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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

"We should stick together, head for the city of Khiv. The Puppetmeister should be alone and we'll have the advantage of numbers." Gerald suggested.

Harvey contemplates to himself as he sees Gerald and Noah walk towards a police van. He does not think highly of Gerald and therefore does not acknowledge Gerald to be the one that makes the decisions for the group. However, even if Harvey denies it out loud, he still thinks that out of all the recruits Gerald seems to be the most appropriate one to take charge. Either him or Noah, who both seem the most experienced with the guardian procedures. Harvey also believes that at this point time Geralds plan seems to be the best course of action to take, therefore he decides to follow the plans. However, this does not mean Harvey thinks any more highly of Gerald.

Harvey walks towards the vans and enters it just in time to hear Noah finish talking to Snake. He decides to put on his earpiece in order to be able to communicate with everyone for the upcoming battle with the villains.
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"I hope you guys have an extra ear piece, im talking through a computer."

Snake starts thinking of a way of defeating this puppet guy though he doesnt know about him at all, from the name Snake thinks maybe he can control multiple people at once.
Reed is in a crater, his clothes burnt, traces of energy are seen leaving his body, his skin finally changes back to his normal skin, like a computer rebooting, his eyes open, a flash of light from his eyes as he does this, yet Reed doesn't notice, he tries to stand up, but he falls, asleep again, in the middle of a crater, a smoking one, what a waste.
While waiting for pickup, Snake starts to scout the area via satellite, some distance away from him he sees a crater, snake inches to the screen while zooming in, he sees a person lying on the floor.


"Everyone listen!, I have found Reed lying in huge hole, go straight down the road, and turn on the 6th left, hurry!"
"Everyone listen!, I Have found Reed lying in huge hole, go straight down the road, and turn on the 6th, left, hurry!"

"Roger that! It's Scout and I'm half way to Reed. I can also see you up on the building, Snake. Sit tight where you are Snake, I want to go check on Reed first before retrieving you."

As Evan approaches Reed, although only for a moment, he thought he saw a flash of light leaving from Reed's position. Evan passed it off as possible hallucination as he hasn't detected any harm from that flicker of light as he arrived to see Reed lying in the crater with his clothes burnt.

"Hey Reed! Are you alright?!", Evan couldn't determine if there was a definitive response from Reed.

"Guys! I'm not sure what condition Reed is in, but he is definitely alive! I'm sorry Snake, but you might have to wait a little longer. I'm going to try and bring Reed back to the others."
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"That's a relief Scout, good work buddy!" Gerald responded to Scout.

"Orbit, let's go get our boy, Snake" as he motioned at orbit to follow. "The 17th floor is pretty high, if you can lower the gravity then I can phase through the floors and bring him back down in a lot faster than taking the stairs."

Gerald walked towards the Snake's drop pod and opened up a panel on the side of the pod. A spare set of Snake's equipment including shurikens, flashlight, utility belt and an extra earpiece.
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"Ok sure, I will stay here." Snake said as he looked for a laptop. He finally found one and started the same procedure he did with the monitor.
Snake started to cough more blood, he is expected to die anytime soon, but maybe its Evo's DNA keeping him alive.

"What if I could control it?" Snake thought out loud.
Managing with all his might, Noah raised his hands into the sky...


A small field of gravity just small enough for Ghost to fit was created beneath him. The gravity within the field decreased steadily as Noah explained, "Gravity can only levitate you, not make you fly. Make sure you do a good jump to give yourself enough force!"
Snake felt the change in gravity as the papers started floating. A smile went up his face, "Orbit."
But you can't... Said a voice in Snake's head, I checked your DNA you have potential for a lot of stuff, says you genetic code, You are allergic to peanut, or you are going to be, it says so in your genetic code, I believe you may die though, you have to make sure to have my body besides you, my powers will do all the work, but it has to be soon, as you probably have some "radiation" of some sort, in a way at least, it's a type of poisoning I believe, parts of me are still inside of you, they have to come to me soon or permanent damage will happen. Oh, before I forget, don't try talking to me about this conversation, I won't remember a thing as this happened in your body, It's actually an interpretation that your brain is doing, I programmed my DNA to do this, In a way this is a recorded answer, beep. Snake feels how there are outsiders inside of him, Reed, his genetic material is trying to go back to its owner, since this is Reed's powers, they will do what they must to survive, even hurt snake Hurry Snake, you need to find Reed.
Snake got the message, he stuffed the laptop in a bag he found. Snake picks up a desk and throws it out the window, "Reed you better get out of me!" Said Snake as he jumped out the window, he grapples from building to building each time stopping in mid air to grapple to another. Snake found Reed in the crater. "Evo?"
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A tendril like thing bursted out of Reed's chest, snapping itself to Snake's shoulders scars (from before of course) getting everything back into place. This exchange of DNA contrary to the first exchange doesn't hurt at all, it's rather pleasant even, as Reed's tendrils leave Snake's body his scars are cured and Snake's injuries are too. Reed is still sleeping quite heavily at least now his face shows peace.
"Finally" exclaimed Snake as the pain left him. Snake sat down on the craters edge the layed down relaxing.
The police van arrived at the crater moments later carrying Orbit, Gerald and Spark. As Gerald stepped out he noticed scout attempting to carry Reed who was peacefully asleep. After helping scout carry Reed into the van, he walked towards Snake and propped his head under Snake's armpit to carry him up. Using his power, Gerald decreased Snake's density just a little so that he was lighter are more easier to carry. "You alright there buddy? We need on the van and moving."
After setting Reed down in the van, Evan remained by Reed's side as Gerald headed back towards the crater to retrieve Snake, who seems to be in a much better condition than he was before.

