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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

"I have no idea whats going on but we gotta get out of here NOW!" Said Snake as he pulled him and the rest of the members outside.

"Lets try to get up there without having to use the entrance" said Snake as he attaches the grapple to the top of the sky scraper. "Everyone who cant get up there on their own grab me."
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Harvey opens his eyes as a dull ache begins to thump at the back of his head. He sits up and looks around to regain his bearings. As he scans his surroundings he notices that Gerald is lying on the floor and staring out of the van motionlessly. He also notices that the trench coat guy is still shooting up the zombies without hesitation and sneers at him.

The van door suddenly opens. "You guys alive?" Snake asks.

"Yep, I'm good," Harvey replies, "Not sure about Ghost though." Harvey groans as he slowly gets up to stand next to the van. As he looks around he sees the view that Gerald has been staring at the whole time, an endless amount of zombies that is slowly surrounding them. Dammit! How do we deal with these guys? Everyone is injured or out of energy, Harvey thinks to himself. Suddenly the conversation between Reed and Noah drifts into his ears. Pills? Harvey thinks to himself. Then it suddenly hits him. He waves his right hand and vial full of brown pellets appears in his hand. "Pills! I'm so stupid! Why didn't I bring this out earlier?" Harvey says to himself as he laughs out loud.

The conversation about the demon pills had just triggered Harvey's memory. Since Harvey always had a fascination for medicine that enhances human capabilities, he spent most of his spare time refining pills with that property. He was ecstatic when Dale had brought out the demon pills as he had heard rumours of its effects. He was going to ask Dale if he could sample the pill but decided against it as he realised that it wasn't the best time to be absorbed in his hobbies, especially ones that had such side effects.

Harvey opens the vial and pours out a single pellet into his hand as he walks towards Gerald. "Here, eat this!" Harvey says as he shoved the pellet into Gerald's mouth. "You'll most likely feel an electrifying feeling through your body at first, and then a couple minutes of immobility. Not that it matters to you in your state."

The medical pellets are able to significantly enhance a persons healing ability for a short period of time. It provides a rejuvenating effect on physical wounds and vitality through electric impulses and chemical compounds. Harvey had refined the pellets from a 1000-year-old ginseng, 500-year-old gritkumari and mushroom spores from the same mushroom that had given Harvey his abilities. All these ingredients were extremely rare and therefore Harvey had a limited supply of these pellets. Although he thought it was a waste to use one on Gerald, his inner conscience did not allow him to walk away. "Don't get the wrong idea. The only reason I'm giving you this is because I need your help," Harvey says as he looks down on Gerald. "Don't think that "this child" will always come to your rescue."

Harvey walks towards Noah and throws him a pellet. "Eat it. You'll probably need it for the plan I'm about to tell you," Harvey advises Noah as he faces the zombies. "I'll defend you until you're ready."
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"Hey Harv, Noah come on I dont have time to sit and wait for zombies to eat us, hold on to me if you want to get to the top!" Snake said with the grappling hook still attached to the top.
Don't you get you are so useless you can't kill yourself? Heard Reed "That's because it's impossible, if I jump off a bridge I won't break my limbs I can even breath underwater, who are you anyways?" Reed heard no answer, he is confused
"I don't think it's a good idea to rush into a new situation when half the team is injured," Harvey replies to Snake. "We can't abandon our teammates or place them in greater danger." As Harvey replies to Snake he brandishes his knives and strings to immobilise the closest corpses. The corpses fall down and remain motionless each time sparks fly across the string. Like I thought, Harvey thinks to himself.

"By the way Snake, from what I have read and from what I currently see, I believe that the puppetmeister's most dangerous feature is his cunningness. He probably has a few traps set up for us at every turn," Harvey explains. "If we decide to pursue him while carrying teammates then we're just asking to die. We should defend this area and create a safe zone for our teammates to recover."

