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Fantasy Harmony Boarding School

I'm not gonna say I'm not cringing at the word cuz but I will accept you. Do you care if I fix it or you go ahead do it? I'm not gonna change anything beside put a period or something. You have a crush alreadyyy I love it. @Ryukaa Miura I'm not tryin be a bitch man, it's more just because I'm a grammar nazi when it comes to rp or cs but ooc or pm Idc.
If I give you a rating then you are for sure accepted but I'll continue you to check them since so many are WIP. @ZerRu575 I'm going to have all that up soon, it will be three to a room - vampire, werewolf, and human. We will decide who goes with who though and let you know. @purplepanda288
Oh i missed out on so much, it's okay I enjoyed the reading o:

But now that I'm here, HELLO ALL
I'm so glad! I think it still needs some work but I am too. I didn't expect this many people joining honestly. @omgcaro
@poutysunshine that's always the best feeling! It's a pretty awesome idea for an rp, the more people the more interesting c;

It's awesome how different all the characters are though and how they all feel about the other races
ZerRu575 said:
Pryvet, hello in russian. One of very few worss I know in russian
Oou that's pretty awesome o: It's okay I know little to no French (Canadian schools and their french teaching in high school, I actually embarrass myself when I try to remember and I'm completely off)
Thank you! Myself, Crisp, and Harley got together because an rp we were in died off and created this. I don't think any of us were expecting it to get sort of big but I love! Plus the plot has developed better with questions being asked and such. Do you actually learn a language in an high school class? I've been through two semesters of Spanish and know almost nothing. @omgcaro @ZerRu575
poutysunshine said:
I'm not gonna say I'm not cringing at the word cuz but I will accept you. Do you care if I fix it or you go ahead do it? I'm not gonna change anything beside put a period or something. You have a crush alreadyyy I love it. @Ryukaa Miura I'm not tryin be a bitch man, it's more just because I'm a grammar nazi when it comes to rp or cs but ooc or pm Idc.
I gotcha its fine lol
I was also wondering when we would start and I realized I missed out on so many OOC posts



So, what it means is if, say, some angry NPC decides to start pushing around the other races, would WE dictate their actions or would the GM/DM/RP Owner(s) dictate the actions?

Ex: US dictating their actions

Adam:"Wes (npc) shoots Adam (random rper) in the shoulder, causing Adam to spin backwards in pain.

Gerald: "Gerald (another random rper) decides to tackle Wes, taking his gun, and shooting him in the heart and killing him."

Ex: Owner(s) dictating the actions

Owner(s): "Wes shoots Adam, hitting him in the shoulder."

Adam: "Adam spins backwards in pain."

Gerald: "Gerald tackles Wes, trying to take his gun."

Owner(s): "Wes's gun slips out of his hand and into Gerald's."

Gerald: "Gerald tries to shoot Wes in the chest where his heart should be."

Owner(s) "Wes dies due to the gunshot, but security guards come in and start taking witnesses to the Police Station."

I'll abbreviate them as US for the roleplayers and OW for owners.

OW: (in the cases I've seen) Can manipulate the other characters to a degree. Can't make Gerald shoot Wes, but CAN make Gerald get taken away by security guards as a suspect.

US: (in the cases I've seen) Can TRY to do something, but has to get OW's approval via post beforehand.

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