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Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

"Ok, who has the injured?" Luna asked as she pulled off a leather glove. She was ready to began healing. Hopefully, it wasn't serious.
When he approached the infirmary he noticed that there was a corpse nearby with its throat torn out, he tried to open the door but found it locked, he started banging on the door "Maria, Bismarck, its Haruka. Me and liz are back with more survivors" please be ok, please be ok, please be ok. @femjapanriceball
Shnuydude said:
When he approached the infirmary he noticed that there was a corpse nearby with its throat torn out, he tried to open the door but found it locked, he started banging on the door "Maria, Bismarck, its Haruka. Me and liz are back with more survivors" please be ok, please be ok, please be ok. @femjapanriceball


Opi saw how distressed Haruka was, she patted him on the back in reassurance. "I bet they're alright Haruka, you don't need to worry."She removed her hand from his back, giving him a nervous smile, clutching her dagger tightly. "I promise.." She hoped she was right. @femjapanriceball
[QUOTE="Helm Dexter]


Opi nodded as she smiled, following Liz and the two twins and also the male."So..what should I call you guys?" She looked at the twins and the male with curiosity."Also where exactly is this infirmary you guys are talking about?" She gave a warm, half smile as she walked towards the back of the group feeling small around the older teens. @femjapanriceball

[QUOTE="Helm Dexter]


Opi saw how distressed Haruka was, she patted him on the back in reassurance. "I bet they're alright Haruka, you don't need to worry."She removed her hand from his back, giving him a nervous smile, clutching her dagger tightly. "I promise.." She hoped she was right. @femjapanriceball

Elizabeth Jones

You can call me Liz.." Elizabeth replied when Opi asked what to call her, of course it was directed at everyone but..yeah. When Haruka said to speed up she of course followed suit, wanting to get to her sister and Bismarck as soon as possible. Soon enough they reached the door. "Yeah it's us. L-let us in." She added after Haruka finished speaking.

[QUOTE="Crimson Night]

Lilac Dubois

Lilac had been lightly sleeping on the infirmary's bed, until she heard a fight break out right outside the door. Gunshots caused her eyes to go wide and to jump a bit. She quickly looked in the direction of the door. It seemed like the fight had already finished with a wet gargling sound followed by a girl's voice. Lilac yawned slightly as she rubbed her eyes. That's right, she was in a school filled with murderous souls causing havoc in the halls. Would she have enough time to set a trap? It seemed like they were coming in here. But, it was too late, the pair had already made their selves inside of the room and locked themselves in. It seemed like they haven't noticed Lilac... Were they blind? Or did they just not care? Lilac stood up starring at the two. She took the lollipop stick out of her mouth, and popped a fresh one in its place. Lilac reached in her pocket ready to attack, wondering if they were going to start a fight. They had to have noticed her by now.



femjapanriceball said:
Bismarck breathed a sigh of relief when Maria said she was all right. That was all he cared about at this point. He sat down in the chair Maria had led him into, letting out a small squeak when she handed him a gun. He looked warily at it, but obediently held onto it. Just in case. As Maria looked for gauze, he examined his wounds silently. His arm wound was significantly deeper; Bismarck thought he could see a bit of the bone. He let out another squeak at that and looked around. Anywhere but the wound. It was then when he realized they weren't alone. There was a girl just....staring at him. Bismarck let out a third squeak, this one the loudest and most alarmed.

Maria Jones

Maria quickly found the gauze, her current task being disinfectant. The last thing she needed was for either of their wounds to get infected and they die from it. She heard Bismarcks' squeaking and turned with an eyebrow raised. "
What's wro-..." She began, stopping the second she saw Lilac. "Survivor or Killer. Toss me your slip." She told her coldy, her eyes slipping into a slight glare. How did she not notice this girl? She sighed heavily to herself, she guessed she was to focused on fixing up Bismarck. She jumped slightly when Haruka banged on the door, she walked over and opened it nonetheless, more uninjured people were better if the girl tried to attack after all.

Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
A magical barrier around the school? That would make sense from the faint magical signature she could feel in the air all around them. But she didn't really want to believe it. There had to be a way out! There just had to! If they stayed here they could die. She didn't want to die, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing Emmanuel either. When Emmanuel shouted and attacked at the wall and it simply bounced off a barrier they couldn't see her heart sank. They really were stuck there for three days. When Chaka made a bird thing that started attacking Emmanuel she jumped up and swatted the thing away. "
Stop hurting Emu or you can starve to death for all I care." She told him defiantly. "And if you try to eat us again I'll kick you through the barrier." She added with a slight glare before rummaging through her satchel and tossing a small milky way at him. Again, candy diet.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Chaka quickly snatched up the milky way and savored it's creamy caramel and chocolate goodness. A tear ran down his cheek," do you know how long it's been since I've had something to eat? Maybe a few hours," he said as if this were something unthinkable. He wiped the tear away and looked up at the apologetically. "Sorry I tried to eat you guys my kind get a little loopy when out blood sugar runs low. Also I'm still your senpai, even if I'm as batier than Dracula after living in a cave form a century with nothing to do but watch reruns of the Teletubbies. So show your senpai some respect!" Chaka said sternly to them both then went back to eating the candy bar."Anyways you should probably find a place to hide. I'm sure killers are on their way, oh and if you see Bismarck tell him I said hey oh and also that I killed his cousin no hard feelings right." Chaka said casually to them both looking around to see if there were any other people he could take food from.

Emmanuel yelps when the wired bird peeks the top of his head. Before he can react any further, Cirillia saves him. He rubs his head furiously where it peeked him and the boy's gold turned eyes glare at the other golden pair.

He actually doesn't know what to do at this point now. They can't go home and they are in the middle of a killing spree. Just judging from the upperclassman's action, Emmanuel no doubts thinks Chaka is a Killer. A dangerous one at that.

"Sure. We'll keep those in mind." Emmanuel says as he frowns. Chaka may be dangerous but it seems he may have more info about this than the two of them. "Why don't you go to the cafeteria? And who's Bismarck?" Well, the name rings a bell but for the moment Emmanuel has forgot who the person is.

Lilac Dubois

Lilac was a bit surprised to how much this boy could..... squeak. It had also caught the attention of the girl he was with. Lilac's face was without expression. She tilted her head ever so slightly at the question: Survivor or Killer? Lilac could immediately tell they weren't looking for trouble. They were either both survivors, or killers who were too soft to kill. Lilac stared at the two. It was a stupid question really. If other students possessed the same powers as Lilac, they could have easily created an illusion to make their slip say whatever they desired. But, she wasn't going to deceive them at the moment. Lilac left her slip in the gymnasium. Before anything could continue, there was a group of people outside the door, filling the room with loud bangs. Their voices had both a nervous and desperate tone. Three? No, four. That was all she could hear from where she stood. Laying upon one of the infirmary beds, was the guy she carried in here who lacked both an arm and leg. He was still asleep, but he was no longer Lilac's responsibility. Her eyes focused back on the couple who were before her. The girl was already opening the door for what seemed to be their friends. Again, that was a stupid move, for within a school with students with odd abilities, one could probably imitate the voices of their loved ones. Lilac's prediction was wrong. Five. There were five people. Two of them possibly killers just by the way they stood, breathed and looked. But again, only a guess. Numbers were not stopping Lilac from attacking, but the people within the group itself. They may have been strong in power, but they were weak and soft in mind. Unless they acted first, she probably wouldn't start anything. Though sitting in the back of her mind was how they could become powerless, mindless puppets in the blink of an eye. Lilac couldn't control herself when that thought came across. Her eyes turned red, though unlike before, she still held her expressionless face. "I don't have my slip." Lilac wondered if they would trust her or not. Not many would, nor never did in the past.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter
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TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel yelps when the wired bird peeks the top of his head. Before he can react any further, Cirillia saves him. He rubs his head furiously where it peeked him and the boy's gold turned eyes glare at the other golden pair.
He actually doesn't know what to do at this point now. They can't go home and they are in the middle of a killing spree. Just judging from the upperclassman's action, Emmanuel no doubts thinks Chaka is a Killer. A dangerous one at that.

