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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

Feeling apologetic Noah reassured Snake, "Thanks Snake, I'm fine". As they got closer to Eobard, Noah lifted his arm off of Snake's. Little did Snake know, Noah had to strain himself more than usual in order to make his armor 'lighter' as it was created by osmium, the heaviest metal found on Earth. Motioning towards Eobard, Noah reminded everyone, "Quickly, we need to get him onto a pod! We don't know how many more other guards could be on their way."

Noah felt that Vanguard's orders were absolute and he was also pretty excited upon knowing that it was the Vanguard himself that talked through the comms.
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Snake grapples to the closest/highest building there was. At the top he begins to inspect the area, he hacks a NASA satellite to find any incoming vehicles. Turns out a bunch of police are coming their way from all directions. Snake grapples back to the group and tells them the news.
Phasing through the side of the car, Gerald grips Eobard by the collar and begins dragging him towards the nearest drop pod. Time to go buddy, He chuckles to the incapacitated Eobard. Gerald approaches the drop pod and pins the Vikis against the inside of the pod.

Whoossh! Click! Restraining belts wrap around Eobard and secure him tightly within the pod. Within seconds a dropship arrives and a claw from the ship clamps onto the drop pod. Before long the dropship and the Vikis were gone.

Gerald began walking back towards the others when a deafening bang made its way through the intercoms. He quickly removed the earpiece and held his ear in pain. What the hell was going up there in the Overwatch, he thought to himself. Still weaning from the pain in his ear, he looked up to see small flashes of light in the sky. “Somethings happening up there! Scout! Can you see what’s going on?!”
Upon hearing Gerald's command, Evan focused with everything he's got to make out what was happening back on Overwatch. It was difficult to discern but Evan updated the team as he identified the situation above,

"I can't quite tell. It looks like there may be some explosions up there", says Evan in a slightly confused tone.

"The outer ring... it's... separated from the Overwatch? It's... falling...? THE OUTER RING IS FALLING!"

Evans tone changes and becomes filled with grim, "They're both falling... Overwatch is descending to Earth... OVERWATCH IS FALLING!"

Gerald stood in horror. The outer ring housed every villain that was ever apprehended by the guardians. To make matters worse the Overwatch was falling towards earth.

“Snake! Orbit! Anyone! Can you guys hack into the Overwatch and start its boosters?! Orbit! Can you do something with your powers?! WE CAN’T LET IT FALL!” Gerald shouted.

Is this what Vikis meant?! Did he know the the overwatch would fall? Why isn't anyone on the overwatch turning on the boosters? Could they be dead? Gerald was drowning in his thoughts.
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Reed jumped out of his rest, his face showed terror and said to Gerald "Ghost, I don't know if there's anything that can be done, that thing is huge, Orbit had trouble with five guys, with something that huge he'll surely die, we need to make sure everyone is OK" as Reed said this he was changing back to normal.
A loud noise comes out of Harvey's pocket. He looks down at his pocket, Lucky I wasn't wearing the earpiece this whole time, Harvey thinks to himself.

“Somethings happening up there! Scout! Can you see what’s going on?!”

Harvey looks up to the sky to see what was happening. He watched the scene in astonishment and continues staring while the other recruits start talking amongst themselves.
Noah's fatigue felt absent as his adrenaline pumped up to see the Overwatch falling. That was Vanguard's pride and joy.... not only that but also his parents. Though he knew it was hopeless, Noah raised his hands into the sky to create the largest gravity field he could manage. It spanned 20m in diameter, doubling what he is able to usually handle. Excited Noah was, he was still focusing steadily to save the Overwatch. As he launched his gravity field higher, the gravity within it began to decrease dramatically in an attempt to at least slow down and suspend the Overwatch....


Universe... large, empty and with no gravity. Though Noah tried his best, it was apparent that a 20m field would do nothing against a titanic space station. Noah immediately dropped his field and whispered, "No good..."

Turning to Black Snake, Noah nodded his head as he placed his finger on his helmet in an attempt to reach his laboratory research team on the Overwatch. It was a private line that Noah could trust, however no one picked up. Most likely due to the immense upward draft everyone was experiencing. Noah was quickly losing hope.
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Reed felt hopeless, his stupid powers couldn't help at all, maybe if he could share it but he had never tried that, and now wasn't the time to experiment with something that completely messes with DNA, Reed said "Are there no escape pods? there has to be, those are good people up there! maybe not all good, yet innocent! the space station is lost, we can't do anything against it, but the people... wait, how close to earth is this thing? This could crash anywere, if it crashes down millions will die with something that big" Reed was starting to panick as he said all this, so many innocent people.
Snake hears this on the ear piece, he goes back to the NASA satellite to find that the signal was lost. Ed panicked, he had no equipment to hack except for his goggles which were based only off of pre-hacked devices. Snake saw Orbit nodding at him, Ed knew what to do, but he needed a laptop.

"I need a laptop, my goggles wont work for this situation!" Snake yelled from the roof. But he just remembered that there was a computer store close by, it was perfect. Snake had started grappling towards the store, he expected it to be empty due to the fight.

"Im in a computer store, no one is here, this might take a few minutes!" Snake said over the comms.

