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Fantasy heart of the sea: dead or alive (chameleon & lillymity)


low in pixels
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

genre: fantasy, medieval, romance, adventure
song: mi capitán - kiltro
partner: lillymity lillymity

a fearless runaway prince and a fearsome pirate outlaw. both with bounties, only one wanted alive. they decide to travel together. the prince eager to explore the world outside the castle meanwhile the outlaw weighs which would be more beneficial to him: the prince's company or the prince's bounty.
dangerous - big data


  • appearance: a height of six feet tall with a toned figure. particularly strong arms. scars new and old, big and small, all across his body. the immediately visible ones are on his face. two to the left of his forehead and another larger one travelling up from the nape of his neck to his left cheek. tanned skin. rough. calloused. tans further when out in the sun for long. straight black hair carelessly swept to one side. wears discreet clothing with the occasional exception of a piece of jewelry. typically in a hooded cloak to hide his features.

    • • ● • •

    name: castiel aristaeus

    age: 24 years old

    gender: male

    role: pirate outlaw

    miscellaneous: incredible at sword fighting and dual wields matching scimitars.

coded by BELIAL.
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Chiros de Dhoelath


  • appearance:

    • • ● • •

    name: Chiros de Dhoelath

    age: 22 years old

    gender: male

    height: 5'3

    role: runaway prince

coded by BELIAL.
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Streamers. Confetti. Loud music and singing crowds.

Fate couldn’t have delivered him anywhere worse.

The Kingdom of Dhoelath. A name overheard through the drunken hurrahs on the street. Two men swaying with drinks in hand belting, “O’ glorious Dhoelath with sands of white, long may she triumph under the sun’s delight!”.

Elsewhere, a little girl begs her mother for a flower crown on a merchant’s cart. A dance circle erupts on the streetside as a bard plays a familiar tune. A group of children bolt down the alley, laughing and waving colorful flags presenting Dhoelath’s crest.

A celebration of independence, or so Castiel reasoned. He might as well exploit the festivities. Castiel hooks his finger around the end of a red scarf stuffed into a woman’s bag and pulls. It slips with ease and once a decent distance away, he wraps it around his neck and jaw. Further hiding his features by tugging his hood lower.

He sees his face plastered onto a wall and does a double-take. A wanted poster; wonderful. Another confirmation that he had to get out of here as soon as possible. But how? And with what ship? Everything but the clothes on his body were swept away during the shipwreck.

“The Royal Parade is starting!” A woman squeals, linking arms with a friend and running away with gleeful smiles.

Castiel’s eyes follow them, but he hears the subject of their fawning before seeing it. Metallic feet against cobblestone. The clanking of armor colliding together. Fanfare introducing their uniform arrival.

“Just my damned luck.” He hisses.

Castiel stretches his arm towards the wall and blindly swats his hand across its surface until it finds the paper of his wanted poster and tears it off. Ducking into the nearest alley, the wanted poster is crumpled into a tight ball between his hands as he pushes himself into the shadows, keenly watching the royal guard march by.

The first thing Chiros heard, as he woke up, were loud voices and the clicking of the metal armor shoes. He quickly made out, that it was his father and probably one of the guards or something.

After slowly getting up with a big yawn, he looks out of the window, the bright colours almost blinding him.

Argh..no..the town's yearly honour day…he hated it so much..

Though actually it was also because of him. They celebrated, the beauty of the kingdom and that it will stay like that because they had a new heir after four decades of infertility and his father almost to old to rule the kingdom. But luckily it wasn’t Chiros' time yet.

After getting himself ready, his white loose festives shirt with golden embroidery on the shoulders, he put on his cape. It was wine red like their kingdoms colour.

Then Chiros walked out of his room, down to the stable, where his father already sat on his horse.

'Son, unusual to see you up this early.' , his father said, obviously sarcastic as it was already almost afternoon. 'You can join the festives on your own with your guard. But get too much into the crowd.'

Oh well, like always. He wasn’t allowed to join the parade as his father thought he was too dangerous and maybe his powers would ruin everything with that many people watching. Sure, wasn’t like that couldn’t happen any other way as well.

"Fine.." , the half-elve grumbles and walks back up, looking for his guard. Maybe as his father was busy, he could use the chance to the escape this big cage he lives in.

And quickly Chiros found him. "I want to go to the town already." , he says and walks up to the big front door, his guard only sighs and follows him. Luckily the way down to the center of the town isn't that long, so they quickly arrived there. At first Chiros was staying by the side of the whole festives, looking for the best way to escape.

Decorated spears pointed towards the sky. Flags beating against the wind. The sheen of polished metal catching the sun and blinding anyone watching from the wrong angle. Armored guards marched down the central path in perfected unison whilst surrounded on either side by an adoring crowd. The parade of power didn’t seem like it would end soon.

The mass outside the alley had grown in the few minutes he’d waited. With the public distracted by the parade it would be his only chance to slip away with dubious ease. What awaited him to the opposite end of the alley was a wall, so he’d condemned himself to face the swarm the second he escaped into the narrow space.

After pushing and squeezing, Castiel emerged into a less crammed space. The corner of his vision glimpsed a short, well-decorated man flanked by two taller official looking men. Their uniform reeked of status. Perhaps the young noble who stood between them needed protection for the festivities.

Castiel fell into step behind a line of civilians that shifted down the pavement, satisfied with their viewing of the parade and intended to leave. As they brushed past the young noble, slow against the sea of people, Castiel’s hand reached for the decorative sword scabbard strapped to the man’s hip. The weapon’s ornate hilt would fetch a hefty price among traders; Castiel needed the money.

All it took was a steady, fast swipe. The rapier eased from its scabbard without notice. If only it had stayed that way.

Someone in the crowd stumbled, clumsily bumping into one of the uniformed men protecting the black haired noble. There was near to nothing Castiel could have done to react in time. Amid hiding the sword beneath his cloak, the protector’s gaze—by happenstance or ill-fate—directly caught the pommel of the rapier poking from under Castiel’s cloak.