"Sure. We'll keep those in mind." Emmanuel says as he frowns. Chaka may be dangerous but it seems he may have more info about this than the two of them. "Why don't you go to the cafeteria? And who's Bismarck?" Well, the name rings a bell but for the moment Emmanuel has forgot who the person is.
Chaka rolls his eyes and swallows the remaining candy bar. Some dumbass burned all the food." Chaka said furiously as he walked over to Emu."Don't you think that if there was still food there that I would be out here trying to eat people!?" Chaka snapped now his blood sugar seemingly getting the better of him. To be fair if whoever burned the food in the cafeteria knew how it would affect Chaka they prot wouldn't have done it. Chakas kind only got more dangerous the hungrier they got, and sooner or later Chaka would completely lose it. Something that had only happened once before, and wasnt pleasant for anyone involved. "So I guess I'll be going, oh yeah. Bismarcks that wimpy kid with the glasses." Chaka said miming glasses."You know always reading Harry Potter, he dates those hot neko twins. Umm I think they're names are Lisa, and Mary?" Chaka said, although he wasn't certain of this he usually got the girls mixed up, and they seemed to hang around Bismarck alot so he assumed he was dating both of them."Yeah you wouldn't think it but that kids a real player. Anyway so you guys should probably go and hide." Chaka suggested as he prepared to go on the hunt again. @TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98


Opal noticed the odd girl as soon as the door was opened for them. She hid behind Haruka, grabbing onto his shirt tightly. "Killer." She whispered, narrowing her eyes as she peeked out from behind Haruka. "I think she's a killer.." Opal held onto her dagger, just in case something happened. She began to scan everything else. The girl who opened the door, the boy who seemed hurt and even the people she'd just met.

@Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Crimson Night

Haruka smiled when Opal patted his back, he guesses he didnt terrify her too much if shes trying to reasure him. When Maria let them in he saw a girl in the room with them, Haruka instantly let his guard back up. He could tell by the way she was staring at them that she was analyzing them. He was gonna make a comment about her not having her ticket but then he saw her red eyes. Just his luck that he runs into a demon here, one of the many bad things about being the devils son is that demons somehow could feel what he was, they know that hes a halfling made from the devil. He stood there and just stared at her clenching his fists. "If she was a killer and wanted to kill i can garentee you that maria and Bismarck wouldnt be in the condition they are in right now" he watches the demon prepared to do what he has to to protect these people.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Crimson Night
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Shnuydude said:
Haruka smiled when Opal patted his back, he guesses he didnt terrify her too much if shes trying to reasure him. When Maria let them in he saw a girl in the room with them, Haruka instantly let his guard back up. He could tell by the way she was staring at them that she was analyzing them. He was gonna make a comment about her not having her ticket but then he saw her red eyes. Just his luck that he runs into a demon here, one of the many bad things about being the devils son is that demons somehow could feel what he was, they know that hes a halfling made from the devil. He stood there and just stared at her clenching his fists. "If she was a killer and wanted to kill i can garentee you that maria and Bismarck wouldnt be in the condition they are in right now" he watches the demon prepared to do what he has to to protect these people.
@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Crimson Night


Opi let go of Haruka, feeling somewhat better but, she still kept her guard up. "I suppose you're correct about that." She said, trying to think rationally. Suddenly, Opal pointed to the male in the corner. "Is he going to be okay without medical assistance?.." Opi said confidentially "Because I think I can help if he's not.." She looked at Haruka curiously. @Crimson Night @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @femjapanriceball
"Pain killers don't do anything, it may take time to heal, and if we have a dead weight, we can count our survival chances down a good bit," Lunarin said as he sat down on the floor. "Luna can use healing magic which can fix the problem right now rather than disguise it."

