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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

Crap, that's not nearly enough, It helped, but I want to try something, I need to try it, wait, did we just leave that Jinx girl all by herself, well, she can handle herself "Snake! I have a plan, I've been dying to try this since I know I have powers, I could really help out a lot if it works but I'm not sure, I'm going to stick some bones out of my feets, thus entering your shoulders, with this bones I'll send some of my genetic material, not too much, just enough for you to loose some pounds, that or consider a gym and a diet" I hope he accepts, If this work I could save so much people, cure cancer even!
Reed kept flying, which would've prove really hard if it weren't for those bird muscles his body gave him, sharp bones quickly came from Reed's ostrich feet, not giving enough time to Snake to react, Snake was going trough a hard change, his body was in complete pain, his bones felt like they were being sucked from the inside, his muscles too, were being reduced quite fast, and his body fat was thrown off his body, Reed used the strength from Snake's bones and muscle, and said "Don't worry, it's only for a while, when we get back I'll give everything back to you! except your body fat, you are going to eat your life away for that, Sorry Mate" Reed now was flying at tremendous speed reaching destination in no time.
Harvey awoke from his stupor when he heard a piercing cry. When he looked towards the direction of the cry he was stupefied. Snake was being carried by the claws of a human-like bird that looked like Reed, and Jinx was also running after them. "What is going on here?" Harvey said to himself as placed his palm on his face and shook his head. After contemplating for a bit, he raised his head and looked around to see what the other recruits were doing.
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Snake cant take it anymore, the pain was unbearable, as soon as he got within range of the ring, he grappled to it, still carrying the laptop, he had trouble breathing so he took off his mask. Snake had begun the hacking even though the ring was moving a lot.
Reed was shocked, What he did was really stupid, I don't know what will happen to his body, I had to turn him back, His DNA must be a mess, I gotta re attach myself to him, his genetic code is in danger Reed leapt to Snake, and stuck his bone in Snake's shoulder God, I hope he doesn't believe I'm betraying him or that I went blind with power, I still gotta hive him his muscles back, wait, Am I breathing? Indeed, Reed wasn't breathing, how surprising for his body to stop the breathing process, what did his body change it to, Photosynthesis? He worried about his sanity when he started thinking all this
Snake screamed again clutching to the laptop, the thin air was starting to be replaced with oxygen from the ring, due to the hack Snake would not die of suffocation but maybe from shock.
Gerald watched as Evo and Snake flew off into the distance with Jinx following behind. The Outer ring was falling but somehow slowing down. A green tint glowed around the falling structure. Green glow… oh no… That can only be Clovis; Snake’s hack must’ve worked, the jail cell doors must’ve opened Gerald realized. He immediately placed the earpiece back into his ear and yelled “Snake, Evo, Jinx! Stop! Clovis has escaped and is on the outer ring!.” The memory of watching the guardians fight Clovis sent chills down his spine. Clovis was one of the most dangerous villians to have ever lived and had killed many Guardians. He became more and more powerful with every superhuman he ate and the outer ring was like an open buffet for him. “There’s no way we would be able to stop him, he’s probably eating the other villians as we speak” Gerald informed the other recruits.


THUD! BOOM! The Outer ring slammed into the earth in the town of Yerkatinburg. It’s force rippled through the ground all the way to the Kharkivs’ke highway. The green glow from the ring slowly disappeared.

The debris of the outer ring lay still as smoke and flame extinguished itself in the rain. Five figures emerge from under the rubble and flinging the surrounding wreckage aside. “Vipress, Dead Shock, Multiplex, Puppetmeister, we need to leave before Clovis gets us” The tallest of the 5 ordered.

“You’re on your own scumbags, I’m not running in your crew” answered the puppetmeister as he split from the group.


It wasn't too long before the police arrived on the scene at the highway. Officers poured out of the cars surveying the area. “What happened here?! I thought you guardians didn’t kill!” the police officer said as he pointed to the 4 dead bodyguards with bullets in their chest. “Nevermind that, we need your help, the Overwatch isn’t responding and there are super criminals on the loose! Demonborn, Vipress, Dead Shock, Multiplex are causing havoc in a nearby military base and the puppetmeister is on a murdering spree in the Khiv!”

“What are we meant to do? We’re only recruits! We’re not even proper Guardians yet!” Gerald exclaimed. He looked to the other recruits and asked “What do we do guys? We have to assume the Guardians and the Overwatch are MIA, We’re on our own…
"Hah!" Harvey shouts towards Gerald, "Isn't it obvious Ghost? We'll take as many down as we can!" Harvey has a huge smile on his due to the excitement he is feeling. Now I can really test my abilities, Harvey thinks to himself. However, since Harvey is still wearing his mask, no one notices the creepy smile plastered across his face.