Time turned into a thick sludge. Castiel watched the guard’s face shift from confusion, to recognition, to resolve. Before the man’s eyes could find his face, Castiel brisked around and shoved through passersby more forcibly.

“Stop! Thief!” He heard the man announce from behind, voice nearly swept away by the sounds of the festival. One glance over his shoulder, and Castiel sees he’s being followed.

“Of-fucking-course.” Damned by his luck, Castiel charged away from the scene. His lungs burned from when he’d purged the ocean water out of his body along the coast. Now each fast breath he took felt like a punch to the chest.

Focused on the pain, he nearly missed an exit to his left. He skidded to a stop; the heels of his feet unpleasantly grated against the cobblestone. Without a last glance at his pursuers, Castiel turned sharply into the clear walkway and sprinted.

Luckily his father was completely busy in the parade. So Chiros could go more into the town without and eyes on him — except for his guards. The prince’s hand fiddled a little around the hilt of his sword. He needed the perfect time to escape. A busy crowd would be perfect.

That seemed to be pretty easy for a festival like today. But unfortunaly lost in thoughts, Chiros only noticed some seconds too late, that his sword was missing. But in the same second on of his guards starting chasing some bigger guy.

The other guard was also distracted for this exact second, so Chiros used it to escape them. Sprinting into an alleyway, he as well chased after that guy, that stole his sword. Wasn’t like he wouldn’t need it, when being on the run. Fortunaly his alleyway was a little higher up, so he could observe the one, that stole his sword. And he was more and more outrunning the guard.

But not Chiros, being small came in handy with being fast.

So the dark-haired switched into the next alleywall to his left. And some seconds later the thief seemed to have the same idea, as Chiros heard quick steps approaching. Now he had to decide quick. Getting his sword back while not getting caught. The other guard was probably searching for him. But he had to get out of town, before his father would get a word of that.

The second the unknown thief sprinted past him, Chiros pulled him by his shirt into the side entrance of a house. That proved a little more difficult than Chiros thought. But no surprise as this guy was much taller than him. Towering the elve prince by a lot.

Hearing the clanking armor of his guard, Chiros stayed very quiet and put his index finger infront of his lips to show the other to be silent. That way they won't be found. Luckily the clanking quited down quickly. These guards weren’t really the best in their job. Probably giving his father an even worse explaination for losing his son, the most important thing to the kingdom, as they still were under the curse.

As the guard definitly went back, Chiros tried to snatch his sword out of the other’s hand. Though that wasn’t easy as well, considering, that the thief's hands were almost twice as big as his small elvish ones.

"I need that back." , he said as sternly as he was always with his guards. Normally that did always work. But being a spoiled noble youngster, he was too fond of his self, that he didn’t consider, that it doesn’t work like that in the real world.

But quickly after the elve prince recognized the face — now that the scarf almost slipped of of his shoulders. That was the guy from the wanted posters, wasn’t he ? If Chiros remembered correctly that guy was a pirate or something.

"You need to get out of here, don‘t you ?" , he quickly asked, deciding to help the thief.
Oh, what a naive decision..
But if Chiros helped him to get out of here, maybe the other would give back his sword and take the dark-haired prince with him.

Metallic footfalls echoed off the tall walls that swallowed the sounds of the festival happening beyond them. Castiel cursed their persistence. This sword better be worth all the trouble it was worth.

One more corner. One more turn. That’s all he needed to lose the guard chasing him. His legs pushed to the limit and scenery soared past his vision, Castiel misses the first easy exit to take. Had two hands not reached out to grasp him, Castiel might have kept his pace.

The halt to his darting felt disastrous. The speed he’d built up comes to an abrupt stop as he stumbled into the alley, swept by the momentum and nearly collided with the person who dragged him. Brain barely caught up with his body, Castiel’s hand squeezed the hilt of the sword ready to stab whoever was in front of him.

A fanciful shirt with golden embroidery. A red cape draped over his back. It was the noble he’d stolen from. Castiel’s eyes narrowed but rather attack or run, he quelled his breath.

The space—or lack thereof—was claustrophobic. An uncomfortableness owed to the heat which poured from his own body combined with the hot afternoon air around them. It was in that stifled silence that Castiel got a good look at the shorter man in front of him.

Full, dark lashes. Pointed ears. Raven black hair with black eyes to match.

No. Green eyes. Castiel doubted he would’ve noticed were he stood at a distance. Dark green like the shadows in the forest.

The footsteps eventually dissolved. The guards either gave up their search or continued it beyond where they needed to.

Castiel’s grip tightened around the sword when the noble’s hand shot out to snatch it. It barely budged in his grasp. Hearing the man say he needed it in that same demanding intonation that most aristocrats present wasn’t surprising. Castiel looked at him and saw someone who got exactly what he wanted at the snap of his fingers, and it irked him.

The realization dawned on the little noble’s face and rather than back down, he persists. Stood in front of one of the most wanted outlaws with no guards in sight, yet not even a tremble in his voice. Castiel scoffed. This guy had probably never seen a day of danger in his life.

Taking full advantage of the confined space and his leering height, Castiel pushed forward until the noble was trapped. One of his arms comes up, a calloused hand positioned firmly against the brick wall which pressed against the noble’s back. The other lifts the sword between them, blade down. He touched the pommel under the noble’s chin and forced his eyes up.

“The sword stays with me until I say so.” He finalized. Voice low and quiet. “Now, how much money do you have on you, and why did you help me escape your guards?” Castiel couldn’t risk being gentle with the rich and powerful, they had too much influence over everything as it stood. “And you better have good answers.”

The force, that the other brought with him with his pace, almost forced them to collide, Chiros got a little pushed back already because he didn’t expect the other to be this quick.

But luckily nothing like really colliding happened and they just stood in silence, while listening to the foot steps disappearing. The young prince definitly felt how the other’s gaze was utterly on him. But he did feel no fear. Like why should he ? Okay, maybe that was one of the most dreaded outlaws. But Chiros' naive mind told him, that nothing will happen. Though such an empty alleyway was the perfect stop to silently kill someone.

