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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

Steel wires immobilized blanc. The meister grabbed the motolov and threw it back at blanc. With a clench of his hand the wires tightened the grip around blanc cutting off all for of his limbs. The motolov landed soon after.
Merchant stepped out of his Pocket Dimension, just to see the sight before him. He had hoped that the brief conference with the team would unite them - it did little at all. Despite the heroic efforts of Orbit, Ghost and Spark, their tactical plans were being undone by Blanc. Merchant watched as Snake constantly attempted to stop Blanc, however, it was impossible. If you can't disable, you must eradicate. Dale was conflicted, to break his morals or to finish the mission.. however it was evident that Blanc was a lost cause.

Merchant closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. It was time... No more games... The man once titled as Death must arise. He had locked this persona of his away along with his past - a bloody path to defend his nation. He had gone rampant in the past, however he could temporary control his persona by using his own trained mental programs. Execute Blanc then return to your former self. Those words repeated in his mind. With a deep breath out, the generous man known as Merchant was gone, the cold figure that stood there opened his eyes and began to move.

"Blink", Dale mutters as he teleports right behind Blanc, whom was distracted by his uncontrollable urge for violence and the burning flames of the Molotov. In a split second before Blanc could react at all, Dale focuses on Blanc. "Reap." With a flash of black consuming Blanc, he was gone. There was no trace of the hunter. There was no escape, the perimeter for his ability was fulfilled - only the skill could be activated within a 0.5 meter radius. Death turns to Snake and smirks before the persona fades away, Merchant was back.

Reap was an ability which Dale had used back in his days when with Finnich. They were a special task team who had an high kill rate on whoever was targeted by Death. The skill made use of Dales ability to create multiple pocket dimensions, where there was a unique one...filled with resentment for the living...merely opening the portal sent shivers down Dales spine, hence the persona of Death was born. A mode in which would complete its mission regardless of its own destruction, no fear at all. Despite that he never wanted to use it, he could feel that a part of his soul was being corrupted... he was becoming less human.. His fellow heroes werent supposed to see him like that. No one was supposed to see that..
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Snake turned towards merchant, "Nice Job!", Ed shoots the puppetmiester with his grappling hook and throws him towards Merchant but has the steel wires within him now, it was painful, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! FINISH IT NOW!!!!!!!" screams Snake looking at merchant.
Gerald held on to Harvey's shirt and they suddenly became lighter. "Let's go, I've decreased our density and mass so we can run faster and longer" he said to Spark as he pointed to Snake. The two ran through the crowd of undead that were making their way towards their master. They were at the scene within moments.

"I'll grab snake! You do your electro-whatever!" Gerald ordered has he grabbed Snake and phased him through the wires.
Snake grappled to the closest building as soon as he was out of the wires, Snakes whole body was aching and bleeding. Snake had heard the plan and was ready to contribute to it, he fired the grapple at puppetmasters head and did what he had done to Blanc, Snake jumped down the building with his grapple still on puppetmaster and tied the grapple to the same pole he used with Blanc.
Harvey grabs the steel wires with both hands just as Ghost phases Snake through the wires. "Electro-whatever," Harvey shouts. "Rabbit! can you hear me? I need you to turn the puppetmeister into a popsicle. Orbit, I need you to use Jupiter to further restrain him. Ghost, once Rabbit and Orbit restrains him run up to him and use your density-whatever to increase his mass." Harvey orders the recruits. "Merchant, once everyone is done with their bit, it's all up to you to keep him subdued in your void until we find somewhere else to put him."
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The puppetmeister screams in agony as he is being suspended from the pole and electrocuted. "AHAHAHAHAHA How Shocking this is! Looks like i'm hanging on by a thread now! All I wanted was to create a beautiful world! You're all BLIND!"
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Snake hears the orders and takes the initiative, he goes towards puppetmaster and sends the biggest stream of fear yet, thousands and thousands of hours of torture, in reality Snake is beating him to a bloody pulp.
"HAHAHAHA! It hurts so good! Is that all you got?! Harder!" the puppetmeister screamed. The undead army slowly begins toppling. The zombies fall one by one on to the ground.
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Snake had gotten upset, really UPSET, he kicked puppetmasters face in a roundhouse kick before dropping him, Snake grabbed him by the collar and said "You cant die right?", He proceeds to grapple to the tallest building while still carrying puppetmaster. On the roof Snake says "Good riddance freak!" before kicking him off the edge.
Reiishi said:
Harvey grabs the steel wires with both hands just as Ghost phases Snake through the wires. "Electro-whatever," Harvey shouts. "Rabbit! can you hear me? I need you to turn the puppetmeister into a popsicle. Orbit, I need you to use Jupiter to further restrain him. Ghost, once Rabbit and Orbit restrains him run up to him and use your density-whatever to increase his mass." Harvey orders the recruits. "Merchant, once everyone is done with their bit, it's all up to you to keep him subdued in your void until we find somewhere else to put him."
Ever since Alice had been cut down, she has been studying the steel wires which had captured her. "I feel like there's a funny reason this puppet guy uses wires..." she muttered. After a while of thinking hard, Alice burst out laughing. "Because puppets have strings! I get it now!" she said as she began laughing. She then looked up as she heard the word rabbit. She pumped her fist into the air and said, "I am the Winter Rabbit! Let's do this!" she said. Puts her hands into finger guns and holds them put toward the puppet master...who was already being beaten half to death by another guy. "Um...should I still freeze him?"