Snake grabbed a laptop and began hacking, unfortunately it takes a while for a normal laptop to connect to the Overwatchs system, there was 6 minutes left until he is connected.

Ed activated the goggles and tried to begin a chat with a Overwatch System operator but there was no signal. The best he could do is wait.
Snake then remembered that Eobard knew about this with his pre-cognition, maybe he has something to do with it. Snake grabs the laptop, 70% done and grapples back to the guardians. As he lands, Snake puts down the laptop and rushes toward the recruits. But realized he was gone.

"Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" Snake yelled, Eobard was their only hope and now he might aswell be dead.
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Jinx watched as her lance pod landed, it was a little delayed which was strange. She looked around the catastrophic scene as she walked out "A lot has happened in my absence" she said quietly as she continued to walk out.
Reed saw the pod coming down and felt an incredible relief, he ran to the pod when it landed, saw the girl walking around and grabbed her by the arms, Reed tried to say this words as calmly as possible yet he was still panicking in a way "Girl, you, you are Jinx right? I read about you too, you have to be a survivor, are any more survivors coming with you? do you know what was the situation in the space station?!" still grabbing the girl by the arms Reed needed an answer, and his face was showing how much he was waiting for it.
The upload was done! Snake had went into Overwatchs system and activated the boosters hoping it was enough to fix the problem, Snake smiled and noticed the new comer with reed.

"Hello there recruit, im Edward Carter AKA Black Snake, nice to meet you."
Jinx looked shocked as the guy grabbed her arm, "Hey what calm down who are you" she exclaimed as she pulled her arm away from him quickly. Who was this guy ? whoever he was he was still waiting on an answer, "Uh slow down, one question at a time okay?"
Snake looks up and sees the outer ring falling. "Crap I forgot that! Reed leave the girl alone we have more problems, and you girl what can you do to stop the outer ring?"
Reed looked down to the ground, dissapointed, She doesn't know "I'm sorry, that was rude probably, I'm Reed, otherwise known as Evolution, Evo for short or however you choose to call me." Now that that was settled Reed answered Snake "We wont be able to stop it, none of us is powerful enough, we are just recruits, we gotta tell someone, warn people, maybe some guardian on a mission nearby can help, Do you know if anyone was around, or someone that can stop this?" We are running out of time
"The military, I can ask the military to explode the outer ring with missiles, but the baddies, we gotta save them!, Evo can you fly?"
"Well, Yeah, but I need to fall from quite a long distance for my wings to kick in and there's no time for me to go running up some stairs" Said Reed
Snakes hands Evo his grappling hook, "Get your wings and come pick me up, I will disable the doors in a second."

Snake dials the United States Military - "This is Black Ops Operator number 249853, we have a international crisis, a large amount of debris is coming down, I need you to obliterate it with your missiles. Call the Russian Military, they might be of assistance!"

Snake hangs up and waits for Evo.
She looked at him...Evo... She turned to see another person who he addressed as snake. "Whats going on?" she asked both of them "One moment I was pushed into a pod and sent down...I don't understand what in the heck is going on?!"
Reed wasn't paying attention to snake's actions, he was too shocked to be asked something like this, so when Snake tossed his grappling hook to him he didn't noticed at all, his powers though, made him swiftly grab the grappling hook, Reed didn't have much of a say in the matter, lifes were on the line here, "Umm how do I use this?" said Reed, yet no one heard, as Snake was on the phone. Unsure reed used the grappling hook, into the tallest building he saw, it was truly fast, snake was a remarkable fellow indeed to use this all day an not suffer from any concussions, Reed had to turn to goo at the last second when he reached the building as he would've crashed against it.

Finally, on top of the building Reed put his grappling hook in the waist of his pants, as he doesn't use a belt it is the only way to carry this, he then proceeded to jump from the building, and pain, that was what he felt, his hands were gone, and his arm was snapping like crazy "This is why I don't like to evolve when I'm about to die" in just a matter of seconds both his arms had the shape of a wing and you could see the feathers appearing from beneath his skin, just another thing that was completely gross as his skin had a gooie consistency, the ground was coming fast and he remembered that he had to pick up Snake. Well, now I can't use my arms... AN IDEA! His feet were now those of an ostrich, Reeds body was done, he now had the ability to fly, yet his whole body felt empty, how weird. Snake thought he heard something and it was mostly like this "????sssssssSSSSNAAAKE" and Reed grabbed Snake's shoulders from behind as they were flied to the sky "Where to? my friend"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ReedAve.jpg.b35b713f5edd1d0607ba35347fce552f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ReedAve.jpg.b35b713f5edd1d0607ba35347fce552f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Nice wings!, we have to go as high up towards the outer ring, I cant access its network so we have to open the prisoners doors with a bluetooth connection, I got a laptop, this would work."
"All right then, I'm gonna need some bigger wings" As reed said this, his wings started to grow yet its bone kept the same density as before, if not a little lighter, Snake though, was too heavy, It's going to take a while if I keep like this, we need to lose weight, I wonder... "Snake! Throw every gadget you have, everything that weights, everything but the laptop has to go!" If that didn't work, Reed had something in his mind, his little birdy mind had a plan.

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