As he spoke his demand, the other did nothing like Chiros was usually used to. Normally the sword would be in his hand right away. But this guy had the audacity to keep his sword. His — the second expensive one in the whole kingdom. First was of course the king's sword.

Instead this outlaw, this thief, trapped him against the brick wall behind him. That felt awfully narrow. And even though the dark-haired definitly felt fear inside of him, he didn’t let it show on the outside.

When his gaze was forced up, Chiros sternly looked at the other, right into his yellowish shining eyes. He was still demanding his sword. "But that's mine." , he repeated, this time a little threatening.

Money ? Did that guy want to steal that from his as well ? Well, he had stole some coins from his father. At least that much, that he would survive a month. "I have forty in silver coins and twenty in gold coins." , Chiros answered. Though that wasn’t fully true, but the sum seemed alright for a runaway prince. Actually Chiros had one-hundred twenty in silver coins and one-hundred in gold coins. That was enough for something to eat every day and at least most days a room to stay over night.

"I didn’t plan on helping you, just wanted to get my sword back. I need it back, because I have to get out of the kingdom." , Chiros said truthfully, now giving a reasoning for why he needed that sword.

Then the elve decided to shoot his shot and just bluntly asked the pirate outlaw if he could go with him. Well or tried to get away with him. "Let's make a deal, I get us something to leave the kingdom. As you probably didn’t want to stay here longer than you need. And in return I get back my sword and can travel with you."

And Chiros already had a plan. Because of the festives, most people, that are not from here, left their horses at the taverns. No one watching over them. So they could just get theirselves one and escape the town.

After offering that deal, Chiros tried to make himself some more space, as well as escaping the force of the pommel of his sword. While trying to push it down, he also slowly grabbed onto the hilt, trying to snatch it from the other once again.

But the other had to decide quickly now, there wasn’t much time left till the parade was over and his father returned back to the castle and then he would get a word of that his son escaped. Probably he would force all guards and the whole kingdom to search after Chiros, the prince, that was supposed to save the kingdom.

But then he would be out of town already — hopefully. Though an outlaw pirate and a prince, that were both on the run and wanted, would probably prove itself to be a harder challenge, than the young prince thought right now.
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He had to get out of the kingdom. It wasn’t a matter of want like most nobles are known to do. This wasn’t a vacation or a whim. Whoever this aristocrat was, he was running from something. Castiel wondered how bad it was that he couldn’t pay for it to go away. Stolen goods? A secret lovechild? Murdered someone in cold blood? No, a wealthy man could get away with all the former and more. Perhaps he wasn’t so wealthy anymore judging by the lackluster sum of money he owned.

There’s fire in the noble’s eyes when he voiced his compromise. Something roughly resembling respect sparked within Castiel. Nevertheless, it was nothing larger than a small candle’s flame. He wasn’t very generous with his approval.

The sword is pulled away from the elite's hand again; Castiel stepped backwards to allow them both space to breathe.

“You find a way to get us out of here, then I return your sword.” Said with the unmoving stubbornness of a boulder. “And if I so much as catch a whisper of you ratting me out, you can say goodbye to your precious little blade forever.” The sword would be too risky to trade in the kingdom regardless. With a hilt so intricately crafted and well-made, it would certainly be recognizable. Castiel wasn’t familiar enough with the place to find the people who didn’t care and wouldn’t ask questions. He'd be luckier in a different city.

“Now lead the way. I’ll be right behind you.” His hood and stolen scarf are pulled over his face once more, hiding everything but his eyes. "Make it quick."

Well, actually they were pretty wealthy. One of the wealthiest kingdoms to be honest. But after all Chiros couldn’t take more with him than he could carry. And if he took more than he did, it would definitly be too suspicious for his father. He had to take it in secret out of his treasure room.

And that little escape right here was definitly needed to happen in secret. Any other way, his father and the guards would force him back into this cage of a castle. The elve prince definitly wanted to get out, live a free life without someone telling him what to do and find his mother.

As the other snatched the sword away again, Chiros sighed. But at least he backed a little up. So the dark-haired slowly took a step away from the brick wall, finally he didn’t have to endure the cold, wet feeling on his back anymore.

"Promise!" , Chiros said and looked at the outlaw, right into his eyes. The prince's own darkish green eyes had some kind of a commanding threat in them. But the second sentence confused him a bit. "Why the hell should I snitch on you ? I don't want to be here as well, so I guess it would be very dumb to do so." His voice had some kind of an arrogant tone in it.

So now Chiros had to find them an opportunity to escape. He peaked around the corner and looked for some people, that could get dangerous for them.
No one in sight.
The elve then quickly started walking towards a tavern, though seeing how the other shielded himself from the public eye, made him feel a little unsafe.

He didn’t even thought his whole thing of escaping through, so he himself had no disguise, though that would really come in handy.

But he could eventually steal some or buy like a cloth or something. So for now Chiros hurried to get to the tavern. And there their jackpot to escape was — at least four horses just standing there, waiting for their owners.

"Just take one, that way we are quicker out of here." , Chiros said and quickly got on a black noble-looking horse. The prince didn’t even consider, that maybe the other couldn’t even ride, but that was their only way right now. And after getting out of the town, they could ride slower.

The nobleman’s voice carried with an audacity that simultaneously amused and irritated Castiel. With a bit tongue to prevent further strife, the outlaw followed the expensive heels of the noble through the town. Head tucked low, eyes scanning for potential threats, unsheathed sword hidden under the cloak. Motions he thought were common sense when stealthing through a kingdom. However, the further they trekked the more Castiel noticed his companion didn’t care for the unspoken rules.

He watched somewhere between horrified and incredulous when the young man approached an open stable beside a tavern and mounted one of the horses. Castiel heard the raucous laughter and music from inside the busy building, the sun shone brightly over both their heads. He couldn’t decide if the noble was more stupid than he was brave. There was an answer he leaned towards, and it wasn’t the latter.