Harvey suddenly sees Reed at the corner of his eyes and notices that there is confusion in expression. Believing that Reed is hesitant about staying and defending, Harvey tries to reassure him, "Don't worry Evo. We won't get eaten. I have a plan."
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Snake saw the horde getting closer, "I dont even care anymore!" Said Snake as he grappled to the roof, as he approached the top, he released his grapple, while still going upwards, Snake does a 360 to face the puppetmiester, Ed then shoots the Hook at him, surrounding him with the rope. Snake pulls the rope and the puppetmiester to him, bringing him close to his face, Snake then looks him in the eye and releases as much fear as possible, he kept looking him in the eye while falling. Snake while still having the grapple wrapped around Puppets waist, ejects another rope from the grapple onto the top of the skyscraper. Snake jumps while Puppets falling, the rope stops when puppet is 3 feet from the ground, suspended. Snake then while still in midair - does a drop kick onto his stomach, almost ripping the rope. Snake then starts repeatedly punching the Puppet Miester in the face, blooding him.
Blanc arrived just as one of those heroes was attacking his target. Both fell off the building He blinked, and ran to the edge of the building. He looked down to see his target being attack by the hero. Blanc simply jumped off the building, and finally grabbed both sides of his trench coat, holding it out, and glided to the bottom. When he landed, he charged, and kicked the man off his target. He then pointed a gun right into the puppet miesters face.
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Reed grabbed blanc with an enhanced grip and stronger arms than usual "the dude is immortal, he won't die, from the outside, but I can break him from the inside" Evolution grinned at the thougth
Blanc stood unfazed, staring at the man before him, and then the man holding onto him. He kicked the holding him in the stomach, and pointed one of his gun's at the other's knee. He pulled the trigger.
Snake Screamed, "YOU BASTARD!!!", Snake grabbed all his ninja stars and threw them at Blanc, Snake was ready to use all his force to scare Blanc.
Dale sits back up, the shock of the crash reminded him of the pod... Ughh, not again. Feeling dizzy, he looks around to see his surroundings. Dale notices the demon pills which he had brought out laying on the floor. He focuses on the jar, and it falls back into the pocket void in which he brought it out of - he shouldnt of brought it out in the first place, it was such a big risk for such a mere second of divinity. Seeing Snake opening the door and saying something, he looks over at Harvey as he brings out his own set of pills. Medical Pellets. This would've been more useful than the false hope in which the cursed pills gave the heroes.

Remembering back to the debriefing of the team, Dale smacked his face in shame. What was he thinking? He was part of a larger team now and he had to assist them with all he could. Yeah my abilities were useful for infiltration and destruction, but this time we need to be tactical. Where was our eyes and ears? Scout had gone missing. Merchant had to be the versatile one and fill the position. My abilities are no where near Scouts level, however my technology can temporarily fill the gap.

"Heroes, I'll be right back", Merchant states as he opens up a doorway to his pocket dimension and slips into it. It was much larger than he first obtained the ability, from a mere 4 cubic metre to a 25 cubic metre space. This was his own personal space which he could control and inventory items. Despite being 'another dimension' it was connected to the same plain as the Earth. First thing is first, finding Scout. Merchant hops on a computer in which he had stored and connects it to his radar. The radar was limited to a mere screen which showed heroes in a general vicinity, however connecting it to a computer showed a larger area coverage. All he needs to find is Scout and everything will be fine.. Imputing a 10 mile search radius, he finds a signal. It was Scout. He was close, but what was he doing? Merchant had heard that he was sent ahead, however what is this solo mission he was doing? We need him now. We are practically in the dark, with enemies closing in...

Merchant knowing that Scout is close, slips out of the dimension to rejoin his team - but not empty handed. He has a look at the surroundings, all covered by his teammates, he comes out of the van. With a click of his fingers in drops a portable thermoelectrical generator.

"Hey Spark, would this help you out? Can't you convert this energy into your own?"

With another click of his fingers, Merchant drops a laser gun turret onto the terrain.

"I'm not too good with these, but I'll cover you guys, I owe you that much." Merchant shouts as he arms the turrent, flicks the motors on and begins to fire it at the zombies approaching... Instantly disintegrated. "You guys have about 2 minutes before this thing runs out of juice! Work something out!"
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Evolution got angry, "what do you are doing?!, Snake, use your fear on blanc until we handle the matter of this guy!" Said Reed as he grew a needle bone out of his hand "I'm going to stop him" he then punctured the needle precisely into Ed's chest the puppetmaister started loosing muscle and his face showed this, he was in incredible pain "What if this guy isn't the actual puppetmaister, something felt wrong inside of him" then the bullet injury from blanc started healing.
Snake got up and jumped on Blanc, he looked him straight in the eye and sent a HUGE stream of fear into him, normally Snake would just let the fear do its thing but this time Snake was going to take the initiative. In Blancs fear/dream, Snake gets rid of his guns, and begins to fire at Blanc, not stopping or letting Blanc die, he just let him feel the pain. "Everyone has a fear of something, if you dont know it then you didnt find out yet."

