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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Church looked at the old man and used her heat pits to look at both men. The man was dangerous. Church drew her knives and hissed at the man
Mari wandered around the barracks searching for barrack 4. "Ug couldn't Raz have given me directions or something?" She muttered, frustrated. Finally, she came across a large rectangular building similar to the one she was staying in. On the side painted in dark green paint was the number 4. Mari rushed up to the front of the barrack, hoping she wasn't late. She looked around for anyone who looked like a general. Then Mari saw a soldier walking towards her. He didn't look like a general. "Excuse me, have you seen the general?" Mari asked him flicking her tail from side to side. The soldier stared at her tail and then her face. His mouth hung open. Mari giggled and took out the Chinese fan she had in her pocket. She snapped it open and covered her mouth with it. Mari fluttered her eyelashes and wiggled her magenta ears. She giggled once more and said "I seem to be in a predicament, I'm to speak with the general in a couple of minutes. However, I seem unable to find him." Mari paused and used her hand to shut the soldier's mouth, as it was still hanging open. "Umm...I-I saw the..." The soldier stuttered unable to get out a sentence. Mari fanned herself slightly with the Chinese fan and said "Yes honey? You've seen him?" Just then, the general walked over to them. Mari snapped the fan shut and put it in her pocket. The soldier tore his eyes away from Mari and stood up straight. "Get outta here." The general said flatly to the soldier. Mari winked at the soldier as he walked away and she saw a bit of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. "I guess I was wrong. Some army men are easy to charm." She thought to herself. Mari turned to the general and said "some men just don't understand the concept of beauty." The general raised his eyebrows and Mari giggled. "This is going to be fun." Mari thought to herself.
Overjoyed at the thought of killing, Maximilian starts madly laughing as his flesh on his on his disquise begins to fall off as he changes to his true, demonic form. Once Maximilian finished his transformation, he begins to loudly giggle as he waits for Linus and Church to attack. " Do you truly believe you banish me, fool?"
"You dare stand before my blade? Zis blade is holy, demon, unt it vill be your downfall!"

Linus charged forward, swinging his arm to the right, the momentum of the blade carrying him through a cut he has practiced thousands of times. The golden blade glowing brighter as it came towards the demon's stomach, aiming to cleave him in two.
Seeing that Linus was preparing to attack him with his sword, Maximilian quickly moves to the side, causing the blade to sever his left arm. Enraged at the loss of his arm, Maximilian attacks Linus's back with the claws on his right hand before backing away.
Church ran at the demon, attacking his front in a deadly whirlwind of cuts and slashes, all aimed at his arteries, vines and pressure points.
Linus stayed calm, and was satisfied at the heavy blow dealt to the creature. After such a debilitating hit, he wouldn't expect a counter attack so quickly and smoothly, and the claws managed to tear through the iron of his breastplate. Luckily, the armor took most of what would have been a brutal hit, although the claws still managed to leave a couple gashes, atleast it was something Linus could deal with. He grunted in pain and spun around to face his adversary, chopping downwards as he did so, although it was avoided deftly by the demon, who was already jumping back.
Seeing that Church was attacking him, Maximilian stays motionless as he watches as his left arm begins to regrow and as the wounds Church inflicted begin to slowly heal. "It's going to take a lot more to kill me then that, fools."
Church smiles. "You ain't seen nothing yet" she says showing her fangs and leaping onto Maximilians neck, her poison spreading around his body. She stabbed her knives into him to keep a grip on the demon, his blood filling her mouth
"Maybe zis is more suitable for you, then?"