It didn’t matter. Without his crew, his ship, or his belongings, Castiel couldn’t afford to worry about tactics.


He walked up to a brown stallion, tensed as its tail swished to the side. Its huge, abyss-like eyes stared off to nowhere in particular. He shuddered. A foul thing. He untethered its reins from the post hastily, stopping only when the animal huffe at him. Castiel doesn’t dare look it in the eyes. Of all the methods of transportation, it had to be horses?

Carefully—and more clumsily than he’d anticipated—Castiel sat himself atop of the horse. He immediately grimaced at the discomfort. When the horse shook its head, his heart nearly lept out from his throat.

“E-Easy…” He coaxed the animal and squeezed the reins like they were his saving grace. The sword is tucked between his belt and out of his hands. “How do you get it to—”

“There!” A voice shouted from a distance, cutting off Castiel before he could finish. Some royal guards had found them. Great. “Prince Chiros, your father demands you back at the castle!”


“Prince?!” The surprise in his voice was inevitable. Even if he tried to hide it by staying quiet, the absolute shock on his face screamed it enough. Then there was the panic that settled as the horse he’s riding becomes restless. It whinnied and stomped its hooves with a slight buck. Castiel scrambled to stay steadily atop it. “Hey, hey! Stop that!” He tried commanding it, but that only made it more anxious.

The guards started sprinting towards them. This was the worst possible time to lose control of the horse. It spun around just as one of the armored men closed the distance between them. Before he could draw his sword, Castiel slammed his foot into the man’s head and kicked him to the ground. The horse neighed and lifted onto its back legs in even more of a frenzy.

“Shit!” A string of obscenities cycled from Castiel’s mouth as he clung frantically. The other horses in the stable all stirred with the sudden action, drawing attention from the tavern’s window. The second guard glanced between the outlaw on a wild horse and the prince he was meant to return safely unsure of which to give his priority. The choice was made easy when the horse successfully tossed Castiel off then sprinted into the busy plaza.

Side slammed into the cobblestone, all Castiel could think was how glad he was to not have landed on the sword. The sword which he immediately whipped out from his belt when the guard charged at him with his own. He parried the blade, then kicked the guard’s greaves to throw his balance. Stumbling onto his feet, Castiel’s jaw is bludgeoned with the pommel of the guard’s sword, who quickly regained himself. The pain doesn’t register immediately, just a numb pulse. Hearing the previous knight’s metal clink back to consciousness, Castiel lowered himself and fully tackled his opponent, throwing him into the trough of water laid out for the horses.

Without a second to waste, he spun around and headed for the prince, jumping behind him onto the horse.


Rather than really having a disguise to scurry through the town, Chiros always stopped, peaking in the new alleyway and then quickly flitting to the next safe spot. But that way they eventually got to their — or rather his — destination.

The prince mounted the horse like it was nothing, like he knew the black stallion he chose his whole life. After sitting on it, they quickly moved out of the stable, though it bucked a little forward. But the dark-haired elve was a good rider, his father taught him since he was five. Being a young lad, he already rode the big horses. And now a buck won't get him off that quickly. So he also considered, that the other must at least know how to ride a little. And it didn’t even cross his mind, that he perhaps was afraid of horses.

But while Chiros and his horse seemed to be relaxed and to get along already, the dark-haired outlaw probably chose a much more difficult horse. You could see, that this stallion only waited for the right moment to bolt away. Over the time, you got a good look for that. But for now, Chiros only watched the two. There was no time to change horses. They had to go!

Oh and they definitly had to go now..!

Suddenly the elve heard some familiar voices. Oh shit..they found him..
He knew, that they took too much time. But he couldn’t just leave without the other, without his sword.

Somehow his own horse stayed perfectly relaxed while the one of his companion started to go crazy. "Let's go! You just have to stay on it till we are out of sight..!" , Chiros tried to command to start their escape. But the two of them seemed too caught up. And the guards coming closer didn’t really help.

The elve couldn’t really help his companion now, after all he stole his sword. So he was damned to watch and keep his horse calm. And it worked out perfectly, that horse was definitly worth some gold. Seeing his normally untouched sword in action was somehow crazy to see, but he also worried for possible cracks.

The fight was faster over than he actually though and suddenly Chiros only felt the other’s body close to him. The second the horse cantered away with them at full speed, he heard angered yelling. A short look back, Chiros saw some men twice his height run out of the tavern aggressively screaming.
And in the front a brown-haired, much bearded man. His head already red from screaming.
Oh well, guess that was his horse.
Good, that they weren’t there because with his arms twice both of Chiros' leg, he definitly only needed one punch to get him to sleep for a veryyyy long time.
But fortunaly his horse was a real angel.

Some minutes later they found themselves in the safety of the woods. Soft chirping of some birds, gentle rays of sunshine and some distant rippling of a creek. It seemed to be peaceful and safe here — something they definitly needed now."I hope you didn’t ruin my sword. That was hella expensive." , Chiros said, gently slowing the horse to a normal walk. "And now, besides that, I got you out of the town, so I will get it back." , the elve added, turning around to the other and holding out his hand, so his companion could give it back.

Chiros wasn’t someone would could endure silence for long and besides that, he was a real chatterbox. "Where do you even need to go ? Who taught you how to sword fight like that ? That was actually impressive. Like you handled the two guards." the elve-prince almost flodded him with all those questions. But he kept the secret, that these two guards normally weren’t the ones for real fighting, they normally only guarded the garden. But still it was very impressive, how the other fought off both in such a short time, giving them still a good opportunity to escape.
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Trees. Birds. Silence. An implicit departure from the mayhem they’d left in their wake. Castiel’s agitation allayed enough to feel his throbbing cheek and sore ribs. A long, alleviated sigh poured from his lips; his head thrown back to face the canopy of twisted branches and leaves above. Flakes of sun poked through, leaving everything below the trees freckled with light. Castiel couldn’t remember that last time he’d been in the forest. The ocean was his calling. It’s what he owed his heart to. But he appreciated nature in all its forms, and as much as he loved the blue of the sea, some vibrant green was a welcomed change.