Snake covers Blanc in gasoline, and then lights it, the flames wouldnt go away, Snake heard Blanc as he started screaming, "Thantaphobia maybe. Ill just try out all the possibilities!"

"Stop, is this really you Ed?" Said Another Snake, the same one from before.

Original Snake had a blank expression (pun intended) "Your right I should stop, Blanc is gonna be paralyzed for a while now, thats enough for me."

Snake got out of the dream, but he still left the effect on Blanc.
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Merchant handling the turret sees that a few of his team members had approached the Puppet Meister in the distance.. But what were they doing? Fighting each other? Had the Meister taken control of them... No... He remembered back to the profiling - the villain could only control the dead. This team was dysfunctional, all was falling to pieces. Dale couldn't handle a mission failure. He must succeed. Pointing the laser at the heroes in the distance, he fires it at the ground nearby. The heroes notice and understand Merchant's presence.

"Focus on the mission. Don't make me personally come there - you know I can with my teleportation. Over and out."

Merchant returns to the mission at hand, defending the van from the army of undead... and he was running out of juice fast.

He cracks his neck and knuckles. I guess we have to do it the old fashion way.
Snake searched Blanc for any extra weapons, he got all of the guns and gives them to merchant "Take these away." Says Snake in defiance.

Snake gazed at the dead walking, he goes to puppet and punches him once more, all the dead dropped on the floor.
Blanc was in a dream. He knew he now had an advantage when his opponent left it. He snapped out it, and looked around. They had taken his weapons. That was annoying. Blanc considered his position, and made his choice. He stood up, picking up one of the throwing stars his opponent had thrown at him, and threw it at the man's back. He then turned, and charged at the man who had his weapons. He jumped onto the van, and aimed a chop at the man's neck.
"Damn you! I thought I left you in there!" Snake ignored the shuriken in his back, Snake side steps to the left and kicks Blanc, "Evo tie him up somehow!"

Snake grabs Blanc and looks him in the eye again, they go back to the nightmare, "Your quite formidable, but everyone feels fear!" Snake does a deadly combo, he has fire ants crawling up Blanc while he is still burning from the fire, Snake then begins to hit him with a baseball bat, "You know algophobia is not the only tool I have!" Snake then does proditiophobia, fear of betrayal of people you love, only the victim can see this, "Hows it feel to have your loved ones try to kill you!" Snake said sadistically.

"Im gonna leave the torture realm for now, but im making sure I keep you in. No ONE ever escapes me unless I let them. Snake leaves the torture realm with Blanc still being attacked in it, while traumatized, Snake gets his grappling hook and ties up Blanc 60 feet in the air. "Your not dying in the torture realm but you will in real life, just hang on there and dont make me drop you!"
Blanc gave the man a blank stare. Then he raised an eyebrow. He had given no seen that he was afraid at all. He was never afraid. Instead, he simply imagined himself behind the man, and an entire clip of bullets in his brain. He began thinking of all the ways he could kill the man. The man was interfering with his mission. He had to kill his target. Still, death was something he wanted to avoid. The one thing that hadn't worked on him was the betrayal of loved ones. Blanc loved no one. He simply took jobs, and used the money to buy better weapons. If the man, Snake, could see all this, he would know how pointless it was to try to beat Blanc at his own game. When one feels no emotion, one cannot be clouded by it.
"You dont speak do you? Well its good for me, now you wont do anything." Said Snake.