"It's true, I'll show you," Luna said as she pulled our her sword as Lunarin pulled up his sleeve and stuck it out. He then allowed his sister to cut his arm open and showed them all the blood.
@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98

Emmanuel stands his ground when Chaka walks up to the two sophomores. So cannibalism is a touchy subject for him, huh.

A guy with round glasses. Emmanuel narrows his eyes. That description doesn't really help with so many people in the academy wears all sorts of glasses, but as soon as Chaka mentions the twin the boy blinks his eyes in realization. So that Bismark. The student council guy that singed around in a dress that one time.

"Yeah, I think I remember." He nods slowly. "I'll say, uh, hi for you if I meet him. and I guess we'll find a place to hide."
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel stands his ground when Chaka walks up to the two sophomores. So cannibalism is a touchy subject for him, huh.

A guy with round glasses. Emmanuel narrows his eyes. That description doesn't really help with so many people in the academy wears all sorts of glasses, but as soon as Chaka mentions the twin the boy blinks his eyes in realization. So that Bismark. The student council guy that singed around in a dress that one time.

"Yeah, I think I remember." He nods slowly. "I'll say, uh, hi for you if I meet him. and I guess we'll find a place to hide."
Chaka gave emu a angry look," didn't you hear me?!" He snapped now pointing a finger into emus chest. He began poking him hard on the chest with each word," don't...forget..to..mention...that....i..... Killed...His....cousin!" Chaka snapped now extremely annoyed and sighing frustrated."Geez no wonder the advancement exam was to have us all kill each other. This schools full of morons, anyways I guess ill go look around for food and try to not resort to cannibalism." Chaka decided turning away from them and staring wistfully at the school. @TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98

Lilac Dubois

Lilac focused her gaze on the boy who went by the name of Haruka. Soon she realized what had been off about him. He was a demon's spawn, and a powerful one at that. All she could do was stare until a girl pointed out her suspicions that Lilac was a killer. Speculating wasn't gonna get them anywhere, but it was a good guess. Lilac had already killed someone in the first minute of the test, and cut someone's limbs off before arriving here. Though the boy she was clinging to brought up a good point. Lilac could of started a fight and probably won against the two before the larger group arrived. But, what really threw Lilac off big time, was how quick they started to ignore her and talk about those who needed medical attention. Of course their guard was still up, but Lilac couldn't believe how they could easily trust someone with the very few facts they had. It slightly angered her, but Lilac controlled herself. With eyes filled with curiosity, she watched these odd people with her original eye color back.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter
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Serena effortlessly ran throughout the duct system of the school, mainly just looking and listening for what people were doing. In her eyes, simply sitting back and observing was the best was to win such a sadistic game. After all, why get her own hands dirty when she could just let other people do that for her? She still didn't know what her status was supposed to be, but she figured that was okay. She would do whatever was necessary to survive regardless. She stopped when she came to a vent that contained what sounded like quite a few people on the other side. She peered through, staying in the shadows of the high open vent and gazed through the slits it gave her. This seemed interesting, especially since no one was flat out killing each other. Perfect; the best way to gather intel. All she had to do was listen to whatever these people were babbling about, and she could obtain useful information for later use. Or immediate use, depending on how dangerous these people seemed. She recognized quite a few of them, but didn't really have a name for most. If only she'd spent more time actually talking with people rather than doing mountains of homework each night, this test might have been easier on her. It was the only test she couldn't have prepared for. After all, who considers this to be an accurate reflection of what students have learned? Granted it wasn't quite as useless as standardized testing. Although this felt like the exact opposite extreme to her. Luckily for her, these people were openly talking about personal matters, and it didn't take her much effort to decipher their relationships and motives. To be honest, this line of work wasn't very rewarding, and she felt as though she had far better uses of her time. But it wasn't like she could practice without anyone else noticing. Stupid school giving them lame tests.