His musings are interrupted by his travelling companion. Castiel closed his eyes with the intention of ignoring him in favor of pursuing his peace. Alerted by the shift in his movement, the outlaw suspiciously cracked an eye open. Silently, he stared at the outstretched hand that demanded the sword be returned. The conditions were met; they’d left the kingdom and there was no betrayal.

Castiel deliberated. He could kill the shorter man right now, rob his belongings, and be on his way. Alternatively, if the sword was surrendered, Castiel loses his leverage. Hand wrapped around the hilt, Castiel pulled the sword from his belt and admired it. Excellent craftmanship, sharpened to perfection, but not his taste in weaponry.

All things considered; it was the noble’s tone that discouraged Castiel from immediately returning the blade. As he’s bombarded with questions, his eyes rolled, and he slid off the back of the horse in favor of walking beside it.

“I suppose your royal tutors didn't cover the word "please", in their lessons?” The outlaw deadpanned with a continued interest in examining the sword instead of looking at the prince. That’s right. Prince, not Noble. He scoffed at the absurdity. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves first?” In the hand farthest from the prince, Castiel effortlessly spun the blade. “What was it the guards called you? Jiro? Prince Jiro, right?” It was a deliberate jab to attempt rousing the prince. Castiel wouldn’t so easily forget a name such as Chiros.

As the other slid down the horse's back and started to walk next to him, Chiros slowed the horse a bit, so they would stay in the same pace. He loosened the reins a bit, the black stallion snorting in relaxation and lowering his head. It also seemed like he was interested in their companion. He gently nudged the other’s arm and snorted at him. Chiros smiled a little at that scene. At least that horse seemed to like the outlaw pirate.

"Well no. Never needed it. And that's mine, so I don't need to beg for it." , the prince said with a convinced stubborness. Then again the elve tried to snatch his sword from the other. Finally getting his will, but again the dark-haired failed to grab it and even almost fell down the horse. But he caught himself and grumbled a little, while looking away.

"Well sure, but after that I want my sword back." , Chiros agreed with a stern look on his face. He never had to say please or something like that, and with being a prince he didn’t have to, had he ? And his father taught him to never say please as well. He always said *'demanding is the best way'*, as king or even prince you shouldn’t leave options to people with a lower status.

"Chiros" , the elve said and looked over to the other. "Prince Chiros" , he then repeated. The horse snorted and looked up to the elve-prince. He just gently petted it and loosened the reins even more. "At least I *was* the prince till now. I don't want to live in that cage there, that's why I escaped with you." , the dark-haired explained and sighed a little.

"And you are a pirate, right ? I overheard how our ambassador and my father talked about you. Well, they didn’t talk about you in particular, but said that there is a pirate outlaw on the run and warned, that he could get in out kingdom. " , Chiros said and looked at him. While he rode next to him, the elve observed the other. His dark wild hair, the yellowish piercing eyes, his tanned skin and the muscular arms.

He really looked like Chiros always imagined a pirate. A man, that knew what he wants and gets what he wants. But except for looking different than him, Chiros was the same. He really takes what he wants and wants what he takes.

And right now, Chiros had what he wants — freedom. The elve enjoyed the gentle rays of sunshine on his white almost porcelain skin. The wind blowing through his wavy raven black hair. Was much better than just sitting in his room in the castle, having to endure yet another lesson of sword fighting or some other shit. He knew every theoretical shit, he wanted to practice in real life, but that would never happen if Chiros stayed in the kingdom.

Castiel tried not to flinch when the horse’s head tilted towards him and nudged his arm. With his palm held up, he gently turned its head away. A little too close for comfort, buddy.

Chiros introduced himself, name repeated twice for good measure. Castiel smirked and faked a look of realization for his faux mistake.

“Prince Chiros.” He drawled, the name gliding off his tongue.

”…that’s why I escaped with you.” The prince had said. It threw Castiel off kilter. There was something binding about those words. It occurred to him that Chiros had no plan to part ways. Hell, it sounded like the prince never had a plan beyond ‘get out of the kingdom’. The prince’s logic must fall somewhere along the lines of they’d escaped together, thus they were staying together.

“Yes, little prince, I’m a pirate.” Castiel sighed flippantly. He pushed the matter of their partnering aside. He’d dedicate more time to it when he could be alone with his thoughts. “Castiel, if you care for my name. Captain of the Sea Serpent,” He paused, a slight playful twinge in his gaze. “At least I was the captain till now.” He mirrored Chiros’ previous words.

“It’s more a shipwreck than an actual ship now.” The memory of the storm and whirlpool stirred a tightening in his chest. His brows furrowed still hearing the panic in his crew’s voices as they desperately tried getting to safety. The playfulness faded. In all the hecticness of the last couple hours, he nearly forgot his mission to find his crewmates and get a new ship. Without them, he was just an average wanted thief.

The sound of running water grew closer. Castiel faced its direction, then gestured for Chiros to follow.

After having winded through trees and brushes, Castiel occasionally tasked with clearing a path for the horse, they arrived at the creek. Without a moment to waste, Castiel knelt beside the running water and scooped some into his hands to take a sip. It’s cool and refreshing, even the stray droplets that dripped down his chin were welcomed.

“We’ll keep following the stream until we find somewhere to camp.” He looked at Chiros from over his shoulder, pointing further down the creek. “We should look for things to start a fire, at least. If we’re lucky we’ll find something edible along the way.” Maybe there’d be fish further ahead, if not, they could always rely on nuts and berries.

“Here.” Castiel tossed the sword towards Chiros. “It was getting annoying holding onto it.” Not the exact truth, but the prince didn’t need to know that.

Actually Chiros didn’t really plan more, than just escaping his cage, that the other crossed his way was just lucky fate. Otherwise it would have been really hard to escape his guards. Now staying with the other seemed like a good option to him as his companion seemed to have some experience in surviving like that. Maybe they could get good friends. At least that's what his naive mind believed. Someone who would bring him back because of the high bounty he had.