Linus asks with a chuckle, again the air is filled with the sounds of agony and shattering bones as Linus takes his Lycanthropic form, snarling at the demon and slowly circling him, waiting for an opening.
As soon as Church started biting into his neck, Maximilian begins to flail his body around as he digs both of his claws into Church's back. While Maximilian tries to remove her from his back, his regeneration powers begin to slowly fight the poison.
Church grunts in pain but bites harder, her venom moving around with renewed vigor. Church dragged her knives down his body and stabbed him harder. Blood drips down her body and she loses grip but manages to tear a chunk of flesh out of his neck. She runs back up and bites the other side of his neck, going right into an arterie.
The beast sees its moment. Pure animalistic fury takes hold, and it sprints towards the demon on all fours, and leaps, aiming to slam into it's legs, driving his massive shoulders into maximillian's knees at full force.
"When you see me, you are to salute." The general said holding his chin high. "Oh right, I'm sorry." Mari said putting on an innocent face and bringing her right hand to her forehead in a salute. The general nodded and Mari put her hand down. "I'd like to speak to you about how you are going to serve the army." The general said looking Mari up and down, judging her. "Based on your build, I think you would be a good spy. Are you very agile?" He asked. Mari put her hand on her hip and said "I'm part cat, what do you think?" The general noded and said "I'll put you in training to be a spy, and we'll see how much experience you have. From there we'll decide what mission you are suitable for." Mari noded and slowly swished her tail so that it brushed against the general's leg. "Wonderful." She said in a flirtatious voice. The general stepped away from her. "I'll take you to your first training session." He said starting to walk away. Mari followed him. "Now I've heard you've have magic powers so that you can control plants. Are the rumors true?" The general inquired. Mari wiggled her ears and fluttered her eyelashes. "Why yes, general, that is true." She said grinning. She then waved her hand over the dirt beside her. The spell Mari cast caused grass to grow everywhere she stepped. The general nodded to her, impressed with her power. Mari grinned evilly. They walked in silence. Finally they reached the spy training building. It was made of rusted steel. "Ew. This building could really use some touching up." Mari thought. She casually walked over to the building and ran her hand along it. Instantly, vines grew all over that side of the building. The general watched Mari with interest. "Whoopsies!" Mari said winking at the general and grinning. She walked towards the door to the building and held her hand up, as if waving goodbye to the general. Mari swished her tail and swayed her hips as she walked. When she reached the door she grabbed the handle and turned to looked at the general. He was staring at her. Mari giggled and winked. Then she opened the door and walked in.
Upon being hit by the wolf, Maximilian falls right on his back. Becoming even more enraged, Maximilian begins rolling on the ground while clawing at Church in an attempt to remove her.
Church feels her lungs being crushed by the demon but this makes her even angrier. She drags her teeth down his neck and clamps onto his shoulder. She places the demon in a chokehold and struggles to breath from his blood filling her mouth to him laying ontop of her. She grabs her knife and stabs him in the eye, over and over.
The wolf climbs on top of the demon's legs and starts viciously clawing at his abdomen, again, again, again, its massive arms making a digging motion as it rips farther in to the demon's stomach.
Just as Church begins to repeatable stab one of Maximilian's eyes, Maximilian attempts to remove her by clawing at her face with his right hand while clawing at Linus's face with his left hand. As this is happening, green blood pours out of Maximilian as his wounds try to heal.
Church releases his shoulder and screams in pain as his claws scrape her face. She grits her teeth and takes both daggers and stabs him in both eye repeatedly, blood loss causeing her to miscalculate where the eye would be and stabbed him in the cheek and forehead.
Roaring in pain and rage as his face is being stabbed, Maximimilian grabs Church's right arm just as she is stabbing him and begins to squeeze the arm in an attempt to crush it.
Hearing Church cry out in pain causes the beast to lose it, razor sharp teeth snap at the claws reaching for its face, and the wolf's own claws dig deeper, attempting to disembowel the demon
Relieved that Church was unconscious, Maximimilian raises both of his hand and begins to claw at Linus's face in an attempt to blind him.
Linus roars in unholy rage and agony before snapping at Maximilian's throat, trying to tear it out. He then uses the beast strength to throw the demon off of his injured companion, grabbing her in an arm and sprinting to a safer spot, leaving Max to deal with his injuries. Linus could fight on but he must save this girl. He cares for her too much

(I'm outie to bro, been up for like 12 hours straight playing Skyrim Legendary Edition xD )

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