[FONT=Bitter]@Mitchs98[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Shnuydude[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Crimson Night[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Helm Dexter[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@femjapanriceball[/FONT] [FONT=Bitter]@Silver Wolf[/FONT]
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TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel yelps when the wired bird peeks the top of his head. Before he can react any further, Cirillia saves him. He rubs his head furiously where it peeked him and the boy's gold turned eyes glare at the other golden pair.
He actually doesn't know what to do at this point now. They can't go home and they are in the middle of a killing spree. Just judging from the upperclassman's action, Emmanuel no doubts thinks Chaka is a Killer. A dangerous one at that.

"Sure. We'll keep those in mind." Emmanuel says as he frowns. Chaka may be dangerous but it seems he may have more info about this than the two of them. "Why don't you go to the cafeteria? And who's Bismarck?" Well, the name rings a bell but for the moment Emmanuel has forgot who the person is.
@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel stands his ground when Chaka walks up to the two sophomores. So cannibalism is a touchy subject for him, huh.

A guy with round glasses. Emmanuel narrows his eyes. That description doesn't really help with so many people in the academy wears all sorts of glasses, but as soon as Chaka mentions the twin the boy blinks his eyes in realization. So that Bismark. The student council guy that singed around in a dress that one time.

"Yeah, I think I remember." He nods slowly. "I'll say, uh, hi for you if I meet him. and I guess we'll find a place to hide."
@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98
Cirillia Vines

Ciri frowned when Chaka said the food was burned in the cafeteria. Great. Now what were they going to do for food? Maybe they could raid lockers for food, seemed like a good idea. There were tons of them after all and Ciri really doubted everyone went to their lockers when this happened. There was surely enough food in the lockers for them to be able to have something to eat for three days. This day was already roughly half over anyway, it was around lunchtime as far as Ciri could tell. They'd have to be careful, but they could do it. Ciri only continued to stare intensely at Chaka as he walked up to them, sure he had freaky powers similar to Emmanuels but he didn't intimdate her. He was already injured, she wouldn't hesitate to injure him to the point he couldn't move if running wasn't an option. She did remember who Chaka was talking about, but only due to the talent show thing he'd pulled. It had to be memorable if Ciri remembered it. She grew slightly scared when he started shouting at Emmanuel, her eyes widening when he once again mentioned killing Sierra. Once he left, her opting to ignore the insult, she turned to Emmanuel. "Come on Emu, lets go find somewhere to hide. Where we were at was a good place, I guess. Or we can go somewhere else." She told him.

(I'll post for Maria and Liz in a bit ppl)
@Silver Wolf[/URL] @Shnuydude @Crimson Night

Shnuydude said:
Haruka smiled when Opal patted his back, he guesses he didnt terrify her too much if shes trying to reasure him. When Maria let them in he saw a girl in the room with them, Haruka instantly let his guard back up. He could tell by the way she was staring at them that she was analyzing them. He was gonna make a comment about her not having her ticket but then he saw her red eyes. Just his luck that he runs into a demon here, one of the many bad things about being the devils son is that demons somehow could feel what he was, they know that hes a halfling made from the devil. He stood there and just stared at her clenching his fists. "If she was a killer and wanted to kill i can garentee you that maria and Bismarck wouldnt be in the condition they are in right now" he watches the demon prepared to do what he has to to protect these people.
@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Helm Dexter @Crimson Night
@Crimson Night[/URL] @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @femjapanriceball
[QUOTE="Silver Wolf]"Pain killers don't do anything, it may take time to heal, and if we have a dead weight, we can count our survival chances down a good bit," Lunarin said as he sat down on the floor. "Luna can use healing magic which can fix the problem right now rather than disguise it."
"It's true, I'll show you," Luna said as she pulled our her sword as Lunarin pulled up his sleeve and stuck it out. He then allowed his sister to cut his arm open and showed them all the blood.

