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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

Harvey continues to kneel on the ground as he attempts to take in as much air as possible. His vision became foggy and his mind was muddled up. The noise around him became incomprehensible as a ringing sound replaced it instead. Harvey was in excruciating pain as it felt like his body was on fire. The last time he had to suffer this much pain was when he was struck by lightning. Although Harvey is immune to electricity, the sheer amount of power he had produced caused a huge burst of kinetic energy. This amount of kinetic energy had caused the atoms within his body to vibrate violently, which resulted in his body turning into an oven.

Steam rose from his body into the air as sweat poured down onto the floor. However, the feeling of exhilaration had overcome his sense of pain. Harvey had never felt that amount of energy run through his body before. He never knew that he was capable of producing so much power, and at the same time he felt like he was on the brink of breaking through his current threshold.

As Harvey took several more breaths, everything in the vicinity started to clear up. His mind started to become more coherent, and then suddenly started to remember the puppetmeister. 'We need to capture him before it's too late' Harvey thought to himself as he turns towards the puppetmeister. What met his eyes was the body of the puppetmeister still standing while his head laid on the floor beside him. 'Creepy!' Harvey thought, 'but this is the best opportunity we'll get.' Harvey quickly looked around to find Dale and saw him standing next to Gerald. "Merchant!" Harvey shouted, "Quickly separate the meisters head and his body into two different voids before he restore himself!" Harvey's body slumped to the floor as he used his remaining energy to shout to Dale.
"WAAAAITTT!" Snake says as he hears Harvey giving orders, "Lets freeze his head and body first!". Snake looks at Noah and says "I dont know what happened but as long as it helped."
Alice, who was staring off into space, was snapped back into reality when Snake said freeze. She raised her fist and grinned. "Did someone say freeze?!" she looked at the head and body. She pointed a finger gun at each and blasted them until they were both in two different cubes of ice.
Snake grabbed the frozen head and placed it 30 feet away from puppetmeister. "Im gonna call the overwatch again."

Snake grapples to the roof, grabs his laptop, and swings down to the floor.

"We are done with our mission and we need to get picked up, please send a drop pod here."

Snake had used all his will power now, he suddenly collapsed falling on the floor.
The whole team was practically down... Dale was the only one that had quickly escaped and was able to heal up a bit.. He was their own chance. Dale took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. He was about to do something that he hasn't ever attempted - create a Dimensional Prison. Merchant put his hands together and focused on his singular dimensional room, and shifted his collection into a corner. He began to move his hands apart, the singular room began to split, and split and split into smaller rooms. Breathing deeply with sweat running down his face and body, Dale had succeeded. He pointed his fingers out, he would make 'ten prison cells', each activated by the call of cell and then a number up to 10.

Nearly exhausting his energy by attempting the impossible in mere minutes, Dale fragilely stands up and approaches the frozen PupperMeister. Merchants focuses on the torso of PuppetMeister.

"Cell 1", Merchant mutters as the torso vanishes. He looks over at the frozen head, he could see the disbelief and fear in PuppetMeister's eyes, Merchant smirks and murmurs "Cell 2." The head vanishes. The hero falls down onto the ground with his arms in the air. He couldn't believe that they had finally sealed away the immortal puppet. With his back on the ground, he turns his head both ways, he sees his fellow heroes, injured, but alive. He couldn't wished for a better result.

"One villain down guys!" Dale yells out cheerfully. "Lets go bag the rest."
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In his 'dream world' Snake saw all the guardians alive and happy, then time freezes. The other Snake approaches, "Good job, you really helped, but if I was you, well I am, hehehehe, try to better your fear powers, right now your exhausted, not only because of the pain and physical tasks but also because you have used your fear too much. You and I both know, um...hehehehehehe, we both know your power has a lot of potential, train it, better it, who knows what you could do."
Act Two

Gerald smiled in relief as Merchant imprisoned the Puppetmeister. Thank goodness we don’t have to see him anymore, he thought to himself. As he began walking towards the others, the sound of incoming helicopter could be heard. Wind came gushing down on Gerald as the helicopters came in to land. One was on the top of the skyscraper and moving scout on board. Another had landed next to Orbit and Snake. A third landed next to Alice, Merchant, Evo and Gerald.

A brutish looking man stepped out from the third helicopter and approached the group. “What the hell happened up there? Why you guardians droppin’ your shit everywhere?” the man asked in a russian accent. Gerald stared confusedly, the man’s accent was strong and difficult to understand. “nevermind, we need your help comrade, the villain Demonborn and his crew are causing ruckus in nearby base, get in da chopper” he said as he pointed to the seats of the air craft.

