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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Church smiled and looked up at him. "You're the bravest and sweetest man I have ever met. I like you Linus" she said softly, coming to grips with her feelings.

Church blushed and grinned. "You're so sweet. I...like you a lot" she said softly
Linus glanced down and ran a hand through his hair.

"You do? Vell that's somezing I haven't heard very often... I like you a lot to..."

He thought of the potion earlier.

"How are your wounds coming along? Did ze potion vork?"
"I think so..." She said and looked down. She unwrapped one bandage and saw her arm was healed. "I guess it worked!" She said happily
"Good. As much as I vould like to sit around unt talk all day, ve need to grt to work. I still smell people zat should not be here... I lost ze demon... but there are others..."

Linus grabbed the satchel of potions and looked at Church.

"I need new armor, do you need anyzing? I can pay for it."
"No it's fine." She said getting up. "Wait.....where the f*ck are my knives?! I can't believe that before I passed out I didn't grab them!" She fumed.
Linus looked at Church as she raged.

"Don't vorry, my family pretty much owns zis city, I'm not hurting for gold. Ill get you better knives."
"Ill be fine. Ze injuries I sustained vere pretty much taken care of vhen I became a werewolf. My body regenerates vhen I transform."

Linus smiled showing her his back, which only had a few scars where the demon'sc claws had cut in to him.

"Lets go, frauleine. I need somezing more powerful for the creatures we have to fight."
"Okay but... don't over exert yourself..." She said, looking at the s ars. "Um.. Also, I might need new clothes because mine are pretty much torn." She said. It was true. Many parts of her body could be seen through the ripped fabric. "Do you have anything that could cover me up until we get new clothes?"
Linus noticed the view through the tattered clothes now that he wasn't concerned with healing the girl.

"Vhy vould I cover zat up? Looks pretty good to me!" He chuckled before reaching in to a chest and pulling out a large fur cloak, big enough to cover most of her body.

"Zer you go." He said as he tossed it to her. Linus walked to the stairs and grabbed his sword which was propped up against the wall. He looked at Church.

"Yeah, just don't be a peepin Tom!" She said, clearly irritated with him for the joke. She wrapped the cloak around her form and followed him.
Linus stopped at the local blacksmiths, buying a steel plate helmet. It was blessed to fight creatures of the night, a holy glow seemingly coming from the metal itself. He also bought a set of full plate armor, all made of steel. hopefully this would help in his fights. Over the armor, he draped a tunic, holding the black and white cross of his family's coat of arms. He gave Church an ample supply of gold.

"Buy vhatever you vant. Make sure it can fight demons though." He said seriously.View attachment 130208 (His armor leaves him looking like this, but he still has his giant golden sword.)
Church nodded and headed to the local cathedral. Once inside she sighed and walked over to the priest. "Father, a darjness seeps into this land. Bless and allow me to vanquish this evil" she said, doing a cross. The priest smiled. "It's been a while Church. I sense a demon. Follow me. I shall equip you with armor and your daggers, as well as some clothes" he laughed and walked down a hallway. "All armor and weapons have been blessed in this Cathedral. Choose wisely" he said before disappearing.

Church put on a white shirt with a chain mail vest. She put on some new shoes and trousers made from thick leather and picked out two shining daggers. She left the cathedral and came back to Lican. "Done!" She smiled.
Linus walked out of the blacksmith's shop wearing his armor.

"Looking good, frauleine" He chuckled through the emotionless helmet.

"But now vhat do we do?"
"Well from what I was told from my source, demons need at least 24 hours to heal before killing again. So now we have the equipment, we need to wait for this bastard" she said, placing a hand on her hip.
"Vell if you have any ideas I'm all ears."

He said cheerfully, taking off his helmet if he wasn't going to need it for 24 hours.

(Wink wink, nudge nudge? xD )
Azumi figured she should be on her way home. She walked rough the forest with a lacy black parsoul over her head. She reached the gates, and skipped inside. As she walked through the street, she saw the barracks. She decided to go check on any new recruits. She yelled up to the guards, and asked to be let in. The gaurd responded exasperated. "Azumi, we are not letting you in. I've told you that before." Azumi smiled devilishly. "I'll tell daddy if you don't!" The guards eyes widened at the mention of her father. The gates quickly opened, to her delight. She stepped inside, and found someone to tell her about new recruits. There was apperently one, who seemed to be a prodigy. She asked see her, and was led to the spy training facility. In the room, there was Suroku, and another girl. Suroku was gaping at her. "I assume this is the prodigy? Suroku, close your mouth before a fly flies in it."
As Romulus was walking down the street, he was feeling quite hungry. "Hmph, Lets go to the inn." Romulus ran to the inn and the bartender asked what he wanted to eat. "Anything that can solve my stomach ache, but won't fill me up alot because I have a date tonight."

"Coming right up!" The bartender said. Suddenly, he saw that, man, the man that grabbed him last night. Romulus took a glass, went over to Linus, and smashed the glass on his head knocking him out. "You. You are coming with me." Romulus said in a dark tone to the girl. Romulus grabbed the girl, put a gas mask on her, and threw a gas bomb on the floor. "Lets go. Now."

@bloodydaimyo @Church Burning

(Actually, scrap that, sorry)

While Romulus was walking down the street, he went to the bar. When he saw Tekinai, Romulus casually walked over and said hello. "Hi, looks like your wine is burning, here, have a mint, it helps." As Romulus was giving her the mint, the bartender screamed. Romulus looked around and saw a bandit. "Hey! You! Over here!" Romulus shouted at the bandit.

"Looks like its time to shift." Romulus shifted into a wolf and quickly caught up to the bandit, and grabbed his leg. Shifting back, he gave the gold back to the bartender, and walked out. Taking Tekinai with him.

Once Kirito left for the Hub, he noticed someone floating on the sky. "What the..." He then notices who and what he was doing. "Damn it!" Kirito would rush back into the city, yelling. "All guards we have a serious emergency! The hooded angel is trying to destroy the whole forest! I need every fighter in this city to fight! I expect even criminals to fight and doing so will reward you with your bounty being dropped! For the Beacon!" He would yell as loud as he can, trying to get everyone across the city to group together and fight.

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Soon, a massive knight was by Kirito's side, his golden sword glinting in the sunlight.

"Vhat is zat thing?" He asked his commander.
"It's a life or death situation... We need to go now!" Kirito would burst out of the gates with 100s of guards following behind. He'd lead them to the angel before he would charge up to him, empowering his sword with Nature energy. Enchanted blade in hand, he'd try smash him into the ground with it.

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Linus would be right beside Kirito the entire time, jumping in the air and using his and the sword's combined weight to come crashing down upon the angelic creature.

-Angel dude ain't doing nothing scratch that. Ill show up later-
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