[QUOTE="Crimson Night]

Lilac Dubois

Lilac focused her gaze on the boy who went by the name of Haruka. Soon she realized what had been off about him. He was a demon's spawn, and a powerful one at that. All she could do was stare until a girl pointed out her suspicions that Lilac was a killer. Speculating wasn't gonna get them anywhere, but it was a good guess. Lilac had already killed someone in the first minute of the test, and cut someone's limbs off before arriving here. Though the boy she was clinging to brought up a good point. Lilac could of started a fight and probably won against the two before the larger group arrived. But, what really threw Lilac off big time, was how quick they started to ignore her and talk about those who needed medical attention. Of course their guard was still up, but Lilac couldn't believe how they could easily trust someone with the very few facts they had. It slightly angered her, but Lilac controlled herself. With eyes filled with curiosity, she watched these odd people with her original eye color back.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball

Maria and Elizabeth

Elizabeth had immediately walked up to her sisters side, loosely clinging to her nervously and hiding halfway beside her as everyone started talking about the odd girl in the room. Maria didn't exactly believe her in the slightest, her eyes narrowing slightly. Just because she didn't have her slip didn't mean she couldn't answer a question, which led her to believe she was a killer. Opal seemed to believe the same thing while Haruka wasn't convinced she was. Opal was quick to change her mind and side with Haruka, though she didn't trust her at all. When Opal asked if Bismarck was going to be fine she nodded, "
Yeah, he'll be fine. His wounds aren't too major, mine isn't either. Unless of course one of you knows heal-..." She started replying, being cut off by the elf twins stating Luna had healing magic. And proceeding to demonstrate using themselves. "Ing..magic. Right. You didn't have to do that. If you don't mind, fix up Bismarck first please. I don't mind waiting, he doesn't need to keep losing blood." She told them before turning to Lilac.

As for you, that didn't answer my question. I suppose it doesn't matter either way since you don't have your slip...though I also guess Haruka is right. Just..don't try anything and we'll be fine." She told her before finally turning to Haruka. "Any luck in the cafeteria?" She asked him.

"True," Luna said as she healed his arm within ten seconds. "But I didn't cut him deep, so he wasn't losing much blood at all."

Luna then walked over to Bismarck and began to examine him. "How'd he get this injury again?"


Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth
Mitchs98 said:

Elizabeth had immediately walked up to her sisters side, loosely clinging to her nervously and hiding halfway beside her as everyone started talking about the odd girl in the room. Maria didn't exactly believe her in the slightest, her eyes narrowing slightly. Just because she didn't have her slip didn't mean she couldn't answer a question, which led her to believe she was a killer. Opal seemed to believe the same thing while Haruka wasn't convinced she was. Opal was quick to change her mind and side with Haruka, though she didn't trust her at all. When Opal asked if Bismarck was going to be fine she nodded, "Yeah, he'll be fine. His wounds aren't too major, mine isn't either. Unless of course one of you knows heal-..." She started replying, being cut off by the elf twins stating Luna had healing magic. And proceeding to demonstrate using themselves. "Ing..magic. Right. You didn't have to do that. If you don't mind, fix up Bismarck first please. I don't mind waiting, he doesn't need to keep losing blood." She told them before turning to Lilac.

"As for you, that didn't answer my question. I suppose it doesn't matter either way since you don't have your slip...though I also guess Haruka is right. Just..don't try anything and we'll be fine." She told her before finally turning to Haruka. "Any luck in the cafeteria?" She asked him.


Opal smiled slightly, even though she didn't know them she was glad the girl and the boy were going to be okay. She moved towards the back and slumped down against the opposite side of the hallway. She pulled out some licorice from her bag and began to eat it slowly as she listened to everyone and messed with her dagger. Even though she was distracted, she kept her guard up for the "possibly a killer" girl. @Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @femjapanriceball @Crimson Night

Mitchs98 said:
Maria and Elizabeth

Elizabeth had immediately walked up to her sisters side, loosely clinging to her nervously and hiding halfway beside her as everyone started talking about the odd girl in the room. Maria didn't exactly believe her in the slightest, her eyes narrowing slightly. Just because she didn't have her slip didn't mean she couldn't answer a question, which led her to believe she was a killer. Opal seemed to believe the same thing while Haruka wasn't convinced she was. Opal was quick to change her mind and side with Haruka, though she didn't trust her at all. When Opal asked if Bismarck was going to be fine she nodded, "
Yeah, he'll be fine. His wounds aren't too major, mine isn't either. Unless of course one of you knows heal-..." She started replying, being cut off by the elf twins stating Luna had healing magic. And proceeding to demonstrate using themselves. "Ing..magic. Right. You didn't have to do that. If you don't mind, fix up Bismarck first please. I don't mind waiting, he doesn't need to keep losing blood." She told them before turning to Lilac.

