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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Fontaine would be walking toward The Beacon in his wolf form , with blood all over his back and with a "fake cry ", he would try to draw the attention of the guards.
The guards react immediately to the beast "Destroy it!" They would fire bows and crossbows with an array of different arrows at the wolf.

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Fontaine would jump behind a rock, but an arrow would manage to hit his leg and arm, as he quickly change back to his human form. "What the?" Fontaine would growl.
The guards would continue to yell. "Who are you? Answer us immediately or suffer the consequences!"

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Mari saw a girl walk in. She looked important by the way she was walking. The girl approached Suroku and Mari. Mari turned her head and nodded to the girl. "Hello. I am Mari Himura. I'm here training to be a spy for the Hub." Mari said smirking. "And by the looks of it, I'm pretty good at it." Mari thought to herself. The girl told Sakura to shut her mouth or shed chatch a fly and Mari suppressed a laugh. Sakura closed her mouth and walked away, muttering under her breath. Mark rolled her eyes and turned back to the girl. "And you are?"
When she looked to her left, she saw the boy in the bar. She took the mint, smiling. "Thank you." Her voice was elegant and slow for anyone to understand, yet find beautiful.Tekinai giggled and walked with the guy. "I knew I'd see you today." She then blushed, remembering to ask him something. Her smile crept into a questioning position, with a finger placed on her lip. "What is your name? You never told me before you asked me out." Tekinai stood closer to him, looking up at the tall young man. Her cheeks were slightly red with blush as she looked up at him, her lips turned to a smile as her ears perked up in curiosity, and her tail swished slowly behind her.

@Romulus Deathbringer
"Going to kill me?" Fontaine would be looking at the gates, but talking with the guards.

Fontaine would slowly go towards the gates, grining as the guards didn't noticed.

Fontaine would grunt, as the "Adrenaline effect" would wear off. "Phuck... can you let me in?" Fontaine would sound slightly more calm.

"Know what? screw this." Fontaine would say, as he pull the arrow off his arm, doing the same with the arrow on his leg, as he grit his teeth, trying to ignore the pain.
I am Azumi Ito, daughter of the nobleman Hiroshi Ito, brother of the King, which makes me the King's niece. It is quite nice to meet you Mari." She turned to the gaurd who had escorted her in here, and talked to him quietly for a moment, before he looked at her uncomfortably, then left. She turned back to Mari. "Is there anyway I could improve your life? It would be a reward for how well you've done. That gaurd told me that you completed the maze, as a beginner, which had never happened. You could be quite useful for the army."

Fontaine would grin, when he was one step away from the gate, as the guards didn't notice. "Will you let me in..or going to leave me to bleed out here?" Fontaine would ask, grining.

Fontaine would laugh, noticing that the guards left the gate unlocked and opened, as he step in, going to the town/city, towards the Inn.

Fontaine would stop, as he grab some cloth, patching up the wounds. He would reach the Inn, slamming the door open and turning into a wolf again.
Mari nodded to Azumi. "Nice to meet you," she said. "The niece of the king... Interesting." She thought to herself. Mari raised an eyebrow as Azumi turned around and spoke to her escort. But she waited patiently. When Azumi offered Mari a reward, Mari smirked. "Thank you for the offer. However, I'm not sure if there's anything I want at the moment." Mari said. She nodded. "I did complete the maze." Mari put her index finger next to her mouth as if pondering something. "If I think of something I desire, I will tell you. At the moment there is nothing I want." She said. Mari smirked when Azumi said she would be useful to the army. "That's what I planned. I would like the Darkness Hub to prevail in this war." She said.
Fontaine would growl in his wolf form, going towards the bartender, when he was closer, he changed to his human form, holding his Dagger closer to the bartender neck. "Now... would you kindly.... give me the money that you owe?" Fontaine would ask, grining.
Tekinai smiled, and looked ahead at the sidewalk. "Romulus... That's a handsome name." She then looked at him as he stated that he knew her name, but didn't know how he found the information. "You could've overheard a conversation between me and the commander. And with the real name... Lots of people in the Darkness Hub know that. I'm a head guard for the king. What they don't know is that I'm out here. Only the king knows that." She whispered this to Romulus so no one else would hear. "You're lucky I'm telling you this. No one is ever told secrets from me." She giggled, leaning against him as she walked with him. It was nice to know that she had someone she could trust her information this. "Don't tell anyone, okay?" Her eyes gleamed as she looked at his face, her smile turning into playful pursing lips, pocketing her cheeks with air to make her face look childish and chubby.

@Romulus Deathbringer
The bartender would hand him a purse and yell: "HELP" The bartender would say, as Fontaine would run away with the purse, as he slam the door open.

Fontaine would run, pushing Romulus out of the way ,as he kept running, he would change to his wolf form, still running. "Not going to get me today..." He think, grining.
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Within the sewer tunnels beneath Beacon, Maximimilian roams through the tunnel as he waits for his wounds to heal and the sun to go down.
Fontaine would change back to his human form, as he enter an abandoned building, hiding.

Some time later, Fontaine would leave the building, and continued walking.
Kirito would still be fighting the angel who wanted to destroy the forest. "Who the hell are you and what reason do you have to destroy thousands of innocent creatures?

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The way he whispered in her ear was soothing, and made her blush as he did so. "Thank you, lover boy." She teased, giggling a little.

Tekinai almost fell over as a boy-- er wolf-- pushed past them, making her fall into Romulus's arms. She blushed, then glared at the wolf. "Watch it, kid." She called out, then laughed a little. "People these days." Tekinai shook her head, knowing the burgling wolf was running from the bartender. 'Not going to chase, I'd do the same thing anyways.' She smiled at the thought, looked at Romulus, then back at the ground as they walked.

@Romulus Deathbringer
"HEY, YOU, COME BACK HERE!" Romulus shouted at Fontaine, shifting into a wolf, and running after him, "YOU PUSHED HER! I'M GOING AFTER YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Quickly catching up to Fontaine, pouncing and mauling his face. Shifting back, he took the purse and ran back to the bar and handed it in. "Here, the purse." and ran back to Tekinai.

@FlameintheRoses @AtlasTheShapeless
Tekinai watched in amazement of how protective he got, and sighed. "Damn." She laughed a little and watched as he ran from the boy, to the bar, then back to her. "You're quite the hero, Romulus." Tekinai giggled a little, playfully yet lightly punching him in the arm, not too hard though. "So, about that date. Where should we go, oh mighty hero?" She curtsied with her small skirt that covered 5 inches down from the hip over her dark blue leggings, which contrasted with her white and red long sleeve shirt. From that she laughed a little, and kept her eyes locked on his.

@Romulus Deathbringer
"Hm, now that is a good question. Lets go to a nice fancy restraunt. Also, I forgot to give you this, its for your katana." Inside Romulus' tuxedo, laid a gold plated sheath. "Here, gift from me." Giving the sheath to Tekinai, and setting off to the restraunt.

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