Gerald looked to the others as he began walking to the chopper.

“Here we go again guys…”


Dead soldiers and empty bullet shells scattered the area. Red flashing lights and emergency sirens rung throughout the entire facility. The exterior of this facility was just a simple military base but its interior held a secret that was carefully hidden from the rest of the world.

“Please! Please don’t kill me” a soldier pleaded as he propped himself up against the wall. He was bleeding and severely injured. Demonborn approached the soldier with his blade drawn carefully placing his steps between the corpses of the dead he had slayed. “STAY AWAY!” the soldier pleaded again as he began firing shots with his pistol.

CLINK! CLINK! The sound of blade against bullet echoed through the corridor. Demonborn deflected every bullet the soldier shot at him with finesse and ease. It wasn’t long before the injured soldier emptied his magazine. Demonborn stepped up to the soldier and gripped his collar placing his face centimeters away from the soldier’s.

“WHERE IS THE SUPER SERUM!?” Demonborn bellowed.
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Snake woke up to the sound of a helicopter, he was bleeding out but thankfully to Evo, he got healed after running at him, the DNA must be responding somehow, Snake then with his refined energy grapples to the helicopter. Snake didnt ask questions, he just wanted to go back home and relax, this might not have looked like a drop pod but he didnt care. As the helicopter approached the military base Snake was getting skeptical, "We are not going to overwatch are we?" he asked one of the soldiers, "Nope." replied the soldier in a Russian accent.

"God-damn!" Snake was getting mad. 3 hours of battle and now more, Ed was becoming inpatient.
At the military base Jason woke up without knowing where he was exactly one moment he was in France carrying out his normal operations and the next he was in a base alarms were blaring and he could hear gun shots coming from every direction imaginable plus not to mention the fact he was missing every piece of equipment he had most importantly his suit and if there were bullets he would need something bullet proof to defend against them suddenly the body of a soldier was thrown into his room he quickly picked up his gun not like the soldier would need it now and Jason proceeded to wait.
Levi yawned as he woke up, not realising he was in an alien place. Slowly, he rubbed his eyes, like any other normal person would do, and stretched. That's when he realised he was in a place he had never been in. "What?" Levi looked around, trying to find any clues as to where he was. No such luck. The cell he was in was way to big...for him anyway. "Oh, I get it. But you don't understand. You can't control it! No one can!" Suddenly, he heard gun shots. And then another, this time, closer to him. Levi jerked forward and clutched his stomach. "No, they're not here for- for me. STOP!" Levi brought his hand up to his face. What he saw, saddened him. Slowly, his skin was turning to a silvery-grey colour.

Payne watched as the cell shrunk in size. It obviously wasn't actually shrinking. No, instead, he was growing. Levi looked through his pure black eyes to see his skin was now completely grey, rough and bumpy. He went to shout out, but instead a monstrous below escaped, echoing through the room. It was loud enough for people miles away to hear. In fact, he had no doubt that everyone in the place could hear. Finally, the transformation was complete as a singular horn grew out of his Rhinoceros nose. Levi was no more. Blitz was in his place. Blitz roared once more, louder then the first time. He was locked up for a reason. Obviously, they wanted to use him. So, the hulking monster gave them what they didn't want. He charged the cell with all his might.

After a few tries, the cell finally gave way. Blitz skidded to a halt outside his cell. He looked up and roared in triumph. But he couldn't celebrate for long. Swiftly, he charged through the base to try and escape the prison he was in.
"What seems to be the problem that the Military needs OUR help?" Snake said in a hostile voice.

"It is also your problem, one of the villains escaped from the space craft coming down, we were launching missiles but they got hacked!" Replied the soldier.

Snake sat awkwardly, "Im going go in the battle now!"

Snake jumped out the helicopter and grappled to its bottom, as Snake was swinging through the base he heard more gun shots and a loud monstrous echo, "Russia what did you do!?"

Snake released the grapple and landed on pavement, he started rolling so he will not hurt himself, he needed weapons fast.

Ed looked in each bunker and found a pistol, "I hate these." He began to creep around, his goal was to find out more of whats going on.

Snake crept into the main building, avoiding any contact with other people, in the basement he found a locked door, "Whats behind here?"

He shot the lock and kicked the door, it was a weapon depot, "Jackpot!"

Snake started looking around and found something very familiar.