As for you, that didn't answer my question. I suppose it doesn't matter either way since you don't have your slip...though I also guess Haruka is right. Just..don't try anything and we'll be fine." She told her before finally turning to Haruka. "Any luck in the cafeteria?" She asked him.
He still watched the demon even when Maria approached him, he shook his head "there was nothing" he replied sadly "somebodies already been through there and took everything edible. There was stuff like spices but we can't survive off of stuff like that." he looked around at the group in the room and whispered "if we don't get food soon then we'll be in a tough spot" little did he know that in the vent right next to Maria and him, there was a girl listening to their entire conversation.

@Mitchs98 @Crimson Night @Helm Dexter @femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf

Shnuydude said:
He still watched the demon even when Maria approached him, he shook his head "there was nothing" he replied sadly "somebodies already been through there and took everything edible. There was stuff like spices but we can't survive off of stuff like that." he looked around at the group in the room and whispered "if we don't get food soon then we'll be in a tough spot" little did he know that in the vent right next to Maria and him, there was a girl listening to their entire conversation.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @Mitchs98 @Shnuydude @Silver Wolf @Crimson Night [/color][/font][/center]

Lilac Dubois

Lilac slightly turned her head to the girl who originally asked her the question of Survivor or Killer. The way this girl spoke to her made her confused. Command after command: Show me your slip and don't try anything. Did this person think she could take Lilac on if she didn't approve of her? After eyeing the girl, she took out yet another lollipop from her pocket and popped it in her mouth. Listening to the demon and neko's conversation, she overheard the food situation. At this pace, Lilac would have enough lollipops to last her about two days. There was nothing Lilac needed from these people, especially since half of them were on guard, making sure Lilac wouldn't attack. But, what else would she do? Wander the halls collecting souls? Hanging around these people could be more fun. In the end, she could possibly gain new puppets for her collection. She could sense the power surging through their bodies. A lot of them were either strong or skillful. It was a win-win. Lilac could simply tell them the truth that she was a survivor to gain their trust. As they said, there would be no point. Plus, one of them basically already gave her permission to stick around as long as she didn't try anything. But... "Survivor." Her mouth moved on its own. "I'm a survivor." Lilac was curious to see what was going to happen during these next three days.

Soon after, a new problem arose. Lilac lifted her head and scanned the group. Her eyes narrowed. She heard an extra set of breathing, and it seemed to be coming from withing the room. She began to count each one of them: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. She took a quick look around, and closed her eyes. Lilac blocked out the chatter from members of the group and isolated the one person's movements and breathing. Above? Most demons had impeccable senses. Although Lilac was not part of the majority with all five enhanced senses, she was gifted with amazing hearing. Her hearing abilities haven't been trained all too much, so Lilac couldn't be sure the exact location of this extra set of breathing, but she definitely heard something above them. Pushing strands of hair away from her face, she stood there looking at the ceiling.