"Hey, I'm not little. I'm much taller than you right now, see ?" , Chiros said, faking to be hurt by those words and then making himself as tall as possible. Though he was infact a little prince. Even for an elve he was pretty small. But perhaps that could help them some day. Hearing the pirate's name, it actually sounded familiar. He heard that *famous* name before. Though when Castiel copied his words, the elve-prince rolled his eyes. "And why aren't you on your ship anymore ? Are your crewmembers still alive ?" , the dark-haired asked bluntly, not thinking that it wasn’t very sensitive to ask something like that, but his curiousity unfortunaly won.

After the other made a way for them, Chiros followed Castiel on the horse. The stallion slowly walked after the pirate and snatched himself some leaves from the one or the other tree or bush. Chiros chuckled a little and stretched his legs, leaving them hanging out on the stirrups. Arriving at the creek, the horse did the same as Castiel, drinking much water as the water was much better than the one at the tavern in the through. The prince watched them two in awe. He never drank water out of a creek. Wasn't that completely insane ?! Filled with bacteria and such ? Well, that was at least what a spoiled little prince was taught. Luckily he wasn’t thirsty yet.

"Somewhere to camp ? Out here ?!" , Chiros asked dumbfounded. He thought they would go to the next tavern or something. The elve never slept in the woods before. Oh shit, that made his anxiety rise pretty much. What if some wild animal would eat them ? "A..And what if we find nothing to eat..?" , the dark-haired, fear in his voice. What if they would starve to death ?! A spoiled someone like him, who never got to see the real world would definitly die without someone like Castiel here.

It came pretty unexpected when the pirate tossed the sword back to him, that's why Chiros only caught it right before it hit the horse. He examined it for any little cracks or something, but nothing. So the elve quickly put it back in it's place on his belt, so no one would steal it again.

Now while following Castiel on the horse, Chiros picked some little branches from the one or other tree, thinking that would be fine for a fire. After his hands got fuller and fuller, Chiros looked over to Castiel. "Is this fine for the fire ?"

It didn’t faze Castiel that the pampered highborn would panic upon realizing he wouldn’t be resting his head atop a plush pillow of swan feathers or draped with a quilt of expensively imported fabrics for the night. Asking Chiros if he’d ever spent time alone in nature would only be a courtesy. The answer was obvious.

“If we find nothing to eat then I guess we starve.” Castiel shrugged carelessly. The sarcasm in his tone dry enough that even those trained to hear it would question him. “Or we eat the horse.” A half-hearted devilish grin pulled at his lips as he started collecting branches and sticks from the ground. Obviously, he was only mocking.

“Those will do,” Castiel glanced over his shoulder at the sticks in Chrios’ arms. “Just make sure they’re dry.”

They walk for longer. Castiel eventually removed the scarf around his neck and collected all their assembled wood; wrapped it up in the red fabric to make it easily carried. It’s handed to Chiros to hold while Castiel focused on finding food. Pulling from memories of his past travels and experiences, Castiel plucked a handful of mushrooms, berries, and nuts. It wasn’t a full course meal, but it should at least hold them over until morning.

With the sun beginning to set, they stopped at a small clearing with a collapsed tree. The running water of the creek could still be fainty heard off to the side.

“Not bad.” Hands on his hips, Castiel surveyed the space. The surrounding trees provided some cover, but hopefully it wouldn’t rain. “Get off that thing and bring some stones from the creek. We’ll need it for the campfire.” He instructed Chiros as he collected dried, fallen leaves into a pile at the center of their small space. “Think you can handle that, princeling?”

"What ?!" That shocked the prince pretty much. Well, he wasn’t the best with understanding sarcasm. "We can't just eat the horse! We still need it." , Chiros tried to defend the black stallion. They couldn’t just kill him after they kind of kidnapped him from his real owner. Besides the elve couldn’t even believe, that horse would taste good.
Well, probably you eat what you get, when you are starving but Chiros never experienced that.

The small dark-haired quickly nodded and checked the earlier picked branches. For him they seemed pretty much dry. When was even the last time it rained here in the kingdom ? Some weeks definitly. Though it could be different here right at the edge of the kingdom.

While carrying their firewood, Chiros steered the horse with one hand after Castiel's footsteps. The elve curiously observed how his companion picked the different edible-looking things. Some seemed familiar to him, like some berries. Normally they were served on dessert or with the main course back in the castle. But now they probably were his main course…and only course.

After they arrived, Chiros looked around, it seemed…okay. But hopefully they didn’t have to stay out here too long. "Sure, do I look like I can't ?" , he answered with a grim face. That little nickname was annoying to him.
So the elve-prince jumped down from the horse and tethered it up to a tree. Then he put down their collected branches and walked to the creek, stumbling over roots and some smaller stones multiple times.

Eventually Chiros arrived next to the creek — luckily without falling because of his stumbling and such. He quickly collected some small stones and brought them back. "Done" , the elve announced himself and showed the stones to Castiel with a little smile. He was pretty proud of his work, though it actually was one of the easiest steps and Chiros didn’t even know what the stones were for.

The thought of abandoning the prince slithered into Castiel’s mind. A sly, quiet snake which hissed pleasantly at how easy it would be. Chiros walked out of sight with his clueless back facing the outlaw. Castiel watched vacant or perhaps nonplussed by the prince’s candid lack of self-awareness. A stranger instructed him somewhere beyond reach and he left their only mode of fast travel behind.

Castiel looked at the horse. Its neck was craned down as it grazed on the grass at its hooves. All it would take was for him to climb on it, and ride away. It’s not like the princeling proved himself beneficial. If anything, the one thing the highborn had excelled at was giving Castiel a headache.

By the time the prince returned, Castiel had piled their best kindling together and the horse was still at its tree. It would have been a hassle to leave during nightfall, anyways.

Chiros’ prideful little grin earned an amused exhale from Castiel, a laugh blown out as quickly as it began.