(btw, I don't think she's an actual recruit. She's just a random vigilante.)
Snake goes back to his laptop and begins to chat with the overwatch, "Whoever is listening please send a drop pod at this location, we are done with our mission and need evac".

Snake was exhausted, he laid down on the roof, relaxing.
Snake lay silently as he waited for a drop pod but there no reply.

"OH CRAP! SCOUT!" Gerald began running towards the central skyscrapper. He closed his eyes and concentrated on making the air around him denser and denser as if were a solid. When he opened his eyes he was walking on air and halfway up the skyscrapper. As he reached the top he saw scout still lying still and bleeding out. He turned to the girl who was pointing her finger down at the streets. "Hey Winter Rabbit right?! I've seen you on the news, you're the vigilante who rejected joining the guardians. You can freeze things right? Please! Can you freeze this wound before he bleeds out!?"
Alice's victory stance was interrupted by a man asking for help. He was asking her to freeze this guy's wounds. She then grinned. "Of course I can freeze things! That is why I'm the coolest hero this world has!" she said, laughing. She then looked down at the guy that the man wanted her to heal. "...wasn't he just trying to kill everyone?"
Snake heard the conversation over the mic, "We could use winter rabbit, she can join the guardians, but just one thing - loose the bunny ears. When are the drop pods coming, does it take this long?!"

Snake looked at his bleeding body, "I might need healing too."
Despite the desperate calls of the heroes, Merchant was frozen. He was battling his own internal battles with his own demons. Death was trying to break free - his first meal in years and he wanted more. Dale focused and breathed deeply...slowly subduing the persona... He couldnt afford to expend more of his Pocket Dimension abilities at this time, he was too exhausted from executing Blanc. Teleportation and a grand skill? Didn't I go overboard today... All Dale could do was barely take things out of his dimensions.

Merchant sat down on the ground. He sits and watches the heroes bind the villian, however this was too easy...Was it another clone...? No...it was different, it was the real deal. Other than being a maniac, why would Puppetmeister purposely keep longing for the pain...especially that electrical current...wires... he couldn't be. The heroes were tending to the injured. They were distracted. SHIT. Dale quickly stands up and shouts out to his colleagues.


It was too late. By the time all the heroes had looked back on Puppet Meister he was back on his legs and chuckling.

"You should've removed my arms you fools", he said with a menacing cackle.
"Didnt I throw you off the sky scraper!!??!" Snake screams, he gets back up and shoots the grappling hook at puppetmaster, Snake was going to break each limb from his body.
As puppetmaster approaches Snake, Ed kicks him down while holding on to the grapple, Snake ties it around his neck and releases the grapple. After puppet master is 3 feet above the ground, Snake ties the grapple to the closest object on the roof so puppet will be hanged.
With every moment Scout began to grow more and more pale. Gerald applied as much pressure as he could on the wound but things were looking dire.

"He was being controlled by the puppetmeister, it's not his fault, so please can you help?!" Gerald begged Alice. "And it looks like the real puppetmeister is back on the loose"
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Zzzzzzip! The sounds of steel wires once again tightening around Snake and Merchant's limbs. With exagerated movements of his wrist and fingers the puppetmeister forced the two guardians to pound each other with punches. He then looked up at the grapple and the noose around his neck as he was suspended off the ground and joked "Don't mind me, I'm just hanging!"
"Im sorry I CANT CONTROL MYSELF!" Said Snake as he was punching Merchant. "HELP! GERALD PHASE US OUT OF THE WIRES!"
Alice slowly nodded. "Oooooooooooh, that makes sense." she said. She aimed her finger gun at the wound and pushed her thumb like children do when they pretend they're cowboys. Suddenly, a pale blue beam shot from her finger tip, which hit the wound. Suddenly, it and everything within a one foot radius of it was completely encased in ice. She raised her finger gun just below her lips, pointing it skyward, and blew the imaginary smoke like the cowboys did in the movies.
"Thank you! We owe you one, all of us. Now we gonna need your help with the puppetmeister, I know it's not your duty and I understand if you don't want to help but we need all the help we can get." Gerald pleaded as he began focusing on increasing the air around him.
Alice laughed. "Of course I'm gonna help! I'm this world's hero!" she said. She then stepped toward the ledge and looked down at the battle occurring on the ground. "But how are we going to get down? I mean, I suppose we could take the stairs, but that'd take a while..." she said frowning.
"COME ON!!!!!!" Snake screamed impatiently, Merchant and him started to bleed a lot now, Snake couldnt use his power if puppetmeister cant see him. Snakes power works only if the victim looks at him while its activated, almost like a hose, if pointed straight at the target it can be a deadly weapon.

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