@femjapanriceball @Silver Wolf @Shnuydude @Helm Dexter @Kazehana
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@TripTripleTimes[/URL] @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri frowned when Chaka said the food was burned in the cafeteria. Great. Now what were they going to do for food? Maybe they could raid lockers for food, seemed like a good idea. There were tons of them after all and Ciri really doubted everyone went to their lockers when this happened. There was surely enough food in the lockers for them to be able to have something to eat for three days. This day was already roughly half over anyway, it was around lunchtime as far as Ciri could tell. They'd have to be careful, but they could do it. Ciri only continued to stare intensely at Chaka as he walked up to them, sure he had freaky powers similar to Emmanuels but he didn't intimdate her. He was already injured, she wouldn't hesitate to injure him to the point he couldn't move if running wasn't an option. She did remember who Chaka was talking about, but only due to the talent show thing he'd pulled. It had to be memorable if Ciri remembered it. She grew slightly scared when he started shouting at Emmanuel, her eyes widening when he once again mentioned killing Sierra. Once he left, her opting to ignore the insult, she turned to Emmanuel. "Come on Emu, lets go find somewhere to hide. Where we were at was a good place, I guess. Or we can go somewhere else." She told him.
Emmanuel resits smacking the older boy's hand away from him. He heard Chaka the first time. It was just a joke! He grindshis teeth angrily and crosses his arms as Chaka leaves the two alone. As much as he wants to talk back, this is not the time to piss someone off.

"No, the classroom is good. At least for now." Emmanuel says and takes Cirillia's hand before he jogs towards the school. He needs to gather his thought and... the two of them need a plan if they want to survive.
TripTripleTimes said:
Emmanuel resits smacking the older boy's hand away from him. He heard Chaka the first time. It was just a joke! He grindshis teeth angrily and crosses his arms as Chaka leaves the two alone. As much as he wants to talk back, this is not the time to piss someone off.
"No, the classroom is good. At least for now." Emmanuel says and takes Cirillia's hand before he jogs towards the school. He needs to gather his thought and... the two of them need a plan if they want to survive.
Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded and quickly followed behind Emmanuel as he started jogging back towards the school. She was officially now more scared than ever. They couldn't leave, they'd have to stay here and survive for two and a half more days. There was no help coming for them and people were already starting to turn feral. She stayed composed as best as possible though, she had to. Panicking would lead to both of them dying and that was definetely the last thing she wanted. It didn't take them long at all to reach the classroom they were hiding in, Ciri quickly cimbing through the window when they had. "
So...what now?" She asked him. "We can check some of the lockers for food, they should have some..maybe..I don't know." She told him before sighing. Emmanuel was definetely the smarter out of the two, so she hoped he could come up with a good plan. Or at-least most of it.
Mitchs98 said:
Cirillia Vines
Ciri nodded and quickly followed behind Emmanuel as he started jogging back towards the school. She was officially now more scared than ever. They couldn't leave, they'd have to stay here and survive for two and a half more days. There was no help coming for them and people were already starting to turn feral. She stayed composed as best as possible though, she had to. Panicking would lead to both of them dying and that was definetely the last thing she wanted. It didn't take them long at all to reach the classroom they were hiding in, Ciri quickly cimbing through the window when they had. "
So...what now?" She asked him. "We can check some of the lockers for food, they should have some..maybe..I don't know." She told him before sighing. Emmanuel was definetely the smarter out of the two, so she hoped he could come up with a good plan. Or at-least most of it.
As soon as the two slip into the classroom, Emmanuel locks the window and closes the blind. That done, the boy takes off his backpack and empty the contexts out. Soon there is two piles between Cirillia and Emmanuel. All of Emmanuel's school works and prank materials are stacked in one pile and the other consists of a deflated potato chip, two chocolate bars, a soda bottle, and two plastic bento box. Emmanuel opens a box to see- Oh, two vege wraps! Did mom sprinked cranberries in it? Urg, she knows he doesn't like them. Emmanuel opens up the second one. Oh good, bacon bits on his. He has to count his lucky stars that they were able to get away with just Cirillia's candy back there.

"I think we're good for food now. Humans can last without food for weeks. Water, we'll easily get it in a sink." Emmanuel mumbles. He looks up at Cirillia.

"We can leave the lockers for now. It's too dangerous, but if we need more food I think I have some bars in my locker..." Emmanuel trails off seeing Cirillia's expression. Is this too much for her? It must be. Emmanuel's sure face softens and his gaze falls down, unfocused, to his supplies.

"We can do this." He hopes, though most of the time he was moving autopilot and going by what big brother would do. Plus, he and Alicia have talked about what they would do if a zombie apocalypse ever happen and his survival games should have taught him something!

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