“Good job. Maybe you’re not so useless.” He taunted, hands collecting the stones from the prince’s arms. They’re assessed to be fully dried then arranged into a barrier around the wood. Once satisfied with the shape, Castiel grabbed a chunk of wood and stick to rub together. With persistence and patience, a small ember is developed into a fully functional campfire.

The forest grew dark around them, the sound of crickets and croaking provided some escape from pin-dropping silence. Castiel roasted some of the mushrooms over the crackling flame, hanging them above the fire on a stick he’d rotate every so often. He’d split the foraged food between him and Chiros. Each had a decent number of berries, nuts, and mushrooms to do with what they pleased.

“So,” Said Castiel after a break of silence. “You run away from your precious castle with barely a plan. Near-to-no belongings on you. No knowledge of how to survive out in the wild. Putting your trust in a complete stranger known to be a criminal.” He listed each off slowly, counting each point on his fingers. Each word spoken impassively. “Sounds like you’re at an all time low, princey. Why the sudden escape from your life of luxury? Daddy didn’t want to buy you a new robe?”
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Well, Chiros was just naive enough to leave them with trust. It wasn’t like he knew, that it was just so easy to abandon him and leave him out to starve here. Chiros had little to know knowledge about edible things out here. Sure, he knew the classics — rasberries, strawberries and walnuts. But he didn’t even know, how to open them, neither which mushrooms were poisonous or how he would start a a little fire. Probably the elve-prince would burn down the whole forest.

The little praise made Chiros' proud smile even brighter. While Castiel took the stones out of his arms, the dark-haired waddled a little closer to him. As the stones were set and done and his companion started making their campfire, Chiros observed that very fascinated. As a little flame lit up, Chiros let out a little breath he didn’t know he was holding. That was very impressive! Well, at least to someone like him.

While Castiel was busy making their food, the little elve sat next to him and looked around in the forest. He was absolutely mesmerized how beautiful a forest looked at night. And sitting here by the campfire made the whole situation not feel like they were escaping. The flames brought that much warmth, that Chiros had to take off his cape. Now it just laid next to him on the ground. But probably it won't stay that warm over night, these woods were famous for getting icy cold at night.

But nothing to think about now, as Castiel handed him the first grilled mushroom. At first the elve looked at the little brown mushroom a little disgusted. Does that even taste good ? He was never a big sucker for mushrooms. But carefully tasting a small bit, the mushroom proved to taste really good. So Chiros just blindly trusted the pirate with every food he got and ate it happily. Not a thought about mistrust, that he could perhaps poison him or such. It tasted just too good and Chiros was really hungry.

As Castiel listed all these critical points to him, the elve just blankly looked at him. Okay, that was true. The whole escaping plan was just a quick reaction, not really planned. But what was so wrong with trusting a stranger ?
Many things — but nothing that was right in Chiros' mind.
"Well firstly, no it wasn’t a robe or something and secondly it wasn’t really that luxury." Maybe on the outside it seemed all too nice, but Chiros experienced much crueler stuff in his golden cage. "I didn't want to stay there longer, because I just have to live after my father's rules. It's like being a bird in cage. I don't want that any longer. I want to travel the world." , Chiros explained the cause of his want to escape.

Then he yawned a little and pulled his legs up to his body, to rest his head on his knees. "And I want to find my mother again." , he then mindlessly told Castiel. "She had her little house here in the woods, when she wasn’t with us in the castle. She is a witch, that's why the elven kingdom got a new heir, because normally there is a curse upon our kingdom." , the dark-haired said and watched how the flame danced in the soft breeze, while curiously poking the fire with a small branch.

A bird in a cage. An astute analogy made by the prince. Castiel could imagine it even now as Chiros was surrounded by all the outside world could offer. His skin unmarred by scars or callouses. Clothes of rare fabrics embroidered in gold. A meek look about him despite the prickling attitude. Whatever tethered Chiros to his royal life lingered both inward and outward.

Castiel could sympathize, at least. That desire to chart the new and unknown parts of the world still bellied strongly within him. An undying, ever-growing flame. Castiel had seen much of the world. The good, the awful, the extraordinary. He’d sailed to islands with vibrant pink trees, fought bandits in abandoned temples, and discovered more artifacts of an era’s past than he knew what to do with. He absently chewed the mushroom at the end of his stick, reminiscing about those adventures.

His reverie was abruptly stopped after he paid enough mind to process Chrios’ confession. His mother was a witch, their kingdom had been cursed. The kind of secret no royal family would want spread. He regarded Chiros in the dim firelight. The flickering shadows that contoured his face made it appear sullen.

Castiel wondered if the prince knew of the witch hunts. They spanned from the smallest of villages to the most influential of kingdoms. Those gifted with arcane abilities were persecuted and killed. Talents which the ordinary mind couldn’t comprehend or achieve. Hung, beheaded, burnt at stakes. He’d even heard whispers of torture masqueraded as experimentation. Now, witches and their otherworldly powers were a thing of myth.

“Right…” He searched Chiros’ face for any sign that he might be joking, trying to trick Castiel as payback for all his mocking comments. Nothing. How had he allowed himself to be wrapped up in this situation? His fingers roughly pushed back his hair; gaze drawn back towards the fire. “In any case, I think it’s time for sleep.” He takes the stick out of Chiros’ hand and tosses it into the campfire. “Do I also need to tell you not to lie down too close to the flame, or will you make things easier for me by using your common sense for once?”

Without waiting for a response, Castiel unfastens the cloak around his shoulders and tosses it onto Chiros. It would be the only comfort the prince gets for the night considering their lack of bedrolls and tents. Castiel planned on keeping watch anyways, so he wasn’t concerned about finding a comfortable place to rest his head.