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Jinx watched in shock as everything unveiled, fuck another disruption. The villains all looked super tough and powerful, but that didn't stop her from drawing her weapons to fight. She didn't care if she was a recruit or a reL hero, she vowed to protect and she will. She turned to the guys "Wellguys...Are we gunna watch them kill or are we going to plan something!?"
Before Snake jumped out the ring he had told the military to stop the missiles, but they didnt listen to him. Snake had disabled a few of the missiles but he didnt have time for the rest. He saw an incoming missile and grappling hooked to it, while still going at very fast speeds, Snake had pulled out the wires, he turned off the switch which connects the missiles to the command center all of them dropping. Snake then free falled away from the missiles and grappled to the roof of a tall building.
His blood pressure went really high almost killing him, his body wasnt ready to free fall at those speeds, Snake had used all his willpower to stay awake to atleast land safely which he managed. Snake had landed really far away from where he originally was, he was at a pretty tall building, staring at the sunset.

"Its all up to them now." Said Snake as he passed out.
"We should stick together, head for the city of Khiv. The Puppetmeister should be alone and we'll have the advantage of numbers." Gerald suggested.

"Quickly, get in the police van, we can take all of you there and you can rest and plan your strategies on the way" The police officer insisted.

"Good idea, thanks" Gerald responded as he made his way into the the van. He sat down when he entered the van and made himself comfortable as he waited for the other recruits to join him.
While unconscious, Snake had a dream, he was in a pitch black place, the only light came from above him and the rest of the guardians, he saw each of them dead, surrounding him in a circle.

"You were afraid!" They all said somehow. "Because of YOUR fear we are all dead!"

Snake knew this was not true but he also felt guilty for not making the situation easier.

"You could have used your POWER!!" They all screamed.

"ENOUGH!!" Yelled Snake, "You dont know how hard it is to make others fear me!"

"So you would rather live in fear!?"

Snake remained silent.

"Its up to you to decide!"

"Your afraid of hurting your friends." Came another voice that sounded very familiar.

Just then another Snake stepped out, they both stared at each others eyes for what looked like a long time. "Its because of your old squad, but they were not your friends, friends dont try to kill each other, but the guardians, they are true, what would they think if you didnt help them in this time of crisis."

There was a long pause.

"You know what to do." Said the double as him and the guardians disappeared in an explosion of light.

Snake woke up with the pain still surging through him. "I need a laptop."

Snake tried his best to walk, he could barely stand, Ed had began going towards the stairs on the building, he walked down carefully avoiding tripping. He opened the closest door he can find, he entered an office, paper scattered everywhere.

"Yes!" He said as blood started dripping down his nose.

Snake went towards one of the monitors and began to hack, his goal was to get communication with the rest of the recruits.

Snake hacked the radio signal from his ear piece, though it doesnt work it still can be traced. As soon as Snake found it he spoke into the mic.

"Orbit, Ghost, anyone can you hear me!"
Evolution was unconscious, after all the strain from trying to fix Snake's DNA his mind couldn't handle it, his wings turned to arms and his claws into feet, he was as he originally started, yet he was free falling, at enormous speeds, his whole body started to change again while he was unconscious, his body now was a combination of alloys , if he would've been awake he would've noticed that he was unable to move because of this change, his body put him in fetal position, now almost reaching the ground his powers started emiting a weird light from the insides of his body, only see able trough some cracks in the new alloy skin, it was perplexing, that light if Reed could see it he would've lost his head. BAM impact, he fell somewhere leaving a trail of smoke and dust, the ground where he fell was completely destroyed, Reed was still unconscious, his body seems to be working in his genetic code, too much strain, too much strain.
"Orbit, Ghost, anyone can you hear me!"

"I read you loud and clear Snake! Where are you?!"
Gerald exclaimed as he spoke into the ear piece. "Do you have a location on Evo? is he with you?"
Snake dropped his jaw and tears flowed, it hasnt happened before a lot but this time was serious. "I - I lost him, I lost him, I was only focusing on my own life and he - he." Snake wiped the tears, knowing he had almost killed someone when they were trying to help him.
"Everything is going to okay buddy. Where are you? Can you come back to the highway? If not, I can come find you. Don't worry about Evo, I don't think he is dying anytime soon, we'll send Scout to look for him!" Gerald reassured as he step out of the van.
"*sniff* Im in no position to move, the pressure had practically broke my bones, I would be better providing assistance from behind a screen, *sniff* whats going on now?"
"We're preparing to go after the Puppetmeister, we need everyone to regroup in the van so that we can make our way to the city of Khiv where the puppetmeister is murdering everyone he sees. It'll take a few hours to get there but that'll give us time to recovery and come up with a battle plan. Where are you? do you want me to come get you?"
Making his way slowly to the police van, Orbit received Snake's call. As he got closer to the van he could overhear Ghost talking with Snake.

"We'll come get you anyway Snake! It'd be easier to protect you while we're closer" Orbit said as he sat down next to Gerald.

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