over to Bismarck and knelt down beside him, gently trying to shake him into consciousness. "Bismarck, wake up. I'm fine. Come on, you'll be okay." She told him, gun clasped tightly in her other hand in case someone else showed up.

@Shnuydude[/URL] @Silver Wolf @Mitchs98
He looks back at the younger girl. He couldn't help but notice that she was kind of cute, "Haruka" He was never a people person so introductions are always short for him. He hears the echo of a gunshot from somewhere in the school. Seeing as they just left the cafeteria he couldn't possibly tell where it came from, he picked up his pace anyways. "Lets go faster" at this pace they should get to the infirmary soon @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter
Mitchs98 said:
Maria JonesMaria continued to hold her position until Bismarck calmed down. Soon enough they were about to start moving when he suddenly shouted and someone shot at them, or rather her and Bismarck used himself as a shield. "Bismarck!" Were the first words out of her mouth as she caught his unconscious form, thinking he was dead and panicking internally. She quickly checked him over for any kind of bullet wound before gently laying him down. She said or did nothing aside from quickly dash to the side as she was shot at again, the bullet hitting the ground. In an instant she leapt upon the shooter, her very deadly claws tearing into his throat and ripping it to pieces. He managed to shoot her in the arm before his very gruesome death but that was about it. She stood up, hands covered in blood and face splattered with flecks of it all over. She tore off the guys shirt and used it to clean herself as best as possible, grabbing the gun for group to use and anything else useful on his person before tossing the now bloody shirt onto the man. That done she walked over to Bismarck and knelt down beside him, gently trying to shake him into consciousness. "Bismarck, wake up. I'm fine. Come on, you'll be okay." She told him, gun clasped tightly in her other hand in case someone else showed up.
".....Maria....wha....." were the first words that came out of Bismarck's mouth when he woke up. He lifted his injured arm; upon doing so, his eyes welled up in pain. "......Heh....I've done it again.....haven't I....." he muttered to himself, looking into Maria's eyes, a rather pained smile on his face. His eyes moved over to her arm; a horrified expression replaced his smile. "Maria....you've been hurt.....are you okay?!" he said, immediately freaking out. "....D-don't worry, the infirmary's right over there..."
femjapanriceball said:
".....Maria....wha....." were the first words that came out of Bismarck's mouth when he woke up. He lifted his injured arm; upon doing so, his eyes welled up in pain. "......Heh....I've done it again.....haven't I....." he muttered to himself, looking into Maria's eyes, a rather pained smile on his face. His eyes moved over to her arm; a horrified expression replaced his smile. "Maria....you've been hurt.....are you okay?!" he said, immediately freaking out. "....D-don't worry, the infirmary's right over there..."
Maria Jones

Maria smiled and shook her head, standing up and helping him up as she did so. "I'm fine thanks to you. You saved my life. Don't worry..they..won't be bothering anyone else again." She replied. "I was worried he'd hurt you worse than he did...he wouldn't of gotten off so easily if he had.." She added, mumbling the last bit. "C'mon, let's get patched up. Haruka and Liz are probably on their way." She told him, putting her arm back under his and wincing as she did so. It hurt, but she needed her uninjured arm free to shoot if need be. Luckily she didn't, the walk to the infirmary being quick and uneventful past nearly getting shot to death. Once inside she quickly shut and locked the door behind them. "Alright, I'll patch up your leg as best I can and see what I can do about your arm first. Bullet went all the way through for me so I'm mostly fine..Take this, shoot anyone remotely hostile that comes in" She told him, placing the gun in his hand and leading him over to a chair before walking over to the cabinet and looking through it for gauze and the like.

Lilac Dubois

Lilac had been lightly sleeping on the infirmary's bed, until she heard a fight break out right outside the door. Gunshots caused her eyes to go wide and to jump a bit. She quickly looked in the direction of the door. It seemed like the fight had already finished with a wet gargling sound followed by a girl's voice. Lilac yawned slightly as she rubbed her eyes. That's right, she was in a school filled with murderous souls causing havoc in the halls. Would she have enough time to set a trap? It seemed like they were coming in here. But, it was too late, the pair had already made their selves inside of the room and locked themselves in. It seemed like they haven't noticed Lilac... Were they blind? Or did they just not care? Lilac stood up starring at the two. She took the lollipop stick out of her mouth, and popped a fresh one in its place. Lilac reached in her pocket ready to attack, wondering if they were going to start a fight. They had to have noticed her by now.

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Mitchs98 said:
Maria JonesMaria smiled and shook her head, standing up and helping him up as she did so. "I'm fine thanks to you. You saved my life. Don't worry..they..won't be bothering anyone else again." She replied. "I was worried he'd hurt you worse than he did...he wouldn't of gotten off so easily if he had.." She added, mumbling the last bit. "C'mon, let's get patched up. Haruka and Liz are probably on their way." She told him, putting her arm back under his and wincing as she did so. It hurt, but she needed her uninjured arm free to shoot if need be. Luckily she didn't, the walk to the infirmary being quick and uneventful past nearly getting shot to death. Once inside she quickly shut and locked the door behind them. "Alright, I'll patch up your leg as best I can and see what I can do about your arm first. Bullet went all the way through for me so I'm mostly fine..Take this, shoot anyone remotely hostile that comes in" She told him, placing the gun in his hand and leading him over to a chair before walking over to the cabinet and looking through it for gauze and the like.
[QUOTE="Crimson Night]

Lilac Dubois

Lilac had been lightly sleeping on the infirmary's bed, until she heard a fight break out right outside the door. Gunshots caused her eyes go wide and to jump a bit. She quickly looked in the direction of the door. It seemed like the fight had already finished with a wet gargling sound. Lilac yawned slightly as she rubbed her eyes. That's right, she was in a school filled with murderous souls causing havoc in the halls. Would she have enough time to set a trap? It seemed like they were coming in here. But, it was too late, the pair had already made their selves inside of the room and locked themselves in. It seemed like they haven't noticed Lilac... Were they blind? Or did they just not care? Lilac stood up starring at the two. She took the lollipop stick out of her mouth, and popped a new one back in. Lilac reached in her pocket, wondering if they were going to start a fight. They had to have noticed her by now.


Bismarck breathed a sigh of relief when Maria said she was all right. That was all he cared about at this point. He sat down in the chair Maria had led him into, letting out a small squeak when she handed him a gun. He looked warily at it, but obediently held onto it. Just in case. As Maria looked for gauze, he examined his wounds silently. His arm wound was significantly deeper; Bismarck thought he could see a bit of the bone. He let out another squeak at that and looked around. Anywhere but the wound. It was then when he realized they weren't alone. There was a girl just....staring at him. Bismarck let out a third squeak, this one the loudest and most alarmed.
Shnuydude said:
He looks back at the younger girl. He couldn't help but notice that she was kind of cute, "Haruka" He was never a people person so introductions are always short for him. He hears the echo of a gunshot from somewhere in the school. Seeing as they just left the cafeteria he couldn't possibly tell where it came from, he picked up his pace anyways. "Lets go faster" at this pace they should get to the infirmary soon @Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter


"Cool name, Haruka." She said as she gathered a serious face, quickening her pace as Haruka told her and the others to do.

Opi turned her head around as she zipped open her backpack, still walking and pulled out her dagger, just in case. Opal knew it wasn't much, but a small weapon was better than no weapon.

She zipped her bag back and turned her head around, keeping the dagger to her side.
@Mitchs98 @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude

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