"THESE A**HOLES STOLE THIS!!!!!" Snake screamed. It was the cobra suit, he made it a while back and customized it incase of emergency, he looked at its shiny visor, it was in a glass case next to a box which had his loadout.


The box had contained a bunch of his weapons, the black sticky substance called 'silk', a bunch of his ninja stars in all the forms he made (explosive, shock, EMP, standard, tracker), and 'silk' gun he never got to use.

The suit was made out of Mica (insulator), Carbyne, Graphene, and a triple weave Kevlar suit underneath. His visor had a GPS, X-ray, thermal, and nightvision.


Snake equips his suit and readies his weapons, "Im loaded now!".

As he is walking back out of the room, the doors height hits his head and he falls down, "AAAH!!! COME ON!!!" Snake was furious!

He goes backwards and sees a garage door which he opens.

Full COBRA Snake lifts the door and begins to walk out.
Jason slowly walked around the camp and wondered what it actually was to begin with but as he was thinking two soldiers came from behind a corner and started to shoot at him luckily there were a considerable amount of dead bodys on the floor so he picked up one and used it as a shield the bullets hit the body as he ran at the soldiers he then threw the body to the side distracting them when he jumped over them and shoot both of them in the head killing them instantly.

"Ok never do that ever again." Jason said to himself still full of adrenaline.

Hearing a crash Jason looked over his shoulder to see a man clad in a full battle suit modelled in the shape of a cobra ok best to avoid that Jason thought as he ran in the other direction.
Snakes COBRA suit was really strong but a bit slow, he inched towards the sound he thought was a monster shouting.

In the building, Snake rips apart the doors and finds jail cells, each broken, and a hole in the wall, "Sure why not."

Snake went through the hole and continued to look around, he activates the X-ray and sees a blur in the distance, he then activates thermal and finds what he is looking for, "Bingo."
Alice was staring off into space again, which was one of her many weaknesses. Finally, she broke out of her bad habit and realized the helicopter was leaving. She jumped up and,waved her arms. "Wait! Wait!" she yelled, but it had already left. She then pointed down the street. "Um...Um...I guess I'll just walk..." she said and began to walk. "This is why I need a bunny mobile!" she muttered to herself.
Blitz's ears twitched. Slowly, he turned around. No one there just yet. But, someone was following him. He decided to turn around and stood at full height. He stood there, breathing so heavy his whole upper body moved. Blitz waited to see what this person in the suit was going to do. Blitz didn't really have time to mess around, but if this guy was one of the people who tried to experiment on him...
"Hello there, uuhhh, rhiny, mind if we talk?" Said Snake reading his silk gun with his right hand and the silk ejectors with his left.
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Blitz's head twitched as the man called him rhiny. What was that? An insult. The creature didn't know what to think of it. A low below was how Blitz replied.
"Sorry about that, so do you mind if we talk?" Snake was now getting ready to grapple at him incase he went pycho. @Ethan Hart
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Jason went around the military base more until he found a giant rhino like creature and the guy in the cobra suit again.

"Well shit." He said out loud
Snake turned to the man who cussed out loud "Hello there." Ed pointed the silk gun at him. "Please drop your gun, im in a BAD mood today!"
Jason got a little on the defensive side when the guy pointed his gun at him.

"So you want me to drop my gun so you can shoot me, how much of an idiot do you think I am exactly?" Jason questioned pointing his gun at the guy in the Cobra suit "Now if you can kindly explain what is going on here so I don't have to shoot you and your Rhino friend up there."
"I was only going to shoot if you tried to, anyways Im having a friendly chat with that guy over there, want to join us?" Snake was getting a bit aggressive now.
"A friendly chat doesn't really consist of you putting a gun up to someone now does it but hey you seem like your on my side anyhow." Jason replied no longer putting his gun up to Snake "But still what is actually going on because one minute I was in France and then *poof* I'm here on a surgical table none to the less."
Blitz's breathing slowed down as the two began to chat to each other. He was calming down. Boy was he happy about that! Then the other person put the gun down. This made him slowly change back into his human form. He began to shrink back down to his normal hight as his skin turned back to the colour of a white male. His boy's hair grew back as grey, but then it turned brown. His eye's gained pupils again. They were also back to normal. Clothes ripped and tattered, Levi was back. He leaned against a nearby wall and caught his breath. "Thank you for not shooting. I don't want to kill anyone..."
"Yeah the mindfuck is all over, I have no idea what's going on but I'm leaving." Snake walked backwards still aiming at the two before he grappled away.

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