Relieved that Reed looked like he wasn't in pain anymore, Evan spoke to Reed in a soft tone, it was Evan's way to reassure himself that someone was alive and well,

"Reed, I don't know if you can hear me, so for all I know I could be rambling to myself but bear with me. Since both you and Snake look to be in better condition afterwards, I won't question what happened back there. But from the bottom of my heart, I offer you my sincerest apology, what I saw transpiring between you and Snake... That was gross."
Snake had now regained his strength and jumped in the van besides Reed, then started a gentle sleep, his body ached from all the pain and now he was free of it. "Wake me up when we get there." Says Snake with his eyes still closed.
Gerald looked around at the other recruits as the Van was moving. It'd been a few hours and they were nearing the city outskirts. "I think we need a plan, Scout can you go through the city first and give an update on the situation in the city? According to the dossier we know he uses steel wires as weapons so I suggest we let him capture Spark with the wires in which spark will then electrocute him. Anybody else got ideas?"
"Alright, I'll move ahead. Keep your earpieces on, I'll try to locate the Puppetmeister and update you as I go."

Evan hops off the van and disappears into a nearby building.

The city lay quiet and still. The air was stale and the smell of death was obvious. Someone had wreaked havoc across the city, small fires were ablaze, cars overturned and light posts toppled. Dead bodies littered the streets as far as the eye could see, not one living soul could be seen.
Merchant had made a grave mistake. After hearing the beacon and rushing to the pod, Dale had briefly closed his eyes listening to Vanguard's repetitive mission brief - mission details again... target.. Eobard Vikis.. apprehend... Merchant had assumed that the pod had 100% drop accuracy, however to atmospheric disturbances his pod had landed a mile away from the city.

The hero awoke to the sound of his pod crash landing into the surface. He groggily wakes up, and checked the pods radar.. Shit! he thought to himself, his pod had landed far away from the rest of his team. Vanguard is going to kill me. Merchant quickly presses the ejection button and climbs out of the pod - as the bright sun hits him in the eyes. The covers his eyes just to re-adjust, How long was I out? By the looks of it, the fights already started, I have to get there as soon as possible. He checks his radio ear piece, it got busted somehow. Without a second thought, stretching his body, he takes a deep breath in and begins to sprint in the direction of the city... I'll probably make it there in 30 minutes at my top speed, he calculates.

Minutes into his sprint towards his fellow heroes, the looks up. Oh fuck sakes. He sees Overwatch falling towards the city. He stops in shock and simply stares at the sight before him.. He didn't have anything in his arsenal to stop that from falling. Hopefully Orbit has something up his sleeves, he wishfully thinks. Despite being a newly assigned team member, he didn't enjoy the thought of losing any colleagues. He sees flashes of light as he presumes the heroes attempt to stop the craft, however their efforts were all in vain. The outer ring smashes into the city, sending shockwaves from the epicentre. Merchant braces himself as the shock passes him. He quickly looks down at his arm and checks his radar again. No one was dead, everyone still had a pulse. Thank lord. The hero realises...weren't there villians jailed on Overwatch? SHIT. He quickly changes the option of his radar to Americas Spy Satellite, and views the wreckage of the city. From the Overwatch ruins emerges 5 figures, they briefly talk then split up, vanishing from the feed. Merchant returns to the radar option and sees that the heroes recover from the situation head towards a closeby city. That is the direction in which one of the villains headed, are they seriously trying to fight in their condition? Merchant stretches again, takes a deep breath and begins to sprint again. I should make it to the city by the time they do, they seem to need any help they can get, and I do owe them for being late.

Merchant arrives at the city just as the heroes get there. He bends over and takes deep breathes to recover from the non stop sprint. The looks around at the silent city, the smell of burnt flesh and hell who knows what surrounded the city. He looks over at his fellow heroes, despite looking dirtied and exhausted, their expressions show no signs of falling back. They are going to catch this villain no matter what. It was their duty.

He approaches the heroes.. Sorry I'm late guys, brief me in.

Snake wakes up at the sound of the new voice. "Another guy huh, ok all that happened is villains escaped and are killing everyone, we are supposed to stop them." Said Snake as he goes back to sleep.
Gerald placed Snake's spare set of gear (ear piece and shuriken etc.) onto the floor of the van as he went to welcome Dale.

"Merchant! God your a sigh for sore eyes. What happened to you? Snake and Evo are a resting up but we're gonna go up against the puppetmeister soon. Scout went on ahead to do a bit of recon. If we're gonna find the puppetmeister then we're gonna have to head into the city. We'll move when orbit and spark are ready and snake & evo will join us once they've rested up. Oh and here's an extra earpeice!" Gerald informed Dale as he handed him the comms devices.

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