"Im a bit bored so lets chat, whats your favorite food? Mines is pizza."
Snake takes out the ninja star and throws it at Blanc purposefully missing him. "Killing puppet wasnt going to solve anything, 1 - he is immortal which I have forgotten at the time, 2 - would it make a difference? I dont know anything about you, what I can tell is you are mentally strong, even for me to get in your head and you not caring, thats amazing, you dont seem to care about being a good guy do you, you might be famous though." Snake sits crossed legged as he opens up the laptop, Snake takes a picture of Blanc and goes back to what he is doing, "Fast, knows martial arts, responsible for the murder of a bunch of criminals. Wow, so your not a guardian Im guessing, a bounty hunter? Yeah probably, someone sent you to kill puppety. Money, this is your most favorite thing in the world right? I want to know who sent you, dont worry I will not mention your name. But you dont speak, *sigh* I guess we have to do this the hard way."
"Wow....... how unintelligible are these idiots, I guess they don't make heroes like they used to anymore, why do you think they call me the puppetmeister" the puppetmeister stood in disbelief as he watched the heroes apprehend a flesh dummy. "Oh dear, they're even fighting among themselves!

Thanks to Harvey, Gerald had regained his strength. He had seen the whole thing unfold and yet the zombies were still coming. "We've been tricked! The undead are still coming! That's not the puppetmeister!"

Beeeeeeep the sound alerted the heroes as they struggled to see where it was coming from. "The fake puppetmeister is a bomb!" Gerald yelled as he the flesh dummy exploded.
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After depositing Blancs weapons into his dimension, Merchant had gone back to holding back the undead army. Despite sensing someone getting close, he knew it was just a Guardian, until a blade was being held against his suit neck. Dale slowly placed his hands in the air and stood there.

"What do you want? I'm busy." Merchant commented as he slightly turned around to see Blanc.

Blanc had gone rogue... or was he always rogue? What was a bounty hunter doing in their so called team? Had the Guardians become that desperate to accept a live wire like him? Distracted about saving his colleagues, he had let this fool close in too close. Snake approached the pair, Merchant assumed that he was attempting to use his powers to disable Blanc... it wasn't working. Did Merchant have to take it into his own hands? People underestimated his skills due to a teleportation ability and so called 'storage' ability. It isn't about the main uses, its about the creative and practical uses. If Blanc didn't soon remove the knife, Merchant would have to permanently disable the fool from this mission, and any future mission.

Blanc gradually moved away from Merchant - swayed by Snakes comments. Distracted.
One thing lead to another. Merchant heard Gerald yell that wasn't puppetmeister and it was a bomb. Beeeeeeeeeeeep. A large explosion engulfed the area. One moment Merchant was on the battlefield, seeing the debris approaching him, the next he was in his Pocket Dimension. His instinctive reflexes made him slip into the zone, however he had brought a few guests also. Very limited people had been in this void with him...most of them were to be tortured... There laid on the ground next to Merchant was Ghost, Orbit, Spark, Evo and Snake. He had subconciously used his powers on those in the closest vicinity and which he deemed his colleagues. Blanc wasn't there. Due to the threat in which Blanc was, despite being the one nearest to Merchant at the time, he had not saved the rogue.

"Shit. Leave no man behind." He murmured to himself. He had completely forgotten his new motto...
Hearing Gerald suggest that they force their way towards the center of the city, Evan decided that it would be best to meet up with the rest where the Meister should be. But as Evan turns, the puppets had made their way up the buildings to close in on him. In his surprise, Evan equipped himself with the bladed tonfas on his back, but the puppets continued to drone in on him. He had no choice but to fight his way through, jumping from building to building to regroup with the others. The numbers which Evan had to deal with weren't too bad, as they had to climb through the buildings to the top but it was still enough to wear him down. Evan edged ever so slowly towards the center, cutting down any puppet that stood in his way and constantly reminding himself, They're no longer civilians. There is no hope in trying to save them. The dead cannot come back.

With one building left standing between Evan and the others, he was momentarily distracted be the sight of countless puppets swarming the center building. Evan knew he needed to rejoin with the team immediately. I may not be as our other fighters, but I share as much duty to ensure everyone gets out alive, Evan thought to himself.

"We've been tricked! The undead are still coming! That's not the puppetmeister! The fake puppetmeister is a bomb!", Gerald's message had come through the earpiece and shortly followed by an explosion. I've failed them. I've lost what I hold dear again. I've lead them to a trap. It's all my fault. The words kept repeating in Evans mind as he stood there motionlessly and consumed by fear. Then he was struck from behind and fell where he stood, unconscious.

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