Of course Chiros did know nothing about witch hunts. His father always kept him away from any hurt in the kingdom. To make the kingdom seem peaceful. To let Chiros believe they weren’t the bad guys. Cruel rulers, who kill everyone off, who doesn’t have the same opinion as them, who revolts against the aristocratical holy words.
But on the other hand, his father also kept the young elve in his cage, so he wouldn’t get hurt himself. If he would die, the kingdom would go down with him. They still were under the curse and there was no way, they could have that much luck for a second try.

Well, and with that he doesn’t even know, that his mother died a long time ago. He still believes she just left them. What didn’t make any sense, she was such a gentle woman, who deeply cared for her child. She wouldn’t have left him if she wasn’t forced to it.

But right now Chiros was more concentrated on the little stick in his hand. He actually even made it just glim mildly. But then suddenly Castiel snatched the stick out of his hand, throwing it in the fire. The dark-haired's face got a little grim, he wanted to complain. But looking at the pirate, Chiros chose to stay silent. Perhaps it was for the better. That grumpy bear, just had to ruin his fun…

"I'm not dumb.." The dark-haired sounded a little huffy, a bit like a child that got told to stop doing something and was now petulant.

After he freed himself from the cloak, the elve tried to quickly fix his wavy dark hair, which now hung into his face and was standing in different directions. That shithead..!
Chiros then laid down, his back facing Castiel. He used his cape as pillow and his companion's cloak as blanket, really snuggeling up in it, as it was quite cold for him already. The elve even almost curled up, his legs again close to his body to maintain his body temperature.

Though Chiros wasn’t sleeping yet, he couldn’t. They were out in the wild here, something the prince did not plan. He was still pretty scared to get eaten by a bear or something. The elve watched the horse, it seemed to slowly snooze into a deeper sleep, as it's head was lowering. The forest seemed very peaceful, gentle chirping, the cracking noises of their fire, the water in the creek in the distance. It wasn’t as comfortable as in his luxury bed, he even felt some weird root of a tree right under his ribs, but it wasn’t too bad actually.

Though now slowly his eyelids got heavier, making them shut slowly. As he slowly drifted to the land of dreams, Chiros even curled up more in the other’s cloak. It kind of soothed him to have something of the other around him.

Castiel watched Chiros curl himself into his cloak; drifted to sleep. The prince’s vulnerability ceased to surprise him further. There wasn’t anything to do about it, nor did Castiel care enough to try. Much less now in the dead of night where he was allowed reprieve to think.

He remained by the fire for a couple minutes, fed it twigs and leaves to keep it at a controlled billow. In his head, a map sprawled out. Foggy, inconsistent. Castiel tried to pinpoint where the Kingdom of Dhoelath aligned with what he remembered. It was a wasted effort. As much as he wished it, the pirate didn’t have a photographic memory.

In the assumed hours that passed, Castiel’s throat grew parched and his eyelids heavied. The sound choice to make was wake up Chiros to take second watch, but a glance at the sleeping prince’s back discouraged him. Tired as he may be, he didn’t trust Chiros enough to let his guard down for a few hours of rest. He needed to do something before he passed out.

Castiel stood up. Water sounded good about now. He tossed one more look at Chiros, then their surroundings. If something were to attack, it’d pounce the horse first instead of the pint-sized prince. Confident in this, and that there was nothing that lurked the nearby shadows, Castiel walked away from their camp, following the sound of running water.

It was dark with nothing but the moon and floating, glowing bugs to light his way. Small, green-ish orbs of light that softly flickered on and off in mid-air. If Castiel weren’t wiser he’d think them a magical phenomenon. The thought crossed his mind that Chiros might believe it if he told him that. He followed the creek for a couple more steps after he’d drank his fill. Curious and trying to stay awake. It eventually led him to a small lake.

Alone in the night with no one to see, Castiel smiled. Not the wonted sarcastic smirk, but something with a soft touch. Genuine, appreciative. Gaze admiring the reflection of the moon against the glistening, still water.

The elve did actually trust Castiel enough to fall into a deep sleep, especially with his back turned to him. And he even slept on the side with his sword facing up, so any danger could just grab his sword and kill him. If Chiros would have met the pirate outlaw, he would be surely dead by now. Either because someone killed him or because he was frozen to death.

The cloak and the small campfire really gave him much warmth and kept him comfortable. So the prince didn't feel or hear a thing of Castiel leaving. And he also didn’t expect that in the slightest.

After a while the dark-haired turned over to the fire. Now the flames kept him even warmer, though his back slowly lost the warm feeling. But the flickering of the flames woke the small elve up eventually.

Still a little dozy, Chiros sat up and looked at the flames growing smaller. He rubbed his eyes and swiped back his wavy dark strands. But then his eyes wandered around, the horse was still sleeping and Castiel was…

Shit..! Where was he ?! Chiros immediatly started to shake and get panicky. Did he leave him out in the forest..? The prince jumped right up, looking around their little camp to see if Castiel was still around here. But no signs of the pirate.

That made the elve even more anxious. He wouldn’t survive out here…he couldn’t…
Chiros didn’t even know what he could eat, neither how to light up a fire. It seemed pretty easy when Castiel did it. But no way, Chiros could do the same with no experience.

Now the dark-haired could feel his heartbeat, banging up to his throat. It almost seemed to jump out of his body.
And then Chiros heard a little crack, he flinched so hard, his body almost aching from it. What was that ?! A bear ?! Some other creature ?! He knew it wasn’t safe out here…

Chiros couldn’t even get out a word, too afraid to attract any dangerous thing. He pulled the cloak really close around him, holding onto his cape, his arms against his chest. It almost looked like an anxious bunny holed up into the smallest corner.

The elve was shaking really hard, getting himself more and more into a state of panic. As the noise he heard got even louder, Chiros squeezed more into the corner and held his breath. His heart was almost banging so loud, he thought that the thing could definitly hear it. The panic and holding his breath made him pretty dizzy after some seconds but the adrenaline didn't let him do anything else. So the elve just sat in that corner, making himself as small as he could.

But after the noise was gone, the prince allowed himself to breath again, though now it was very hitchy and heavy. A small cry escaped his throat, because he was thinking, that Castiel really left him here.

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